Roll Call!



  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    My name is Kimberly and I have lost 69 pounds so far and I'm looking loose about another 200 (yes, I said 200).

    Do whatever works for you! You can't go wrong if you are moving and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables (especially vegetables).
    I logged a "normal" day for me before I started and if I have a "bad" day now, I remind myself that it isn't no where as bad as I was eating on any given day four months three months ago. Brush it off and keep on going.
  • 1. Crystal
    3. 20
    4. no more excuses.
  • aleximgrund
    aleximgrund Posts: 2 Member
    Lost: 31 lbs (SW: 198)
    GW: 160
    General Advice: Eat Less, exercise more. ;)
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    1. Name - Robyn
    2. how much weight you have lost so far - 34 lbs (SW - 210)
    3. How much you still want to lose, or are you maintaining? Another 20-25 pounds (GW - 150-155)

    4. Best single piece of advice you would give people just starting out.

    Don't worry about everyone's opinion. Just do what works for you.
  • Name: Barb
    Pounds lost :70
    Pounds to go: 10
    Advice: Don't always make your goal a weight - pick something you want to be able to wear again - hang it where you can see it every day - try it on once a week - When I added exercise to my calorie counting,I didn't lose ANY weight for 3 months, but I lost 2 clothing sizes - But most of all, don't quit. If you eat it...enjoy it....if it wasn't the best choice - accept it and move on - Learn from it. But don't quit.
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    1. Name: Carla
    2. how much weight you have lost so far: 77.8 lbs
    3. How much you still want to lose, or are you maintaining? 12.2 lbs to goal weight, but according to body fat analysis I have about 30 lbs of fat left to lose.

    4. Best single piece of advice you would give people just starting out: Fill out your profile and be honest with yourself about WHY you want to do this. Revisit your reasons regularly. If you are struggling to stay on track, read your profile. If it doesn't inspire you to stick to it, dig deeper & find other reasons, then update your profile. It is so much easier to arrive at the finish line when you know exactly why you entered the race in the first place.
  • edenwish
    edenwish Posts: 20 Member
    Pounds lost: 8
    Still need to lose: 17lbs
    advice? Exercise-keep logging each item that goes into yr mouth--started 30 day shred(day 3 today)
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