Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    tstout...... -0.6............ .006%
    Jess........- 0.0.............0%
    littlespy... +0.6............0%
    cogirl....... -0.5 ...........0.2%

    Ok.. It may only be .5 lb this week. But, my goal was to just maintain with camping. And after coming back 4lbs heavier.. I am pleased as can be!

    Mama said to tell everyone hello and that she really felt bad about leaving like she did. However, it was something she just had to do right now and she hopes everyone understands

    I just got inside from doing some gardening this morning before it gets hot! My yard has suffered this past couple weeks with everything going on! Any way.. now on to c25k w8d2.

  • Woo for everyones weight loss! I don't have a scale up here in the boonies, so I have no idea if I have lost or gained...I'm back home for good on Tuesday so I will check then. I must be doing something right, because I went in to Reitmans yesterday and bought a Large shirt :noway: So I guess that means things are good.

    I'm just worried about going back home. I've been on a 2 month teaching job about 4 hours away from home. I've been good with food and stuff. but my fiancee is the worst influence. He's the order pizza sit around kind of guy. I keep trying to get him on board..but it's hard. And I know he doesn't mean to sabotage...I'm just worried.

    I keep hearing people talking about this "Insanity." What the heck is that?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    tstout.... -0.6.... .006%

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woo for everyones weight loss! I don't have a scale up here in the boonies, so I have no idea if I have lost or gained...I'm back home for good on Tuesday so I will check then. I must be doing something right, because I went in to Reitmans yesterday and bought a Large shirt :noway: So I guess that means things are good.

    I'm just worried about going back home. I've been on a 2 month teaching job about 4 hours away from home. I've been good with food and stuff. but my fiancee is the worst influence. He's the order pizza sit around kind of guy. I keep trying to get him on board..but it's hard. And I know he doesn't mean to sabotage...I'm just worried.

    I keep hearing people talking about this "Insanity." What the heck is that?

    Insanity is a workout program. I haven't really looked into it -- expensive and probably way over my head. That would be something I look into doing to get the last 10-15 pounds off. :tongue:

    My husband is the same as your fiance. He is slowly slowly slowly getting on board *very* gradually and I've been at it for nearly 10 months. One instance in particular stands out in my mind -- One night last November he actually sat on the couch and ate a HUGE piece of chocolate cake while he watched me run on the treadmill. No, I'm not exaggerating at all. :laugh:

    He lost and is keeping off about 25 pounds since I started cooking healthier & we stopped keeping sugary sodas in the house without even trying (:grumble:). He probably only weighs about 10-15 pounds more now than he did when we started dating 4 years ago (I weigh 35 pounds *less* than I did, WOOT!) I'm trying to convince him to join my gym because he keeps talking about how he "is going to start working out" and I'm tired of hearing him say that. He's been saying it for almost a year now. I was the one rolling my eyes at him last July when he said he "was going to start running again." Now I love running (I have absolutely hated it my entire life) and he's still in "going to start again" mode. :laugh:

    He's definitely doing better though. I see him making conscious decisions to choose healthier foods. And now I have so much practice and confidence in my food choices that me eating one cookie while he eats 5 doesn't even bother me. Or me eating 2 slices of pizza while he eats 4 is a non-issue. He's a man, he's 7 inches taller than me, he's only about 15-20 pounds over his ideal weight (whereas I'd say I have at least 40-50 more to lose) and he *NEEDS* more food than I do. That's life and I've gotten over it. :tongue:

    Last night he was suggesting awful things for dinner. He was lingering on the thought of Chinese food (and no, I can't order healthy from a Chinese place. I'd rather just eat whatever I want occasionally). So I said "Look, I married you -- You got me! You don't have to keep me fat anymore!" :laugh: I won -- we had lean london broil, steamed broccoli, and sweet potatoes for dinner.
    You'll do fine. :smile:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    tstout...... -0.6 = .006%
    pos_me..-6.0 = -2.87%
    Jess........- 0.0 = 0%
    lildebbie..-5.3 = -1.95%
    littlespy... +0.0 = 0%
    cogirl....... -0.5 = 0.2%
    blue ........ -4.0 = 0.98%

    It wasn't quite threederville (400.5) but I'll take it! I was gonna give you all some advice and say NOT to eat a baked potato plus a cup of Fiber One at 2:00am, but seeing the scale this morning, I retract! Just maybe not at 2:00am - my tummy hurts! :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hey all,

    Congrats to our losers!!! Big numbers this week for Pos_Me and LilDeb!! And way to go for tstout and cogirl. Every little bit counts.

    I'm taking my weight from Tuesday, when I was up 2.4 lbs. I may have shed some of this, but I certainly haven't been working very hard to get it down. No exercise and I've been over on cals every day this week. I guess it's a "eh" funk, where I'm just kind of skating through and thinking about what I'm eating (no major binges), but not really putting in effort. It's been like 90 degrees here all week (yes Texans, I know this is small potatoes, but in NYC, that's HOT!) and I think that's kind of zapped my energy.

    tstout...... -0.6............ .006%
    Jess........- 0.0.............0%
    littlespy... +0.6............0%
    cogirl....... -0.5 ...........0.2%
    blue ........ -4.0 = 0.98%

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - 1272, under by about 100 w/exercise
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 45 min walk to/from Costco and grocery store
    Proud - I'm finally UNDER my calories this week!

    The trip to Costco and the grocery store was to buy ingredients for this cook-off I'm competing in this weekend. It's a grits competition and a friend and I are will be competing with 29 other cooks. We're making jalapeno cheese gritcakes, topped with red peper jelly, pulled pork, and a pickled jalapeno. We'll spend all afternoon tomorrow making grits and the jelly. The pork is currently marinating and will cook overnight. Then on Sunday, we'll take all our stuff to the competition and serve 300 people. I've had mutliple moments of, "What the heck was I thinking?!?!" But I'm also pretty excited and think it should be a lot of fun.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    tstout...... -0.6 = .006%
    pos_me..-6.0 = -2.87%
    Jess........- 0.0 = 0%
    lildebbie..-5.3 = -1.95%
    littlespy... +0.0 = 0%
    cogirl....... -0.5 = 0.2%
    blue ........ -4.0 = 0.98%
    elmox...... +2.4 = 0%

    We posted at the same time!

    edit: Oh wait, how did I get in your post? :noway:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Blue, I am fancy and noticed! Then I edited mine to inculde your AWESOME loss.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    tstout...... -0.6 = .006%
    pos_me..-6.0 = -2.87%
    Jess........- 0.0 = 0%
    lildebbie..-5.3 = -1.95%
    littlespy... +0.0 = 0%
    cogirl....... -0.5 = 0.2%
    blue ........ -4.0 = 0.98%
    elmox...... +2.4 = 0%
    heathermn...0 = 0%
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    So, here is what a 50lbs loss and 1 year look like.. (I really did not try to start loosing weight until October) To be quite honest, I really don't see the difference I thought I would. I suppose some of that has to do with my height and being able to distribute it easier. I guess I will just have to work harder on these next 50lbs

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, congrats to those of you who rocked the weigh-in this week! I didn't have a change (still 4 lbs. up from last week), but I was down that pound yesterday and then it was back this morning. I'm going to say that even though TOM has left the body, the bloating is still there a bit AND I have sore muscles retaining fluid. I'm going to wait until next week's weigh in to change my ticker because it's a liar ticker right now. If I'm not back to 190 by next Friday, I reset the ticker to be accurate but until then, I'm giving myself another week to re-lose the gained weight.

    Cris and Jess: Congrats on being back in onederville!

    tstout: Glad things are starting to look up for you, starting with the car repairs. The mental image of you doing a tuck and roll in front of the church made me giggle.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 525 calorie deficit
    Sodium: over by 1312 (sloppy, sloppy joes)
    Water: 64 oz! Yay, it's been a while since I've managed this!
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred, Level 1 followed by Slim & Limber stretching video
    Proud: That I WANTED to exercise even my muscles were still a bit sore AND I stayed within calories AND drank all my water. It was a big day of wins!

    I'm going to try to be very conscious of what I eat while camping this weekend. The main staple of the diet is going to be brats and chips, but I've planned ahead and if I maintain the portion controls, I'll stay within calories but go over on sodium (inevitable, isn't it?). We're staying in a park that has a lot of opportunity for activity (paved trails, swimming beach, canoe rentals, monkey bars for pullups, etc) as long as the weather cooperates, even though we're supposed to have scattered storms/showers all weekend.

    How weird is it that I can't wait until Monday night when I can do another 30 Day Shred workout?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    COgirl: You may not see the difference, but I sure do! You're a wonderful inspiration!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    colorodo - I definitely can tell the difference!!

    Blu - WTG on the 4 lbs and almost getting to the 300's..you will next weekend it will be with a big bang !!!!

    Hubby keeps saying we need to put some more pics up (here and facebook), my pic here is 30lbs ago and on facebook like 22 lbs ago...we are going to try and take some pics this weekend, haven't taken any (minus my monthly progress pictures, but those are just for that purpose :smile: my hair all frizzy and stuff).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    CoGirl - Are you kidding me?!?!?! You can totally see the difference and you look amazing!! Be proud of what you have accomplished. You look fantastic and there are so many places I see the loss - your face, your legs, your chest, your arms...well, EVERYWHERE!!
  • colorodo you look amazing! I can definately see a HUGE difference from picture to picture. It looks like you've lost the pounds and a ton of inches. Keep it up!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris and Jess: Congrats on being back in onederville!

    Girl I wish I was in onderville! But soon! I think you maybe meant Julie? And POS me is so close! Have lots of fun camping this weekend. Hope the weather permits.

    Co Girl-Of Course I can't see the pic at work but I most definitely will look tonight!

    Blue-You will see that 399 mark soon! I know it. I see it in your furure my weight loss pants sister!

    Elmox-90's are HOT when you aren't used to it. I know when I use to go visit Wisconsin nobody had central air conditioning. Just the window units. It was brutal! Do you at least have central air where you are at?! I sure hope so!

    So I found out we are going to Applebees tonight for dinner. Holy sodium! It may be less then 500 calories but it's like 1910 in sodium..the dish I want anyways. Holy smokes!! Shesh! I know LilDebbie eats there a lot. What do you normally get?

    I know there were others I was going to comment on but I forgot what I was going to say. OOPS!! I'll go back and edit.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - We are actually going tomorrow night :smile: for our date ...mom is watching the girls ..yay!!! i don't remember the sodium on them, but i have gotten the salad, one has like apples in it, it is pretty good. They have that steak with potatoes and veggies, aint to bad...I like applebees had like all the nutrional info on everything they have...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess - We are actually going tomorrow night :smile: for our date ...mom is watching the girls ..yay!!! i don't remember the sodium on them, but i have gotten the salad, one has like apples in it, it is pretty good. They have that steak with potatoes and veggies, aint to bad...I like applebees had like all the nutrional info on everything they have...
    I'm really looking at these shrimp dishes. They look so yummy but so sodium filled. Guess I could drown myself in water for the enxt 3 days. Have fun on your date night! Take pics of the "newer" you!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess -Thanks :smile: This is our date night , going to applebees going and working out , hot tub/swimming, come home sit on the couch in the peace and quiet and watch a movie..then get up on sun morning (not by a 3 yr old), eat breakfast and go to spin class...oh how times have changed...

    I don't eat seafood, so i never get the shrimp, but my sister had gotten the one that says like lower cals and said it was pretty good.
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