Are you 100% honest with your food diary?



  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I am new to this and try listing honestly. How do I record quantities that aren't in the program like 5/8 oz of something. I weigh and measure so I know what I'm eating but am having trouble finding specifics in the program.

    You can always create a food yourself. Or just use the quick add to put the calories in your log (especially if it's a one off thing, if you use it all the time then add it).
  • WAnnB
    WAnnB Posts: 65 Member
    The only thing I don't log is the crystallized ginger that I eat each day. I consider it vitamins - cold and flu prevention.
  • phoenixrizez
    phoenixrizez Posts: 50 Member
    YES!! My food diary is like my confessional. I have to come clean and no matter how ugly...I keep it honest!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    ABSOLUTELY! The only person your cheating is your self, if you deceive your self, what else in life are you willing to deceive.
  • BigAndTallSection
    BigAndTallSection Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe I am missing something but I don't know why we would use the food log if we was not going to try to be as honest as we could reasonably be. I mean like someone mentioned, I don't count a spray of pam but if I was using a lot of things that would add up then I would make something else a little denser in the count just to sort of feel like I have the right numbers.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    i try to but its such a pain when you're cooking a different meal every night. Aint nobody got time for dat. If I like a recipe & know I'll cook/eat it a lot then I enter it. Otherwise I just hazard a guess, or select something that sounds similar to our meal. I'm fastidious with all the other food though. Its just dinner that I get lazy with.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
  • RhiannonLeighh
    RhiannonLeighh Posts: 46 Member
    I really hate when people say they don't log tea, coffee and other drinks. It still has a nutritional value!!
    I mean, 2-3 coffees a day can easily be upwards of 150 extra calories!
  • QuietRain
    QuietRain Posts: 157
    Only think I don't log are spices. Only because I never measure.
    Everything else is logged.
  • If I didn't log everything then I wouldn't know how many calories I've had and this wouldn't be helping me at all. I went over on my fats and sugars even though I was under 1,200. Darn chocolate chip cookies!
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    Only think I don't log are spices. Only because I never measure.
    Everything else is logged.

    Same, but I do log fresh herbs and garlic.

    Have to be as honest and complete as possible. This is serious business!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I really hate when people say they don't log tea, coffee and other drinks. It still has a nutritional value!!
    I mean, 2-3 coffees a day can easily be upwards of 150 extra calories!
    What? Black coffee has, at most 4 calories per cup. An entire pot of coffee will have less than 50 calories.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I log everything minusing a spray of pam or something like that or if I am planning on a rare treat day, which is usually when we are around family and I don't want to try and guess what they put in the food (or in my husbands oms side of the family case where i get the dirtiest looks for actually watching portion size) or date night. The reason being: too much food and very little exercise got me into this mess, therefore I have to count.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I record everything. The one time I didn't, and went over but kept it under, I felt so guilty that I underate by like 200 cal the next day and did extra excercise to compensate. I'm better to be honest and KNOW i'm doing it well.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I just remember this quote to keep me honest-Hustlers of the world beware there is a mark you can not hide,that is the mark on the inside.~William S. Burroughs
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    Of course other wise what's the point! We are only cheating ourselves and at the end of the day the results will show it.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    i generally don't log any spice/seasoning except salt. and, if i happen to feel peckish, and snag less than half an ounce of almonds, i don't bother. otherwise, i log everything else i eat. :)
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    most of the days.. Some others I migh eat 100-200 more, but are in days I had a big workout, so no damage at all.
  • So far I've been logging it all, however, I don't always measure precisely.
  • Saiava
    Saiava Posts: 68 Member
    As honest as honesty can be. I log everything from condiments to spices, and even 0 calorie beverages like tea. I'm sure some of the calorie data we see on labels are somewhat off, and half the time I can only eyeball measurements, but I can only do so much I suppose. :)