going to start 30 day shred, anyone want to join me?



  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Having a rest day as these muscles need to recover. Going to sweat it out with some cardio instead. Last time I did 10 days with one day break and then on to the next level so I completed it in a month. This time I'm going to do 10 days on each level and not count rest days as part of the 30, so hopefully I'll have even better results :)
  • Day 8 Level 1 done yesterday... only 2 days left until Level 2!! I find it is getting easier but it is still a tough workout. It seems to go by faster too, which I am not gonna complain about ha!
    Weight wise I have not seen much of a change (down 0.4) since started but I am noticing my clothes fitting better so curious how the measurements will be after Day 10 is completed!
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    level1 day8 done!
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Was suppose to do day 10 level one today...but could not bear doing the same workout again...So I did Day 1 level 2...At least it is different...Jillian seems to be obsessed with PLANKS in level 2...I wouldnt say it was harder than level 1 just different...
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I agree, not really harder than level 1 but I need to work on my form in level 2. Day 1 level 2 done. Also added on 9 minutes You Tube video of kickboxing abs because I didn't feel I did the cardio/abs portions well enough. And my wrists hurt :(
  • Mrsjaybob
    Mrsjaybob Posts: 156 Member
    I am about a week behind y'all. I started on Saturday, March 9th. I took before pictures today, yes, I know I'm a little behind on those. I did Insanity last spring, loving the 30DS in comparison!
  • heather4949
    heather4949 Posts: 80 Member
    Happy also to join your little group.....I have just done this for the second time.....boy is everyone in for a surprise......once you have completed it for the 20mins....the world looks and feels amazing because you have stop....only kidding NOT
  • April_Christine
    April_Christine Posts: 66 Member
    On day 13 (i think) I see my abs!! So excited its not much but I def see them. I have also been doing Ripped in 30 and the Butt Bible...so on average about 60 min a day on video circuits M-F. Still on level 1 for all three videos....
  • April_Christine
    April_Christine Posts: 66 Member
    I started this morning !!! got really dizzy afterwards lol, and jumping jacks are horrible

    I barely made it thru the first day and that was almost 2 wks ago...keep going you will be giggling to yourself when you look back at how weak you were and how far you have come...thrust me. I should have started level 2 3 days ago. Starting it on monday...but i seriously do not know how i made it past the first 3 days and here I am.
  • aphrodite0727
    aphrodite0727 Posts: 17 Member
    Level 1, day 1 complete!! :D I have a headache now as anything on the floor usually gives me one...especially situps/crunches. But I will power through....with lots of ibuprofen! :D I was able to do the push ups though which totally surprised me (on the knees, not the full one)
  • aphrodite0727
    aphrodite0727 Posts: 17 Member
    Can anyone tell me how I track it on my fitness diary?
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Can anyone tell me how I track it on my fitness diary?

    I put in 22 minutes of circuit training
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    I agree, not really harder than level 1 but I need to work on my form in level 2. Day 1 level 2 done. Also added on 9 minutes You Tube video of kickboxing abs because I didn't feel I did the cardio/abs portions well enough. And my wrists hurt :(

    I definately think the ab portion wasnt enough either...Do you see a difference yet? we are up to the same level...I really dont see a difference yet...
  • Mrsjaybob
    Mrsjaybob Posts: 156 Member
    Level 1 Day 7 is in the books!
  • Jessika39
    Jessika39 Posts: 35
    Day 4th level 1 : AM

    PM : Day 5. Will record when done.:ohwell:
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Day 4 level 1 done! Getting easier but I can really feel it in my shoulders. Not sure how heavy my weights are as the bar itself is quite weighty, but using 2 1kg, so I reckon it must be about 5lbs on each side. Will increase this next week!
  • Day 10 level 1!!
    Ready to move on to Level 2
    I measured today and am down 1.2 inches in my waist and 2.1 inches in my hips!! :)
  • hi i wanna join the 30DS. I'm on day 2 level 1.. :)
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    DAY 2 LEVEL 2 done!!!
  • lailahmed
    lailahmed Posts: 38 Member
    A bit late I guess, I just joined today and saw this wonderful post>. I have Never heard of this kind of exercise before, but I you-tubed it... I will definately give it a try!
    Starting today.

    IS there any kind of diets we have to follow with these exercises? or do they work on their own?

    CAnt wait to see if it will work!