Anyone here over 50?



  • EricV440
    EricV440 Posts: 11 Member
    52 here and it is harder. If I ate a bunch of junk food all my life, I think it might be easier, but I eat fairly healthy. When I was younger, 20s and 30s, I used to work out hard and gained a lot of muscle. Now, I want to keep some of the muscle mass and still lose weight. As I have started running 1/2 marathons and will attempt my first full marathon next year, I did manage to lose 25 pounds last year. If I can lose another 25 this year, I should weigh around 195 pounds....which hasn't been accomplished since 1990!
  • Dan4495
    Dan4495 Posts: 130 Member
    54 here.
  • Hi all! I just found myftinesspal and signed up. I also just received a Fitbit One -so I am on a learning curve for sure. I am 64 and have been working at being fit for a couple of years now. I joined the local YMCA and do aquafit twice a week and was doing strength training twice a week and then winter hit and my friend left for Florida so I kind of sat here in the house looking out at the snow. I do walk my dog twice a day so that at least gets me outside and moving but NOW I am going to begin once again. Spring is on the way and soon the sun will be shining and the sidewalks will be dry.
    Looking forward to supporting you and hoping you will support me as well as we walk the fitness path together.:flowerforyou:
  • I am 61 and 80 pounds overweight. Pre diabetic etc. etc. would love to be your friend...Having a much harder time losing weight the older I get. Should have started 15 years ago..We could do it together if you like...Welcome all ages and sizes!!
  • SallyDawnK
    SallyDawnK Posts: 5 Member

    I am over 50 and live temporarily in Okc, ok. I am here until the end of May. If you are anywhere close to me I would love to walk with you as I know no one. I am in the 6700 area of W Memorial rd. if not, I would love to e your friend and share encouragement.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I lost 70 lbs when I was 45-46. Now that I'm 51, the same diet and exercise routine isn't giving the same results. Dammit, I feel OLD!
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I can't say it's harder for me to lose weight, but my metabolism has slowed down and that was confirmed by a metabolic measurement "thing" I did at the trainer's, so I do not need the same fuel, i.e. caloric intake, that I did when younger. I find I simply have to watch what I is it harder for me to lose weight? No. But I can't eat the same as I did when I was younger. I had to kick the eat-everything-nearly-as-much-as-I-want plan and move to a sensible one with less calories and more nutrients.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Wondering if anyone on this site is over 50? Is it just me or is it 10 x as hard to lose weight at this age then 20 years ago?

    Hope to speak to someone for inspiration!


    54 here!! And's way harder now to stay in shape then 20 years ago! But so worth it!! Hang in there and reach for those goals:flowerforyou:
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hello again!

    I replied earlier on this board! I am 50 - with a May birthday.

    I lost approx 15 lbs last year and gained it all back. Got some off - then enjoyed a Southern vacation and with that gained back the loss.

    so - I've been on it since my vacation return and I'm down 8.6 lbs as of my Tuesday a.m. weigh in. Had some back issues and just now getting back on track with exercise.

    So yesterday I started a 21 day challenge for my personal fitness - addition of exercise. I added the challenge to the fitness and exercise boards....

    Please join in the challenge if you want to use the next 21 days to form an "exercise" habit.

    If you want support - feel free to add me.

  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    Hi - I am 51 and YES, I'm finding it much more difficult. I lost 50 lbs when I was 38. Then I got pregnant and had an "oops surprise" daughter (MY PRIDE AND JOY, ALONG WITH MY 24 and 21 year old daughters). Never lost my baby weight after that. Then 5 years later my husband decides to have a fling with his boss so I file for divorce after 22 years of marriage. Now 5 years later, I've gained a more weight and now I'm trying to get healthy again, so I went on the same lo-carb diet I lost my weight on originally and it didn't come off nearly as quickly. So I decided to come to you all for some support. It's nice to hear so many others in our age group are on the site! Sometimes I feel ancient!
  • pickleball2
    pickleball2 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 62 and now that I'm retired find it a lot harder to loose weight.... I am a stress eater and gained quite a bit after my mom passed away last spring... I am determined to get my weight down and love the fitness tracker because I do not realize how
    many calories I am eating.....sure helps..... my husband and I are going to a gym and for me this will really help as I have become more sedendary....
  • Hi there eveyone! Yes, I just turned 56 in December and have been battling w/ my weight for the last several years. I have simply fallen into bad habits, but I have found that losing weight is waaaay more difficult than even a few years ago. Must be that metabolism thing???
    Anyhow, I just over the last week or so, started tracking my calories and am amazed at what the totals must have been prior to actually seeing in black and white what I was consuming in one day! I am hoping after a month or so of tracking, that I will see and feel a little progress. I'm not a "check the scale" kinda person, so I am trying to see a difference in how my clothes fit and am looking forward to getting back into my size 4 jeans(I have dozens still hanging in my closet)
    Good luck everyone!!!!
  • dianerides
    dianerides Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 57, 5'2", 150 lbs. Until age 50 I was the skinny girl everyone hated who ate like a horse. Most of my adult life I weighed between 95 and 102 lbs. Menopause was a beeeotch for me. So miserable most of the time and severe frequent hot flashes for 5 years! ugh - then I started drinking more heavily to deal with stress and that combined with not enough exercise did me in. I've never craved sweets and could easily pass on dessert but salty snacks and cheese and wine are my weaknesses.

    Before turning 50 all I had to do to melt the fat was workout 4x a week at a moderate intensity and eat a little less. Now not so much. I stick to 1200 net cals a day, exercise 5 days a week and I'm not losing an ounce. So. This is WAR and I'm not gaining ground.

    I hate to think what a blob I'd be in another year if I hadn't started tracking on MFP.
  • Kevinkpcc55
    Kevinkpcc55 Posts: 20 Member
    Started in January and at first was loosing the usual 2lbs per week, now it seems to be more 1 lb a week, still watching the calories, but am a guy and always find it hard to eat the right stuff, never been good at preparing food for the day :-(.

    Converted a section of my garage into a gym, so trying to keep to regular exercise 3 - 4 times a week work permitting. But it is slow, just hope that the fact that im now 50 that keeping up with this regime, shows the results.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm 64. I am losing weight, but it's a MUCH slower project at this age. Gotta do it now, it won't get any easier.
  • djmom1984
    djmom1984 Posts: 55 Member
    Wondering what advice you got from your doctor? Mine just says it's my age and I have to learn to adjust.

    I too am working out 500 calories a day, 6 days a week, 1200 calorie diet. Some days I exercise at noon and then go for a walk with my husband after work for another 300. I've plateaued and cannot get past it, but this program keeps telling me that in 5 weeks I should weigh so much less. It's just not happening.

    I'm taking B, C,D, Biotin, Omega Fish Oils, Iron, and an antidepressant.

    Last night I was so frustrated I had a glass of wine and a piece of pizza. I was still under calorie for the day, but I'm up another pound this morning.


    Any advice?
  • livingfortheone
    livingfortheone Posts: 273 Member
    52 here
  • djmom1984
    djmom1984 Posts: 55 Member
    Need some encouragement. I've been on track for the entire month of March. Exercising 3000 calories a week. Eating within my calorie expectations or below every day. Only strayed from healthy food once. Weight will NOT budge at all. Measurements will not budge. My husband is dropping weight like crazy. Grrrrr. I'm losing momentum and getting frustrated, which is why I ate bacon and sausage at breakfast yesterday (made up for it by doing hill climbing yesterday!)

    Help me please people!
  • dutchk
    dutchk Posts: 121 Member
    58 here but have a lot left in the tank! Always looking for like minded, no-bull MFP friends. My profile is open, feel free to send along a FR!!
  • 24down
    24down Posts: 1 Member
    Soooo frustrating....You're doing all the right things, by the sound of it!!

    I usually see SOME drop on the scale when I get focussed on tracking/exercising/eating well....but like you I am not seeing ANY change ( I started two weeks ago) fact, I gained!!! Talk about putting a dent in one's motivation...

    I've also managed to strain my achilles tendons (both ankles) exercise hurts (I ususally run about 21 kms per week)

    I feel like I'm trapped....