
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new ladies on the thread!

    I've spent and enjoyable day. First church, then home to wake hubby and lunch with him. We spent the afternoon helping our niece and her family do some fix-it things to their house before they move tomorrow. They took us out to supper then I watered and weeded my flowerbeds while hubby went to work. Its dark now and really nice out on the patio so I am heading out there with a Citrus Green Tea. :drinker:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hello everyone,

    I got to meet my MFP friend Randy! :heart: We had a great time walking around a local mall (mostly outside so, no, we are not really mall-walkers). She is a dynamo. As you’ll see if you look at her new profile pic (rfsahae), my face is very red and she looks cool as a cucumber. That says it all. :wink: Oh, besides the fact that the picture makes me look totally boobulous. I am, but not that much! :laugh:


    Ainslieglen, we will miss your posts. Hope your computer is back in good shape soon. There seems to be a lot of computeritis going around. :sick:

    Michelle, I cook the eggplant without salting it first. I like the way it turns out. I guess I like mushy!

    Suzzzque, good for you for going walking. That’s terrific!

    Barb, I am sad about Kyron. Not often, but enough to give you hope, a child will be found quite some time after they are kidnapped. I pray that’s the case here.

    Kathy, what a hard thing to have a diagnosis like that. I’ll keep Mary, Matt and Isaac in my prayers. Hugs to you.

    Welcome, Tcac, SilverSal, 2short2btall, berrybabe and Belinda. Kackie is right this is a wonderful, supportive group of women. :love: They are a big part of what makes this possible.

    Kackie, the roasted beets and salad sound delicious! I have some goat cheese in the fridge and will look for the beets at the next farmer’s market.

    Most people seem to like the Polar FT6 or FT7 heart rate monitor. Robin, any thoughts on the subject? You are the guru! MacMadame too of course.

    Oh, Michelle, you have a lot on your plate. I can’t even imagine how I’d feel if one of my kids were in an abusive relationship. Hugs to you too.

    Terri, isn’t it nice to feel so good. I’m still smiling, especially after getting to meet Randy in person and getting pushed to walk a little more than I would have on my own. (It was hot!)

    Linda, your goals sound great. I understand about it being harder to meet your own needs when you’re babysitting. My 2 youngest grandkids keep me busy. I’m realizing I need to get up earlier so I can go walking before I start watching them. I don’t know how early you start but maybe that would work for you. So sorry about the fall. Yucky. But good for you for riding your bike.

    Mary, I’ll keep your mom, sister and you in my prayers. That sounds really tough. I’ve known people who used a morphine pump for pain like that. I don’t know if that would work for your mom.


    Good night, my friends.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    First off, I'd like to say a huge thank you for all my birthday wishes - they brought a tear to my eye and a warmth to my heart :flowerforyou:

    I had a lovely day with my family and was thoroughly spoilt. DH gave me a wad of cash and has arranged a girlie day for me with my daughter next Saturday. He also bought me a pair of shoes that I have been yearning for and which look like something out of Alice in Wonderland! My two beautiful daughters bought me diamond earrings in the shape of wishbones. I really am blessed.

    I haven't had a chance to read through all the posts this morning, but will try to catch up later on today.

    Got quite a full day today - taking dad to the doctor and then off to visit mum-in-law in the nursing home.

    Oh, I have altered my weight loss now - my maths was totally skewed and I'd miscalculated. I have actually lost 65 pounds now. Really pleased with that number and actually feel like I may manage to get to or at least near, my goal by Christmas this year.

    Please enjoy your days ladies xx
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Just got off the scales. It hasn't moved which is a good thing since I haven't been tracking my calories.

    I had a pretty good weekend. My BIL & SIL actually came over here and gave us a break so my husband & son could go with me to my mother's 86th BD party. They finally got an idea how hard it is to take care of Granny. I just do wish they could see their way clear to do that more often.

    My siblings and I got a schedule worked out for taking care of my mother while my daughter is in Africa on the Mercy Ship. She will be leaving on June 25 and comes back July 18. The only thing I don't like about the whole thing is that she will be traveling alone. She has gone abroad before but always in a group. I know this will be a wonderful and fulfilling experience for her. I as a parent just have to be willing to let go and trust God.

    She loves being an OR nurse. She told me that just the other day she had to pick someone's brains up off the OR floor. (it was some that had to be dissected because they were already dead so no it wasn't living brains! They did keep the good parts in the person's head) She works on the "Unscheduled team" so she assists with all kinds of surgeries.

    I'll be outside picking green beans and blueberries this morning. but I'll try to check back later.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Well, I just did my weekly weigh-in and monthly (or so) measurements. At least my weight was something I could live with (down .8 from 2 weeks ago...down 2.8 from last Monday...YIKES).

    Since last Tuesday I have been behaving myself and living abstinentyly. Have exercised a minimum of 30 mnutes every day, kept my calories near 1200/day (except Friday shopping day), and have truthfully nipped the nighttime snack attacks in the bud. So, I'm intending to continue this next week in the same vein.

    Hope everyone has a good day filled with good choices.

    And yes, Mimi, it does feel good!!
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Not too long today but I want to catch up from the weekend – need to get going and walk Whiskey as he’s looking at me very accusingly!

    Welcome to berrybabe, SilverVal, tcac and Belinda. :flowerforyou:

    Happy Birthday Tiarapants, sounds like you had a lovely day. :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Thanks MacMadame for sharing how you started out; it’s very inspiring and perhaps with padded bike shorts I’ll get up the gumption to go farther than just around the block!! Really, I’d love to bike across the Netherlands. We’ve visited and it is a bike crazy place – more bikes than cars in Amsterdam for sure! Thanks for the tip about fitting the bike seat; I’m going to look into that this week.

    Birdie I really like your one day, one moment philosophy – I will try and focus more towards that today and see what happens. :smile:

    Kackie, Tiarapants and all those whose hands get sore while knitting – try knitting with circular needles for flat knitting (just back and forth as if using two needles), you don’t need to grip the needle so tightly because it isn’t going to fall or go anywhere – you may find it is more comfortable in your hand. Bamboo needles are much lighter than some metal or even plastic needles and the stitches don’t slip, so one’s knitting can have a little less tension in your arms and hands and your stitches! :happy:

    Rebel – I remember participating in the 75th Fleet Review and the city was full of sailors (I was 25, in uniform myself and it was a FUN time! :laugh: ). The 100th must be quite the sight. It sounds like you live close to where we did – we were in the PMQ’s on the waterfront by dockyard. Million dollar view, 50 dollar house! :laugh: I tell you, I was very sad to leave that view as the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Olympic Mts. are beautiful to look at day after day!

    Mimi- sounds like you had a great weekend – and no, you don’t look out of breath or boobulous in that photo :laugh: – you look fabulous! :flowerforyou:

    Michele – hugs to you, you’re dealing with some delicate issues there. It is hard to see our grown children go down paths we’d rather they not go and do things we'd rather wish they wouldn't. :heart:

    Kathy(pmjsmom) – prayers for your family. :heart: and thanks for posting the iPod links, I’m going to download some stuff today.

    Barbie – thanks for posting the gutt n’butt – I’m getting down on that floor today even if it kills me…or even if I can’t get back up…. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I know I haven’t covered everything or everyone but I’ve a list a mile long of things to do today, so suffice it to say you’re all in my head!! (But my brains aren’t on the floor yet!!! Cindy – your DD’s story made me laugh, not sure why as it’s a tad gruesome for morning coffee but still! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    :drinker: Cheers everyone – Cathy

    ps. Terri, just saw your post - congrats on 2.8! Way to Go!! :smile:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Suzq, I just bought shapeups. I have not started wearing yet, thought I should wear in house first to make sure I like them. I have a lot of knee pain which is why I bought them. Also, bike riding is my favorite exercise. I live in Pennsylvania and am fortunate to live near rails to trails so I have been trying to get there often. I am trying for distance right now I would love to take a long ride. Right now I can do 20 miles if I have a lot of time.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Mary--Prayers for your mother, your sister and you! :heart: I hope the shots help.

    Welcome, newbies! :flowerforyou: This is a wonderful group to be a part of!

    Michelle--I'm praying for your daughter and for you. it is SO hard when our kids are in bad situations!

    That's all for now. I know there's lots more but I need to get moving and then get ready for work. Have a great day everyone! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Suzq, I just bought shapeups. I have not started wearing yet, thought I should wear in house first to make sure I like them. I have a lot of knee pain which is why I bought them. Also, bike riding is my favorite exercise. I live in Pennsylvania and am fortunate to live near rails to trails so I have been trying to get there often. I am trying for distance right now I would love to take a long ride. Right now I can do 20 miles if I have a lot of time.

    Be sure to EASE into it. Wear them for an hour the first day or two, then increase daily until you feel comfortable in them all day. They force you to roll your foot when you walk so it uses muscles you MAY not have been working much.

    :yawn: Still feel hungover from hubby's week of working nights. It was around 2:00 this morning when I finally got sleepy enough to go to bed without him. This is wreaking havoc on my exercise routine or maybe its the other way around. Anyway evening exercise seems to make it hard for me to fall asleep and then I oversleep which makes it hard to ride or mow before it gets too hot. Its a vicious cycle that won't end as long as he works nights. :yawn: At least I'm exercising! :drinker:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Monday all,

    Just a quick hello from work. My son got up at 5:30AM (why can't he do that during the school year?) and my morning went astray. I missed my coffee and post reading time. I hope to catch up later.

  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick hello as we're in Albertville shopping again so can take advantge of McDonalds again. I've been quite good again this week, staying within my calories according to my DS, despite that croissant I had for breakfast the other day :laugh: I have been walking a lot so am hopeful that I will at least have maintained while I am here :smile: We will see when I get home to the scales :laugh: I don't have time to read your posts so I hope you are all doing well and I'm looking forward to being able to spend time with you all again.

    Bye for now
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick Saturday hello! :smile: Can't reply because I can't sit too long.:blushing: My sciatic nerve in my right leg is acting up a little.:ohwell: I don't exercise on this kind of day but find sitting too long uncomfortable!:frown: So have a great day! :flowerforyou: I've read all your posts so just sending hugs to all today!!:love:

    These are some of the exercises that the physical therapist prescribed to me for sciatica: Lay on your back with your knees up (the bed is okay for this if you don't want to have to call a crane to get you off of the floor.) Put your right ankle on your left knee. Then use both hands to pull your right knee towards your left chest. This stretches your sciatic nerve.
    Also: Still on your back with your knees up, put a soft ball about the size of a basketball between your knees. Squeeze for 5 counts, relax for five counts.
    And, before you get up, you can put your knees together and put a large exercise band snugly around your thighs/calves. Keeping your feet together, spread your knees apart for five counts then back together for 5 counts.
    Try to do the first one 10 times, and work the second and third up to 30 times each. Hope this helps!

    Thanks Mary, I'll try to remember that!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey, I'm in Texas. It's freaking hot here!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Suzq, I just bought shapeups. I have not started wearing yet, thought I should wear in house first to make sure I like them. I have a lot of knee pain which is why I bought them. Also, bike riding is my favorite exercise. I live in Pennsylvania and am fortunate to live near rails to trails so I have been trying to get there often. I am trying for distance right now I would love to take a long ride. Right now I can do 20 miles if I have a lot of time.

    How are you feeling today? Better, or do you need to go get checked out? Inquiring minds want to know!
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    MacMadame it is always hot in Texas this time of year and it will get hotter.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Evening everyone :heart: :heart: :heart:

    So many posts to catch up on, seems we have a lot of newbies too. :drinker: Welcome to Berrybabe, tcac, sliverval, bgonzalez :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hope I haven't missed anyone ??

    Still no sign of our summer even though we are in June:frown: Please send some of your Texas sunshine our way :smile: :glasses: I am sick of getting wet, it always seems to rain when we are out walking the dogs. Saturday morning was sunny and I managed to get the grass cut, its a good job too as by Sunday it was back to gray skies and rain, today hasn't been much better.:ohwell:

    My friend has just come back from a visit to New York, I can't wait to see her photo's. She had a wonderful time and managed to get quite a bit of sight seeing done, including a trip to Niagara Falls.

    :flowerforyou: It's our wedding anniversary today, we've been married 36years gosh I can hardly believe it, where has the time gone it only seems like yesterday ...... and if it was tomorrow I'd cancel it :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (only kidding)

    :smile: Not sure if I have lost 1lb - I'm like a lot of you in that I don't believe the scales, so I'll wait to see what I weigh tomorrow before adding it to my ticker. My weight loss has come to a standstill so I need to do something to kick start it again. I have been taking Ryvita to work instead of bread and also cutting down on the snacks by having just the one finger of kit kat instead of 2, or half a slice of cake instead of a full one. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Can't give up completly :bigsmile:

    :smile: Well I'd better get moving, it took a long time to catch up and I promised myself I would spend less time on the computer and more time "moving"

    :heart: Thinking of all of you, especially those of you who are worried about your family. My thoughts are with you :heart:

    :heart: Viv
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Would love to be a part of your group as I fit right in the 50 age group, I have been having soooo much trouble losing weight, Hoping that keeping track of food and exercise with encouraging words will help the scale start moving in the right direction, Day 5 for me. I returned from vacation and noticed a woman that I work with and how slim she had become and she told me about this site... I am married to a wonderful man (for 30 years in a week weeks), have 3 kids, a son and 2 daughters both expecting their first babies, one in July and one in Aug. so I need to get in shape to be a active Grannie. Love to swim and we have a long 45 ft pool so during the summer months I am able to swim laps, my favorite form of exercise. Would be nice to have a few weight loss Buddies...
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just breezing through, getting ready to go swim, but had to say, welcome, azdee! And, Happy Anniversary Viv!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Happy Anniversary Viv!!

    Welcome to all the newbies. this is the best group of women around. I am working on a longer post and will post it later., Got get out in the sun whilst it lasts. :happy:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Mary--Today is a sore day. The right side of my body is cut and getting black and blue. I now have bruises on my left knee and stomach. Called my pcp this morning and she said I was doing what she would do ie alieve, muscle relaxers, heat and rest. I must have really pulled muscles in my chest lots of pain. I just got up and tried to do the eleptical, but just too much pain only did 13 mins. I could not go to work today and it does not seem good for tomorrow. I do secretarial work and cannot sit because of chest and ribs.
    Anyways, have spent a lot of time today ready all these posts and feel like I am getting to know many of the ladies on here. I just cannot figure out how any of you remember all the names and answer in one post. I read something and then post. cannot remember a list.
This discussion has been closed.