What's on your bookshelf at the moment?

regosaki Posts: 265 Member
So as the subject line suggests what is on your reading list at the moment?

Personally speaking I am midway through Moby **** by Herman Melville. but more excitedly my next book is Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'.....Can't wait to start it, what about you, what's on your reading list?


  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    i'm actually reading dracula and my next book is frankenstein. weird
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    What's NOT on my bookshelf LOL. I am currently reading The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak and If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch...Both are amazing!
  • whitney312
    whitney312 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm more than halfway through "<gaining> the truth about life after eating disorders" by Aimee Liu as well as in the middle of reading "Blow Him Away: How To Give Him Mind-blowing Oral Sex" by Marcy Michaels.

    Next up on the list is "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle" and picking back up from where I left off in "The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath".

    And yes, I obviously read a variety of material ;)
  • chipstickss
    Recently finished The Hundred Year Old Man etc.... Currently reading Necroscope by Brian Lumley and planning on 'tipping my hat' to James Herbert next, maybe The Shrine.... :)
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    LOL That is rather spooky!
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    i'm actually reading dracula and my next book is frankenstein. weird

    I don't suppose your next book after that one is a collection of Edgar Alan Poe's short stories?
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    What's NOT on my bookshelf LOL. I am currently reading The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak and If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch...Both are amazing!

    I have heard about the Book Thief, is it worth me checking it out, do you think?
  • Maisietotes
    Maisietotes Posts: 10 Member
    'Pastoral' by Nevil Shute; 'She's Come Undone' by Wally Lamb; several Asterix books. Am re-reading all of these for the umpteenth time, as spring is late in arriving here and one needs something of good cheer. And, what the hey, it's better for me than chocolate. Sort of.

    Happy Easter...
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Recently finished The Hundred Year Old Man etc.... Currently reading Necroscope by Brian Lumley and planning on 'tipping my hat' to James Herbert next, maybe The Shrine.... :)

    I have the 100 year old man book. I havent started it but I hear it is really good. Right now I am reading let's pretend this never happened by Jenny Lawson. It is hilarious so far and I'm only on chapter 2.
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    I'm more than halfway through "<gaining> the truth about life after eating disorders" by Aimee Liu as well as in the middle of reading "Blow Him Away: How To Give Him Mind-blowing Oral Sex" by Marcy Michaels.

    Next up on the list is "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle" and picking back up from where I left off in "The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath".

    And yes, I obviously read a variety of material ;)

    You beat me too it, that is a fascinating mix of sources you have their!
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Currently reading "Moonwalking with Einstein" by Joshua Foer and all set to read "The White Tiger" by Aravind Adiga. Interested to hear what you think about "Frankenstein"... I found myself disappointed with it, somehow. Something about the writing style that didn't jibe with me. Hope you love it!
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    Currently reading "Moonwalking with Einstein" by Joshua Foer and all set to read "The White Tiger" by Aravind Adiga. Interested to hear what you think about "Frankenstein"... I found myself disappointed with it, somehow. Something about the writing style that didn't jibe with me. Hope you love it!

    I read a it a year or so back for University, but I figure I'd give it another, more leisurely looking over, after my current book is finished, there is an exhibition of dark romanticism on at one of the museums in town and I figured if I read this again it would get me in the mood for some spooky artwork? As soon as I have digested it again I shall give you my thoughts...Enjoy your books, "Moonwalking with Einstein" sounds interesting?...
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    'Pastoral' by Nevil Shute; 'She's Come Undone' by Wally Lamb; several Asterix books. Am re-reading all of these for the umpteenth time, as spring is late in arriving here and one needs something of good cheer. And, what the hey, it's better for me than chocolate. Sort of.

    Happy Easter...

    Oooooooh I loved the Asterix books! Hope you enjoy (for the umpteenth time) and the weather picks up for you soon!

    Happy Easter to you too!
  • chipstickss

    I have the 100 year old man book. I havent started it but I hear it is really good. Right now I am reading let's pretend this never happened by Jenny Lawson. It is hilarious so far and I'm only on chapter 2.

    I really enjoyed it, I know some who hated it, others that loved it, so I guess it's one to check out.

    Will have a look at the Jenny Lawson one, although I have a reading list of about 25 at the minute.... lol

    Love my Kindle!
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    Hahahahahaha I don't believe the swear filter won't let me type the full title of Herman Melville's masterwork.....Moby Richard just doesn't sound the same does it?
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member

    I have the 100 year old man book. I havent started it but I hear it is really good. Right now I am reading let's pretend this never happened by Jenny Lawson. It is hilarious so far and I'm only on chapter 2.

    I really enjoyed it, I know some who hated it, others that loved it, so I guess it's one to check out.

    Will have a look at the Jenny Lawson one, although I have a reading list of about 25 at the minute.... lol

    Love my Kindle!

    Tell us your list, it's good to share?
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    I'm reading:
    The Human Division (serial sci-fi novel by John Scalzi)
    The Freedom Maze
    Winter's Tale

    On hold, reading from time to time:
    Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

    Reading to my daughter:
    Moby XXXX ("The Whale Story")
    Treasure Island
  • whitney312
    whitney312 Posts: 10 Member
    'Pastoral' by Nevil Shute; 'She's Come Undone' by Wally Lamb; several Asterix books. Am re-reading all of these for the umpteenth time, as spring is late in arriving here and one needs something of good cheer. And, what the hey, it's better for me than chocolate. Sort of.

    Happy Easter...

    I loooved "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb!! I typically have enjoyed most of his books in general. But that one especially is good.
  • whitney312
    whitney312 Posts: 10 Member
    'Pastoral' by Nevil Shute; 'She's Come Undone' by Wally Lamb; several Asterix books. Am re-reading all of these for the umpteenth time, as spring is late in arriving here and one needs something of good cheer. And, what the hey, it's better for me than chocolate. Sort of.

    Happy Easter...

    I loooved "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb!! I typically have enjoyed most of his books in general. But that one especially is good.

    Actually, I was thinking of another one of his books. "She's Come Undone" is a good one. Have you read "I Know This Much Is True" by Wally Lamb? It's a long one but I remember I really enjoyed it.
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    I'm reading:
    The Human Division (serial sci-fi novel by John Scalzi)
    The Freedom Maze
    Winter's Tale

    On hold, reading from time to time:
    Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

    Reading to my daughter:
    Moby XXXX ("The Whale Story")
    Treasure Island

    Ooooh Treasure Island what a fantastic idea....

    Did you know I am from a small city in the North of England called Preston, one of it's few claims to fame is that Benjamin Franklin lived their briefly before shipping off to the U.S. will he mention this in his autobiography do you think?