
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    jodios - that's wonderful that the realtor already has two showings of the condo. You must have it priced to sell, so I'm sure it'll go fast. We have a beer chicken stand, too, but I didn't realize you could cook it in the oven, too. I'm guessing you need to put some sort of dish under it to catch the drippings. What temp do you use? About 450? For about 1 to 1.5 hours?

    Phyllis - enjoy that massage. How great that you can get it!

    monet - thanks for the added info about Caring Bridge. It's been a long time since I was on there, but I remember that when she couldn't let each and every person know what's going on, she would just post it there and we all got the updates. I'd totally forgotten that I was able to leave messages for her and then she could view them when she was feeling up to it. I'm so sorry about your brother

    Sally - sometimes I get so frustrated with the doctors. They want to do every test in the book. But I know that they're CYA. But some of those tests ... There are times when I can tell the MD what is wrong, but he still needs to order tests just to find out that I was right all along. It can be so frustrating.

    Did an hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I'll do some training games on the Wii.

    Linda in Northern Ontario - I got a zumba for the Wii for Christmas. Have only used it once (to find out if there was any problem) because I was babying my achilles. When Jessica comes down, we'll do it together and she can show me how the program works.

    After yoga today I stopped at the Salvation Army. Not really sure why I did that, that store is so small and they rarely have something decent. Then stopped at Big Lots to find out they sold the clock Vince liked, then went next door to Burke's Outlet and got some towels for the bathroom and the kitchen that were on sale. Then drove to the Harris Teeter to get a gift certificate for Jessica (we'll be seeing her Mon and her b-day is Sat. so I'm planning to give her the card. Good thing I keep track of these things <getting cards, gifts, etc>, then came home and made some of jb's low fat corn muffins but made them in a mini-muffin tin. I ran the recipe thru my Mastercook for 6 muffins. So about 4 mini muffins will equal one muffin. Now I'm baking some more chocolate bran muffins, on the computer. It's so warm but very breezy here.

    Tonight we're supposed to meet a few couples for dinner at Panera's (still need to check the website as to what to have) and then one man belongs to the Rotary Club and they are having a fundraiser. He had to buy tickets so he invited us. We gave him a donation anyway.

    Jackie - have a great time. Bet you'll get some great pics

    Cheryl - continued prayers.

    Went to this Rotarian Idol. Basically, it's a fundraiser for the Rotarian Club. A friend asked us to go, he had to buy some tickets so he gave us two. Well...we gave him a donation since this is a fundraiser for them. Had dinner at Panera Bread. Had 1/2 of the thai chicken salad, no dressing, and no wontons, I think it also comes with something else that I didn't have. It was romaine lettuce, edamame, grilled chicken and what looked like bits of sweet potato but I don't think that's what it was. Right now my stomach feels "bloated" so I'm going to have some yogurt and then go to bed.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Fun, interesting, satisfying day. Looking after toddler for the weekend. Twisted my ankle yesterday (yes it was a curb, and no I did not see it :bigsmile: ). Toddler up early, no practice for 10K thanks to ankle situation, but had a wonderful time with toddler!! How much can a grandparent love their grandchild? No description necessary. It's evening now, and the lil one is sleeping, for which said grandparents are grateful :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Ankle is sore, but would not have wanted to miss this day.

    Sleep well my friends. Tomorrow is another day.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC (where the weather can not make up its mind, rain or shine? warm or cold? calm or windy?)
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Cheryl...continued prayers for BIL nephew... kids..make us crazy but love them no matter what...and always pray for them
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    Vancouver Island, BC (where the weather can not make up its mind, rain or shine? warm or cold? calm or windy?)

    :laugh: a bit south of you on the North Olympic Peninsula in Washington, i took Brandy and Sasha for a 30 minute walk that included freezing rain, winds strong enough to make walking difficult, and bright sunny skies with total calm....spring in the north is bizarre

    :flowerforyou: a quick hello after a busy day that included an all day meeting that had me leaving the house at 8:30 and getting home at 2:30 and sitting most of the time in between.....my treat at lunch was too many slices of cheese along with many slices of tomato and cole slaw with mandarin oranges (I bypassed the bread, meat, potato salad, muffins, bagels, and cookies).......thanks to getting up early and the wonderful frisky poodles, I walked 23,000 steps......now it's early to bed again :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: .
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • keepitnewmarcia
    keepitnewmarcia Posts: 42 Member
    Hi all,
    I am new to the Women 50+ Topic/site, but I have been reading the threads for several days, and getting much out of it. Very open and honest communication and I hope I can add something to the mix. :wink: I read many of the comments this morning planning to jump in, and then it was time to get out and do some cardio. Have to share, I'm finally seeing some results in my life style change using MFP, actually saw some loss today after about a month of figuring out what I need to be doing. Went to the mall and walked two miles this morning, picking up speed over the weeks. I will get back to the gym, working up to it after a fall and knee splinter, 7 screws later I have full range of motion back now and it was a learning experience. Anyway, getting alot out of the healty life style I am starting to follow with the support of MFP friends, good models all over the place on the site if I just look/read and absorb. Thank you all,:flowerforyou:
    Marcia, Northern VA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Grandchildren are such a gift!. Especially the toddlers. Mine are 6 and 11 but just as precious to me. In two weeks we all go on vacation together!!!!!!!! 3 days of both my daughters, on SIL and 2 grand kids. Can't wait. I know that sometimes I get a little spoiled because of my MS but sometimes I enjoy it and sometimes I have to tell them to back off. But the little ones can spoil me all they want. I will rent a mobility scooter for vacation and the youngest lies to ride on it with me. She is a little wiggle butt but that's OK. Maybe it can wiggle some of my belly off!
  • Hi ladies

    Just a quick post before I start my day. Happy St Patricks Day to you all!

    Whatever you are doing may it be fun, full of laughter and good( low cal!) food.

    Wessecg : my prayers and thoughts to you and your family at such a difficult time.

    Keep smiling
    Wales UK
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump again
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was busy one - start with a sick DD helping her. Than the normal house work was able to get a long workout in (for me)
    It helps that on Saturday I am able to workout in the water.

    Went to a friends housewarming party was good there only had a diet soda than
    Went that evening with some friends to. A community event at the Idaho center. Fun night

    Today we are having our church's potluck Irish theme of course. I need to go now. Be back later on.

    Liz from Idaho
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jodios:smile: Enjoy the time with your kids!!! The roasted asparagus sounds delish I`m going to give it a try!

    Phyllis:smile: Enjoy that massage! The field trip sounds like lots of fun!

    Monet13:smile: Sorry to hear about your brother. My best friends’ husband just had a stem cell transplant last summer, he said the hardest part was being in isolation for so long. Good luck to your brother! Congrats on the 3.5 pounds gone!!!!

    Amanda:smile: Hope you get your energy level back up!

    Sally:smile: You know you can rant all you to need to here! Hope you enjoyed your dinner out!

    Jo:smile: Hope the match was exciting!

    LindaC:smile: Hope you saw a loss on the wii today!

    Jackie:smile: Looking forward to seeing those great pics!!!

    Carol:smile: I seem to always run out of time to post too:angry: , weekdays or weekends, the time just seems to fly by anymore!

    Katla:smile: Congrats on the NSV!!! I’m glad your knees are getting better!

    Robin:smile: Sending lots of good wishes for you to feel better:flowerforyou: , and for things at work to even out!

    Bunny:smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat!

    Glenda:smile: The film festival sounds like lots of fun, enjoy!

    JaneH:smile: Maybe I try capturing those gremlins and putting themin my Vitamix:laugh: !

    Joyce:smile: Maybe you had too much sodium, my scale is really mean when I have too much! Drink lots of water!

    Bj:smile: Is the weather better today???

    JaneM:smile: You`re always doing things for others, what a great person you are:flowerforyou: !

    Meg:smile: Hope you`re having fun with the girls!

    Grandmallie:smile: Glad you still get to go on your cruise!

    Cheryl:smile: Continuing prayers for Jackson!

    Well I am out of time again. Have a wonderful St. Patricks Day!
    Drink your water and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Good Sunday Morning and a Very Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all
    May the luck of the Irish be with you… I’d insert a Shamrock but there is not one! :bigsmile:
    Woke up early and put my corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot! I’m not much of a meat eater but I do like a bit of corned beef with a lot of the yummy flavored cabbage. Hmmmm maybe doing some Irish dance would be a fitting exercise for the day, A bit of jigging must burn a tremendous amount of calories. No Green Beer for me but I will have a Green Drink ! :drinker:

    Michele in NC, I saved jb’s low fat corn muffin recipe, but have not made them yet. Which do you use the polenta or cornmeal, and what a great idea to make them as mini muffins, how long do you bake the mini ones for?:smile:

    Renny, I do hope your ankle is feeling better this morning. Grand children are such a blessing and every moment we have with them is so very precious. I will have my Granddaughter next weekend for the entire weekend and I can hardly wait.:heart:

    Marcia, Northern VA, A Happy Welcome to you! Feel free to friend me. So happy to hear you are doing so well after your mishap :flowerforyou:

    Liz from Idaho, Gotta love those Church Pot lucks, have fun :drinker:

    Cheryl, still sending prayers and love for Jackson :heart:

    It’s only 25 here now with a high of 28 today, no way am I walking in that ! Everyday next week is going to be cold too. Just wait till I see that little rodent who said Spring was going to come early! :grumble:
    Florida Peeps…. Please turn on the fan and point it North ! :laugh:
    Peace and Love
    Carol ... in freezing Western NY
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There this is all of saturday I did.

    Must be nice to have to gain weight. Never had that problem lol.
    Healthy eating and exercise go hand in hand.

    That's a lot of steps before 10. Massage sounds great.

    Congrats on the loss enjoy the walking

    Sometimes life gets in the way.

    Change that signature grumpy last but a min. not a week.

    Rant away if it makes you feel better.
    Hope you enjoyed your dinner with friend.
    I seldom eat out because I don't order wsisely.

    Hope you enjoyed your party.
    And didn't miss the dust bunnies to much lol.

    .2 is more than likely gone this morning.Green tea nice choice for today.

    Great on the drop on the scale. Yep we all turn Irish today.

    Good luck with your complaint. Hope they listen.

    Hope you enjoyed the festival.
    Dinner's and dives wouldn't be the place to go when dieting.
    Or for healthy eating lol.
    I'm also looking for spring.

    I believe a laptop on the couch would give me unwanted pain.
    My shoulder already bothers me if i'm at puter to long without breaking.

    Maybe metformin would help. Just a suggestion.

    From all I hear about the fit bit don't know if I want to spend $100. just to get what my pedometer gives me now.
    Count some leave some. It's as if my step isn't heavy enough and it misses a lot.

    You sure are a caring person.

    Enjoy your Adoption celebration. Those words alone say how loving you are.

    Prayers go out to Jackson.

    I have Dance 2 for the wii it's fun when you have some dancing with you you can set it for two people.
    Hope you got up feeling better this morning. And that it was only supper that bothered the belly.

    What would life be without grandbabies. Boring.

    You still managed lots of steps even if you had a long meeting.

    Welcome You will get back with it but not to fast watch that knee.

    Well It's sunday and happy ST. Particks day to all.:bigsmile:

    Darn it's hard this healthy eating with diabetise. If I eat before I go to bed. I have better fasting readings but the wii don't like me.
    So what does one do. If I don't eat after six readings are higher. so it's dammed if you do and dammed if you don't . Going to talk to dietician about it tomorrow. See which is the most important right now.

    Started today real good no bread. spinach with 1 scrambled egg and 1/2 ounce of cheese. Apple time soon. And lunch is planned and already in the daily tracker.

    So on to a good day and hope you all do the same.
    See you lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy ST Pat`s day!!
    Have a great day!!
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I’d forgotten all about it, but seem to have put on green this morning anyway, so I’m set to celebrate! Perhaps fortunately, that’s probably about as far as my celebrating is going to go.

    I checked out two workout videos from the library yesterday, thinking that I’d try a couple to see if I like them before buying. The spring weather is giving me renewed motivation to get the scale moving, and the Fitbit is nagging at me to get my body moving. I won’t exercise in front of hubby (too many comments about what I’m doing wrong), so I’ll try one if he goes somewhere today.

    BJ – Maybe we have different Fitbits or wear them in different places? I bought the Zip, as I didn’t care about monitoring my sleep and wasn’t sure the plastic bracelet would look too professional with my clothes. I’m wearing it clipped to the center bottom of my bra, so that it’s more against my chest instead of pointing out a little. I tried the marching in place again yesterday, and it worked.

    Grandmallie – I’m sure that your cruise will be fine! What are the odds of yet another ship having problems, after all? I’m sorry you have to miss your DGD’s birthday party. I love gadgets, so the hula hoop sounds fun! My daughter keeps telling me to stop spending money and just start moving, but I’d rather add fun to my exercise.

    Cheryl – I’m sorry there isn’t more positive news on Jackson yet, he’s been in my thoughts and prayers. We’ll keep hoping. These kids deserve to have a life!

    Renny – Sorry about your ankle, but glad you had an amazing day with your grandchild!

    Barbie – I’m simply awestruck by the number of steps you get in each day!

    Jane in Colorado
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Happy St. Paddy's Day to all!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    The Field Trip was AMAZING! I have been on many many field trips in my days of teaching and I have to say this one was the BEST EVER!. We were out in the country side of Egypt and this farmer had build tons of climbing contractions out of re-cycled fabrics or something but some were very steep and others were slanted or flat on top and the kids and I got to climb around on them for fun at the beginning of the trip. Then they let the kids learn about irrigation by actually pumping an old fashioned water pump, watching a donkey walk in circles connected to a huge wheel that pumped water and sent it flowing down the rows of plants, they got to dig with shovels and plant basil and mint plants, they road on a donkey cart, got to cut alfalfa and corn and then feed it to cows, goats, donkeys and horses and even got to watch a man make a table out of the reeds from a date palm tree. Oh and they got to actually mix up a batch of pocket bread and then each got to form a round flat piece of pocket bread and watched ti bake in an outdoor oven. It was so "hands on" and outdoors.

    NONE of us wanted to come back to school. they all learned so much, I've decided that actually letting them discover by doing teaches the kids so much more than reading about it in books or even watching it on DVDS! Well I knew that but I got to see it in action today. Sorry to go on and on but it was so FUN.:laugh:

    I want to go back there with the faculty and just have a day of relaxing in the country side. Cairo is so BUSY, horns honking, dogs barking, PEOPLE EVERYWHERE that it was just so nice to be out in NATURE away from all the hustle and bustle for a few hours. ACTUALLY I'D LIKE TO TAKE ALL OF YOU OUT THERE AND SHOW YOU THE QUIET SIDE OF CAIRO!!! WHEN CAN YOU ALL COME???:laugh: PHYLLIS
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Good Sunday Morning Lovely Ladies!!!!!!!!

    Marcia in NVa – welcome, glad your knee has healed and you’re getting back up to speed. You’ll find the women here to be wise, funny, supportive and inspiring

    Prayers out to and for Jackson May and family

    Colorado towns to look into for retirement: I’d take a look at Cascade, Green Mountain Falls, Manitou Springs, Crystola, Woodland Park, as all are really quaint towns up the pass but close to Colorado Springs (less than 30 minutes, most more like 15) and not nearly as pricey as Boulder area.

    Jackie – great to hear your event was such a success and so fun too, can’t wait to see photos!

    Jo in Wales – hope the football game was everything you’d hoped for (easy I guess since for you it was win/win). Is St. Patrick’s a celebration day there like it is here in the States?

    Barbie – Wow, you do inspire!!! 23,000 steps AND an all-day meeting???? Yikes, you rock!

    Renny – Sounds like you had such fun with your dear toddler, sorry to hear about your ankle, hope it is healed in speedy fashion.

    Carol – Yummmm, crockpot cookin’ up some corned beef and cabbage on a blustery Western New York day. Spring will be with you soon, honest. Enjoy your day today!

    Jane – I won’t exercise in front of my hubby either, which makes the days he is home challenging to get it in (though I will ride the stationary bike, which is usually what I get done when he’s around).

    Hope everyone has a terrific and healthy day!

    Brooke from Colorado
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    Hello friends! Wishing you the best..........


    Lin in Central Iowa

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    It's been a busy month chasing houses but I wanted to pop in and wish everyone a blessed day this St. Paddy.
    May your troubles be few and your blessings overflow. :smile: