Weight loss pills recommendation!



  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    I have my own fat burning stack: omega-3, CLA, L-Carnitine, and green tea extract taken 3x a day plus caffeine tablet (if no PWO) once a day.
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 595 Member
    This isn't a popular option on here but I'm taking phentermine. My doctor put me on it to shrink my stomach and give me the energy to work out. It has helped me with both. I am craving healthy foods now and I while I still drink a couple diet cokes a day, it's nothing like my addiction I had before when I was drinking 8-10 per day. I'm eating very healthy and exercising. The pills dont make me lose weight, they assist me by controlling my hunger, giving me a little extra energy and eliminating my cravings for sweets. I lost 24 pounds my first month and went down 1 size. I never feel deprived.

    I am fortunate I don't have any major or serious side effects. It can raise your blood pressure but my doctor has insisted I come in to get checked out monthy and so far mine is still good. You have to be realitively healthy, although overweight to get them. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes and some other health issues it isn't a safe drug.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    No matter what you take, if your diet is full of **** food and you don't move your *kitten* daily, no pill is going to help you.
  • SneakyWaff1es
    SneakyWaff1es Posts: 51 Member
    I've used the ECA stack (Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin) multiple times when dieting down. That used to be the primary ingredients in all the major "fat-burners" on the market.

    I've also NOT used it multiple times when dieting...

    In all honesty, for ME using the stack mounts to a *slight* increase in energy and I tend to lose about an extra 1lb a week - mostly because the extra energy helps boost my workout - causing me to work out more then when NOT using it.

    Others I know that use it have mentioned benefits of reduced appetite in addition to the slight addition of energy.

    Using the ECA stack without proper diet or exercise is useless, imho. Even with it, it's got very limited benefits.

    Thank you for suggesting an ECA stack. <3

    The Aspirin is unnecessary which is why I cut the 'A' off of it when I suggested it earlier. It's really the only thing that elevates your metabolism a meaningful amount.
  • I would like to chime in here.
    Approximately 7 years ago I quit smoking. And when I did that...I gained 35 pounds. So I was 125 when I quit...add 35 pounds that equals 160 pounds. I am 5'6" tall and I was 36 years old. I weighed 160 pounds when I gave birth to both of my kids. I was 22 and 27 when I had both of my kids. So to be 36 and weigh 160...no way was I going to weigh 160 pounds unless I was pregnant again....and I wasn't. So this was unacceptable!!
    I tried diet after diet...and nothing seemed to help me lose weight. Oh sure I would exercise....but 20 minutes on the treadmill....a Wii workout....lifted a few weights....went for walks around the neighborhood. Nothing real major though.
    So I heard about the diet pill named Phentermine, So I went to a Dr. here in my town who will give them to a person who needs them. I justified taking the pills by saying they were coming from a Dr. So they must be safe. I was given my first bottle of Phentermine weight loss pills. My mouth got very dry....I had major trouble sleeping at night,..every once in a while I could feel a flutter in my heart.....and it sure did suppress my appetite. I didn't hardly eat at all. I do remember a few days when I thought....geesh, when was the last time I ate. And I drank diet coke after diet coke.
    I lost 22 pounds in 4 months. and I was $400.00 poorer...they cost $100.00 a bottle. But I felt really good about myself. I could fit into jeans I couldn't fit into for a very long time.
    I had hit my goal weight....so now it was time to get off the pills. So I did. And I gained all of that weight back within 6-10 months. So I tried the pills again...but this time they didn't work as good. They didn't suppress my appetite like they did the first time. So I had NO choice but to try on my own to lose weight.
    So now here I am 3 years later....weighing 153 pounds. Wishing I was 140. I am trying like hell to get there. I have been very strict in my eating....and working out like crazy. I have only lost 5 pounds in 2 months....but I hear that losing it slowly is better than losing it fast.
    So...please don't waste your time with Phentermine or any other diet pills. Cause once you go off of them....you will gain the weight back. And as much as you say you wont....you will. I guarantee it. I got lucky and nothing happened to my health due to the pills....but I have heard of others who have damaged their heart cause of them.
    Whoever reads this....Please dont take the Diet Pills. They are a waste of time and money. Sure its a quick fix....but you will gain the weight back.,..and then some.
  • kelooki
    kelooki Posts: 22
    Do what is right to help you but do not misuse diet pills.

    They are a tool used to aid people in restructuring their diet (diet as in eating every day). Learn from the usage of the pills and continue to eat in a moderately healthy way after their use.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    I take Alieve or Advil. They aren't actual diet pills but when I've overdone it running/lifting/whatever I don't pay as dearly for my enthusiasm .

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I've used the ECA stack (Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin) multiple times when dieting down. That used to be the primary ingredients in all the major "fat-burners" on the market.

    I've also NOT used it multiple times when dieting...

    In all honesty, for ME using the stack mounts to a *slight* increase in energy and I tend to lose about an extra 1lb a week - mostly because the extra energy helps boost my workout - causing me to work out more then when NOT using it.

    Others I know that use it have mentioned benefits of reduced appetite in addition to the slight addition of energy.

    Using the ECA stack without proper diet or exercise is useless, imho. Even with it, it's got very limited benefits.

    Thank you for suggesting an ECA stack. <3

    The Aspirin is unnecessary which is why I cut the 'A' off of it when I suggested it earlier. It's really the only thing that elevates your metabolism a meaningful amount.

    The only semi-legal thing, anyway.
  • My brother in law.. swears by the raspberry ketones.. I personally do not recommend any of that stuff. I want to do this on my own with out the help of supplements....
    girl read my mind!!
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    Please help otherwise I'll be buying a waste of time xz

  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've used the ECA stack (Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin) multiple times when dieting down. That used to be the primary ingredients in all the major "fat-burners" on the market.

    I've also NOT used it multiple times when dieting...

    In all honesty, for ME using the stack mounts to a *slight* increase in energy and I tend to lose about an extra 1lb a week - mostly because the extra energy helps boost my workout - causing me to work out more then when NOT using it.

    Others I know that use it have mentioned benefits of reduced appetite in addition to the slight addition of energy.

    Using the ECA stack without proper diet or exercise is useless, imho. Even with it, it's got very limited benefits.

    Thank you for suggesting an ECA stack. <3

    The Aspirin is unnecessary which is why I cut the 'A' off of it when I suggested it earlier. It's really the only thing that elevates your metabolism a meaningful amount.
    Aspirin gives it no more thermogenic effect, nor does it do anything re: appetite suppression, however independent testing has shown it increases the duration of the thermogenic effect. As such using aspirin as part of the stack does improve it's overall benefit.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    My anti-depressants. Who knew depression was such a huge factor in weight gain and lack of motivation.

    Not a pill, but try babysitting once a week, the running around after children is great for weight loss.
  • lynn413
    lynn413 Posts: 40
    I have tried all sorts of diet pills in the past and let me tell you....They DO NOT work! So save your money.

    I have heard that drinking 3 cups of green tea a day is suppose to help. Thats if you can stand the taste of it which I cannot.

    I agree with the protein and watching what your eating. And of course....exercise. For me also my MFP friends have helped me with their support and of course my family. It's encouraging when you have the support of friends and family.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Sugar pills. One a day, in addition to maintaining a caloric deficit and exercising will do wonders for healthy sustainable weight loss.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I take Alieve or Advil. They aren't actual diet pills but when I've overdone it running/lifting/whatever I don't pay as dearly for my enthusiasm .


    Thank you
  • maryj179
    maryj179 Posts: 2 Member
    check out dynamaxx.com
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Not a pill exactly, but cigarettes always did it for me!! Best appetite suppressant EVAH!!!!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    eat in a deficit and work out ...

    problem solved..

    end thread...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Uh oh... Just wait for all the anti-diet pill responses, not saying I blame them but I know you are just looking for a general answer (and you understand exercise and healthy eating).

    Look into natural SUPPLEMENTS.. green tea extract w/ caffeine work nicely for some to suppress appetite and increase metabolism, Conjugated lineolic acid is nice to add if you have a lot of fat to lose (so let's say you are 40% body fat) - I've liked CLA cause it's worked for me before Dr. Oz mentioned it on TV.

    And if anyone says blah blah green tea (for example) is a waste of money.. go check out Bodybuilding.com where thousands use natural supplements and get great results. If you want to spend the money, go for it. If you don't, don't. Ignore those who will respond with ignorant posts e.g. It's a waste of money.

    yea but is it the supplements or the constant work with weights and attention to diet that gets great results..I will go with the later...just saying...oh and i still love dixie whiskey lol :)