April Weight Loss Challenge

Last month I did the Lost 5 lbs in March group. I really enjoyed it and it really helped me. I haven't seen any groups started up yet for April and April 1st is Monday. So I'm going to attemp to start one. Anyone is welcome to join and you can set your own goal for April here.Just come back every week and check in and let everyone know how you're doing with your April goal.

GW for April:

How do you plan to achieve your personal goal?

General Weigh in dates, feel free to change to whatever days work best for you-

Good luck everyone :drinker:


  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    I want to join please add me.
    I really enjoyed the March challenge too and was hoping to find an April challenge. The March one kept me on track wanted to loose 5 pounds in March and actually lost 6.75 I was so excited.
    Good luck to you and everyone that joins
    See you guys here again on Friday WOO HOO
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Sounds great, I'm in, thanks!
  • simone2060
    simone2060 Posts: 13 Member
    SW: 234
    CW: 223
    GW for April: 218
    UGW: 130

    How do you plan to achieve your personal goal? I have been faithfully logging into MFP and working out almost every day. I'm trying to make my weight loss easy to maintain. So far, I feel as though I have lost this weight without a lot of effort. I'm enjoying the journey!
  • <---Newbie
    What is sw,cw,gw, and ugw?

    And I want to join sounds like fun. I will cut soda/energy drink 6 days of the week....and exercise at least 5 of the 7 :) I will also log onto mfp everyday!
  • PaliDNAnge
    PaliDNAnge Posts: 81 Member
    Katie, I'm new too, but I think
    sw = sstarting weight
    cw = current weight
    gw = goal weight (for April)
    ugw = ultimate goal weight

    Having said that, I'm up to try this group. =)

    SW = 291
    CW = 261
    GW = 251
    UGW = 150

    How to achieve goal? Do more strength training. Try new workouts (waiting for some belly dancing DVDs to come in the mail). Eat more. I've noticed the last 2-3 weeks I've been eating less than 1200 calories. Can't seem to help it with the timing of my meals, and I haven't been hungry to force myself to eat those extra 100-200 calories. As a result, I think I've hit a plateau this week. So here's hoping eating more will get me back on track! =)
  • sunbeat
    sunbeat Posts: 15 Member
    I also did enjoy the March thread, so let's go :)

    SW: 64 kg (141.1) Nov 2012
    CW: 62 kg (136.7)
    GW for April: 60 kg (132.3)
    UGW: 55 kg (121.3)

    Weigh in dates:
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    SW: 156
    CW: 152
    GW: 145 (for April)
    UGW: 115

    I've just started the 5:2 diet, I'm like 4 days in. I'm also hoping to find a workout routine that suits me.
  • SW:183
    GW for April:163
    UGW: 150

    Good Luck!
  • HollyColeman91413
    HollyColeman91413 Posts: 78 Member
    i totally enjoyed the march challenge. im so up for this one!

    sw: 395
    gw for april: 367
    ugw: 150
  • cariad920
    cariad920 Posts: 9 Member
    Please count me in! I've wanted to join previous months but for some reason never have so here I am lol.

    cw: 219
    gw for April: 210

    How I hope to reach my goal for April: I'll cut out diet soda for 5 days a week until I can go without completely; drink loads of water; log on mfp every day; start working with my PT
  • suki_j
    suki_j Posts: 27 Member
    SW: 150
    CW: 150
    GW for April: 142
    UGW: 130

    I joined the gym two weeks ago after I quit smoking, and I've been trying to go for at least 45 minutes 5 times a week. Hopefully that will get me to my goal weight!
  • cherub159
    cherub159 Posts: 7 Member
    Right, haven't been on MFP for a while. I need to get back into it as Winter and Uni are going to creep up on me!

    CW: 66.1 KG
    Eventual GW: 55kg
    April GW: 62.5

    How will I do this:
    1. Better portion control
    2. Stop eating when full
    3. Snack only when actually HUNGRY - then on healthy choices
    4. Avoid late night binges (mainly when we people at the hostel decide to have late night pizza, chips, chocolate which I cannot resist!

    I think I need to ask myself "Do you really need this?"

    Fingers crossed this is the motivation I need!
  • suki_j
    suki_j Posts: 27 Member
    What is sw,cw,gw, and ugw?

    And I want to join sounds like fun. I will cut soda/energy drink 6 days of the week....and exercise at least 5 of the 7 :) I will also log onto mfp everyday!

    sw = starting weight
    cw = current weight
    gw = goal weight (for april)
    ugw = ultimate goal weight
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Love this idea! By writing my goals here and checking in weekly I feel more accountable.

    SW: 193
    CW: 184.8
    GW for April: 178
    UGW: 150

    How do you plan to achieve your personal goal?
    I plan to continue doing what I'm doing - eating well and staying within my calorie goal. I also plan to take my exercise up a notch by starting the 30 Day Shred on Monday because I am out of town until then.
    Best of luck to you all in reaching your goals!
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    I'd love to join too, my weigh in day has been Sunday
    so I'll report in then. Looking forward to this and Good Luck
    to everyone!
    SW 189
    CW 183
    GW 178
    UGW 140
    I plan to watch the fat intake a little closer and make gym time a priority.
  • Seems as good a time as any to join in on this :smile:
    Might be nice to have a bit more company on this weight loss adventure.

    SW- 331
    CW -301
    GW -296
    UGW- 200

    Now I just have to make a note of the weigh in dates!
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Sw 70kg
    Cw 63
    Gw 61
    Ugw 59
  • Smudgemama
    Smudgemama Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in too. I need the motivation and support.

    SW 82kg
    CW 80.5kg
    GW (April) 77kg
    UGW 65kg

    I weigh in every Monday morning
  • KrissyChefBaby
    KrissyChefBaby Posts: 68 Member
    GW for April: 218

    How do you plan to achieve your personal goal? Squat challenge, Couch to 5k, Eating change

    General Weigh in dates, feel free to change to whatever days work best for you-

    Good luck all!! :)
  • hopperem
    hopperem Posts: 228 Member
    Sw: 171
    Cw: 166
    Gw: 147

    More exercise and thought I'd try the 5:2 diet.

    Have recently lost motivation so April1st is when I get back on track.