Size 0



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I am a 0 to size 3 depending on the brand/store etc.

    With that said: those sizes are what a size 5-7 used to be.
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member

    I'm a large frame... yes I am overweight, but I truly am not one of those people just saying that they are a large frame. I was my smallest in high school and was still wearing a 14 juniors at 145 pounds and 5'6". I was told I have birthing hips... yay! :grumble: However, this becomes a frustrating part of weight loss. You have to be reasonable with your expectations. Try to NOT focus on a number (which is difficult) but rather attainable fitness goals. Running a 5k, doing a pull up/push up/etc.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have wide hips, eat like man, dead center of a healthy bmi, and can wear some size 2 jeans. If I shopped in more expensive stores, I might find a vanity size 0 that'd fit. But mostly, I'm a 4 or a 6.

    It wouldn't matter how much I starved myself (not that I would), I can't be significantly smaller than I am now because of the width of my hip bones.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Okay so how do people really get to size 0 do they have to eat like a bird like 300 calories, How do people really get that small, I know i will never be that small i mean i could never imagine being a size 0 nor do i want to, so , How do people get that small do they eat more or less, do they starve do they do this that what?

    MFP and small frame (most weight lost at net 1350 calories per day). Size zero was never a goal, but as I reached my goal weight and realized I was still soft around the middle and could lose a few more, it just happened. For one thing, sizes have changed as I've never been a zero before, and as others have said, it depends on the cut. I'm a curvy 5'7" @ 122 pounds, and my clothes that fit range from 00 to 2 with a few 4 dresses that fit loosely but look alright with sweater or belt. I can't even shop at what used to be my favorite stores anymore, so it's definitely been an interesting experience, but I wouldn't trade those lost pounds for the convenience of mainstream shopping!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I still need to lose about 15 lbs to get down to 20% bf. When I was that body fat percentage before I was wearing between an 8 and 12. I am currently wearing the same size but I am nowhere near the same actual size (I am much larger now). It's hard for me to have any clue what the size comparisons are. I have some petite friends who wear zeros and could stand to tone up/lose some fat so who knows what size they would be if they were very fit. I will probably never get down below a 6? (I have no idea really, sizes have changed too much and vary too much store to store) because I have a "large frame" wrist size 6.75 inches, elbow breadth 3.2" and 5'7'' tall as well as wide hip structure. I am very hour glass shaped and have broad shoulders and wideset hips but a small waist (currently 27'') so sizing for me depends heavily on the shape of the clothes.
  • WeatherGirl8
    WeatherGirl8 Posts: 91 Member
    As a super skinny person-- 110 and 5'9''-- I don't think I've ever been a size zero. Even at my thinnest. I just have really bony wide hips. It depends a lot on body structure. I've met two girls my height who fit into zero, and they were very small boned skinnier than me sisters.
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    I was a size 18 and I am now a size 0. Never before fit into a 0, only drempt of getting down to a size 6... Bone structure is a big part of it but I accomplished my weight loss (194 lbs down to 107 lbs) by cutting out sugar from my diet, watching calories and lots of walking for exercise. I started with sugar because I was diagnosed a diabetic. Once I made the decision to give up sugar I stuck with it. I have not had a cookie, donut or piece of cake made with sugar in nearly 2 years. NO EXCEPTION... not even a piece of cake at my daughters wedding. It can be done, if that is what you want to do...
  • nicolamoonbrains
    nicolamoonbrains Posts: 72 Member
    I hit size zero when I was about 19 but not in a healthy manor. As others have stated your frame will determine whether you could ever be a size zero or not... but generally speaking, its not an ideal size goal! Some people will get there healthily and remain healthy at that size and DO have the frame for that size but many will not like myself. I had an eating disorder and barely ate anything, worked long hours in a nightclub and worked out vigorously for hours. I became underweight and lost my mind. I look back at photos now and I am absolutely staggered by how I looked when I was size zero. It was totally unnatural for me and I looked like a skeleton because my frame was "to big" to maintain that size healthily. My breast cup size went from DD to AA it was just horrendous.

    Focus on HEALTH not sizes. If you look after your body, your body will look after you =)

    p.s I am talking UK size 0. I think a UK size 4 equates to a US size 0 so I was a size lower then US size zero (I think!)
  • mdearmond
    mdearmond Posts: 76 Member
    well first off they have to be really short...

    why is this considered a necessity?

    i'm around 5'6 or 5'7 (unless that is now considered short, i always thought i was rather average height for a female)

    i easily wear zeros and double zeros at nearly every store and weigh around 120 lbs depending on how bloated i am any given day. and im not anorexic or denying myself any food to do so. I eat what I want to eat for the most part (that has happened to have become around 1400-1500 calories, im literally stuffing my face to do any more food than that).
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Some people are small.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I have a small frame, even overweight. I currently weigh 129 pounds, I'm 5'4" and I wear a size four with some size two's. I don't intend to lose down to a zero, but I could with another fifteen pounds.

    Now, I have friends who could starve themselves and not ever wear a 2 or a 4 because of body structure. It's all relative. You can't compare yourself to others. We all have different body types.
  • My best friend is a size zero and eats and eats junk food and real food its just size
  • kellieprindle
    kellieprindle Posts: 69 Member
    my skeleton isn't a size 0! hahaha, but I am 5'11". BTW friends needed!!
  • I am a size 0,1 and 3 depending on the brand. I am 5ft tall and just little. Some people are built smaller and wear their weight differently
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I will never be a size 0, my frame would not fit, even if I was underweight. Not concerned about it.
  • samairon
    samairon Posts: 46
    After losing all the weight it turns out I have the hips of a twelve year old boy. I own one pair of size 0, all my others are 2 petite.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    It definitely has to do with frame. In high school I was 5'5" and anorexic. The smallest I saw myself get was 103 lbs. But I was a C cup and a size 3. My hips are set wider so even though I could fit into a 0 everywhere else, my hips would not let me. I had to wear a belt because my hip bones stuck out so much that you could look down my pants, but I couldn't go down a size. I look sickly thin under 130 but my mom who is only an inch shorter than me (she's a little over 5'5" and I'm almost 5'7" now) looks normal and health at 125-130. I have another friend who eats 2500 calories minimum per day and she is probably a size 0 but no matter how hard she tries, she can't put on weight.
  • Paganrosemama
    Paganrosemama Posts: 86 Member
    Okay so how do people really get to size 0 do they have to eat like a bird like 300 calories, How do people really get that small, I know i will never be that small i mean i could never imagine being a size 0 nor do i want to, so , How do people get that small do they eat more or less, do they starve do they do this that what?

    I am a uk size 0-6 - which I really hate. Shopping is a nightmare. I haven't bought clothes for years, my husband does that for me - that's how much I hate it.

    To answer the question - I am 5'4 and weigh between 107-110 pounds. I have a really small bone structure.
    Also, I work out a lot. Have been since high school. I have a body fat percentage of 17%. I am very lean. I do eat a lot. In fact I eat so much that my friends, families, collegues etc etc everyone complains about it. I went to a chinese buffet last week with my husband and the waiter told me to stop eating as I had eaten over half of the food they had laid out. I am permanently hungry. I feel starved on 3000 calories. I am a total foodie. Saying that 90% of the time, I cook at home everything from scratch and fresh. My freezer is empty. I don't buy frozen stuffs. Not that I have anything against it; just am too lazy to defrost things. I have a huge passion for creative cooking. And I have never owned a microwave in my life. Now that's sad. Also, I don't snack. I eat full meals. I don't eat in between. I have two lunches as I don't eat breakfast which are around 1000 cal each; my first lunch is at 12.30 then second one at 4 and my dinner is around 1200 cal at 9.

    Finally, I don't know whether genetics plays a role in weight but I am in fact the biggest in my family. VB has got nothing on my sisters and brothers for that matter lol. But I am trying to put on weight and it took me almost 6 years to put on 10 pounds.

    Good luck x

    Sound like me when I was younger... I had severe Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Or you might have thyroid issues. I suggest you mentioned it to your doctor
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Irrelevant question is irrelevant.
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    Size numbers are completely arbitrary, as in they aren't connected to anything standard in between clothing brands or anything like that. So, some people may wear 0 in one thing, and a 4 in another. It depends on how something is cut. My best friend wears a zero at places that cuts hips really wide, and higher sizes elsewhere. No starving, it's just how we're built. Some people have larger frames, some people have smaller, and there's no "one way to be a size zero" or anything, because there isn't "one size zero."

    Better off to focus on health, and no worry about sizes or the numbers because most of them don't mean jack squat.

    ^^ Exactly!^^ :smile: