going to start 30 day shred, anyone want to join me?



  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Level 2 day 4 done! I'm still logging under 26 minutes of Curves Circuit Training, though I think I'm burning more calories this level than level 1. I don't eat back calories though so it doesn't really matter. Like I said I'd rather underestimate calorie burn than overestimate it :)
  • Day 1 Level 2 completed yesterday, it's a nice change from Level 1 but I felt so unco-ordinated!! So glad no one was around to watch me haha! I am sure it burns more cals then Level 1, I sure felt like I was sweating more than Level 1!!
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    level 2 day 3 in the bag !
  • I'm staring my 30 day shed after work tonight! Hope it goes well! :)
  • I want in! where do I "check in" with everyone?
  • whiskeyrunner
    whiskeyrunner Posts: 2 Member
    I just started 30DS on Monday (March 18)! Count me in! I'll post my starting stats later today.
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    I started last week! This is day 10 for level 1 for me! I'm enjoying it!
  • Jul685
    Jul685 Posts: 81
    Level 2, day 2 done!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Level 2 day 5 done! Halfway through level 2. Still feel like I'm gonna die and my thighs are on fire with the "seated" moves but I recover so quick now and my resting heart rate today was 52! That's an NSV for me!
  • Jessika39
    Jessika39 Posts: 35
    Today I skip shred in 30, was going to be day 8 level 1. Not happy! Nothing I could do. Tomorrow hopefully continue where I left off.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    First day i skipped shred...and going away this weekend will have to resume on Sunday...Do I continue where I left off Level 2 day 5 or start over?
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    First day i skipped shred...and going away this weekend will have to resume on Sunday...Do I continue where I left off Level 2 day 5 or start over?

    I would just pick up where you stopped :)
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    This is off topic (kind of) but what is the best way to post progress/before/after pictures in the thread. I have a photobucket account but the tutorial on here looks like an old version of photobucket. I tried to post pics to another thread and they were so big my "after" pics were cut off, ugh! I want to be able to post progress pics when I finish the shred. I'm not very tech savvy so I need clear, step by step instructions from anyone who can help. Oh, and my computer is not a windows computer, it's a Mac in case that's relevant, thanks!
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    Completed l2 d 4 today!
  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    I ordered the video yesterday and it is supposed to arrive next week. So, I'll be a couple weeks behind you. Good luck!
  • b3kah5
    b3kah5 Posts: 280 Member
    Day 15 done!!!! I am so tired! I am determined to get through and i'm half way there!! I did level 2 yesterday and the day before and I am using level 1 as a light day! Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Jul685
    Jul685 Posts: 81
    skippin today... but going to a trampoline aerobics class tonight :)
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Level 2 day 6 DONE!!
  • zukilim
    zukilim Posts: 5 Member
    level 2 day 5 DONE! Still managed to not have a rest day yet! I'm at the halfway point and I can definitely feel and see a difference.
    REALLY did not want to do it this morning, I find I do level two a bit half heartedly... it's so hard!! and I have to do the pathetic easy moves ha! But I think, at least I am doing something... better than nothing!!
    My ankle is a bit sore today, think it's all the forwards and backwards moving (can't remember the proper name, sorry Jillian!)
    Hope I can stick with it for another 15 days... good luck everyone!
  • Am on Level 1 Day 6 today and my knees are really starting to play me up - anyone any idea why? xx