40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • jsbieniek
    jsbieniek Posts: 76 Member
    Nice to see a >40 forum here. So here's my story: I'm 43, work as a paralegal in a small law firm, been married for almost 22 years and have one daughter who is 15 (and yes, I am very uncool in her eyes!). Growing up I was the kid who ate everything and was a stick. Got married, gained a few, had my daughter, gained a few more.

    That's when the ephedra kick hit and I jumped all over that band wagon. I lost a lot of weight without making the necessary changes. Stopped the ephedra and all the weight plus a "few" more came back on. I am 5'9" and at my most weighed 228.

    I started MFP in January. Frankly, my friends were losing weight and I didn't want to be the "fat" friend! Vain, I know. But it got me moving. Now I am 196 pounds. I ride my exercise bike every morning for 30 minutes and Zumba 4 times a week. I am working on the concept of increasing my base calories from 1200. I do eat some but not all of my exercise calories. I have no idea what my ideal goal weight is. I guess I'll know it when I get there. I look forward to following this thread!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I was happy to see this 40+ area on here this morning. I am 45, soon to be 46 and have been on mfp for a while now, but have been seriously logging since the beginning of the year. I just finished a 12 week "Biggest Loser" challenge at work and lost 21.6lbs. I have been eating around 1400-1500 calories per day and don't get to the gym as often as I would like. My current weight is 235, and my goal is 140 which I know is going to take me a while to get to so I am happy see the small accomplishments. Any encouragement would be much appreciated.:bigsmile:
  • mnqi
    mnqi Posts: 36
    Hello, it is great to see a 40+ group. It is definately harder to lose weight at this age than when I was in my 20s.....and I thought I was fat then, boy, I would love to be 150 now! Anyways, I am pretty new to MFP. I am hoping to lose 50 lbs for now. My first goal is to lose 15 lbs and hopefully in 4 weeks or 2 months....either one will be great. I have dieted all my life....so for now, I am going to low carb it ...to help lose some water weight and jump start my weight loss....it is a struggle for me and I definately have my ups and downs. Good luck everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Hi all!

    Keep posting here...no point in just popping in, writing your life story, and then never coming back to follow up!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I got my lifting done at lunch. Will do cardio after work....but, haven't eaten very much, today, so really won't be BANGING out the cardio - just going to support my daughter.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Mornin everyone - hope everyone had a good Easter / long weekend. Who got yesterday off? My kids were off, but I needed to work most of the day.

    Beeps - how did step with your daughter go? Feeling any better?

    Went to hot power yoga last night. The instructor was really good. Today is a rest day, as I am headed to Des Moines. Tomorrow I will be in Chicago and will likely get in a run along the lake.

    I went a little over in my cals yesterday, as yoga doesn't burn as many calories as my usual workout. Will need to pay attention today: client lunches can be dangerous.

    Have a good one!
  • Hi TRexMex. In regards to your post, I'm not sure about the other numbered items, but this one I know definitely.

    REGARDS: 2. Do I eat back my exercise calories?

    Hee, hee! NO! DO NOT eat back your calories burned (you can eat back a few if you find yourself hungry, BUT). They (MFP) are just showing you at the end of the day of what you can lose if you keep burning that amount of calories over and above what you eat. In short, for each 3500 calories burned above the calorie intake, you will loose 1 pound of weight. Likewise, for each 3500 calories intack above what you use up in spent energy every day, you will gain 1 pound. So, if you eat back those calories burned, you will go nowhere!

    Hope I haven't totally confused you.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Hi all, I'm 42 and of course, trying to loose some weight. I am currently completing the last week of P90X then will take a week of doing something fun like Zumba for a week then I'll be moving on to Insanity.

    Glad to see there is a 40+Club here :)
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    Good morning all! Had a good day yesterday, under my calorie goal, and got over an hour of exercise between the treadmill and taking the dogs for a walk. Weight stayed the same, but I just had a fairly large drop so that's not a surprise.

    Hope everyone's start of the week is going well! :smile:

    I've decided I've been anti-social enough. If anyone would like to add me that'd be great! :flowerforyou:
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member

    Had a great Easter weekend, cooked an awesome meal for my fam that did not include ham :)

    UPDATE on my CrossFit situation...got a massage, iced my back and rested for 4 days straight (went for 3 mile walks every day though) happy to report I was back at the gym yesterday and after a KB 20 min workout, flipped tires for the very first time!!! Awesome workout, taking a rest day today.

    Have a good day Cool Kids!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Hi cool kids!

    My cardio-step work-out last night was terrible....I didn't need the work-out, but wanted to support my daughter. Well, she pooped out after 15 minutes! And then became a 'distraction'. I carried on to the 30-min mark before I thought, "what the HECK am I DOING - I'm SICK!" and so we packed up and left.

    And, I proceeded to eat CARBS last night....so, I guess my appetite is returning!

    My throat remains VERY sore (although tylenol helps) and my cough is annoying. But, I did get about 6 hours of sleep and I'm sitting at my work-desk, so no complaints!

    Will walk at lunch just to get the DOMs in my quads to dissipate.

    How will YOU make your fitness TOP PRIORITY, today!?!?!?
  • mnqi
    mnqi Posts: 36
    Hello. I am doing the april squat challenged, 30 yesterday and 40 today.....so far so good.....did some exercizes at night too. I am pretty sedentary, but I am trying. Good luck everyone.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All! Yesterday was a dull day. No work out yesterday, just a crazy day. I did turn down Hershey Kisses yesterday though which is a big feat for me! Went and walked on my lunch break today so I feel like I have at least done something today. Back at work now until 6pm. Should be an interesting afternoon. Have a good rest of the day all! :ohwell:
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    Just finished 45 minutes of step aerobics, old school with Jane Fonda! Its getting a little easier, thank god...

    Found out a friend of mine at work will be having gastric bypass (no harsh judgments, please, not sure how people here feel about them...), so we've decided to be work-day walking buddies after her surgery. She's a great person so I'm looking forward to getting to know her better and being able to encourage each other.
  • super_J73
    super_J73 Posts: 257 Member
    Can I join the cool kids group? I'll be 40 in November. I have another 21 pounds to lose to get to my goal. I started at 215, when I joined mfp is Jan 2012 I was 209. I'm at 156 right now, my goal is 135 by my birthday. My goal was to always get into the best shape I can by the time I hit 40, but I'm finding it hard to lose these last 20.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Wow! Lots to catch up on.
    Glad to read many of you had a great Easter! Mine was very quiet, but it seems, it was just what I needed.
    It also snowed all day Sunday and yesterday again.
    I had a long run to do yesterday (32km / 20m) . Ran it in the wind, cold and snow. Not fun - but it's done!

    Today I did my P90X workout. :happy:

    Tomorrow is a catch up day for me. Hubby heads back to work, so the TV is all mine.

    Beeps, glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    sdereski - WOW P90X the day after a 20 mile run?!?! that is flat-out extraordinarily impressive! Way to gut it out in the snow and wind!

    Hi Super - congrats on your success so far! what is your current weight loss strategy?

    graceire - always good to have excercise buddies so you can hold each other accountable.

    beeps - hopefully the next step class you do with your daughter is better. glad you are on the mend.

    melanie - I respectfully disagree about eating back your exercise calories and I know everyone is different: different deficit goals/different exercise plans/different metabolisms/different abilities to restrict food. I try to maintain about a 500 calorie deficit a day, whether I exercise or not. (Theoretically translating into 1 pound per week lost.) That means on days I do not exercise, I eat 1500. The days I do exercise I eat 1800-2000, depending on my workout. I don't always eat back all of my exercise calories, but I do let myself eat more so that I can have a plan I am successful with.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well, I made it to the gym this morning. Yeah! Good work out on the eliptical and bike. I have to say, I commend those of you who run so much. Not my thing at all. I leave it to my daughter who is the marathon runner in my family! Hoping to make it to the gym the rest of the week as I will not make it there this weekend. My 3 month old grandson is spending his first weekend with "Grammy" and "PawPaw"!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning all -

    just thought I would share this interesting article. I will not be stretching before I lift next time to see if there is a difference:

    KellySue - glad you made it to the gym!

    beeps - thanks for that encouragement re: commitment to health. it kept me on track yesterday!

    I had an extraordinary 10k run this am. I felt so good and ran (for me) super fast for the first four miles. Plus, it was sunny and the lake was so pretty!!!

    Hope the rest of you have great workouts / eating today!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I am getting sicker.

    So, stayed home from work this morning (but have meetings to attend this afternoon), am downing the tylenol, and am skipping my beloved weight-training, today.

    Am sick of being sick!