*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • Hello! I am in definite need of group support! My weight loss goal is 120 lbs and am essentially doing it on my own. It is so hard when there is still junk food in the house (as my family reminds me that this is "my thing" and not theirs. I keep reminding myself that weight loss and getting fit will only benefit me in the long run, but sometimes it is really hard to go to the gym - when all I want to do is sit on the couch with snacks and watch television - but I am getting there. I have lost 26 pounds since I started 6 weeks ago - and I have been much better about going to the gym. I am training to run in my first ever 5k - I know that I can do this. There is a fit person in me - she is just dying to get out. I just need an occasional kick in the pants to help keep me motivated.
  • uhohkerri
    uhohkerri Posts: 43
    So....after a truly horrible weekend and morning, at about 11am he picked hemel...which means he's not moving away, which means i now have to start the process of moving in with him. eek...

    Normal service will resume shortly...

    Don't do it unless you're sure! Or that's the advice I would have given my young self if only I could have done :wink:

    Sounds like he's a lucky guy though.
    Make sure you are ready for this it is a huge step it is about the same as getting married Ron is right he is lucky to have such a determined and wonderful woman like yourself. good luck and I hope it all works out.

    @legaleaglemom welcome to the group. feel free to check out any of the profiles we are all pretty much open. that goes for all the new ones that are joining in and be sure to come back.

    I have had bad couple of days everyone keeps telling me there is no way my new meds are messing with me after only 5 days but I don't believe it. it only takes a few minutes for you to show an allergic reaction to every other med in the world. and once something is in your system for 24 hours like an antibiotic the doc says your good so why would a phsyc med be any different I realize my body has to adjust but it is making me impatient and angry over little stuff where as before I was taking it I was doing good other then the fact I wasn't sleeping.
  • Hi,
    This is a nice little support group, mind if I join in? I've lost 20lb since joining MFP, but I lost another 20lb prior to that, have changed jobs and suffering from anxiety depression. I'm on the long road to recovery now, and looking forward tot he fight to lose the next 70lbs!!
  • uhohkerri
    uhohkerri Posts: 43
    This is a nice little support group, mind if I join in? I've lost 20lb since joining MFP, but I lost another 20lb prior to that, have changed jobs and suffering from anxiety depression. I'm on the long road to recovery now, and looking forward tot he fight to lose the next 70lbs!!
    hi I know how you feel I have bipolar type 2 so your not alone in your struggle, depression and mental disorders can play a huge factor in your battle just to stay sane not including the fight it causes while trying to lose and keep off weight
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    This is a nice little support group, mind if I join in? I've lost 20lb since joining MFP, but I lost another 20lb prior to that, have changed jobs and suffering from anxiety depression. I'm on the long road to recovery now, and looking forward tot he fight to lose the next 70lbs!!

    Welcome! I have a close relative who suffers from anxiety depression, panic attacks, etc, so I fully sympathise, it's a difficult road back, but hopefully the weight loss you WILL experience (or we'll send round the heavy......er light mob to sort you out!) will help to boost your confidence. Keep to or slightly below your MFP targets and weight loss is inevitable as I think we've all found out. I've only lost 23 lbs so far from what was an obese level but already I feel so much better, I'm able to wear clothes I last wore about a year ago, I can walk a lot further and don't get breathless any more..............it's all good though I have a hell of a long way to go to be where I want. However I am completely optimistic and have I feel changed my life around. You need a bit of that I think!
  • aly0221
    aly0221 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Alex. I've started up using MFP for a couple months now, to track what I eat and how much I exercise. I had started classes in the fall. Boy, did that screw up my eating and exercise. I gained some weight ( around 5-7 pounds) but I have acquired quite a few inches around my waist. I'm 19 weighing at 160, I haven't weighed this much in several years and I want to get back to my 150 in a couples weeks and then lose 25-30 pounds by the time May-June comes. I'm hoping I can get motivation from you guys to keep myself going and help light a flame under my butt when I get off track.

    Feel free to add me ????
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    @ron2e - I sure love your outlook. Congrats on the robe ... I had a similar experience at a recent trip to the spa (it was a reward). Last time I went, the robe provided was barely up to the task of covering the necessary parts. This past time? I didn't worry I was flashing people. I think the fit of the robe at the spa will be one of my new ways to measure progress! As I meet goals, I'll treat myself to a spa visit!

    As for the flare pants and hippy kaftans, be sure to post pics when you get to that part of your wardrobe!! :laugh:
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    Another little triumph this morning, my boss, who I report to but who I haven't seen physically since January, asked when I walked in if I'd lost weight!! Great boost for the ego and motivation. The first person who has noticed the weight loss other than family.
    Hurray! Love those moments!
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    I woke up this morning and at this point I don't feel like doing anything. but I just figured I would check in.
    So... report in. What did you do Saturday after you checked in? Hope your day got better! :smile:
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @ron – Thanks for the advice. I will use that strategy next time I have to dine out. I will likely have to eat something small beforehand though. For me, fasting = overeat! I just get too hungry. :( Great news that your boss noticed! That must have felt awesome!

    @steph – How are you doing?

    @jolande – Glad the eye is better!

    @midnightwillow – lol. For a moment there I read that as “Not breaking your husband, when you throw it at him.”

    @snickerskittycat – My motivation is health – physically, mentally, spiritually... I love it when the scale goes down or my inches decrease; I think we all do. But, I try to focus primarily on how I am feeling and progressing along the journey.

    @legaleaglemom – A 5k?! That's awesome! Keep up the great work! You've got this!

    @uhohkerri – Hmm... I once had a reaction to penicillin on the 3rd day. I guess maybe there were signs leading up to that, but nothing really noteworthy. Don't know anything about psych meds. Sorry.

    @captncanary – Welcome.

    For anyone I may have missed, I'll try to get you on the next round.

    My very short update: I am following up with the doctor tomorrow and hope to be able to finally get back to some real exercising. That is all. :p

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • Losin4Me83
    Losin4Me83 Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying to lose over 100 pounds as we speak. I look forward to my journey being a successful one. I'm glad to find other in the same boat as me. :)
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I am trying to lose over 100 pounds as we speak. I look forward to my journey being a successful one. I'm glad to find other in the same boat as me. :)

    You've come to the right place, welcome! I still have about 120-130 to lose (I'll know when I get there!) so yep, same boat :happy:
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I woke up this morning and at this point I don't feel like doing anything. but I just figured I would check in.

    You know, when you can say "I woke up this morning................" it's a whole lot better than the alternative! I might use that line of yours in a blues 12 bar :laugh:

    Hope you're feeling better today.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hey All,
    I've done a quick read through of the posts. Welcome to the new faces :) I'm around but haven't been here in the forum this week. Started back to work on Monday (there were tears, mine, not the baby's!) and after 2.5 days am now on Easter holidays. I must say it was nice to have adult conversations but at the end of the day I can't wait to get home to my little one.

    Haven't been tracking this week but scale shows no change either way (which is a bit of a relief!). Gym membership reactivates soon so am going to have to find a way to fit that in.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Hello! My name is Marsha and I am currently on a journey to be skinny...just as y'all are! I have been trying to lose weight for years...counting calories and exercising and doing all those things that I was told to do...but I was never successful. In November I went to an endocrinologist who changed my medicines around. He then referred me to a dietician, who I met with on December 27. With her assistance, I embarked on an eating plan that is balanced and portion controlled, and I am achieving weight loss!

    My journey will be long and tough and full of obstacles, I am sure. I worry about plateaus, as I have encountered a couple of them already. Fortunately, my determination has helped me to overcome them so far.

    It is difficult for me to find time to exercise, as I work full time and am going to school for my MBA. I have been able to manage at least 3-4 hours a week. I am currently signed up to run two 5k's...but my biggest fear is coming in last!

    Since re-acquainting myself with MFP, I have lost 20 pounds...just 92.5 to go!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hello ya'll :) I've been skimming over the 6 pages of posts here, and you all sound like wonderful supportive people, and I would love to be a part of this group!
    I have approximately 125 lbs to lose at this point. Today is day 75 that I've been logging on MFP. In that time I've lost 24 lbs. Mostly I have been self motivated, but I'm at this point where I have been twice before where I have lost a significant chunk of weight and then SOMETHING happens (medical, emotional) and I get off track and gain all the weight plus some back. I kind of feel like I'm living with a very large shoe hovering over me waiting to stomp on my success. But gosh dang it, I need to keep pushing! So I guess that's why I'm here posting to this thread.
    I'm on MFP every day during work (I work from home :happy: ) So I will likely be on here a lot, and I want to give support as well at get it!
  • uhohkerri
    uhohkerri Posts: 43
    I woke up this morning and at this point I don't feel like doing anything. but I just figured I would check in.
    So... report in. What did you do Saturday after you checked in? Hope your day got better! :smile:
    went for a solo jog then basically sit in my room away from my husband, can't avoid the kids though they need me. kind of just took a day off I guess. haven't been exactly a lively person the last couple of days every one keeps asking me if I have lost weight but I haven't that I know of no scale at home so I don't really know. I don't feel that I have but dealing with a lot of stress right now. but I checked in so.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    went for a solo jog then basically sit in my room away from my husband, can't avoid the kids though they need me. kind of just took a day off I guess. haven't been exactly a lively person the last couple of days every one keeps asking me if I have lost weight but I haven't that I know of no scale at home so I don't really know. I don't feel that I have but dealing with a lot of stress right now. but I checked in so.

    Honey, take it easy, it's never as bad as you think it is. Chill and let the stress flow over and out of you, no-one needs stress. You're doing this for yourself, right? It's you that matters, yes the kids are important and they need you, but this is about you. And if you need a day off, why shouldn't you take one, there are no rules, no one is forcing you to do anything. Make your own timetable, you will succeed, trying to follow someone else's and you will fail. Keep checking in and if you need any support in any way, just say the word, we're with you all the way.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I've been on a really good losing streak, until this week. I gained back 1.5 lbs, and it's really frustrating me. I was a retreat last weekend, and wasn't able to track food, but it was mostly healthy, and I did get in a couple workouts, so I'm just not understanding the gain. It's not TOM. Maybe too much sodium, haven't really been tracking that. At this point I realize I'm not going to reach my monthly goals I've set for myself, and that is frustrating too.
    On a positive note, I have been noticing that I may need to move down another size in my pants. I'm getting tired of doing the hitch'em up shimmy all the time! lol I guess going down 2 pants sizes in 2.5 months is really a good thing, and I should just not worry about that pound & a half. It will get gone soon enough.

    *Kerri, I hope you are doing better today. Stress is tough.

    *Ron, you seem like a really nice supportive guy :smile: I've seen your posts on other threads (I'm a bit of a lurker), and was happy to see you on this one.

    *Nikki, definitely find time to get your workouts in. I try to use my lunch break as workout time on days I work (I usually go for a short run), I work from home, so that is fairly easy for me, I don't have to worry about being at work all sweaty in my workout clothes... lol. Don't get discouraged, I have done the same as you, lost a chunk, and then it all comes back. I'm at the point where in the past it would all come back, and I am a little scared it's going to. So I'll hang in there with ya! We can beat it!

    *Sharon, welcome, from another newbie. I'm 5'2", and hoping for 130 as my goal weight. But, I don't think my bone structure is small. In fact, probably big. Anyway, just want to encourage you, get to a place where you're comfortable & happy. If 105 is it, great!

    *Legalealglemom, how is the 5k training going? My goal for April is to do C25K, getting excited about that.

    The rest of you, keep up the good work! I'll check in again soon :bigsmile:
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Losin4Me83 - Welcome. :)

    @Stephaniezoundi - How's the transition going?

    @mjharman - Welcome. So glad you got some help and are now achieving success! As for the 5Ks, as long as you do your best, that's all that matters! Strive to be your personal best, not someone else's.

    @megblackburn - Welcome. Weight can fluctuate fo rmany reasons - sodium, stress, hormones, muscle gain.... I wouldn't sweat the scale. Focus on being healhty. The rest will follow.

    @ron2e - Here, here! Well said.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Happy Easter!