12 week get ready for summer!!



  • milomickey
    milomickey Posts: 4 Member
    This sounds like just the motivation I need to lose about 20 pounds by summer. Add me please & thanks for your offer of help!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Add me! I'm almost done with the Zombie Outbreak 8-week challenge on here, and will need new sources of motivation and inspiration. I would love to be down at least 15 pounds in 12 weeks-- currently at 241, so I'd like to hit 225 by the end of June. My overall goal for 2013 is Onderland, no later than New Year's Eve, and for 2014 my goal is to drop another 35-40 pounds to get to my goal weight of 160-5... slow and steady wins the race!!
  • SheCanSheWill
    SheCanSheWill Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in!! I'm 5"1 and 1/2, 128lbs and I want to continue losing weight and get to my goal of 115lbs.

    Let's do this!!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    This is great Mike. I joined the group. I'm 5'3 and 160. Wanting to lose 20 1bs by the end of this year, but the sooner the better really. Just not a big believer in losing weight too fast. I look forward to my progress over the next 12 weeks.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Okay, I'm in....I was at my goal weight and started training for a half marathon. I think I've let the glucose loading get the best of me, b/c I've put on 5-6 pounds (though my clothes are not tight...:huh: ). HOWEVER, I do notice that while I've lost fat and inches off my hips/thighs....I've gained some on my abs....NOT HAPPY about this.

    Everything you outlined is things I've always done....however I have strayed from the no JF (yes, I am someone who can have NO JF because it spins out of control - so I need to quit cold turkey now).

    I will have to weigh and measure on Friday to post b/c I've already had coffee and food....getting ready to go run 11 miles (I am still training for a half marathon). Oh what the heck


    126 (was 119) - this is an unusually high reading b/c one I just had a cup of coffee and two we went out to dinner last night with friends for a birthday and restaurant food is always WAY higher in sodium then anything I make (we do not go out often).
    15-20% body fat
    belly button - 28 1/4"
    hip at widest - 35 1/4"

    BTW - I'm trying to stay away from dairy and gluten (both are PMS contributors which trigger migraines for me); however, gluten free with fiber I have a hard time finding and when I previously lost 35 lbs low fat dairy was a big part of my diet....any suggestions and replacing and what do I replace it with?

    For instance:

    breakfast is 2 whole grain waffles (oops there's gluten)
    1/4 cup of 2% cottage cheese
    2 TBSP Blueberries
    1 TBSP sliced almonds

    or 1/2 medium apple, 1/2 medium pear poached with cinnamon
    3/4 cup 2% cottage cheese
    1 TBSP walnuts

    Snack is 1/2 medium apple, stalk of celery & 1 oz low fat cheese

    or 1/3 cup of melon with 1/4 cup of 2% cottage cheese with 1 TBSP sliced almonds

    I do want to keep my diet balanced and I am heavy on my veg, but sometimes it leaves me feeling unsatisfied.
  • victorshnaydruk
    victorshnaydruk Posts: 28 Member
    feel free to add me !!! i can use some help and tips
    TC4IOWASTATE Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I want to join in too! I am 233 lbs and really want to lose as much as possible that is appropriate in 12 weeks, going to shoot for 15-20 lbs. I also turn 55 on March 22. . Going back to read the thread and I hope you can add me too! Thanks!!! :happy:

    printed the week #1 info and the smoothie. I liked your page on Facebook, ready to move forward with positive results.
  • wyome
    wyome Posts: 4
    Can I still be added? I really need this challenge!

    Thanks, Kim
  • tppchef
    tppchef Posts: 107 Member
    Sounds like fun! It's always summer down here in Florida! Add me everyone!
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    This sounds like a great idea!

    Can I ask why we should not eat any carbs 3 hours before bedtime?

    I sometimes eat some pb on a slice of whole wheat bread at night because I always get hungry around 9-10pm.

  • sacolema
    sacolema Posts: 10 Member
    I've been on this site since 2011, but I just started logging in last month!

    I definitely want to join this challenge... My goal is to lose 20 lbs in 12 weeks (is that possible??)

    Feel free to add me!
  • bits4226
    bits4226 Posts: 101 Member
    I would love to be in.
    here's my stats

    SW: 187
    CW: 180
    GW: 155 Eventually !!
  • w0mb4t
    w0mb4t Posts: 1
    Hi i'm Robert from Germany, and i like your challange.

    i'm 31 years old man with about 165kg (365lbs). After i stopped smoking @ April 2012 i gained about 25 kg (55lbs) of weight.
    My little son is growing up now (2 years old) and i want to have fun with him running around etc,...

    So for me, it is time to change, and i hope this challange can be an additional motivator for me.
  • Sounds great! Please add me to the group:) Really want to drop fat and increase my fitness in time for summer!:smile:
  • sharanksandhu
    sharanksandhu Posts: 14 Member
    I am in!
  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
    Count me in!
  • bambi2578
    bambi2578 Posts: 155 Member
    Count me in too! I have 20 to lose by June 8th. But even if I don't lose the weight, as long as I am building muscles and losing inches - I'm happy.
  • Culanow
    Culanow Posts: 11
    Im definately in for some help! I'm 5' tall and am having more problems dropping weight than I have ever had. I am currently 134lbs and want to drop at least 10-15lbs before lake season. I used to run and workout alot, but I stopped. Summer is looming and we practically live on a pontoon in bikini's all summer long. That thought is terrifying me this year! I'm 42 years old and what muscle I ever had at one time has gone and been replaced with yucky nasty fat! I've been counting my calories for several weeks now, but only dropped 4lbs. This past week I started integrating some exercising but I've not lost another pound for 2 weeks!
    I definately need some help and advice because I am obviously doing something very wrong!
  • KPlaunt
    KPlaunt Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'2, 150, goal is 125. Looking forward to doing this challenge with everyone :smile:
  • couponhappy
    couponhappy Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me.