

  • luvbuttons
    Hi. I already feel like I have something in common with you. My husband's job took us to Geelong for 21/2 years. I never felt more at home anywhere than there. Culture shock was worse when we returned to the US. As I'm an older chick too, I can use all the support I can get in my weight loss journey. I'd love to encourage you as well. Sharon:happy:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :love: Oh what a great photo of the Colorado Contingent - smiling faces all, love it! Rori, Laura, Brooke and Jane, it's great seeing you all together. Fun fun!

    I've been swamped for the last several days, relatives came to stay for the weekend which meant plenty of cleaning and cooking, plus staying up late talking. :yawn: I went to a dinner party on Saturday to meet another MFP friend for the first time which was really fun. Our guests departed yesterday morning after breakfast, then I had to face a long work day and boy, was I tired last night. I feel pretty good this morning, I think. I'll know more after another cup of coffee. :tongue:

    Looking forward to lowering my food intake again starting today, :bigsmile: and I'm thanking my lucky stars that hubby finished off the lemon cake and boysenberry pie last night. Now I won't have to see it when I open the fridge, which, by the way is quite emtpy after feeding the group all weekend. :wink: Must go grocery shop.

    Phyllis, :flowerforyou: I'd love the curried soup recipe, thanks!

    Wishing everyone a great Tuesday! Be good, be kind, be happy and fun - before you know it, Spring will have begun!

    :smile: jb in chilly Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I’m sorry to hear that your DH has had a heart attack. He was so lucky to realize what was going on and tell you about it. It sounds like he’s in for a lifestyle change, and I’m praying that he will be able to keep up good spirits as he works through it. I’m also praying for you because this will change your life, too. :flowerforyou: My husband’s recent stroke has sure changed mine.

    Sharon: Welcome aboard. Where is Geelong?:huh:

    Jb in Chilly Portland: The Colorado Contingent makes me envious. I wonder if there are enough of us nearby PDX to do something similar.:flowerforyou:

    I am looking forward to yoga this morning. I woke up with swollen hands and a little weight gain. :frown: I am attributing this to water retention because I’ve been under my calorie limit consistently and getting a good amount of exercise. I’m wondering what is causing the water retention and suppose it must be from something salty I have eaten recently. I have been drinking a lot of water lately and it seems to be sticking with me for some reason. :drinker: :grumble: I would say I suspect last night’s meat loaf, but I was noticing stiffness in my fingers before that. Advice appreciated. I may join DH in using salt substitute.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Oh my gosh it's Tuesday and I've been so busy ever since our lunch on Friday it's been go, go, go and this is the first time I've been able to sit and get a quick post in.


    Jane asked me to post the picture and I'm NOT sure if I remember how:blushing: ...so I will see if I can get this to post.

    It's Rori, Me, Brooke and Jane at the Red Lobster for lunch last Friday.

    Once I'm sure I have this done I will post again later.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Oh my goodness, you gals look great!!! I want to have lunch with a group of MFPals!! I'm headed to Adamstown Maryland for a week if anyone lives in that area.

    So I'm not certain if the BIL's nephew is really improving or not. Supposedly he is opening his eyes and following his Mom when she moves. That is supposed to be a HUGE milestone for a coma patient. However, the doctor pretty much told his Mom yesterday that there is little hope for him if he doesn't wake up very soon!! So we're all hoping today is the day. I panicked yesterday because I was reading about how they predict recovery for coma patients. After I went through the list Jackson was left with a 2% chance of living. And then at the end of the article it said if the coma was overdose induced none of the tests applied. Whewww. What a relief. The prognosis for all overdose induced comas is supposed to be good (according to this article). So we will see what happens today. I think today makes a week? Can't remember.

    Thanks for all the compliments on my picture. I think it's funny that some of you think I am so photogenic. I am the least photogenic person ever - I actually look hideous in most of the pictures I take - people who see them often assure me that I don't look like that at all (which I know) but trust me, when one of my photos does look like me, I post it everywhere!!! I should post a bad one and scare you all :wink:

    Cheryl in North Eastern Illinois
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: what a great picture of our Colorado friends. I loved that you 4 got together.

    :flowerforyou: Robin - I sure hope your complaint will have a positive outcome. What a stressful process.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl - I doubt if any bad picture of you would scare your friends, pretend scare perhaps, but not truly :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to our newbies. Feel free to come back and tell us how you're doing.

    Feeling much better after a great night sleep. Work will be better too, as "Mr. Liar" is off for a couple of days. Maybe putting his pants on fire will be the button to push :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My daily email quote received for today was this: "Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief, or ignorance."
    ~W. Clement Stone

    How appropriate!

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :grumble: can't get the picture to post....and I keep getting interruped:explode:

    will try again


    Finally, resized and posted.

    Lunch was wonderful....like we have known each other forever. From left to right...Rori, Laura, Brooke & JaneH
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    For those that have asked...the Jacob's Ladder is quite a workout. There is a belt that you wear around your waist. It is attached to a cable that is adjusted according to your height and connects to the machine. You just climb the ladder on all fours like you would any other ladder. It is continuously moving the rungs so you don't run out of ladder to climb. You climb faster or slower, however you have to keep a pretty good pace or it will stop.

    I stayed on for 1 minute again last night, but I did it at the end of my workout and was really winded. I know now to make it the first thing i do.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Today is the Persian New Year’s Eve – Norouz – and tomorrow will be the beginning of the year 1392 on their calendar. This is my husband’s major holiday of the year, equivalent to our Christmas. We set out a Haft Seen, a cloth with seven things that begin with the Persian letter Seen along with some other traditional items. There is a mirror, candles, dyed eggs, coins, sprouts, garlic, sumac, hyacinth, apples, gold fish, sweets, photos of family, etc. I’m doing a very small version of it this year and skipping some things, but will cook the traditional dinner for my son. This will be herbed rice (with green onion, cilantro, parsley and dill) along with fried white fish (orange roughy) and a vegetable omelet called kookoo. Everyone is supposed to wear new clothes, and children are given crisp, new money.

    Thank you for all of the encouragement. I’m engaged in another “cold war” with hubby (day 6), and it just gets to me sometimes. And thank you for pointing out to me that the webbed stick must be Lacrosse! I’m pretty hopeless about sports. :blushing:

    Renny – It’s disappointing when someone feels the need to lie to you. You can’t change someone else, but only your own reactions, so all you can do is decide whether it’s worth continuing forward with them.

    Katia – You’re right, these new habits are going to take a LONG time to become ingrained. I have hope that they will, someday, as I hate to think of struggling like this forever.

    Joyce – How incredibly scary for both you and your husband, whether you were a nurse or not! I’m glad that he’s doing okay and hope that recovery goes well. It’s hard to get men to do what they need to in order to be healthy.

    Laura – I posted the picture that I took last night – figured you’d gotten swamped! I think that yours is better than mine, though. I’m so proud that I now know how to post, but I can’t seem to resize them to get them centered. How do you do that?

    Cheryl – I’m continuing to send thoughts and prayers for Jackson. He deserves to have a life, and I hope he gets it. One stupid mistake shouldn’t have to destroy a kid’s future.

    Jolene – That Jacob’s Ladder looks like a real killer. Good for you that you’re doing it!

    Jane in Colorado
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    JaneH- Happy New Year:flowerforyou: Sounds like you have the tradition well in hand and the food sounds wonderful. To resize the pictures you go in to edit and resize and I just changed the first number to 600 and it adjusted the whole picture.

    I've only skimmed the posts as I have so much to do (when do I ever not have a lot to do:ohwell: ) and people are sending me emails asking for certified payroll reports that I have to get caught up on today.

    The one exciting thing happening in our lives is that son #2 is in Washington DC auditioning for the Presidents Own Marine Band. There were about 150 resumes sent in and they chose 14 to come yesterday for the first round of auditions. He is in the second round today there are only 4 and by the end of today he will know if he has been selected. This is the #1 Military Band in the country and they are looking to fill the third piano position, specifically someone that plays jazz. The other two pianist play mainly classical and they want someone with jazz as their speciality although the auditions have a lot of classical to be played too. My son can do it but it's not his love like jazz is and from what my DIL has said about yesterdays interview and audition it went quite well...so we wait for the end of the day to find out if he's got the job.

    I best get back to my reports.

    Have a great day all.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile::smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues!!
    Joyce,sorry to hear about hubby.
    On babysitting duty.Friend`s son is home sick with stomach bug,watching him til she gets back from work.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    JaneH – Happy Norouz!! The traditional meal sounds delicious, and how cool that you keep the tradition going for your husband and son. Sorry you’re having to deal with a “cold war” - - been there, but do know that “this too shall pass” . . . Hang in there!

    Laura – How exciting for your son (and your whole family). Be sure to take a sec to update us on how it all went. It sounds as though he’s got an excellent shot!

    Another Colorado Chica Checking In,
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi PALS:

    ll You Colorado ladies look so happy beautiful and charming. It must have been a blast to get together.

    Meg, It is you that is from Idaho? I am also an Idaho Girl. I grew up in Preston but then married an Egyptian and ended up over here in Egypt!

    Joyce- Speedy recovery for your husband. I think I'd be freaking out if that happened to me.

    Jolene- I can only imagine how crazy I'd look on Jacobs Ladder. YOU GO GIRL!

    Laura, Congratulations on your son. What a talented man he must be.

    For those of you that wanted to recipe for the soup here it is:
    Spiced Carrot and Cauliflower soup
    Brown an onion. Dissolve a Maggie ( bullion cube) in 5 cups of water or use beefor chicken broth and pour it over the sautéed onions. Chop up a bunch of carrots ( 6-8) and break apart a head of cauliflower and boil in some broth.
    Add these Spices before you boil!
    One teaspoon and half of curry
    1 tsp. of cinnamon
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp. massala (Optional)

    When the veggies are tender blend together in a blender.

    Can add a dollop of yogurt or sour cream on the side.

    O.k. Want to answer more of your posts but I have a PILE Of work to correct. UGGGG!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Laura my Dad was a huge fan of the Marine band.I went with him every time they were in town. Now that he is gone I go just to honor him. Also any time they have an air show or any other type of military vehicles, i am there because dad would have been.

    My husband is pretty stable. All of his Iv drips are off. He is jsut really tired since he didn't get much sleep last night. His only other time to the ER was about 11 PM also. Why did men do that???
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks Jane. Jackson unfortunately was the cousin no one wanted the other cousins hanging with. So I've heard some of the family members say, "Dumba**, he got what he deserved." I"m like, "WHAT???" He's 20!!! There were certainly nights of my youth that could have gone downhill. Fortunately my youth didn't involve drugs, but there was plenty of alcohol. I hope when Jackson wakes up he changes the course of his life. In fact I hope it's an eye opener for all of his partying buddies. I've been watching his facebook and it seems his pals are really torn up. Ironically Jackson's favorite quote is listed as, ""Just young, dumb, and havin' fun" Jimmothy"

    I was up half the night feeling frustrated that so many people are risking their lives. My sister OD'd at 49 six years ago, my stepdaughter's 25 year old brother OD'd 4 years ago, her other brother is using heavily, her biological Mom is addicted to prescription drugs, my brother is in jail for dealing drugs, my sister in law is strung out on heroin and meaner than a junk yard dog when she is high. And most of these are educated middle class citizens. My husband said something yesterday that really got me thinking. He asked, "If the kids in the schools can so easily get drugs, why can't the cops easily find and arrest those people who are selling it to them?" Why can't they?

    Sorry for rambling here. We tend to keep things light on this forum and nothing about this is light. I'll get off my bandwagon now.
  • nanasorchid52
    Hi wonderful ladies!

    Just bumping to save my place for a less hectic time to post more personal responses to everyone. So for now a more generic post to wish everyone well. Am more or less keeping up with reading posts and am answering you telepathically!

    So just a short motivational tip which you may or not find useful. When I am in a "what is there in the fridge/ cupboards/ anything I want to put something in my mouth" mood wear an elastic band around your wrist. Every time you think of wandering off and mindlessly put something in your mouth to regret it later, ping the elastic band first. It is a sharp reminder that your decision might hurt later! Eventually I found nibbling was associated with a sharp pain! Lol !!!!

    However one personal message to Jmkmomm - thinking of you and your husband. Such a dreadful life changing thing for you both. A virtual hug flying over the Atlantic.

    Keep smiling
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump for later
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    JKM - Hope things are getting better with your husband - how scary! What a blessing you were there when it happened -

    Just have a moment so I will be quick! My daughter got home last night for spring break - so thrilled to have her home :heart: We are planning to take a small trip while she's home in search of some sun and warmth! :laugh: We are all getting cranky with the cruddy, cold, gloomy weather we've been having here. I saw a loss on Saturday - down 3.5 pounds - however, I may have picked it back up again! We'll see next week! Have a good week everyone :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    No news from Ethics yet so things are just as awful as ever. Oh well.

    I love the picture from the CO contingent. It is always fun to meet in person. Barbie and I got together a long time ago. It was so nice. I also met up with a friend from another thread I belong to while I was visiting my daughter in MN.

    I hope all doing as well as they can.

    Much love

    Robin, the Bod man and the Rit bit!!!

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I just have a minute so don’t know how much time I’ll have to respond individually.

    Took DS to the airport this morning. Now the house is so quiet.:sad: It was so good to have them home. Unfortunately my efforts to put some weight on my DS added weight to my DH and my self. :angry: I’m only a pound up (all the sodium from the Japanese food yesterday may be contributing – or at least that’s my story). I’ve been back on track all day and hoping to get back to my low before we go on vacation this weekend. We are going to AZ – can’t wait for the warmth. :glasses: It is so cold here today and I’m tired of big coats, sweaters and snow!!!!:grumble:
    Been busy with the sale of my Dad’s condo. We’ve got to run over there tonight to check some things out for the buyer, but I’m thinking this will go through. Yeah.:happy:

    Glenda – was a great thing to do with the grands!:love:

    Robin – good luck with the complaint and hope you and DH feel better:smile:

    Carol – love the Ellen quote:laugh:

    Meg – I love that points competition at work. Hope you win a prize:drinker:

    Linda from Tasmania – welcome and great weight loss!:flowerforyou:

    Jane – you are back on track and that what matters. I was reading Women’s Health last night - there was an article on trigger foods. Seems once you take even 3 bites, you can lose your self control – it’s a brain chemistry thing. Walking away must have been tough – but you did it:bigsmile:

    LuAnn – great strategy and planning on portioning and packing your food. Enjoy your visit:drinker:

    Ohiomom – congrats on keeping your weight in check while in TX. I hope I can do the same in AZ. It must have taken great will power and determination:flowerforyou:

    Michele – also impressed you brought food along and made such smart choices in the restaurant. I’m going to keep reminding myself of you and ohiomom while on vacation and likely very tempted by food:wink:

    Jane – thanks for posting the pic of the Colo ladies who lunch. You all look great!:flowerforyou:

    So can someone post a quick set of instructions on how to post a picture or email me with that info…thanks!

    Liz – I’m a moderator so I can’t cut a whole food group out of my diet - I just end up going a bit crazy and craving it like mad. :huh: I have switched to almost exclusively whole grains and try not to eat any processed carbs if at all possible. That has helped a lot. I also try to have fruits and veggies with every meal. They are low cal and really help fill me up. I also think all the nutrients in them have done wonderful things for my skin:wink:

    Renny – I hope you get some resolution with this person. It is awful to be lied to. :explode: This is a good place to explode. Good luck

    Joyce – OMG. Good luck to you and your DH. He will obviously need to make lots of changes to his lifestyle. :smokin: Thank goodness he has you to help show him how. You will be partnered up in making healthy choices - which does make it easier (I’m always looking for the silver lining – my kids say I’m disgustingly optimistic and cheery)

    Jolene – congrats on the Jacob’s ladder – I don’t think I would brave it given how the others have described how it works. I’d probably fall flat on my face:blushing:

    Sharon – welcome – you found a great group:smile:

    Cheryl – we’ll have to have a MFP lunch ourselves. I doubt you are as unphotogenic as you say! Just read today’s post. Your family has been ravaged by drugs. Why can’t people understand how devastating they are? Especially when they see first hand. I hope Jackson comes through and changes his life.:noway:

    Jane in CO – your celebration sounds pretty cool and the food interesting. Hope things warm up with DH:heart:

    Laura80111 – how exciting for your DS#2. Please let us know if he got the job:drinker:

    Monet13 – have a great spring break with your DD:heart:

    Wow - I actually got caught up and wrote to almost everyone. Now I've got to do some work and head over to the condo. Have a great evening everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart:smile: :love: Jodios