Why am I losing weight?



  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I had a quick look at your diary, and the days you filled in along with your exercise - you are eating plenty, exercising plenty, and obviously your net calories are less than your body needs so it burns the fat. Well done, you have got this! :smile:

    Eating enough to lose weight just seems to go against everything we "think" and "know" but since using MFP I have come to realise you have to eat enough, burn some, and the weight will go. What a revelation!! And no living on a lettuce leaf and tuna (been there, done that, eventually lost 10 kgs in 18 months, then gained it back with friends) It is possible to eat a range of foods, and lose weight. :drinker:
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
  • Fedup23
    Fedup23 Posts: 80 Member
    Everyone is saying things but no one is answering my question. I hate the internet.

    You already know the answer, I thought it was a rhetorical question.. or just a post to complain or try to incite some kind of negative response. But anyways.. you are losing weight because you have a ton to lose and are eating less on your journey downwards than you ate on your journey upwards. :)

    I dont think your story will read the same when you get down to 150 lbs.

    Nutrition isnt your main goal obviously.. so the "Cal in Cal out is bull****" people are probably satisfied. You get to say you are losing weight.. they get to say you arent doing it in a healthy manner.. everyone wins. :)
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
  • mary1028
    mary1028 Posts: 28 Member
    I think you are dead right. I also feel the whole exercising for thesole purpose of losing weight is a SO misleading. I think exercising is wonderful and it makes me feel good emotionally and physically but l don't think it wlll, in and of itself, make me lose weight. I think each of us is an individual and must find what works for ourselves. I am not dieting ever again. I am changing little things one at a time to see if it is a fit for me. But I am not not going swimming, walk (at 65 I don't run) the local races, or wear an sleeveless top while gardening etc because some one might think I am fat - hello everybody with eyes knows I am fat. This approach is working for me slowly but steady. Down 40 lbs today. And I am so much more happy with my self then when I worried about everything.

    But there is a billion dollar industry that makes money only if it convinces me that there is something horribliy wrong with me and they have the secret to fix me for the small amount of (you fill in amount)!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It's because at night while you're sleeping magical unicorns take all the carbs and toxinz out of your food. You're that special.

  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Everyone is saying things but no one is answering my question. I hate the internet.

    You already know the answer, I thought it was a rhetorical question.. or just a post to complain or try to incite some kind of negative response. But anyways.. you are losing weight because you have a ton to lose and are eating less on your journey downwards than you ate on your journey upwards. :)
    OP is a troll. A well known one. She brings up good points in the OP though.

    It really is as simple as in calories in/out.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Love it!!! And, I'm TOTALLY sending you a friend request based on that post! LOL! I agree!

  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    . Until you die and have an autopsy, we can never be fully sure of what is going to be the cause of your death."

    I've always assumed it's going to be from someone choking me to death. And not in the cool way.

    I've always felt the same way!! Congrats and keep up the good work!!
  • mary1028
    mary1028 Posts: 28 Member
    I had a quick look at your diary, and the days you filled in along with your exercise - you are eating plenty, exercising plenty, and obviously your net calories are less than your body needs so it burns the fat. Well done, you have got this! :smile:

    Eating enough to lose weight just seems to go against everything we "think" and "know" but since using MFP I have come to realise you have to eat enough, burn some, and the weight will go. What a revelation!! And no living on a lettuce leaf and tuna (been there, done that, eventually lost 10 kgs in 18 months, then gained it back with friends) It is possible to eat a range of foods, and lose weight. :drinker:

    Smart woman!!!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Everyone is saying things but no one is answering my question. I hate the internet.

    You already know the answer, I thought it was a rhetorical question.. or just a post to complain or try to incite some kind of negative response. But anyways.. you are losing weight because you have a ton to lose and are eating less on your journey downwards than you ate on your journey upwards. :)
    OP is a troll. A well known one. She brings up good points in the OP though.

    It really is as simple as in calories in/out.

    Well known? I'm so honoured.

    I'm really not trolling here though, I only troll in Chit Chat, Fun and Games because I have manners.

    I just wanted to know what was going on in the minds of people who don't believe in calories in/calories out. But the thread didn't really go as planned so I'm abandoning ship...please feel free to use this space to post cat gifs or insult each others mothers.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Everyone is saying things but no one is answering my question. I hate the internet.

    You already know the answer, I thought it was a rhetorical question.. or just a post to complain or try to incite some kind of negative response. But anyways.. you are losing weight because you have a ton to lose and are eating less on your journey downwards than you ate on your journey upwards. :)
    OP is a troll. A well known one. She brings up good points in the OP though.

    It really is as simple as in calories in/out.

    holy cat claws...
  • I am glad that everyone is doing what they are in order to loose weight. Portion is a huge factor. It is not as easy to lose weight (excess fat) when there isn't as much to loose. My weight loss goal is 15-20 pounds. As someone stated before, once you get down closer to a good healthy weight, it does become a chore to maintain. Fitness is not at all the same thing as weightloss. I am a few weeks from 45 and to me it's about being able to make it as long as I can with my own knees and hips. I don't want chronic back pain or trouble sleeping. I don't want to take meds for high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I don't want to have heart caths, diabeties, or other health issues. SO, fitness is my goal, thus "myFITNESSpal". I think that this site is a tremendous tool for those who want to be fit and healthy.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    Everyone is saying things but no one is answering my question. I hate the internet.

    You already know the answer, I thought it was a rhetorical question.. or just a post to complain or try to incite some kind of negative response. But anyways.. you are losing weight because you have a ton to lose and are eating less on your journey downwards than you ate on your journey upwards. :)
    OP is a troll. A well known one. She brings up good points in the OP though.

    It really is as simple as in calories in/out.

    Whoa sharp claws, retract those suckers quick!!!
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    :drinker: wine and chocolate FTW
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Blame it on the weight loss fairy!
  • I eat between 2000-2500 calories a day, my macros are set at 45carbs/35 fats/20protein. That leaves me eating between 200-300 grams of carbs a day..

    Well its no magic.... Try this calorie calculator, type in your age, weight and height and tadaaaaaa .. it says to me (I do the math with 170 cm as I dunno exactly how tall you are) 2357 kcal / day basal metabolic rate. That means you burning this every day because of your height and weight without doing nothing...

    Was that a good answer?

    Try this -> http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    You really should eat better, healthier food. Otherwise you will be sick in 5 - 10 years and getting a stroke, heart attack or something more terrible.

    Do you want that?
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    Thou speaketh truth! The diet/fitness industry is a huge money-maker feeding us mis-information and preying on our weaknesses. However you slice it, it's all about calories in/out. You ARE doing everything right :-) Congrats!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member

    OMGosh! I want one!!

    No, seriously ~ I think that it is different for everyone. Honestly, I have bigger weight losses after I have done well for a while and then eat some ice cream. Wow! Must shock my system or something!
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Everyone is saying things but no one is answering my question. I hate the internet.

    You already know the answer, I thought it was a rhetorical question.. or just a post to complain or try to incite some kind of negative response. But anyways.. you are losing weight because you have a ton to lose and are eating less on your journey downwards than you ate on your journey upwards. :)
    OP is a troll. A well known one. She brings up good points in the OP though.

    It really is as simple as in calories in/out.

    Well known? I'm so honoured.

    I'm really not trolling here though, I only troll in Chit Chat, Fun and Games because I have manners.

    I just wanted to know what was going on in the minds of people who don't believe in calories in/calories out. But the thread didn't really go as planned so I'm abandoning ship...please feel free to use this space to post cat gifs or insult each others mothers.
    Yes! My fav!
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    I think everyone should eat TDEE and exercise off their 20% deficit in calories. Sorry I am just seeing a good thread descend into silly conflict and thought I would throw in my 2 cents.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    It's because it takes a lot of calories for your body to sustain such a high weight. The more you lose the less in calories you will need to consume. I was 350lbs and started losing on weight watchers for 9 months until I got stuck for 3 months at 270lbs. Then switched over to mfp. I like it better because it goes by calorie deficit and not just a point system. Lets me have a better idea of overall balanced food intake.
    Ummm, I weigh between 136-140 lbs, depending on the day, and I have been maintaining since August. I regularly eat between 2000-2800 calories per day, only working out about 35 minutes a day 3 times per week. You don't have to be a high weight to be able to eat more.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Well, here's the thing. If all you want is weight loss, then a calorie is a calorie. End of discussion.

    If, on the other hand, you want a sustainable and healthy diet that will maximize your athletic performance, you should eat more vegetables and pay attention to the quality and quantity of the fat and protein you eat.

    There is a lot of confusion on the forums (and elsewhere on the internet) on these two issues--weight loss vs. overall health. For the latter, you need to be more careful about your diet. For the former, eat whatever you want. For your mental health, perhaps a donut once in a while is not a bad idea.

    Took the words right out of my mouth.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Everyone is saying things but no one is answering my question. I hate the internet.

    I do not know your height so I put 5'5" in scoobie's calculator. If you just have a desk job/sedentary lifestyle with no exercise, then 2000 -2500 calories is the number of calories you need to be eating for weight loss based on your weight. You had to be eating at 2666 just to maintain your weight, so you have definitely been eating under that.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    The answer is easy:
    ... because you're doing EVERYTHING right!
    Just like me ;-)
    Isn't it a great feeling to not miss anything at all, and still be on the right path?? :-D
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    weightloss is very much calories in/out. When people are wanting to build muscle that is when it becomes much more about nutrition. I too have lost 36 lbs since the end of October, yes now I am much more aware of nutrition and fueling my body because I also lift weights and am focused on building muscle, however I still drink alcohol, diet soda, and eat wings and nachos and sticky ribs on a regular basis.

    Weight watchers has proven that it's all about caloric intake, however lack of nutrition will eventually have a negative effect on your health. I know people who ate their calories in McDonalds and Dairy Queen blizzards and were very successful in weightloss, however they were always getting sick... and eventually gained it all back.

    FYI: I also don't deny myself anything, I work it into my caloric allowances, and yes I only eat around 1400- 1500 calories EVEN on days I work out (unless my body tells me I'm hungry after a workout)
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Well. You may want to consider witchcraft or maybe even a curse. Didn't Stephen King write a book about that? Guy was cursed to lose weight?

    Another option is demonic possession. Demons are hot--temperature-wise, not attractive, silly!--and thus you would burn more calories. Have you been feeling particularly evil lately? Maybe biting the heads off of neighborhood animals? You mention that you've been eating pizza, ice cream, cookies, but maybe you were ashamed to mention the drinking of sacrificial blood? I'm just saying: It's a possibility.

    Hm. Oh, here's another idea! Maybe you are simply disappearing! Like in Back to the Future, only in a different manner. Or maybe you just exist in someone's imagination (or in my computer, for example) and when they don't think about you, you start to disappear.

    Do you watch Doctor Who? If you do, you know about the Adipose babies that come from our fat. Maybe their nursery planet was destroyed again.

    Really, with the information you've given us, it's impossible to say. It could be anything.

    But calories in, calories out? Ridiculous.
  • If you have trouble finding what you are searching for on the internet..... perhaps you should look elsewhere. Sometimes it doesn't give us the answers but at the same time it give us a place to voice all our frustraton. Sometimes, there are no answers. If it is working for you...... just enjoy and be happy. Share your happiness and maybe someone will be encouraged and do the same. There are a bazillion people out there..... one size does not fit all. Bottom line is, you make yourself who you are. Trying to fit a mold is only a sure attempt at failure. If you are happy with what you do and the results are what you want, then be joyful. Make your weight loss a statement not a question. There are no answers.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Ahh love it!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Well. You may want to consider witchcraft or maybe even a curse. Didn't Stephen King write a book about that? Guy was cursed to lose weight?

    Another option is demonic possession. Demons are hot--temperature-wise, not attractive, silly!--and thus you would burn more calories. Have you been feeling particularly evil lately? Maybe biting the heads off of neighborhood animals? You mention that you've been eating pizza, ice cream, cookies, but maybe you were ashamed to mention the drinking of sacrificial blood? I'm just saying: It's a possibility.

    Hm. Oh, here's another idea! Maybe you are simply disappearing! Like in Back to the Future, only in a different manner. Or maybe you just exist in someone's imagination (or in my computer, for example) and when they don't think about you, you start to disappear.

    Do you watch Doctor Who? If you do, you know about the Adipose babies that come from our fat. Maybe their nursery planet was destroyed again.

    Really, with the information you've given us, it's impossible to say. It could be anything.

    But calories in, calories out? Ridiculous.

    Finally!! Someone took the time to actually answer my question....and provide peer-reviewed studies (Dr.Who).

    Thank you kind sir/madam.