Littlest Losers (Week 1)



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i need to learn th equoting better

    lol i did this a few times and liked it but yep looked a fool kids laughed loads at me

    done good on water today and i ironed for 1hr cleaned for 45minutes and im going on the wii again for an hour minimum i want a loss this week scales seem to be stuck cos i ate loads junk last week

    i like the step one too!! have you tried the one where you lead the parade?? i crack up at myself when i do it because i'm sure i just look hysterical! once i did it when my fiance was home and i'm sure he got a great ab workout from laughing at me! xx
  • 500 calorie workout by "the Firm." GET IT. It's amazing. And fun. It's a whole hour. and it's seriously an amazing workout...Highly suggest it...especially for us little ladies, who don't have much to lose, and want to tone up, too! It switches out between cardio, then toning, cardio, toning, etc, etc. I got it at walmart!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hola little losers :tongue:

    I've heard good things about the FIRM, Chelsea... glad you're liking it! :flowerforyou:

    I got in 12 glasses of water yesterday, but went over a little bit on my calories. I'm on track with calories for today, am planning to go running once the heat index isn't 101 degrees :noway: and already have 7 glasses of water in... hope everyone is having a great day! :bigsmile:
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    rough weekend. my family moved to another house so there little in the fridge and no cookware. got stuck eating out a lot.

    working on my weight cups though!!!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    had an ok day today. went over by 7 calories, thanks in large part to a glass of wine after dinner - which of course lead me to cave to a molasses cookie. but i did go for a long walk with my fiance after dinner - took it a bit light today because i've hit the last few days pretty hard and have a 30 min interval run planned for tomorrow morning.

    water: 9 glasss
    exercise: 40 mins
  • ATJune
    ATJune Posts: 89 Member
    may i also join ?:)
  • I'm now on my 4 water bottle for the day. I started kind of late. I did intense cardio/toning for an hour earlier. Burned over 500 calories. And definitely stayed within my calories...Didn't eat all of them hard! Still weighing in at around 126. Hopefully I see a change by Friday...I'm going to be working out like a ninja this week! :lol
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Sunday: Got my water in and played two soccer games for about 1 1/2 hour of exercise.
    Monday: Struggling with water today, about 2 more to go and not much exercise, walked dog for about 30 minutes.
  • salvirez
    salvirez Posts: 25
    Got 10 cups of water in today! Hit the gym this morning -25 mins on the elliptical, 25 on the crossramp, and 20 mins on the staimaster....AND I just got home from my softball game! We kicked some major butt! I love starting my Monday's like this :tongue:
    I plan on keeping this up for the remainder of the week, can't wait to weigh in on Fri morning.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy tuesday morning all lttlest losers hope its as sunny for you as it is for me
    plans for today cleaning and 2hrs on the wii fit

    yesterday i managed 8 glasses water and 1hr 45 mins exercise in the form of cleaning and ironing i prefer the wii its more fun lol
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    good morning!

    had a great 30 min run this morning and burned 455 calories! and i'm on glass #5 for water!

    have a healthy and happy tuesday!
  • hslobar
    hslobar Posts: 12
    Hey guys!

    I got my 8 glasses in yesterday (Monday), and I'm on glass #2 for the morning. I'll be on vacation most of this week so I won't see what's going on with the group, but best of luck to everyone! By the, I guess I forgot to list my numbers originally...I am at 140.0 and would like to be at 130.0 by September 1.

  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I finally got all of my water in yesterday!!! :smile: I think I actually may have gotten 9 glasses. This is HUGE for me!

    Rocked with my excercise minutes; I did Day 7 Level 2 30DS (30 minutes) then 2.25 miles on the treadmill (37 minutes) and the the kids and I took our dog for a walk 1.3 miles(50 minutes). It was such a beautiful evening.

    I am hoping the scale moves down a little on Friday morning!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    hey everybody!

    hslobar, while my goal is 135, i would love to be at 130 as well! let us kick our butts!

    i have NOT been drinking any water. i only had one glass yesterday when I woke up, though it was a large glass. but i seriously dehydrated myself all day. i need to get a big bottle that i can keep water in at my new job so i don't need to walk to the kitchen to fill up everytime.

    i did some strength training this morning.

    keep up the good work everyone!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey I would love to join if I could!
  • Good Tues. Morning! Well, kinda...It's like 12 pm here haha. I'm drinking coffee.......then I'm starting on my water. And I'm about to work out here in a little bit! Haven't eaten anything yet...not really hungry. I'll eat after working out.

    Drink yalls water!!!
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Lost a pound
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    bed time for me but i got in my 8 glasses water and 2hrs on wii step and 20minutes stroll around shops good job too or i would have been over on calories eaten them before i earned them today lol
    hope you all have a good tuesday whats left of it
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    Hey everybody! I hope all is well in littlest losers land! I have been keeping up with my 8+ glasses of water a day, and have managed my 30 minutes of workout each day too! Unfortunately on Sunday i did horribly with my calories and went waaay over, but yesterday i did GREAT! I did cardio and strength training, got in 8 glasses of water, ate healthy, and stayed way under my calories!!! Hopefully i can keep it up! Tomorrow is my day to ride my bike to work and back, a total of 13 miles with lots of hills! Off to workout now! Have a good day all!
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    water? check!
    30 mins? check!

    hope ur allll doing well ya little losers!!
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