*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • xxjolandexx
    That sounds like a great idea! I decided to snack on cracker thins and low fat houmous with low fat mint youghurt I'm starving!! For my dinner I have a chicken salad.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello all! Well it's been a boring Saturday here and I was worried about my eating but it's been all good. I'm feeling frustrated after being good and exercising and the scale not moving. I know it's the damn anti inflammatory pills that I am on but still frustrated. I didn't get any 'real' exercise in but that said I logged housework which I never do (log that is not clean!). The house has been cleaned from top to bottom at warp speed during nap times! Out to church tomorrow so should be ok food wise.

    Ron: the travelling sounds great. I don't think you missed much in Vienna. When I was traveling I found it to be just another city :) good job on controlling your food in what sounds like very challenging circumstances.

    Penny: hugs! I know your frustrated. I hope you two are able to have a meaningful talk and get some things cleared up.

    I know I missed people but on my phone so it's hard. Can I just say though that I am super happy to see people returning and being supportive. That's what this thread is all about!! Keep it skinny!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Hi everyone... Im melissa and i need to lose at least 50 lbs!!! More like 70-80. I cannot believe i have let myself get so fat!! Over the last 4-5 yrs i have gained weight, lost it, gained it back plus some, etc. its been a crappy cycle and i need to stop it. Ive recently gained back about 30 lbs i lost last yr... Ugh!!!!! I have a wedding im in this june and its given me some motivation. Im not the type to wear a dress so this will be hard, and even harder cuz i'll be the fattest one in the wedding. I know i wont b skinny by june but im hoping to drop 30... Im down about 10 so far. Ive been on mfp for years, but i just came back like 2 weeks ago. I struggle with my eating.. I hate veggies!!! Lol!! I stopped my mt dew addiction about a month ago. Also trying to stay away from fast food, but have eaten out a couple times. I try to exercise everyday, some days more than others. Some days are great and other days suck!! Today was kinda hard, i didnt exercise thurs or yest and certainly didnt feel like it today. But... I managed 35 mins of stepping. I feel like im not doing enough... Like im gonna lose the first 15 and get stuck and get discouraged. Although, im happy that its been just over 2 weeks and ive lost weight... And i havnt given in!! I know i can do this if i really want to. I hate being this fat. So gross looking in the mirror. I def need friends and encouragement. Oh... Maybe i should add.. Im 32, live in MI (just outside of detroit), and im a single mom of 4.

    Please feel free to add me!! I need friends!!!
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Hello, my name is Maria and I am looking for a group of supportive friends on this site that can motivate me in my quest to a healthier lifestyle. I am 63 years old and my knees are not the same as before so I need exercises that would not put a strain on my knees; but help them get flexible and stronger. Any suggestions? I started my journey about a week ago and have lost 3 pounds which I am very proud of and would love to keep up the momentum. I cut back calories and try to eat right - more fruit and vegetables. Hoping to hear from you soon ...
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Melissa, Maria, welcome from another newbie, I've only been posting here for a couple of days but it's a nice place to be with friendly people :happy: Maria, I have the same problem with my knees, though I'm waiting till I lose a chunk of weight before doing anything other than walking as excercise as I don't want to break them completely!

    @all - l'm getting very frustrated with the weigh in, anyone else have this problem? I find when I travel I retain water which takes me about three days at home drinking my normal amount of water (I drink a lot of water plus a lot of tea) to lose it. This has happened every time so I'm pretty sure I have worked it out correctly. I think it has a lot to do with sodium in restaurant/hotel meals, not drinking as much (not always available) and possible dehydration due to flying all causing me to retain water. I weighed myself yesterday morning after a week away and had put on 4 lbs since last Sunday! Weighed myself this morning and I'd lost 3 of those four pounds overnight. From experience I know if I weigh myself tomorrow I'll be below last Sunday's weight. However I'm travelling again this afternoon so can't weigh tomorrow.......... I stress none of this has to do with the scales, I have a good digital scale bought new in January and I always weigh myself more than once. The result is I don't know where I am. It's not a big deal as I'm as honest with my diary as I can be and I cannot have underestimated the calories in restaurant food to the extent where I've actually put on weight. Apart from anything else I managed to put on a pair of trousers yesterday I hadn't worn for a year. They were tight, but they were on and I know in two or three weeks time they will fit! It would be nice to have the confirmation from the scales though. The pattern of the next couple of weeks is similar so it could be Easter before I can get an accurate reading.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Ron, it sounds like the scale should not be your focus, buy a measuring tape, and keep track of your loss in inches. Measure yourself all over and chuck it in an excel spreadsheet. Only weigh yourself once a week or even every fortnight. If you've been doing everything right then the number doesn't matter...there's other factors that mess with it.
    You have travel and sodim, us women have hormones, Steph and Becky are often on evil pills...there's also strength training or increased exercise that can cause this. It's just not worth it! So stop weighing. What's the point?
    If you know you havn't travelled for a couple of days and you've got your water in then jump on, but why torture yourself unnecessarily if you havn't, how exactly is i going to help your motivation?
    Me?...I don't weigh more than once a week, and if I know there's been something then I don't jump on at all that week and wait another week. Sometimes I won't weigh for 3 or so weeks. But the benefit is, when I do weigh in the number is a lot bigger! I try and wait to weigh til I feel like I've lost weight, til my clothes are looser, til my waist feels a little smaller, or my tummy wobbles a little less...coz that's what matters, that's what people see, and to the number is just mass and gravity, that really is just a number that no one knows except yourself.

    Steph well done on the cleaning. Hate blitzing the house like that, knackers me out much more than a "proper" workout!

    Becky, well done on the doing 2nd of 13. I know you're disheartened but you've done AMAZING! Your foot is still playing up, and the weather wasn't on your side, I think most people wouldn't have done it to be honest. But you did! Btw how is your foot?
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Penny, the problem is if I retain water, my stomach in particular gets bigger or stays the same but comes down again afterwards, so measuring is not the answer though I do that anyway. Don't get me wrong, it's an irritation because I cannot regularly weigh myself and gauge progress, but it's not demotivating because I understand the reasons, and I'm happy that I keep below my MFP allowance so the trend is always going to be down. Not only that I am eating a healthier diet so feel better all round. Incidentally I found out about the effects of sodium on water retention and therefore weight by daily weighing over a couple of weeks I was working from home. It's probably because I'm a programmer, I like to analyse data and I like there to be logic behind everything, then I'm happy :happy:
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 32 year old SAHM of two (4,3 <- yeah, you read that right) and I have 50lbs to lose but I really would like to lose 70. Right now I am 220lbs, and my first goal is to see a lousy 1 in the hundreds' place! LOL

    I don't follow MFP, but I do use it to track. I follow Atkins, so haters please just add me to your ignore list if you're in this thread. I know my body, it will not tolerate sugar/easy sugar and I'm going to do a 90 day challenge and then evaluate whether or not Atkins is working for me.

    I recently started a 9 week C25K program which I can instantly tell you will be a 36 week program for me, assuming I can progress passed 1:1's omg... am I this out of shape? Apparently.

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to chit chatting with all of you, going out for breakfast with the kids and hubby! Nice to *meet* you all :)
  • PotScrubber
    PotScrubber Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    :smile: Penny, sorry to hear about the boyfriend issues. The other day I saw where someone said, "All boys are mean. Throw rocks at them." and I laughed out loud. I'm not condoning violence or anything like that but it struck me funny and tickled my funny bone.

    :smile: Didi, glad I could help. How did your weigh in go this morning?

    :smile: Stephanie, I cleaned house yesterday as well. Not at warp speed or anything, just a slow steady pace. Got a few more things to do today to finish up.

    :smile: Fooja, take baby steps to find your groove. Start with your water, or your fruits, or adding in some kind of veggies every day until you have some kind of routine. It takes a little time but you can do it. Then focus on one day at a time or one week at a time. Everyone's different. Some people get lost looking at the big picture. I'm sort of like that because I naturally have little patience so I try to keep myself focused on *this week*. Every Wednesday to Wednesday when I weigh in. Find what works for you then stick with it.

    :smile: Maria, congrats on your loss so far! Is swimming or some kind of water class an option for you?

    :smile: Ron, I agree with Penny. The scale may not be your best option at this point. Even if you hold water in your belly area you can still measure other parts. I measure my neck, right arm, bust, waist, hips, right thigh and right calf. I keep the measurements in a spread sheet and track my combined changes on the first Wednesday of every month. Also, any losses will add up over time, scale or inches, regardless of water weight, so maybe you could weigh once a month to see a more accurate accumulation?

    :smile: HigherVibes, welcome and good luck with your C25K program.

    A little more house cleaning for me today but I'm not sure what else. We had turkey burgers last night and I almost hurt myself. I guess my stomach has shrunk so in the future I need to make my burgers a little smaller. This morning I'm still feeling stuffed. I managed to get in 1 mile with Leslie Sansone yesterday but I think I'll take a rest day today. Yesterday was 26 straight days of staying within my calorie range so I'm feeling really good about that. :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a terrific and healthy day!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Hey guys, hope everyone is well! Today wasnt my best day... I tend to find weekends to be harder. I really think its because the kids are home all day, lol. Wow do they stress me out!!! The stress is what makes me eat. Today is the first time ive been over my cals. Went over by 370. I hadnt exercised so i made myself do it, even tho it was 1230 am!! So im no longer in the negative and im glad i got a workout in. Except now its almost 2 and im wide awake!! Lol!! Sundays are my homework day so i think that adds a bit more stress too. I hear people say that exercise relieves stress, but that really doesnt seem to be true for me. Lol, exercise or not... The kids really get to me. Ive got 4 of them... 13,10,9,5. Its just me, no help. My oldest sees her dad on occasional weekends but the others do not. Theres no nanny, no friends to help, and my parents rarely help. My 10 yr old is severely disabled, mentally and physically. It can be hard, physically, but im used to it. Its my "normal" kids who exhaust me mentally!!!! I really think my weight doesnt make things any better. I wonder if losing 50+ lbs will help my stress any.

    Someone mentioned knee pain... Even though im just 32, ive had joint pain since about 16-17 that i remember. Back then it was just in my hands. Now i have it in my knees, ankles, hip, even my elbow!! Im positive the weight adds to the knee pain and i think carrying my daughter (shes in a wheelchair) adds to my hip pain. Theres certain things i have a hard time doing. Like, i try to refrain from floor exercises because it seems to bother my knees. Lunges... Omg!! Squats too!! For now i will stick to other exercises but i hope after dropping some weight that i can retry these and see if maybe it wont hurt so much.

    On another note... Im about to start TOM this week... Ugh... I hope i make it through it ok!!!! Usually makes me hungrier but i will be strong!!!

    Hope everyone has a good week!!!!
  • Rebeccaflys
    Hi, I'm new to this so I hope I can find my way back! I am 36 and have hashimotos thyroiditis, along with degenerative disk and spinal stenosis. This has lead to some struggles with weight gain and loss and gain. But my thyroid is under control right now so I know it's time to make a change.

    I am going on a 10 day cleanse that a friend of mine wrote (mostly veggies and small portions of protein). And I'm going to try to add some treadmilling in as my back allows. I am a full time college student and mom to 3 teens. I can use the gym at my school but don't make the time (I'm being really honest).

    I want to visit my best friend this summer and at 185lbs I'm a disaster at 5ft 4in. My back hurts and I'm tired. Time for a change even though it's freezing in NY.

    I have nobody IRL who has the time to be supportive in this adventure so I'm reaching out here. Thanks!
  • xxjolandexx
    Is anyone else suffering from cold hands and feet since dieting?!
  • beaglesgal
    beaglesgal Posts: 6 Member
    Hi,I am seriously in need of all the support I can get and this seems to be the place to get it. I am just getting started today,so be patient with me. I will be coming back to this thread often if I can find it again..lol Is there anyway I can favorite it or bookmark it ? I will be 52 on the 28th of March and I really want to make some life changes. My only daughter is graduating in June and I so want to be able to get pictures done with here,where the smile on my face is true and proud and not just pasted there for the sake of the pictures ! I about 60 pounds over weight. i want to wear a size 10 again..I am currently wearing a 16. Looking forward to making new friends with wisdom and courage to share with me :smile:
  • xxjolandexx
    Hi,I am seriously in need of all the support I can get and this seems to be the place to get it. I am just getting started today,so be patient with me. I will be coming back to this thread often if I can find it again..lol Is there anyway I can favorite it or bookmark it ? I will be 52 on the 28th of March and I really want to make some life changes. My only daughter is graduating in June and I so want to be able to get pictures done with here,where the smile on my face is true and proud and not just pasted there for the sake of the pictures ! I about 60 pounds over weight. i want to wear a size 10 again..I am currently wearing a 16. Looking forward to making new friends with wisdom and courage to share with me :smile:

    Welcome!! I'm the same as you I wear a size 16 and I want to get back down to a size 10. I don't care how long it takes. As long as I do it correctly and I have all the support that's offered I will get there :-) your journey is our journey. I think it's safe to say we're all in this together.
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    Hi I'm fairly new to mfp was referd by a volinter at work that loves it, and so far i love it to but could always use some support. I have around 100 lb to loose so i have a bit to go. :happy:
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    Is anyone else suffering from cold hands and feet since dieting?!

    Yes I'm having the same problem and i hate being cold lol
  • kburrows82
    kburrows82 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi my name is Kaarin. I have been on MFP for about 30 days now (longest I have stuck with anything) So far I have lost a little over 5lbs of the 140-150 that I would like to lose. I am hoping that I can get the pounds to come off a little quicker this month. I would like at least 10lbs a month I think that is a good number but I will take what I can get every pound counts :happy: I am planing to start working out starting today I have a total gym that i am going to start using. I am hoping with support I can reach my goals and actually feel good about my body for once in my life :love: Its time to love myself :flowerforyou:
  • xxjolandexx
    Is anyone else suffering from cold hands and feet since dieting?!

    Yes I'm having the same problem and i hate being cold lol

    It's horrible isn't it!! I'm going to have to start wrapping up warm!!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Hi,I am seriously in need of all the support I can get and this seems to be the place to get it. I am just getting started today,so be patient with me. I will be coming back to this thread often if I can find it again..lol Is there anyway I can favorite it or bookmark it ? I will be 52 on the 28th of March and I really want to make some life changes. My only daughter is graduating in June and I so want to be able to get pictures done with here,where the smile on my face is true and proud and not just pasted there for the sake of the pictures ! I about 60 pounds over weight. i want to wear a size 10 again..I am currently wearing a 16. Looking forward to making new friends with wisdom and courage to share with me :smile:

    Yes you can put it in your favourites, just store the page as a favourite and you'll always come back to the topic. I have :happy:
  • dancethrulife_k
    Hi everyone!

    I am 24, very overweight and I suffer from depression... which kind of means I have put on LOTS of weight.. and I feel really disgusting most of the time.

    I really want to change - hence Fitness Pal.. But where to start?? I don't want to go to extremes and do something I cannot sustain, but at the same time I get discouraged very easily.
    Anyone got any advice?

    I am good at cheering people on btw. Really glad I found this group :)