15 year age difference in dating.

MM_1982 Posts: 374
I was out and about 2 weekends ago and met a girl at a local bar. I knew when I approached her, that she was considerably older. She was very attractive, so I really didn't care too much. I introduced myself and worked my way into her group of friends. We ended up talking most of the night and exchanged numbers and had a nice kiss as we left the bar and went our separate ways.

Last weekend we met up for dinner and had a fantastic time. She was funny, flirty, and great to talk to. She sent me a friend request on FB and found out that she's turning 46 in two weeks (I'm 30). I knew there was a big age difference, but it doesn't affect me as much as I think it should.

She's basically my ideal woman. She's very high maintenance looks (stylish, tanned, in shape, big boobs, etc), but is looking for a very low maintenance relationship. She's very straightforward with me and says she wants something committed, but pretty much a "weekend relationship". We're both very busy professionals and have hectic work/workout/gym routines, so this totally works for me.

I know I could go out and meet a 25 year old and have a traditional type of relationship. But, this traditional dating thing does appeal to me that much at this stage in my life. I have zero interest in anything very serious (marriage, kids) in my life at this point, so I think this arrangement works for me.

What kind of experience (good or bad) does everyone have in dating someone considerably older? I'd be interested in hearing other guys experience with this type of situation.


  • dezcast
    dezcast Posts: 429 Member
    When I was in my early 20's I dated somebody in their late 40's.... Went really well and I loved it! Only reason we split is because he wanted more serious but I was too young to get that serious and settle down. I still enjoyed having too much fun
  • TheSwoleMinister_deleted
    Hey man, you got a great thing here! I would run with it and see where it goes.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    ^ agree with idrive.

    You guys are both at an appropriate age where the difference doesn't matter, IMHO.
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member
    My ex was 22 and I was 27 when we started dating.
    Age is just a number. What is the worse that can happen? It doesn't work out? Go for it. Don't let opportunities pass you by.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    Once you're out of your young adulthood (like your early 20s), the age thing is not a big deal any longer. Have fun! She sounds like a winner!
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Sounds like something that's not a big deal. Don't waste your time over analyzing it :)
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    You get that cougar


    No, but in all seriousness, as long as both people (assuming that we're only talking about two people here because, I mean, there are all types of situations!) are consenting and want the same thing, then age shouldn't matter at all.
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    I just really dig her personality too. She's a little on the ditzy side, but in a very adorable way. She's also been through the whole marriage/kids thing and doesn't want to get married again. There just seems to be a ton of chemistry.

    However, we did get a couple of looks when we were out over the weekend. Doesn't really effect me, but something I'd have to get use to.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Have fun, we over 40 year olds need love, too!!! LOL
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Go out with her and have some fun. You dont have to be looking for long term or a marriage.
    Enjoy some time with her.
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    I will be 30 in a few months and my boyfriend will be 44 this year - he is the most amazing person that I know. I have been out with younger guys and guys my own age but I have never had the connection that I have with him. You cannot help who you fall in love with, if that was the case we would all fall for our best friends - just roll with and see what happens xxx
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    Once you're out of your young adulthood (like your early 20s), the age thing is not a big deal any longer. Have fun! She sounds like a winner!

    I totally agree with this. If the shoe fits ....
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    Don't let anyone else's opinion bother you, if you like her then go for it! As someone said, once you get through the early 20's the age difference really makes no difference.
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    Since you are not 15 yrs old, I think it's fine...
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    You got out there and get yourself a cougar!
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    My husband is 15 years older than me and it doesn't bother us a bit. Have fun!
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    If it doesn't bug you, then don't let it bug you. Just relax, have fun, and see what happens.

    However, you keep referring to future terms ("I would have to get use to it" and she doesn't want kids/marriage). So it seems like you are looking (even subconsciously, for someone for the long-term, and since she doesn't want that, I would be concerned about THAT.

    Just my opinion!
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    big boobs means shes high maintenance? lol
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    Seems like you both want the same things....just go with it, especially if she makes you smile and laugh :)

    I'm going on 4 years of dating my boyfriend who is 20 years older than me. I've never been so happy for so long :) It just feels right...sure, we get some looks when we go out, but who cares! :)
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    have fun with it, if anything you will gain lots of experience from this. sounds like she and you just wanna have fun...what a great relationship...having fun is well "FUN" go with it!:wink: