Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • (¯`*•.¸,¤°´`°¤,¸.•*´¯)Not sure when you all started this but I would LOVE to join you all. I am also doing the walk away the pounds challenge and I feel like I am slimming down BUT I am not losing anything...I am fine with it either way I am losing I guess.

    146 lbs...June 27
    141 lbs...BY July 27

    I am only going to show one goal at a time...GOOD LUCK!(¯`*•.¸,¤°´`°¤,¸.•*´¯)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    welcome newbies:drinker: .

    Jenn I am sure you can do it. 140 by July 30th I am visualizing it right now to help you out. Sending the energy your way. (and you left me out of your post. :cry: its okay there are so many of us now:tongue: Even if I am your birthday buddy:wink: ).

    OMG! I did leave you out, I'm sorry. Funny thing is that I know that I wrote you down. I write out my little notes for everyone as I read em then post all together. This one is just for you! :laugh: :heart:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I am having a hard time keeping under 150 so I understand about it being a major milestone. Congrats!

    I have felt silly finding things on here also. :wink: I didn't know what bump meant for the longest time. lol
    Great job on your 6 lb loss.

    Your dinner sounds yummy! And dancing is a great way to burn calories. I dance with my kids and we have a blast!

    Great job on your loss! But be careful about your asthma. Walking is a really healthy exercise also.

    I hope you feel better soon. I always find that exercise makes me feel better, so I think you should workout!

    Kalibsmom, spob, families_r_forev welcome. This is a great group!

    So I am really proud of myself so far this weekend. I had a family BBQ Friday night and did well. Had some corn bread that I didn't plan on but I only had two ribs like I planned and I ate lots of grilled veggies. I filled my plate with salad first and had a big glass of water before I had my ribs and corn bread so I would be fuller and it worked. Also ate one cup cake, but I took a ton home for the family to finish and didn't eat any of those so I felt I was being really strong. My main concern was getting back on track on Saturday, my hardest eating day. But yesterday I ate really well. I brought a bag of salad and some carrots with me when the family went fishing so I could eat that when it was lunch time. Good thing because they had oily corn dogs. Plus I talked my guy into going for a bike ride, only a 1/2 hour but better than nothing and the kids had a fun time. As for Sunday, I need to drink more water today but so far so good!
    Hope everyone has a great day! Be healthy :flowerforyou:
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey guys! I am really worried about my weigh in Tuesday. I have been doing really great lately with diet and exersize and then this weekend just went down hill. Wedding reception Friday, ate out saturday, friends and dinner at my place with ice cream cones after today! Yikes! Anyway, welcome to all the new peeps!
  • Do you guys weigh in on a certain day of the week or is it just a personal choice? THANKS
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I think its pretty much once a week whenever is easiest for you, because I see many weights posted throughout the week. I try for fri or sat mornings depending on my plans that weekend. :)
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I'm a little late for June - just coming back to the site after having fallen off the wagon for a while. Ready to start fresh for July though!

    I'm currently back up at 144 (from having hit 136.5 during the last attempt to get fit).
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    6-01-10 240.0
    6-07-10 237.0
    6-09-10 234.4
    6-14-10 233.6
    6-21-10 233.4
    6-22-10 232.4
    6-28-10 230.6

    I feel MUCH better today. Yesterday morning & afternoon I wasn't back to 100% but finally felt good by early evening!

    Only 2 more days till the end of the month, so I'm HOPING I can get past the 230 mark! Come on 10 pounds for June! :happy:
    So with 2 days left in the month, I'm going to step it up & work my butt off to get under 230 & to have a better start for July! WHO'S WITH ME? I'm calling SKINNY MONDAY & SKINNY TUESDAY! Increase the H2O and do a few extra workouts for the next 2 days to end the month! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Monday everyone.I weigh in at 227.4 today and my stats for june follows

    06-01-10 236lbs

    06-07-10 233lbs

    06-14-10 231lbs

    06-21-10 229lbs

    06-28-10 227.4

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • BonnyC
    BonnyC Posts: 5
    This is my 2nd weigh in since joining this topic, I've lost 1.2 lbs since last Tuesday. Not quite a week. But the beautiful thing is that, thanks the the office's uber scale, I've actually went from 74.01 lb of fat mass from last week to 71.21 lb of fat mass today! I gained about a pound of fat free mass and water. Just goes to show how you can't trust regular scales!
  • This is my 2nd weigh in since joining this topic, I've lost 1.2 lbs since last Tuesday. Not quite a week. But the beautiful thing is that, thanks the the office's uber scale, I've actually went from 74.01 lb of fat mass from last week to 71.21 lb of fat mass today! I gained about a pound of fat free mass and water. Just goes to show how you can't trust regular scales!

    This is my first weigh in since joining last week and I have lost 1.6 pounds since then! YAY!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is Monday and I feel like I need a weekend already! My gym is closing on Wednesday and I need to find something new to do with myself. I will still walk, but I want to do a little something extra also. Not yet sure what but I am keeping my eyes open to new ideas and suggestions.
    My daughter didn't want to go to school today, she has a bit of summer fever I think. Sorry hon but mommy has to work, so you have to go. So while she took her shoes off while we walked out the door I set my oatmeal down to get the shoes back onto her honorary little feet and walked out without my breakfast. I also left my water bottle on the dish drying rack, but that one I can't blame on my offspring. So I drive her to school, I drop her off, then go to my son's daycare, drop my son off and get into work. Sat down, phone rings, it is my daughter's teacher telling me that she needs a healthy breakfast. I said "uh?" Miss Maria says "Little kids need to eat in the morning and a healthy breakfast is very important" I said "Yes. And....?" I guess my kid told her teacher "mommy left breakfast at home can I have candy?" I explained that I do feed BOTH my kids, she did eat a healthy breakfast and sometimes she changes topics with out taking a breath. Mommy left mommies food at home. pause Can I have candy? And no because we don't have candy at 8 in the morning. The teacher, didn't believe me, because she then told me how she has some corn pops in her locker she will feed her today but next time I need to give her a healthy breakfast. WHAT? I said, in a rude tone I might add, "Please don't! She had oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast and in what way can you see CORN POPS being a healthy breakfast? Because the box says Now with added fiber? I think not! I don't give my kids that crap!"
    Ok so just between us I do give my kids that crap. In fact daddy loves that kind of cereal and we have some in the house right now, but I do not give just that for a meal but more as a snack or treat. And not all the time for sure. Once they get older I am sure that will change. But I was just so mad at her. She is like 20 years old and always acts like gods gift to children how dare she talk to me like that, even if she was just trying to help.
    Ok, rant over sorry! Maybe I am just grumpy because I didn't eat yet, I don't know but I would never tell one of the parents at my school how to raise or feed a kid! I have had students without food come ask for some from me and I always share what I have, but to call and scold a parent?!?!? Not today little girl!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Great job to all those losing! Welcome to all the newest people and *hugs* to those who are having a rough moment.

    Oh, and Jenn, I'd be just as upset as you about that teacher! How dare she!!
    XoxoxoX Bru

    So, I have a possible idea for the next month, what do you all think about a weekly challenge. We could have someone (a veteran of this thread, so someone way before my time on here, lol) pick a challenge each week, post it, and for those who would like to do the challenge to say so and have a different challenge up by each Sun to run through that Sat. This way, our little family can stay in the thread. It could be something like 50 situps total for the week or jump rope for 15 min total for the week (not easy, by the way, I barely made it 2min!!). But I think you all get the picture. Aside from losing 5lbs a month through your own exercises, these challenges would be like adding a little extra and on days you feel like you won't make your own exercise goal, you would have these small challenges as a bonus, in a way. If I'm stepping on toes, please feel free to say so, as I don't mean to. I love being able to share whether it's family and work, etc. Again, if not, no worries. Hope you all have a fantastic week!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • crobby
    crobby Posts: 29 Member
    I'm jumping on this bandwagon!
    GOAL: 165 by August 1st!
    We can do this ladies:)
  • 712sk
    712sk Posts: 1
    Sure I'm in, I'm new to this tracking calories business but whatever helps...:flowerforyou:
    Current weight: 147
    Goal: 132
    Total: 15
    =3 Months...(summer time...should be interesting)
  • Hand me a seatbelt and strap me in, I need something to keep me on track with my workouts. I'll hang on and won't fall out.
    My start weight is 193.8.
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Kelly- I'm in. Skinny monday and tuesday here I come! I am weighing in tomorrow morning and am a little worried I might have gained because my weekend was a little... unhealthy. The next two days I want to give myself a good start for July. Here we go!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    congratulations Onmyweigh. 15.2 in just 1 month. I hope I read it right. Please, what kind of exerciseswere you doing?

    Biggest Loser Cardio Max. I love it!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    So while she took her shoes off while we walked out the door I set my oatmeal down to get the shoes back onto her honorary little feet and walked out without my breakfast.

    I keep a box of the Active Lifestyle Oatmeal in my desk so I don't have to remember it...just for that reason...kids don't help a morning routine! Hope your day improves!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Awesome idea Bru, I would totally join you!!
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