
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    To whomever posted the "naked x-rays", that is a great visual! And totally disproves the "big boned" theory.

    Hmm, I'm not sure and n of 2 can "disprove" anything.

    Certainly some people have bigger bones than others. That's why they are taller, have wider shoulders or hips, longer limbs. And some bones are denser than others. But even healthy dense bones don't really weigh all that much. And they don't look like fat. No one is overweight because of their bones.

    I guess what I was saying is that one cannot simply say that they are obese simply because they have "big bones". I understand bodies come in all shapes and sizes. For instance, I am not petite. I am 5'7" and have broader shoulders and a fairly athletic build. I will never be a size zero nor will I shop in petites.

    I get that people are bigger, but certainly a 300 lb woman is not "all bone weight".

    Does that make more sense?

    Yes, agreed.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Some of my first posts on this forum were to argue that you can build muscle while in a deficit. I had data, measurements, pictures, everything to prove it, that I had built muslce while I lost weight.

    Some guys ripped my to shreds for saying it.

    Well then I finsihed losing weight, and started doing some bulking.

    I now laugh at my former self. Having experienced obvious real muscle gain, what I had prior was a phantom, my muscles holding a little more water, the illusion of leanness (losing fat makes muscles appear larger), the BF% fomulas were not quite right. I did not gain actual muscle tissue when I was losing weight. One year ago I was firmly convinced I was.

    It took experiencing what it was like, for real, to see the folly of my ways, and I'm now a true believer that muscle cannot be built in a calorie deficit.

    If is very rare to find someone who says muscle can be built in a deficit that has actually built muscle in a surplus. You come realize those pitiful little scraps that might or might not be muscle are just that, pitiful little scraps, that may or may not be muscle. Not body parts gettng bigger in a balatantly obvious manner.

    I don't have any data or measuements to share. I just have my own experience. I worked with a PT for a year. I lost 30 pounds and felt great. Loved it but I couldn't and didn't sustain it. She is a cardio trainer. iw as spending an hour a day on the elliptical. Our weights consisted of the the machines. Towards the end, we started flipping tires, etc. which I loved!

    When I decided to get back on track, I went to a different PT, same gym. He is a strength coach. DOesn't like the term personal trainer. I had read NROL4W and wanted to get stronger. He is taking me to another level. I have only lost 16 pounds with him but I can tell a much bigger difference in my body!

    I really don't care if I am building new muscle whil eating at a deficit or if I am uncovering muscle, it feels great!! This muscle was not there and uncovered when I lost more wieght in the past!!! I have never seen it before!! Just Saying!!

  • 2) I actually heard this: "I can't squat because I have bad knees.... besides, it's not like i use that in my everyday life."

    WHAAT?! No. You have bad knees BECAUSE you don't squat.

    This is so wrong. There may be perhaps SOME cases this may be true but people, believe it or not, can actually have problems with their knees where it is astounding they can walk and someone just telling them 'it is BECAUSE you don't squat' is clearly not the answer.

    Excuses 'I am trying my hardest but I keep messing up' ... then no, you aren't trying your hardest.

    For some individuals, especially those with osteoarthritis in their knees. The solution is strengthening their quads and hamstrings. So ideally getting them to do squats will be beneficial with time. But have to work to it by doing open chain exercises before closed chain. Physical Therapy student perspective since I have worked with many people who had this "issue"
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member big boned .......NO SUCH THING fat =fat unless your the elephant man or 7 feet tall.
    2. Eating 1200 calories a day........ Don't get me started
    3. Can't figure out why I'm not seeing results... With a candy bar for breakfast and McDonald's for lunch " but it's within my calorie range".......uuullkkk
    4. I had a bad day today binge eating( its Monday) ill start over on Friday.-- every other week.
    5. Weighing yourself every day and complaining about fluctuation in body weight. Rrrrrrr

    Not everyone has the same sized bone structure, therefore they may not be able to get as small as someone the same height as them. "Big boned" is not an excuse for having a high BMI, but it can be the difference between a size 6 and a size 8.
  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    While I too share your exasperation with people who opt to not be fit and then complain about it. Please be careful how you throw around comments about pain. I do not do squats or lunges because I've had reconstructive surgery on my knee 4 times and the pain is excruciating. I work on exercises to continue to gain muscle strength, but your comment was hurtful. In this community I think we all need to try to stay a little more judgement free.

    At least someone else spotted this extremely insulting comment also. OP should really think before assuming everyone has the same capabilities as somebody else.

    I think it goes without saying that the OP wasn't talking about people with serious conditions. Don't be so sensitive. This thread is meant for people to blow off steam.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member

    - Muscle is not built in a calorie deficit. I'm sorry, it is not. You are not a special snowflake. There might be some really minor gains when in a defict, but chances are, it is just water. Sorry. When your muscles firm up, that isn't a sign of building muscle, its just water. The water in muscles is not fat and hence is considered lean mass, however it is not metabolically active.

    This is actually the myth. You sure as hell can build muscle while EATING a calorie deficit. The nice thing is, my body goes to fat to make up the deficit.

    Skinny people can't build muscle while in a deficit. Fat people can.

    Good luck with that.

    If you don't think it's true, then how the HELL did Danni from this seasons Biggest Loser gain 16 pounds of muscle while losing 90 pounds??? They tested it 3 different ways to check and make sure it was accurate. She continued losing weight each week, yet gained 16 pounds of muscle... Now after hearing a doctor say it's possible, why should I believe you when you say it's not?
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    She gained 16 lbs on muscle while on a TV show an losing big weight....?

    Sorry, dudes with 'roids would have a hard time matching those results in that time frame while on a massive surplus.

    Do you have any idea how big 16 lbs of muscle is? 16 lbs of steak is a big pile of meat. 16 lb of muscle is extremely obvious.

    16 lbs will take most natural women in a calorie surplus YEARS. If a guy does just about everything right he can gain about that much, maybe a hair more, in a year, if a beginner.

    You shouldn't believe everything you see on TV.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    Apparently you know more than doctors know, because surely a doctor would LIE to someone, in front of camera or not. And I'm sorry, she was obese, so what makes you think she couldn't turn 16 pounds of her fat into 16 pounds of her muscle by working out for 6 hours a day with doctors and trainers?
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Apparently you know more than doctors know, because surely a doctor would LIE to someone, in front of camera or not. And I'm sorry, she was obese, so what makes you think she couldn't turn 16 pounds of her fat into 16 pounds of her muscle by working out for 6 hours a day with doctors and trainers?

    Well muscle doesn't turn into fat so that's definitely not what happened. I have no idea how they measured it but something went wrong or someone is telling fibs. Have you ever tried to put on one pound of muscle as a female? It's verrrrryyyy hard
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Apparently you know more than doctors know, because surely a doctor would LIE to someone, in front of camera or not. And I'm sorry, she was obese, so what makes you think she couldn't turn 16 pounds of her fat into 16 pounds of her muscle by working out for 6 hours a day with doctors and trainers?

    Well muscle doesn't turn into fat so that's definitely not what happened. I have no idea how they measured it but something went wrong or someone is telling fibs. Have you ever tried to put on one pound of muscle as a female? It's verrrrryyyy hard

    It's not that hard for all women, especially women with fat on their bodies.
  • People that wear trash bags and sweats when they run because they think losing water weight means something.

    Oh, and doing <insert ab exercise here> will make you lose fat from your torso area.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    She gained 16 lbs on muscle while on a TV show an losing big weight....?

    Sorry, dudes with 'roids would have a hard time matching those results in that time frame while on a massive surplus.

    Do you have any idea how big 16 lbs of muscle is? 16 lbs of steak is a big pile of meat. 16 lb of muscle is extremely obvious.

    16 lbs will take most natural women in a calorie surplus YEARS. If a guy does just about everything right he can gain about that much, maybe a hair more, in a year, if a beginner.

    You shouldn't believe everything you see on TV.

    Wait! What?!? I may not believe everything I see but her results were AMAZING!! DOn't take anythign away from her? How would they even fake that?!? She looked better than any Biggest Loser has ever looked!

    As I said before, I lost using a deficit and cardio and did not have muscle tone to show for it. This time, I am also on a deficit but using a combo of lifting and cardio. I have lost fewer pounds but more inches and have muscle I have NEVER had in my life. I don't believe everything I ee on TV but I do beleive the mirror. If it was just muscle being uncovered by fat, I would have seen it a couple of years ago when I actually lost more weight!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Apparently you know more than doctors know, because surely a doctor would LIE to someone, in front of camera or not. And I'm sorry, she was obese, so what makes you think she couldn't turn 16 pounds of her fat into 16 pounds of her muscle by working out for 6 hours a day with doctors and trainers?

    Well muscle doesn't turn into fat so that's definitely not what happened. I have no idea how they measured it but something went wrong or someone is telling fibs. Have you ever tried to put on one pound of muscle as a female? It's verrrrryyyy hard

    Muscle REPLACES fat. That does happen when you are lifting! Did you SEE the finale?! I saw her before and now! Don't tell me that was a FIB! Even the trainers and doctors were amazed! I actually thoguht she might lose because she had so much muscle tone that it might make her heavier because muscle weighs more than fat. (tongue in cheek) per volume, of course!
    I am not saying it didn't have a lot to do with good genes but a lot of hard work went into that transformation as well!!
  • KickyLegs
    KickyLegs Posts: 53
    "running is bad for your knees"

    "I don't have time to exercise"

    "the older you get, the harder it is to loose weight"

    "I don't want to work out too much, I still want a feminine shape" (I've been told by people (when I was super skinny) that fat on women is sexier than little to no fat. Everyone has to state their annoying)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    She gained 16 lbs on muscle while on a TV show an losing big weight....?

    Sorry, dudes with 'roids would have a hard time matching those results in that time frame while on a massive surplus.

    Do you have any idea how big 16 lbs of muscle is? 16 lbs of steak is a big pile of meat. 16 lb of muscle is extremely obvious.

    16 lbs will take most natural women in a calorie surplus YEARS. If a guy does just about everything right he can gain about that much, maybe a hair more, in a year, if a beginner.

    You shouldn't believe everything you see on TV.

    Wait! What?!? I may not believe everything I see but her results were AMAZING!! DOn't take anythign away from her? How would they even fake that?!? She looked better than any Biggest Loser has ever looked!

    As I said before, I lost using a deficit and cardio and did not have muscle tone to show for it. This time, I am also on a deficit but using a combo of lifting and cardio. I have lost fewer pounds but more inches and have muscle I have NEVER had in my life. I don't believe everything I ee on TV but I do beleive the mirror. If it was just muscle being uncovered by fat, I would have seen it a couple of years ago when I actually lost more weight!

    I am EXTREMELY skeptical...borderline calling BS.
  • KickyLegs
    KickyLegs Posts: 53
    Wow... people really hate how overtraining is a myth?

    And what are stress fractures? I've got a broken foot, with MRIs to prove the break, due to some stupidity that is pretty much the definition of "overtraining". Are people talking about something other than changing too fast, pushing too hard, doing too much, and allowing for too little recovery to the point of injury?

    I mean using overtraining as an excuse to go look good at the gym two days a week, or as an excuse to keep the treadmill at a crawl for 10 minutes, sure. That's not overtraining. But that doesn't mean "overtraining" doesn't exist. It does. And it hurts.

    Drink more milk

    How will drinking more milk help? Too much milk is bad for healthy bones, etc.
  • KickyLegs
    KickyLegs Posts: 53
    people who think they are overtraining.

    Yea but....too much inflammation from over-training is bad, right?
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member

    As I said before, I lost using a deficit and cardio and did not have muscle tone to show for it. This time, I am also on a deficit but using a combo of lifting and cardio. I have lost fewer pounds but more inches and have muscle I have NEVER had in my life. I don't believe everything I ee on TV but I do beleive the mirror. If it was just muscle being uncovered by fat, I would have seen it a couple of years ago when I actually lost more weight!

    I am EXTREMELY skeptical...borderline calling BS.

    BS about what? How woudl they fake they way she looked? Thinking steroid use? Just curious
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    "the older you get, the harder it is to loose weight"

    Give it 20 years and see if you still think this is a myth.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    As I said before, I lost using a deficit and cardio and did not have muscle tone to show for it. This time, I am also on a deficit but using a combo of lifting and cardio. I have lost fewer pounds but more inches and have muscle I have NEVER had in my life. I don't believe everything I ee on TV but I do beleive the mirror. If it was just muscle being uncovered by fat, I would have seen it a couple of years ago when I actually lost more weight!

    I am EXTREMELY skeptical...borderline calling BS.

    BS about what? How woudl they fake they way she looked? Thinking steroid use? Just curious

    That she gained 16lbs of muscle in 6mos. You really wonder why anyone would be skeptical?

    I would love to know precisely how this was measured in order to discount all new glycogen stores and water.