Ladies 5"7 (or near there)-- what are your goals ?



  • lunchgirlie
    lunchgirlie Posts: 114 Member
    30 Years old
    SW: 240
    CW: 234
    GW: 145 (I think this actually might be a bit light for my body.

    Other 5'7''ers, please feel free to add me!
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    45 years old
    5' 6"

    SW - 248lbs
    CW - 192lbs

    Goal? A healthy BMI !

    Not so worried about the actual weight as the more important thing is how I feel and if my weight is in the healthy zone.
  • jnr1
    jnr1 Posts: 9 Member
    37 years old


    Feel free to add me for motivation.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    28 yrs old
    5'7 (and a half lol)

    SW 307
    CW 282
    GW 165

    I dont know if I have a large frame or not (not sure how to describe the term) but I have wide hips (that I love) and big butt (that I love) and big boobs (that my hubby loves) and I love my curvy figure...whenever I was under 160, I looked too thin for my taste. I figured that I would see how I look/feel around 175 and then move from there...I don't think I'll go lower than 165 though
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 215-220lbs
    CW: 167
    GW: 130-150 (whatever feels right)

    I have an hourglass shape that is slowly turning into a pear shape the more weight I lose :( but once I lose more and lose wide calves and thunder thighs I'll be back to the hourglass. I worry that 130 will look too skinny, but I do want to hit 150lbs. After that, I'll stop when I'm comfortable and happy.
  • Age: 24 years old
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 182ish lbs
    CW: 175.6 (weighed myself today!)
    GW: 120-127 (depending on what feels right!)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi I'm new so don't know what all the cw and gw stuff means..but im5'7 and weigh 153. I need to loose about 25 lbs
  • jenb673
    jenb673 Posts: 1 Member
    Age 39
    Height 5'6"
    S.W. 260 (Jan. 2013)
    C.W. 238 (today)
    G.W. 150-160 (for now)

    I mainly want to feel good and be healthier! On a side note by changing my eating habits my family has benefited as well. My husband and daughter have both lost some weight. :smile:
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Hi I'm new so don't know what all the cw and gw stuff means..but im5'7 and weigh 153. I need to loose about 25 lbs

    CW= current weight
    SW= starting weight
    GW= goal weight
  • missability
    missability Posts: 223
    Age: 50
    Started MFP on January 1, 2013
    SW: 280.4
    CW: 248.2
    GW: 145 OR size 8 bottoms, and small tops, which ever comes first:)
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 250
    CW: 181.3
    GW: 160
    Dream Wt: 150 (had to add it!)

    Please feel free to add me!!
  • bushel
    bushel Posts: 8 Member
    This is soooo great at your young age that you're not putting off losing weight. I wish I'd cared more when I was younger. But it's never too late! I have a 40 year old daughter in law that runs 10 K's and marathons along with all her other aerobic and strength exercises, and she's 5'8" and I'm guessing here--about 145 lbs. And she looks terrific!! I'm 5'7" and my goal is 160 and I will be 70 this fall. SW was 276, CW is 225, and my intermediate goal is to be under 200 by my birthday. I'm back to exercising regularly now after my knee replacement last summer.
    So, stick with it. You'll just love living a healthy life through your 30's, 40's, and beyond. What won't you be able to do! Lucky you!
  • bushel
    bushel Posts: 8 Member
    It can be done! Keep can meet or beat your goal like I did.
    Starting Weight=155 (1/1/2012)
    Original Goal=128 (6/18/2012)
    Current Weight=122 (9/3/2012) w/ fluctuations between 118 & 124 since meeting goal
    New Goal=stay <125 forever

    Your weight seems too low to me. I was that weight at an age of 25, but I had no muscle. I just ate way less to get to that weight. Within a few years I started gaining. If I had exercised--especially strength training--I bet I would have gained muscle up to a weight of 140. That is realistic. Are you doing any strength training? Please do.
  • Blueyedtine
    Blueyedtine Posts: 52 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm 5'8

    SW: 206
    CW: 177
    GW: 150

    Feel free to add me! We can do this :)
  • bushel
    bushel Posts: 8 Member
    45 years old
    5' 6"

    SW - 248lbs
    CW - 192lbs

    Goal? A healthy BMI !

    Not so worried about the actual weight as the more important thing is how I feel and if my weight is in the healthy zone.

    You are so right! Thanks for reminding all of us.
  • lleesmann
    lleesmann Posts: 41
    5' 6.5"
    SW: 178
    CW: 176
    GW: 145-150

    I'm a dancer and training for my first 1/2 marathon in October. People never believe me when I say how much I weigh - either they're being nice or I hide it much better than I think I do. Either way, I want to feel healthy and like how I look again. Anyone can add me.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    21 years old
    SW 210
    CW 158
    GW Undetermined

    Current body fat % 29.9
    Goal body fat % 25

    I want to get rid of the lingering fat on the inside of my thighs and my belly fat.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Hey there!

    I'm 5'6", so almost there, haha! Here are my stats.

    SW: 203
    CW: 190
    GW: 140

    But the GW is flexible. Really, I just want to get to a happy place looking in the mirror. :)
  • sjacks14
    sjacks14 Posts: 68 Member
    34yrs old

    5ft 6.5in
    SW: 166
    CW: 152
    GW: 150
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Hey there!

    I'm 5'6", so almost there, haha! Here are my stats.

    SW: 203
    CW: 190
    GW: 140

    But the GW is flexible. Really, I just want to get to a happy place looking in the mirror. :)

    Oh, and 19, turning 20 in June :D