Registered Dietitian in TX here to answer questions.



  • acraw558
    acraw558 Posts: 23
    Let me start off with a little background on myself first so you can understand the relevance of my question-

    I am a vegetarian. For the first five years of my life I was vegan. I have NEVER eaten meat. That said, if I happen to get, say, a bite of enchilada before I realize there is meat in the sauce I get extremely ill.... For days. This has happened.... Maybe 4 times in my life? And trust me, I don't EVER want it to happen!!!!!

    That being said, I have always eaten copious amounts of soy in my diet. Still far below the protein my body needs, but LOTS of soy regardless. Come to find out about 6 months ago- I have an under active thyroid. I do not have hashimotos. My doctors seem to believe that it may be de to the fact I have consumed large quantities of soy for such a long time.

    Here's my dilemma now.... I lift weights. I have a protein goal of about 105grams per day. I can no longer have soy. I do not eat meat.

    I am struggling EVERY day and forcing myself to have whey, Greek yogurt, casein, beans, and myco protein with EVERY meal; for every meal. And it SUCKS! bad.

    I take BCAAs when working out, and it's my understanding that protein is broken own into these essential and non essential amino acids. Would it be possible to take an amino acid supplement throughout the day so that I don have to force myself to hit this protein goal? Do you have any suggestions for someone in this kind of situation?

    Eta: female, 5'3, 118 pounds, around 18% body fat, 22 years old. :) I know you said talk to your doctor about desieses such as thyroid- I'm hoping as this is more of a question about protein and not my thyroid you'll be able to help. <3 also sorry for any spelling errors I'm on my phone.

    I'm sorry you don't enjoy those high protein foods. Keep trying different recipes. Ever had high protein pancakes? Yum.

    BCAAs are pretty much a waste of $ if you're meeting your protein needs from a variety of sources. Complete proteins have BCAAs in them, so you don't need to supplement.

    I personally think it's optimal to get your protein in at least a few times during the day, but I think you'll be just fine if you want to front load it. Try a protein shake with 2 scoops of whey to start the day so you can coast for the rest of your meals. You have lots of options here with your protein, so find something that looks for you.

    Also, I've never read about soy causing hypothyroidism. I'd get a second opinion on that.

    I'm not a dr. but i have hashimoto's. there are certain foods that can negatively affect thyroid function, such as broccoli and soy products. i try to stay away from them.
  • Nidda_C
    Nidda_C Posts: 81 Member
    Reposting because I have not gotten a reply; and I have read this whole thread and the last one:

    Thank you for answering our questions.

    1) What do you think of the 5-2 intermittent training program (Something like 'The Fast Diet')? I have decided to fast every weekend to control myself from eating excess junk but I am not sure.

    2) I have read that after 4-5 weeks you should change your workout/intensity because your body gets used to the workout and you don't lose fat anymore. How often do you recommend people change their workout?

    3) Some people say that if you are not losing weight you should increase the amount of calories you increase because it means you are starving yourself. (According to this: It's confusing. Should I try it out if I am not losing weight or should I keep decreasing my calories?

    4) Also, does it matter what time a person eats dinner and sleeps? For example, is it fine if a person eats dinner and then sleeps immediately without exercising a little or allowing the food to digest?

    Please reply. I have been waiting for a reply since the previous thread. But, I will be patient. Also, if you have already answered my questions in a previous thread, let me know and I will read back.

    Thank you for your time!

    1. I think that a daily moderate calorie deficit is more conducive to a lifestyle change and better at teaching moderation

    2. I recommend changing your workouts about once per month

    3. If your weight loss stalls it's because you're not maintaining a deficit. You can increase your deficit in either nutrition or exercise or both?

    4. It doesn't matter what time you eat and go to sleep

    Thank you. I really appreciate it ^____^

    Another simple question: In this thread you wrote about how you didn't really trust the food database on this website because it had a margin for errors (e.g. oils added to food, etc.). I don't usually track the amount of oil, salt and spices, etc. that I mix into my curry so I was wondering........just so that I cover my 'error margin' daily how many Added Calories should I include?
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member

    Thank you. I really appreciate it ^____^

    Another simple question: In this thread you wrote about how you didn't really trust the food database on this website because it had a margin for errors (e.g. oils added to food, etc.). I don't usually track the amount of oil, salt and spices, etc. that I mix into my curry so I was wondering........just so that I cover my 'error margin' daily how many Added Calories should I include?

    As far as personal advice, if you're getting the results you want, I recommend you stay consistent with what you've been doing.

    Oil has ~120 calories per TBSP
  • averylopez
    averylopez Posts: 28 Member
    First off, I just wanted to thank you for your time in answering questions.

    I am a 42 yr old female. 11 years ago I lost 110 lbs and have kept almost all of it off. I work out hard 5-6 days a week, cardio, weights, long runs etc. I have always disliked plain water, however, drink over a gallon a day flavored with crystal light. The more people I talk to lately say that this is bad for you and plain water is better (i get that). Can I be hindering my own weight loss by always using a crystal light packet or MILO drops to flavor my water?? Thanks!! :)
  • beckymlong
    beckymlong Posts: 111 Member
    Hi not sure if you are still answering questions, fingers crossed.
    I am 25, 11stones with bf% of 30 my lbm is 108. My tdee is like 2300 I think and brm (I think that's the maintenance ? Where it calculates the calories you burn by doing nothing?) Is around 1600. I have just started to alter my life style exercising 3x weekly; zumba, strength and cardio in the gym and swimming. I started off aiming for 1200 net but have been advised to increase. After reading your posts it seems you advise people to do what works for then and that a deficit will help fat loss is this correct?
    My main question as the previous is personal decision I think, is how do you calculate the protein fat and carb requirements in percent for daily intake, I've been using MFP but would like to know how to do it myself, not seen any major loss yet but as I say I have only just started.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Never underestimate the power of a REAL education. With the group you mentioned, you may not know the whole story. There are many pills, drugs, steroids, etc which can help people 'appear' healthy. What's on the outside doesn't necessary represent what is on the inside. I would take advice of a doctor, registered nurse, or registered dietitian before listening to anyone else.

    I dont advocate the use of pills, juice, gear or steroids in any of my 1 on 1 clients nor do we mention this in our thread.
    I believe in building the body up to its metabolic potential much like EMTWL by first finding TDEE then slowly cutting down calories till desire "Fat" loss is reached.
    This method simply gets your body attuned with eating higher calories so it works more efficiently.
    I think we can all agree that if you could lose 1lb of fat a week eating an average of 1800-2k a day, you would be happier than eating 1200 cals a day with a lower hormonal profile.
    After reading this thread up to the point where my name was put in the category as "possible steroids" the RD does have some good points but some extremely bad points.

    A greater discussion would be "why would you suggest eating below BMR/RMR if LPL is higher (promoting fat retention) T3 is lower (preventing fat loss) Cortisol is higher (antagonizing Testosterone preventing LBM retention and using LBM as fuel).

    I think this was horrible advice and would never suggest it to a client for long term fat loss.

    Just because they have a degree or a certification doesn't necessarily make RDs all knowing.
    The human body is still largely a mystery in many aspects and the medical industry is continuing to learn and grow throughout the decades.
    Hell, in the 80s Fat was bad and in the 90s carbs were bad.

    According to your profile, you have no professional training of any kind. So how can you have "clients"?
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    Thanks for taking the time to answer questions using your knowledge and experience. My questions are threefold - not necessarily for myself but to open a door for others who have already asked and may ask in the future.

    Can you tell us all a bit more about the connection between aspartame (from soda, gum, sweeteners, etc) and possible links to health problems? Also what are options for people who want to sweeten things without using traditional sugar or artificial sweeteners? I use stevia and am a big advocate for it - would you also be able to tell us more about where stevia comes from and whether you would recommend stevia to your clients over other options such as the traditional ones (again sugar, sweeteners)

    Thanks again.

    I've done a lot of research on sweeteners and I haven't seen anything convincing that would negate my recommendation to enjoy them in place of sugar if you're trying to cut calories. The connection to harmful effects is weak and not founded in science that can be replicated in humans in any reasonable amounts.

    Alternatives to sugar are stevia, aspartame, saccarine, asulphate K, sucralose, and sugar alcohols like xyletol.

    Stevia comes from an extraction of the stevia plant. It's a good sugar substitute if you enjoy it. I have a bottle of it myself. You can also buy little stevia plants from your local plant store and grow your own. I did this last year and it was fun. I never ate it though.

    Is Splenda fine too then?

    Splenda is sucralose.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    According to your profile, you have no professional training of any kind. So how can you have "clients"?

    Please don't derail the thread - we had all done so well to get it back on track.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    So my question (and maybe it has been answered) but why wouldn't he want to help educate others by providing links or references to peer reviewed research? As someone who has a degree, wouldn't such info be pretty handy to have?

    How much time do you think this man has? He mentioned some databases on which you might look up the information yourself. You also could consult a Registered Dietitian. I'm sure that for many people, his short, to-the-point answers are more useful than responses stuffed with citations.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    According to your profile, you have no professional training of any kind. So how can you have "clients"?

    Please don't derail the thread - we had all done so well to get it back on track.

    I think the RD has stopped answering questions. But my point was a good one.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    First off, I just wanted to thank you for your time in answering questions.

    I am a 42 yr old female. 11 years ago I lost 110 lbs and have kept almost all of it off. I work out hard 5-6 days a week, cardio, weights, long runs etc. I have always disliked plain water, however, drink over a gallon a day flavored with crystal light. The more people I talk to lately say that this is bad for you and plain water is better (i get that). Can I be hindering my own weight loss by always using a crystal light packet or MILO drops to flavor my water?? Thanks!! :)

    No, there is nothing wrong with flavoring your water. The idea that these flavorings will stop your weight loss is completely false.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    I am 30 years old. I currently weigh 275 pounds. Obviously I am here to lose weight. I understand that weight loss boils down to simply calories in vs. calories out. In order to lose weight I need to eat fewer calories. So does sleep really matter when you are trying to lose weight? If so, how does a lack of sleep interfere? I have battled insomnia and other sleep problems my entire life. I have been to the doctor and several specialists and still have problems sleeping more often than not. I'm not looking for information on how to sleep as I am sure I have heard it all. Is there anything I can do as far as diet/nutrition goes in order to keep my irregular sleeping patterns from interfering with weight loss? Does meal timing matter? Should I be more extreme in my calorie deficit? Eat more protein? Any information would be appreciated. Thank you!

    You have to ask yourself "could I eat like this every day for the rest of my life" if the answer is "yes" and you are getting results, then you have a plan that's going to work for you.

    Sleep matters, but not directly. Lack of sleep can lead to poor decisions and has been shown to deter fat loss in research.

    Exercise can help regulate your sleep.
  • nyla23608
    nyla23608 Posts: 66 Member
  • danielleeu
    danielleeu Posts: 127 Member
    bump for later.
  • ParisKennedy
    ParisKennedy Posts: 38 Member
    I am 30 years old. I currently weigh 275 pounds. Obviously I am here to lose weight. I understand that weight loss boils down to simply calories in vs. calories out. In order to lose weight I need to eat fewer calories. So does sleep really matter when you are trying to lose weight? If so, how does a lack of sleep interfere? I have battled insomnia and other sleep problems my entire life. I have been to the doctor and several specialists and still have problems sleeping more often than not. I'm not looking for information on how to sleep as I am sure I have heard it all. Is there anything I can do as far as diet/nutrition goes in order to keep my irregular sleeping patterns from interfering with weight loss? Does meal timing matter? Should I be more extreme in my calorie deficit? Eat more protein? Any information would be appreciated. Thank you!

    You have to ask yourself "could I eat like this every day for the rest of my life" if the answer is "yes" and you are getting results, then you have a plan that's going to work for you.

    Sleep matters, but not directly. Lack of sleep can lead to poor decisions and has been shown to deter fat loss in research.

    Exercise can help regulate your sleep.

    I'm far from an expert but for me when I am sleepy , I find I have no energy. When I have no energy and can't take a nap, I will grab food especially sweets to boost my energy level. I won't even be hungry, just sleepy. This is yet another way that I think lack of sleep can prevent one from being successful at weight loss. Sleepiness to me results in me thinking I am hungry needing food when all I really need is a nap.

    Wanted to add that I have a very hard time sleeping. So I have found an over the counter melatonin herb which helps me sleep. It knocks me out like a light rather quickly and without the "hangover" of sleeping pills the next day. It is amazing, IMO.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hi not sure if you are still answering questions, fingers crossed.
    I am 25, 11stones with bf% of 30 my lbm is 108. My tdee is like 2300 I think and brm (I think that's the maintenance ? Where it calculates the calories you burn by doing nothing?) Is around 1600. I have just started to alter my life style exercising 3x weekly; zumba, strength and cardio in the gym and swimming. I started off aiming for 1200 net but have been advised to increase. After reading your posts it seems you advise people to do what works for then and that a deficit will help fat loss is this correct?
    My main question as the previous is personal decision I think, is how do you calculate the protein fat and carb requirements in percent for daily intake, I've been using MFP but would like to know how to do it myself, not seen any major loss yet but as I say I have only just started.

    Start with your TDEE and subtract 20%. If you don't lose any weight after a few weeks, subtract another 10% and repeat again after a few weeks if necessary.

    Give yourself about 1g protein per pound of lean weight up to total bodyweight, and make your fat about half that number. Fill in the rest with carbs.
  • mtbaker64
    mtbaker64 Posts: 53 Member
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    You have to ask yourself "could I eat like this every day for the rest of my life" if the answer is "yes" and you are getting results, then you have a plan that's going to work for you.

    Best quote ever.
  • momtraders
    momtraders Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, thanks so much for answering questions here. I myself have a question for you. I feel like I have gotten myself into a mess. I am female, 145lbs. Normally 125lbs. The past 3 years I have stopped eating anything healthy. I married, and my husband is not very healthy when it comes to food choices. I have fallen off into bad eating behavior. I am frustrated because most days I feel hungry, even though I have ate way too many calories and consumed way too much sugar.
    I get into depressed modes and drinks several sodas all day, kind of like a meal replacement. I am just wondering is there any hope for me?
    My ideal calories are at 1210 for the day. I tried to eat normally today and only have had 1 soda so far. I still feel hungry and overl unhappy with my food choices. How do I make this awful cycle stop for GOOD? I am also expereincing a horrible headache from the lack of caffiene from my sodas. Please help. Thanks
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    I worry about stevia... I have always heard "fake" sugar is worse then the real thing

    Rumours suck. Better than aspartame (which can lead to Aneurysms) and most certainly better than pure sugar!

    I keep my sugar under 24g a day easy.. I have learned to do without excess sugar, stevia I take is in my protein powder. I don't add sugar to anything.. may be worth it for you to either learn to live without adding sugar to your drinks or find an alternative. :smile:

    As someone who has had an aneurysm rupture on her, please could you cite me a reliable source that actually says this so I can do some research on it?

    You are more than welcome to use Google, for example, to your avail as what sources I think are reliable may be ones that you feel are not reliable and I'm not looking into getting into a debate (should you disagree). :flowerforyou:

    Well, that is just it, I have not seen any so was hoping you could point me to them.

    Oh, really? That's unfortunate. Google alone has suggested over hundreds of thousands of results.. I'm sure you can find something should you be interested in finding reliable sources. Best of luck to you

    I did a search and didn't see an article about that. A link would be helpful.