Not understanding why i'm not losing weight.



  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member
    I've wondered if that was the problem.. I just find it hard to eat that many calories daily.. :/

    I know it's super scary...the idea of how many calories you should be eating. Whether it's determined by MFP and eating back your exercise calories...or calculating TDEE -20% and not eating the exercise's going to sound like ALOT of calories. I am being asked to eat around 2100-2200 calories a day, and though I was very skeptical to eat that many it IS working. I have been following this for the past week or so and have consistently lost almost 1/2 pound per day. Plus with choosing healthy foods I am eating ALOT and never hungry. For the background info I only have about 20 lbs left to lose...30 if I really want to push I'm not someone it should be just falling off of.

    BTW whether you go MFP + exercise, or TDEE without eating back exercise, if the TDEE was calculated correctly they come out to almost the same exact number.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    Noo !! All wrong. You can lose weight easily your just eating the wrong calories !! Lasagna and pastas aren't going to help

    Types of food you should be putting in your diet
    - chicken
    -vegetables !!
    - plain yoghurt and maybe a bit of milk
    -oats for the morning !!

    Stuff like that. Everything like ham and bacon are not good foods to put in a diet and u will be putting on weight rather than losing

    *facepalm* ignore everything in this post
  • msewe171
    msewe171 Posts: 7 Member
    You have to eat breakfast as well. It kick starts your metabolism for the day.
  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member
    I've wondered if that was the problem.. I just find it hard to eat that many calories daily.. :/

    It's hard because you use low calorie foods, stop using them. Eat a pint of ben and jerry every day, you will have no problem hitting your goal.

    Ice cream isn't going to get you the calories AND have you feeling good...SMH. Try finding a protein bar that you like, peanut butter with apple slices, cashews for a snack, healthy AND nutritious foods to add the calories.
  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member
    200 cals of bacon, ham,eggs, ice cream, pop tarts are still 200 calories to the body.

    I've been doing that exact routine like she did and I didn't lose anything. As soon as I got to eating good foods. I've nearly lost 5 kilos in a month. Explain that to me !!!

    Calories are calories yes....but how your body can break them down is very different. These foods are NOT equivalent and anyone to believe that will be in for some disappointment when facing the scale.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You have to eat breakfast as well. It kick starts your metabolism for the day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Noo !! All wrong. You can lose weight easily your just eating the wrong calories !! Lasagna and pastas aren't going to help

    Types of food you should be putting in your diet
    - chicken
    -vegetables !!
    - plain yoghurt and maybe a bit of milk
    -oats for the morning !!

    Stuff like that. Everything like ham and bacon are not good foods to put in a diet and u will be putting on weight rather than losing

    *facepalm* ignore everything in this post
    Why? She's suggesting eating well, and fueling the OPs workout. This is good advice (in addition to the suggestions to eat ENOUGH calories, which is the most important piece).
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    You have to eat breakfast as well. It kick starts your metabolism for the day.

    This is actually false. Meal timing is irrelevant. If it weren't, night workers and anyone not on a daytime schedule would be screwed. The body can't differentiate between 8 AM and 12 PM.

    Neither does the metabolism slow at any point of the day. If that were true, we'd all wake up at the medical point of half-death.

    It's a common fitness myth, learning that REALLY helped me build a sustainable eating pattern.
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    king or not, keep your shirt off!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    First off, 15lbs is a good loss. Congrats on what you've lost so far, it's not a race.

    Secondly, you're not eating enough as many others have said. Follow MFP's guidelines, at LEAST 1200. That's net. If you exercise, eat those back. I lost weight easier on 1750 net than I did on 1500 net. Less is not always best.

    Lastly, do not listen to the women who says you can't lose eating "unclean" foods. It's generally easier to lose weight "eating clean" because those sorts of foods generally leave you fuller for longer, and keep you more satisfied. Meaning that you can eat less calories but still feel the same.
    However, if calories are the same, the type of food does not matter in the slightest in terms of weight loss. Health, sure that matters too which is why you need some decent nutritionally dense food as well, but for pure weight loss it doesn't matter one bit. If you're struggling to eat more, eat some calorie dense foods such as dairy, nuts, fattier meats... Steer clear of anything with "diet" or "0% fat" on. These usually have added sugar/salt etc and certainly won't help if you're trying to eat more.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    If you don't think you can eat as many calories at it is suggesting (which I had a similar problem with), then change your settings for your activity level to the next level down, it will reduce the amount of calories you're require to eat. I did that a little over a month ago and I broke through my last plateau, though i've met another one, but I haven't been exercising much.

    and if youre exercising you should eat those calories back to meet your goal.

    if you still arent losing weight after that, try measuring yourself instead of weighing. You could be toning up, it happens more often than you think. I see a lot of posts similar to this one, and its often theyre shedding the inches just not quite the pounds.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Noo !! All wrong. You can lose weight easily your just eating the wrong calories !! Lasagna and pastas aren't going to help

    Types of food you should be putting in your diet
    - chicken
    -vegetables !!
    - plain yoghurt and maybe a bit of milk
    -oats for the morning !!

    Stuff like that. Everything like ham and bacon are not good foods to put in a diet and u will be putting on weight rather than losing
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Also, make sure you're hitting at least 1200 a day to keep your body out of starvation mode!
  • LaDonnaF
    LaDonnaF Posts: 53 Member
    15lbs in 2 months sounds like you're losing weight... what you're currently doing is working.

    Weightloss, despite what many claim, is specific to the individual. Cutting 3,500 calories from your diet is the basics... it is individual choice if you want it all to be from your food or if you want some of it to be burned through exercise... etc.

    If you're feeling like you're doing something wrong... you're lacking energy, get sick often, etc. I would advise you talk to a trainer/nutritionist/doctor about your goals and how to achieve them in the healthiest way for yourself. We can only advise with what's worked for us and it may not be the best for you.

    This is meant to be a sustainable lifestyle... not only to make you healthy but to help you attain and keep happiness :-) Best of luck to you and congrats on your weightloss
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Omg I make one statement and you lash out at m e? Your not a doctor ! Stop trying to act like your king of this joint and put a shirt on !
    I AM the king of this joint. Now, direct some of those limited calories to brain function, and get a clue.

    LOL :D
  • nenacakesxo
    nenacakesxo Posts: 118 Member
    I have a crazy diet for you. only eat (&as much as you want): fruits, veggies, lean chicken or fish, oatmeal, and nuts (handfull for snaking)and of course, drink a lot of water!!! You can have 8oz of almond milk/soy milk from time to time if you want. Im eating this way and the pounds are melting off.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Thanks. I guess i've always thought that I should eat less and I would lose weight. I guess I was wrong. lol I'm glad I finally got the courage to ask on here so now I know what I need to change.

    Well, you do eat less to lose weight. You just don't starve yourself to do so. =)

    Curious, what workouts are you doing that you burn an extra 2000 calories a day?
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    I've wondered if that was the problem.. I just find it hard to eat that many calories daily.. :/

  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Eat 1200 calories NET minimum. Eat your exercise calories back so you hit your NET target. Eat what the hell you want. It really is that simple.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    No actually that's not how it works. If I ate like that; bacon ham or whatever I wouldn't be losing weight id be gaining. -.-
    Calorie for calorie you wouldn't.

    Now bacon and ham are very calorie dense. I would say about 8 slices would cover your DAILY current intake. Coupled with the sodium, you would "gain".

    You don't understand the basics of nutrition. I suggest you learn, because the path you're leading yourself down is not good.

    And a small variation in the thickness of a slice or the size of a serving or even the fat content of an individual animal could make the calorie count for some of those things inaccurte. As opposed to veggies, where even if you eat 25% more that still only a tiny number of calories...