Do the people you live with support your healthy eating?

I'm just wondering what your support system is like? Does your husband/wife/friends/family members (who you are living with) support and encourage you in eating healthy? And by support I mean like try to join you in eating healthy, encourage you not to have those chips (in a positive way), and do they try to avoid eating those junk foods you ABSOLUTELY love right in front of your face?


  • maidenmisty15
    maidenmisty15 Posts: 8 Member
    Not at all. My boyfriend will actually go and buy me my favorite candy bars and chips, usually more than one at a time. I think he prefers for me to be heavy. My kids enjoy fruits and vegetables. And they are young, so they don't complain much about food. He's the one that wants fried foods and eat late at night. It's very difficult and very discouraging. That's one of the reasons I am now addicted to this website.
  • cortneysmissionpossible
    Not at all. My boyfriend will actually go and buy me my favorite candy bars and chips, usually more than one at a time. I think he prefers for me to be heavy. My kids enjoy fruits and vegetables. And they are young, so they don't complain much about food. He's the one that wants fried foods and eat late at night. It's very difficult and very discouraging. That's one of the reasons I am now addicted to this website.

    It is so insanely discouraging! I can't take it! There is a hot and ready pizza with breadsticks sitting on my freaking kitchen counter right now. ahh!!
  • MamaC77
    MamaC77 Posts: 104 Member
    I have only been doing this for a couple weeks. For the first week my husband had no intention of eating healthy and didn't seem to care much that I was trying. This week I started making his lunches and dinners and he seems to be okay with the changes in our meals. Last week a man that he knew through work passed away from a massive heart attack at 50 years old. I think that scared some sense into him. I have been gently trying to get through to him that he wasn't headed in a good direction as he is about 70 lbs overweight right now and his parents are both very overweight. I hope that seeing me accomplish goals and be healthier will help him to become more supportive and more involved. Last time I was on here he would eat everything I loved in abundance right in front of me. It was very hard to deal with. You can do it though, even if they aren't supportive or encouraging. Do it for you and if they join in thats a bonus!
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    They're proud of me, but I still have to work my own meals into what we cook at home. But I'm used to it! I was diagnosed with celiac's six years ago, and my family wasn't going to go gluten free with me lol.
  • fionahay
    fionahay Posts: 44
    I still live with my parents as I am a poor student, and luckily my mum understands wanting to eat healthier and so will add what I want onto the weekly shop, just as she adds in cakes, biscuits and crisps for everyone else! My dad thinks I don't eat enough, when really I do I just eat plenty of the right things and not all the 'bad' snacks that are constantly in the house. My boyfriend is good when we're out for lunch/tea and doesn't roll his eyes when I order the salad with no dressing, or the something with a side of veg instead of chips/onion rings. However he will always have dessert and encourage me to share with him!

    The most annoying is my friends who give me in trouble for going to the gym 'too often' and for not joining them in eating loads while sitting about, and they will always roll their eyes or say something for for making substitutes at restaurants. It annoys me a little that they don't understand but getting fit just isn't their priority whereas it is mine.
  • lovelyr06
    my boyfriend and i are both doing it. He's losing weight for a body building show in the summer and i just want to feel and look better. it helps so much to have that support and someone that is on the exact same page as you. My fridge is full of nothing but good healthy lowfat foods. If i didn't have his support it would be sooo much harder!
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    My live-in boyfriend absolutely supports me, but then again I do NOT think that support means that a person has to eat the exact same things I do. He maintains at 3700 calories and actually wants to gain ten pounds or so, so it would not be practical for me to expect him to follow my diet, since I average about 2000 calories a day. You can only increase the portion size so much before it would be too much volume of food for him to try to eat.

    He is so proud of me and tells me that all the time, but I don't want someone being the diet police in my own house. I still enjoy many of my favorite foods, just in smaller portions. If I am eating chips, it is because I've planned them into my day. Nor would I ever tell him what he could or could not eat in his own home. If he wants to eat chips and I don't have the calories left to join him, I have no problem with that.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    DH and I are like Jack Sprat and his wife in the old nursery rhyme ("Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean..") In our case, I have to be careful not to eat too much and DH, because of some meds (and, possibly the effects of age) that dull his appetite, has to be careful about eating enough. He does have to watch his cholesterol, but I'm a bit more relaxed about that- he's 74 and I want him to eat things he enjoys. Fortunately, the things he really likes that aren't good for me aren't a big temptation- I like cheese, ice cream, peanut butter, etc. but it doesn't kill me to watch DH eat them while I have another serving of salad.

    I also work with a group of people who are slim or trying to get there, so no one has a problem with anyone who wants to eat just rabbit food or skip birthday treats.
  • shesfinallygettingfit
    My entire family is overweight (even our dog!) and so we are trying to get healthy as a whole (minus my stepdad, who doesn't think it's necessary even though he's prediabetic). We recently signed up for a personal trainer at the YMCA and we start "boot camp" as a family on Monday - so yes, my family is pretty supportive. Their motivation levels don't seem to be quite the same as mine but they are still on the road to getting healthy/fit with me :)
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    Not at all. Mom always brings home chips, candy, soda, baked goods you name it.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    My weight has been up and down. The first couple times I lost and gained back weight it was hard because my boyfriend didn't support my weight loss by eating healthy with me. I thought it would be easier for me if he did. WRONG! This go round I hold myself accountable so I eat healthier regardless of what he does. Its not fair to force him into diet changes because it'll make it easier for me. I needed to learn to have the will power to say no to over eating. I realized that he is not going to be the first or last person to eat something i "can't" have. I can't force everyone to eat by my terms,

    Magically he noticed and said he was proud of me and has made changes to his diet! Not anything big but he will eat more veggies now. He even does a few push ups here and there. I'm happier its something he wants and its not forced. Yes he still buys junk food and takeout and eats it in front of me, but it doesn't bother me. Why shouldn't he be able to eat what he wants?Learning not to over eat is about SELF control. Yesterday he bought my favorite candy bar because he thought I deserved a treat lol. I used to eat the whole thing but this time I only had one bite.

    *i think he started the push ups because about twice a week I tell him I'm gonna be buff and stronger than him. We laugh about it but i think he secretly believes it lol.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    No, not really. That much said, I'm so sick of feeling like an old man that I'm actually looking at the unhealthy foods in my home with disdain as if they were poison.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Not at all. My boyfriend will actually go and buy me my favorite candy bars and chips, usually more than one at a time. I think he prefers for me to be heavy. My kids enjoy fruits and vegetables. And they are young, so they don't complain much about food. He's the one that wants fried foods and eat late at night. It's very difficult and very discouraging. That's one of the reasons I am now addicted to this website.
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    me and my son just moved in with his daddy we was separated for about 2 yrs. he doesn't like to eat healthy and he is so dam picky, he comes home from work he works grave yard and he just eats candy chip whole pizza big *kitten* bowl of cereal loaded with sugar, I just wish that he would eat better he does support in what ever I do
  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    100% of my huge family - husband, daugther, sisters, brother, my in-laws, nieces, nephews...I have a 40-person cheerleading squad!
  • cortneysmissionpossible
    100% of my huge family - husband, daugther, sisters, brother, my in-laws, nieces, nephews...I have a 40-person cheerleading squad!

    consider yourself blessed! that's so awesome!
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    yes and no. He does most of the time then will "Surprise" me with my favs periodically. he is doing it as a thinking of you thing, but it is tough. Also he can live on cookies and will not keep them out of the house. Makes it very hard for me to resist ! He will not give up eating out 2- 3 x week ( I have asked!) so If I want to spend time with him, I eat too. I try to pick lighter fair, but it is hard and I can only eat so much chicken. ANd fish? good luck finding decent non fired fish here.... Other wise, he does buy more fruit / vega, salad, etc, chicken , lean meats and such, but wants potatoes salad from th store with it.. HA!
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    I just have one roommate and he eats completely differently than I do, but is still supportive of the way I eat and doesn't make any snide/snarky comments to me about it. Most of my friends and family support me. They have known me for a long time and know that i care about what i eat, so I don't get much negativity from them. :)
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    For the most part my partner supports me. He does most of the cooking and tries to make me healthy meals now a days.

    He seemed to struggle to support me at first, partly because he wasn't sure what to feed me and partly I think because he worried about me getting more attention from other men. Seemed weird to me because I've never thought of myself as attractive and I guessed most of the attention I get is due to my personality anyway and thats not changing lol.

    Now he's realized that if eat smart and exercise everyday I'm much happier, a lot less depressed and we get on better as a couple he's much more supportive.

    He still gets the hump with me going on about diet and exercise though
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    My family is very encouraging and supportive. My kids eat what I cook and are fine with an occasional treat and real fruit popsicles that I buy for them. We do have some snacks in the house like chips that I just don't eat. Or if I do, I measure out or weight a serving.
    For the first time my husband and I are working on becoming more active together. We're walking together and our walks are like mini dates. We get to really talk. He's logging his food, too. He's also very encouraging about the changes he's seeing in my body. He can't walk by without slapping my heiny. He doesn't want me to quit. It's possible that he wants me to look good more than I want to look good but he's always positive and never critical of my flaws. I always knew he was a good catch. :bigsmile: