Cougar's and MILF's



  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    The guy who pumps my gas looks like Taylor Lautner and I'm pretty sure he's over 21.

    Yes,I would consider being a cougar.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I've dated 13 years older than myself. It was veeerrrry fun. I don't really think that age had much to do with it though. Really it got in the way. Hard to date someone when they have a daughter old enough for you to date as well. But that's just a whole lotta nother kinky.

    You're gonna hate me for saying this though.. there is the problem with aging when the older ladies don't take care of themselves and start showing their age. It can become a problem.

    Recently I found a photo of the X-Girlfriend and whoa did she go downhill.

    See, there's a limit to how much a person can 'take care of herself'. Aging is inevitable. You can hold some things off for a good while (I read, **don't know if it's true**, that Demi Moore spends a stupid amount annually on laser tightening procedures), but things catch up at some point, even if you have a ton of money.

    Another reason (for me) to ixnay the younger dudes as far as serious commitment's concerned.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    It's one thing to marry a man with a good job. It's quite another for his $$ to be the main factor in your attraction and desire for him. it's one thing for a man to desire a woman who is physically attractive, quite another for her physical beauty to be the main reason he wants her. That is not love. If he loses his money, she's gone. If she gets old and loses her physical beauty, he's gonna be looking for someone new. These "arrangements" are as old as time, but they ARE prostitution. A woman should establish herself first, and choose a partner based on compatibility and love. If they make the decision TOGETHER that when kids come along, she will stay home and raise the children and live on one family income, that is a decision they make as a couple. For a woman to ASSUME that it's her "right" to have a man support her is ludicrous.

    What you described is what I think many of us are after, but love being the same as & contained in marriage is really really new, and that kind of love between equals is even newer, and yeah it definitely rests on access to opportunities as others have said. Making moral judgements about women with fewer opportunities is not cool. If you feel strongly about everyone being free, and able to have the kind of love you're talking about, a more effective use of energy is to support women's rights, both locally and internationally.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    Why 3 years?

    I'm personally not into huge gaps, but +/- 5-7 years is easy enough to bridge.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member

    So, if you want to hook up with an older woman go for it, just don't get attached and get your heart broken.

    And get all the money and gifts that you can :tongue:

    If a woman has to pay a young man to stick around..well..that's just pathetic! Same goes for older man/younger woman.

    The most common business arrangement in human history, some people like to add a marriage title to it (not saying all marriages are like that).

    Adding a marriage title to it doesn't make it less pathetic. The only reason arrangements like this happen is when the woman feels powerless to create the life she wants for HERSELF, so she compromises and sells herself to the highest bidder. Empowerd women with healthy self esteems do NOT do this. Men with strong sense of worth also do not do this. A real man wants a partner to share his life with, not just a piece of eye candy to show off so he can feel good about himself. If two consenting adults enter into and arrangement/marriage like this then so be it, but lets call it what it truly is...PROSTITUTION.

    I love it you just called out a lot of stay at home moms who chose to marry a man with a good job cause he can provide for her and the kids she wants to raise. Also men with a strong sense of worth tend to be alpha males and they are the biggest offenders cause they love trophy wives as it helps showcase their so called self worth. Not sure what you are using to define a real man or what constitutes one in your mind.

    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    It's one thing to marry a man with a good job. It's quite another for his $$ to be the main factor in your attraction and desire for him. it's one thing for a man to desire a woman who is physically attractive, quite another for her physical beauty to be the main reason he wants her. That is not love. If he loses his money, she's gone. If she gets old and loses her physical beauty, he's gonna be looking for someone new. These "arrangements" are as old as time, but they ARE prostitution. A woman should establish herself first, and choose a partner based on compatibility and love. If they make the decision TOGETHER that when kids come along, she will stay home and raise the children and live on one family income, that is a decision they make as a couple. For a woman to ASSUME that it's her "right" to have a man support her is ludicrous.

    Establishing herself that is well and dandy and possible in places like the US and other developed countries. Countries were you wake up and the sky is the limit and you can chase dreams. But for about 2 billion of the women of this planet that is not the case, their main objective is to survive and lead a decent life. So calling them prostitutes for playing the cards they were dealt is very harsh.

    I think it's more ludicrous to equate a woman who used her beauty and youth to land a well established husband who can take care of her, to a woman sadly due to circumstance is forced to use her youth and beauty to pleasure strangers on a street corner.

    If you are using your youth and beauty for moentary gain, that is the very definition of prostitution. In 3rd world countries that are patriarchal in nature and women are not permitted to work, then the woman has no choice. Sad, but true. But...yes, it's still prostitution.

    I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. Cause I can't bring myself to that cold view point of labeling that many women in the world as prostitutes. I have to much sympathy and some empathy to their disenfranchised situation from having done a lot of volunteer work with them. But I have to say it must be nice living in a sheltered world were you have such a clear cut of black and white judgement with no in between.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    Why 3 years?

    I'm personally not into huge gaps, but +/- 5-7 years is easy enough to bridge.

    random in the middle number between a freshman and a senior just to establish a level of closeness. I'm willing to entertain up to 7 years depending on the maturity and immaturity of the parties involved, but like I said outside that it becomes hard to meet the goals walldancer has set.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    Why 3 years?

    I'm personally not into huge gaps, but +/- 5-7 years is easy enough to bridge.

    random in the middle number between a freshman and a senior just to establish a level of closeness. I'm willing to entertain up to 7 years depending on the maturity and immaturity of the parties involved, but like I said outside that it becomes hard to meet the goals walldancer has set.

    I don't know... I'm not sure it's just about bodies & money outside of that, or maybe I think the exceptions you described can happen more often than you might think. Cohort issues can come up, for sure, and I think significantly older women take a greater risk with a bigger gap. Other than that, once people get to working, I think a lot of differences kind of even out, or can, sometimes. I do think life experience is important, though.

    Eh, I'm agreeing more than I'm disagreeing, probably, idk. I just know I'm not dating anyone 10 years younger.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member

    So, if you want to hook up with an older woman go for it, just don't get attached and get your heart broken.

    And get all the money and gifts that you can :tongue:

    If a woman has to pay a young man to stick around..well..that's just pathetic! Same goes for older man/younger woman.

    The most common business arrangement in human history, some people like to add a marriage title to it (not saying all marriages are like that).

    Adding a marriage title to it doesn't make it less pathetic. The only reason arrangements like this happen is when the woman feels powerless to create the life she wants for HERSELF, so she compromises and sells herself to the highest bidder. Empowerd women with healthy self esteems do NOT do this. Men with strong sense of worth also do not do this. A real man wants a partner to share his life with, not just a piece of eye candy to show off so he can feel good about himself. If two consenting adults enter into and arrangement/marriage like this then so be it, but lets call it what it truly is...PROSTITUTION.

    I love it you just called out a lot of stay at home moms who chose to marry a man with a good job cause he can provide for her and the kids she wants to raise. Also men with a strong sense of worth tend to be alpha males and they are the biggest offenders cause they love trophy wives as it helps showcase their so called self worth. Not sure what you are using to define a real man or what constitutes one in your mind.

    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    It's one thing to marry a man with a good job. It's quite another for his $$ to be the main factor in your attraction and desire for him. it's one thing for a man to desire a woman who is physically attractive, quite another for her physical beauty to be the main reason he wants her. That is not love. If he loses his money, she's gone. If she gets old and loses her physical beauty, he's gonna be looking for someone new. These "arrangements" are as old as time, but they ARE prostitution. A woman should establish herself first, and choose a partner based on compatibility and love. If they make the decision TOGETHER that when kids come along, she will stay home and raise the children and live on one family income, that is a decision they make as a couple. For a woman to ASSUME that it's her "right" to have a man support her is ludicrous.

    Establishing herself that is well and dandy and possible in places like the US and other developed countries. Countries were you wake up and the sky is the limit and you can chase dreams. But for about 2 billion of the women of this planet that is not the case, their main objective is to survive and lead a decent life. So calling them prostitutes for playing the cards they were dealt is very harsh.

    I think it's more ludicrous to equate a woman who used her beauty and youth to land a well established husband who can take care of her, to a woman sadly due to circumstance is forced to use her youth and beauty to pleasure strangers on a street corner.

    If you are using your youth and beauty for moentary gain, that is the very definition of prostitution. In 3rd world countries that are patriarchal in nature and women are not permitted to work, then the woman has no choice. Sad, but true. But...yes, it's still prostitution.
    and it is such a terrible thing because...?
    Models and actresses trade on looks. Accepting a drink in a bar is profitting from someone liking your looks.
    You say 'prostitution' as though it's something to look down on, but is it really? It's a hard world and everyone has to find a way to get by.
  • ethibodaux
    HELLZ NO. I'm in my late 20's and married a man that is about to turn 50. I could not even imagine dating a man my age or younger. I have some as friends, but I really love my older man :)
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112
    There seems to be a trend of older women going for younger guys, well in the UK at least.


    Or is it the media creating something that isn't there?

    Would you go for a younger guy?

    i'm pretty sure it's no trend. It's probably been going on for a loong time and just now has a name. :)

    And if it IS relatively recent, it might be that divorce is no longer as taboo as it once was(in many countries), so you see a lot more women in their 50's with guys in their 20's now. Personally I think men don't even begin to get interesting until into their 30's but to each their own. I'm still 'youngish' myself, but I'd prefer to date someone my age or older.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    Why 3 years?

    I'm personally not into huge gaps, but +/- 5-7 years is easy enough to bridge.

    random in the middle number between a freshman and a senior just to establish a level of closeness. I'm willing to entertain up to 7 years depending on the maturity and immaturity of the parties involved, but like I said outside that it becomes hard to meet the goals walldancer has set.

    I don't know... I'm not sure it's just about bodies & money outside of that, or maybe I think the exceptions you described can happen more often than you might think. Cohort issues can come up, for sure, and I think significantly older women take a greater risk with a bigger gap. Other than that, once people get to working, I think a lot of differences kind of even out, or can, sometimes. I do think life experience is important, though.

    Eh, I'm agreeing more than I'm disagreeing, probably, idk. I just know I'm not dating anyone 10 years younger.

    Life experience and shared passions, I covered that early in the discussion :-)

    But I understood what you meant kinda.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    Why 3 years?

    I'm personally not into huge gaps, but +/- 5-7 years is easy enough to bridge.

    random in the middle number between a freshman and a senior just to establish a level of closeness. I'm willing to entertain up to 7 years depending on the maturity and immaturity of the parties involved, but like I said outside that it becomes hard to meet the goals walldancer has set.

    I don't know... I'm not sure it's just about bodies & money outside of that, or maybe I think the exceptions you described can happen more often than you might think. Cohort issues can come up, for sure, and I think significantly older women take a greater risk with a bigger gap. Other than that, once people get to working, I think a lot of differences kind of even out, or can, sometimes. I do think life experience is important, though.

    Eh, I'm agreeing more than I'm disagreeing, probably, idk. I just know I'm not dating anyone 10 years younger.

    Life experience and shared passions, I covered that early in the discussion :-)

    But I understood what you meant kinda.

    Lol, that's good!

    And you did, you did, it's just a question of emphasis :)
  • asnnbrg
    asnnbrg Posts: 34 Member
    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    Why 3 years?

    I'm personally not into huge gaps, but +/- 5-7 years is easy enough to bridge.

    random in the middle number between a freshman and a senior just to establish a level of closeness. I'm willing to entertain up to 7 years depending on the maturity and immaturity of the parties involved, but like I said outside that it becomes hard to meet the goals walldancer has set.

    I don't know... I'm not sure it's just about bodies & money outside of that, or maybe I think the exceptions you described can happen more often than you might think. Cohort issues can come up, for sure, and I think significantly older women take a greater risk with a bigger gap. Other than that, once people get to working, I think a lot of differences kind of even out, or can, sometimes. I do think life experience is important, though.

    Eh, I'm agreeing more than I'm disagreeing, probably, idk. I just know I'm not dating anyone 10 years younger.

    How many of us really share life experiences with our partners, though (I'm genuinely curious here)? My husband and I have had two very different background -- almost diametrically opposed. I tend to think it's not so much about the shared background but the shared future: Do you share goals, beliefs, worldview, hopes, etc.? That's probably a stronger foundation for a marriage than just having similar pasts.

    But I'm mostly thinking out loud here.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    Why 3 years?

    I'm personally not into huge gaps, but +/- 5-7 years is easy enough to bridge.

    random in the middle number between a freshman and a senior just to establish a level of closeness. I'm willing to entertain up to 7 years depending on the maturity and immaturity of the parties involved, but like I said outside that it becomes hard to meet the goals walldancer has set.

    I don't know... I'm not sure it's just about bodies & money outside of that, or maybe I think the exceptions you described can happen more often than you might think. Cohort issues can come up, for sure, and I think significantly older women take a greater risk with a bigger gap. Other than that, once people get to working, I think a lot of differences kind of even out, or can, sometimes. I do think life experience is important, though.

    Eh, I'm agreeing more than I'm disagreeing, probably, idk. I just know I'm not dating anyone 10 years younger.

    How many of us really share life experiences with our partners, though (I'm genuinely curious here)? My husband and I have had two very different background -- almost diametrically opposed. I tend to think it's not so much about the shared background but the shared future: Do you share goals, beliefs, worldview, hopes, etc.? That's probably a stronger foundation for a marriage than just having similar pasts.

    But I'm mostly thinking out loud here.

    Well, I think if people are lucky in terms of compatibility viz a viz personality/temperament, and are emotionally skilled, sure, the effects of background can be minimized. I do think background informs beliefs and worldview (maybe not so much hopes and goals), but of course needn't be constraining - some people are more flexible than others (especially adaptable are those who've travelled a lot, or had broader experiences than might be typical).
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Maybe when I'm older I will go for a younger man :)
  • Trallarna
    Trallarna Posts: 45
    More flexibility now that's a reason to go for someone younger!

    I thought I should lighten things up.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    grrrrr :)
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    HELLZ NO. I'm in my late 20's and married a man that is about to turn 50. I could not even imagine dating a man my age or younger. I have some as friends, but I really love my older man :)

    Does he have a friend?
  • Trallarna
    Trallarna Posts: 45
    Are we talking finding life partner or educating some young hunk how to please a woman? or vice versa.

    I am happily married and have been for 22 years it does not mean I have no imagination, quite the opposite.