5'6" larger frame females... Higher goal weight?!?!

kdcshesback Posts: 47 Member
Hi all -

I am 5'6" and no clue what "frame" I am but I am hourglass shaped (I guess) and will probably keep a larger lower half through out my weight loss journey (which I don't mind as long as I can turn the jiggle to muscle eventually).

I look at all the wonderful success stories here and can't wait to post soon.

My question, though, is: I see so many in my height range with a goal weight between 110-130ish (you all look amazing). Are there any 5'6" girls out there happy and maintaining at 140-150ish? I know that's at the higher end of our bmi but it would be nice to see what that might look like as it is my current goal.

Thanks in advance all.... and continued success on your weight loss journeys!


PS... If I repost in another area... sorry... just not sure where this belongs. : )


  • lhgalant
    lhgalant Posts: 101 Member
    I'm 5'5" and currently down to 168 (from 197). My initial goal was to get to my weight when I got married (12 years ago) which was 165. I'm quickly approaching that goal, so my next goal is to get in the upper end of my healthy BMI which is 145-150. If I can get there, then I'll just be even more focused to see where I can push my body. Good luck on your journey!
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I am 5'6", started at 266.4, and am currently 215.2. My goal weight is 180 because I honestly haven't been that low since the beginning of HS I think (15 years ago). However, I have a lot of muscle mass and am large framed. When I get to 180, I will then reassess to see if I want to try to go lower.
  • Hi! I stand at 5'5 1/2 so more or less we're the same height. That's a very good question because nowadays the idea of looking fit isn't construed with having a stick figure or a meatless physique. I have calculated the normal BMI for my height and it would range at the most 140 lbs to qualify under the normal range. Now, aesthetically speaking having a 110 - 120 lbs weight would put you under the "slim" category, while adding a few extra would put meat on the right places. ( It really depends on your body). I don't think weighing 140 - 145 is a bad target for you since it still classifies you under normal weight. Keep in mind there are a lot of girls who are at the 110ish to 120 who are very sickly or appear too dry due to some unnecessary weight targets. As long as you eat properly, exercise regularly and essentially having a happy disposition you're all set.

  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 5'4 and have a larger frame. Even when I weighed 135 lbs I had a big butt and hips. My goal is 150lbs.
  • houlenberg
    houlenberg Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my starting weight was 224. I honestly thought I had a large frame, but I'm actually small/medium. I've lost 66 lbs and I am SO small in my upper body now. I, too, am a true hourglass, so because of the curviness of my lower half, I'm not sure how much smaller I'll get, but I went from a tight size 18 to a size 6 and I'm not done losing! So don't sell yourself short! :) My doc's goal for me is 145 lbs. My personal goal is 135, but we'll see as I get closer. :)
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 5'6 and hourglass as well. My goal weight is actually 170 pounds after I've given birth that is, I'm just trying to have a healthy weight gain right now. My lowest adults weight has been 159 pounds. At 170 I feel sexy and healthy and I typically wear a Med top and size 10 bottom. My husband also said that's the weight he thought I was the most sexy at. Even in High school I was around 135-140 and looking back at pictures I was too skinny.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    If you go to WebMd you can track BMI. I am 5'5" and it would put me in the "normal" range of BMI at 149lbs. I had actually set 155lbs. as my initial goal. I can't imagine making it to 149lbs. ever again in my life but we will see AFTER I finally reach 155. Do what makes you feel good about yourself!
  • tayteetots
    tayteetots Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5'6 and I definitely carry my weight in my hips/thighs. I think my goal is to be around low 140s.


    In the first picture I'm mid-high 170s and in the 2nd I'm about 155 I think (Just so you can get an idea what it looks like)
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    I'm 5'5" and currently 163 but my goal is 155- I'm really not concerned too much with charts & I don't want to be thin, I want to be fit and curvy :) If more than 155 comes off I will lift heavier just to keep my shape but keep it more toned :)
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I am 5ft 6in and my current weight is 161 lbs. My initial goal was set as 150 lbs. I have been heavy lifting since January and my body shape has changed so much, for the better, I already am starting to feel good right now with just a bit more to go. I may therefore stop at around 155 lbs. My body fat is already in the middle of healthy range, I would just like it a little lower and then I am done.:flowerforyou:
  • Amanda2br
    Amanda2br Posts: 18
    I'm 5'6 and I would decribe myself as having a renaissance body. My goal weight is 135lbs but I would be more than happy keeping a 140-150 weight.. Truely I haven't been down that far in weight since highschool and my frame has changed a bit since having a child so I'm not sure I'd look good at the lower weight anyways.
  • maggiecosmo
    maggiecosmo Posts: 47 Member
    I am 5'6 at 145 but woul like to be 140 at most... i have been down to 135 but seemed too skinny for me
  • MarshCat79
    MarshCat79 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'5'' and currently 183.6. My goal weight is 155. I am not really large framed but i have a booty. Think J-lo, Kim Kardashian with thirty extra lbs! I have bikini pictures of myself at 155 and i remember feeling fantastic and i looked so thin and beautiful yet still feminine and shapely. So that's my goal! Plus, I do heavy lifting so I think a muscular 155 is different from an out of shape 155.
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm 5'3" with an hourglass figure. At 120 lbs I can see ribs, so I think that's too thin for me, though it's the "ideal" weight for my height. Plus I've always been more muscular. My short term goal is 180, long term is 145.
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    Try checking out this site! It is real woman posting pics of themselves at different hights and weights! You can actually select the height and weight you are interested in!


    I think it has alot to do with how you are built, but also your preference. I am large framed and hourglass. I was as low at one point of 135. My hubby hated it! I look at picutres now and see my collarbone sticking out and I can understand why he thinks it's gross. I am happy at 150-160....but a fit 150-160. That is my goal this time. opps, edited to say...I'm 5'6"
  • knbarr03
    knbarr03 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'5" and currently weigh around 159- I have dropped 17 lbs. I have set my goal at 137. I'm not sure when I will get there and maybe I will be happy with 150 or 145 I am going to wait and see
  • bleubook
    bleubook Posts: 2
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is 155.
    I'm just weighty. At 176 I'm a size 10.
    At 155 I'll easily be a size 6. Which is skinny enough for my frame.
    155 is also on the high est end of healthy BMI for my height.
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I am almost 5'6" and May 2011 I was at 145 I am large framed and I would say that is my perfect weight I would yoy yo between 143 and 150 depending on my muscle mass...I am working on getting back there after a small set back to 160 and then pregnancy where I packed on 30 pounds...
  • blakedebo
    blakedebo Posts: 130 Member
    Try checking out this site! It is real woman posting pics of themselves at different hights and weights! You can actually select the height and weight you are interested in!


    thanks for posting this site- so cool!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I have a large frame (based on wrist measurement and my insanely wide hips). My goal weight is 157, the top of the BMI range, because I weighed 165 in high school and was just a little pudgy. I had pretty good muscles back then, but not great, so I figure 157 with decent muscles would be perfect. Plus it's an even 200 pounds lost. I think I actually need to get to 154 to be considered "healthy".

    I was actually quite happy between 165-175. I knew I needed to firm up a bit, but I didn't feel grossly fat, and I could still do anything I wanted, like roller coasters, zip lines, comfortable on an airplane, etc. Right now, I'd be happy to get under 200. It's not that I'm settling, but once I'm under 200 and can do all of that stuff again, any more weight loss is just a bonus. :)
  • Kowent
    Kowent Posts: 40 Member
    I am 5'6" and also consider myself large framed. I am a perfect hour glass, with too much time on my hands. (That's what I like to call it. And because I'm 53 i've had a lot of years to see my shape at various weights.
    Growing up I was never overweight. Fully developed at 13. I was 135. In high school ran track and threw shot, very muscular at about 155. Married at 22 lost weight--142 lbs.(yuck) lost my chest and booty. Right now I'm 208. GW is 162. I am very comfortable there.
    It seems like your body knows what is right. When you get there. It is easy to maintain, and you feel good.
    Good luck!
  • hlpatton
    hlpatton Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 5'6" and weigh 155 currently. I definitely can afford to lose another 10-15 pounds, but I think it depends entirely on how your body is shaped. I carry all my extra weight in the middle, so in order to lose my belly I have to get closer to 140-145. Though it depends a lot on how in shape you are.

    This is me at 145 or so 2 years ago (pre-kid):


    And this is me at 155 - but in better shape - though post-kid, so stretch marks and saggy skin :( :


    (I've never posted pics so I hope this works!)
  • cinciti
    cinciti Posts: 45 Member
    HI! I'm 5'7" and I'm 175lbs and would like to get down to 150lbs and maintain there... I think I'd break in two if I was 110-130, but that's just my build. I'm a "thicker" girl. :smile:
  • ghostdivatonya
    ghostdivatonya Posts: 58 Member
    I'm a 5'6 and my "18 year old bikini body" was 145-150lbs. I look back on pictures and I do look VERY thin! At my age now, my goal is in that range but not that thin.
  • kdcshesback
    kdcshesback Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you ladies so much!!! A lot of inspiration here.

    I was just thinking that maybe I should change my goal to a lower weight (150lbs) as I am approaching it. I think I will set it there for now and see how much muscle I can build. I guess, too, I was curious when I should start scaling back on cardio and focus A LOT more on strength training (which I do incorporate 3x a week but do cardio about 4-5x per week).

    I love to see that all the 5'6" women here aren't below 130... I was getting nervous because I can't quite see myself so small.
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    5'6.5-5''7" here and I'm 249 and I've gained from 226, I'd like to get down to 145. I have a larger frame and a close hour glass figure. I always have looked smaller than I actually weighed so I think 145 will be good for me. I don't think I've been that weight since middle school.
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 147lbs and 5'6" I think I have a fairly large frame. I carry all my weight I. My tummy and face. I look pretty chunky still. I want to get down to 135lbs.
  • kdcshesback
    kdcshesback Posts: 47 Member
    @hlpatton You look good in both!! Keep up your great work! :flowerforyou:
  • kdcshesback
    kdcshesback Posts: 47 Member
    @tayteetots GREAT work .... CONGRATS on your progress!!

    @charlene77 Thanks for the link.... It's incredibly helpful to see all the shapes and sizes us beautiful women come in even at the same height.
  • kdcshesback
    kdcshesback Posts: 47 Member
    Try checking out this site! It is real woman posting pics of themselves at different hights and weights! You can actually select the height and weight you are interested in!


    I think it has alot to do with how you are built, but also your preference. I am large framed and hourglass. I was as low at one point of 135. My hubby hated it! I look at picutres now and see my collarbone sticking out and I can understand why he thinks it's gross. I am happy at 150-160....but a fit 150-160. That is my goal this time. opps, edited to say...I'm 5'6"

    Going thru it... I LOVE this link lol.

    I'm realizing that the fit females at 5'6" in the 150ish range have nice muscle tone and I think that will be focus now.
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