


  • lovelylauz02
    lovelylauz02 Posts: 20 Member
    I started this morning! that Fit Test is NO JOKE!!! Anyone who is starting today, please add me. I'd love accountability partners and I need inspiration too.

    I'm Lauren!
  • I am starting today! I am very excited and I hope to actually stick to it this time.. I have started it before two other times and was so sore I quit after a week. Any advice?
  • writetomab
    writetomab Posts: 226
    Did the fit test yesterday and just about to do my first workout... Here goes!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I'm in my last week of Insanity :) I started a group here, feel free to join:
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Recovery week for me! Month 1 was tough but I'm super ready to start month 2!!

    Yep me too. start recovery week tonight after work..

    Me too!! Did you see any results from Month 1? I had small changes but not that much on the scale :/

    Girl.. OMG yes I saw results. I can't explain it and had I not been on MFP i would have been suicidal..LOL. I lost and gained the same 5 pounds the entire first month. NO weight loss. But I lost inches. My daughter told me I looked skinny. I can now wrap the bath towel completley around me (which is huge to me) no gap. I couldn't care less about the scale at this point. I am starting to see tiny definition in my abs. My shoulders are starting to form.. I am psyched. I did not follow the diet at all and ate whatever I wanted within my calories.

    After this week I'm going to start to eat better according to the diet Shaun T has in the book. I can't believe the changes in such a short amount of time. I'm 48 years old so for me to change my body is crazy nuts for me. I am very happy with the program.
  • beeb66
    beeb66 Posts: 17
    Day 13 here and just finished the second fit test! I saw an improvement in my numbers!
  • abhayab4
    abhayab4 Posts: 3
    I also started insanity today. The fit test was tough.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I also started insanity today. The fit test was tough.

    Yes it is. And you will be so sore during the first week. I'm not sure of your fitness level but I can assure you this is an amazing work out and you will see results within the first 2 weeks as long as you stick with it. But go at your own pace.. And take before pics
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    I did the fit test last week and felt like all I was doing was jumping. Is the whole thing jumping? I just can't handle that, my knees and back can't handle it. Would love to hear a little more detail about it from anyone.
  • stmcfred
    stmcfred Posts: 78 Member
    I started week 6 today. I can see a huge difference in how I look and also my running has improved leaps and bounds! An easy run pace for me now is about a minute faster then my I'm about to die pace before :)

    I've also lost 8.5 pounds (just since I started, I lost a total of 18 pounds since Jan 14th) and like 10 inches overall.
  • ugmf12
    ugmf12 Posts: 44 Member
    I started week 6 today. I can see a huge difference in how I look and also my running has improved leaps and bounds! An easy run pace for me now is about a minute faster then my I'm about to die pace before :)

    I've also lost 8.5 pounds (just since I started, I lost a total of 18 pounds since Jan 14th) and like 10 inches overall.

    Thats awesome!!! Congrats girl! Keep it up :)
  • ugmf12
    ugmf12 Posts: 44 Member
    Recovery week for me! Month 1 was tough but I'm super ready to start month 2!!

    Yep me too. start recovery week tonight after work..

    Me too!! Did you see any results from Month 1? I had small changes but not that much on the scale :/

    Girl.. OMG yes I saw results. I can't explain it and had I not been on MFP i would have been suicidal..LOL. I lost and gained the same 5 pounds the entire first month. NO weight loss. But I lost inches. My daughter told me I looked skinny. I can now wrap the bath towel completley around me (which is huge to me) no gap. I couldn't care less about the scale at this point. I am starting to see tiny definition in my abs. My shoulders are starting to form.. I am psyched. I did not follow the diet at all and ate whatever I wanted within my calories.

    After this week I'm going to start to eat better according to the diet Shaun T has in the book. I can't believe the changes in such a short amount of time. I'm 48 years old so for me to change my body is crazy nuts for me. I am very happy with the program.

    I'll admit I didn't follow the nutrition and did eat whatever I want but I didn't splurge on ice cream and donuts half as much as I thought about it. :/ I have before and after pictures from month one and I can see the slimming and toning happening but its not that drastic. Since today is the start of recovery, I decided to hit the gym for some additional cardio and leg workout...that idea might burn me later but oh well... I'm really curious to know if I'll see the results I hope to see by the end of month two... fingers crossed!!
  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117
    I finished Month 1 of Insanity last week and I'm beginning the recovery week today. I'm a little nervous about what's to come in the second month, but I know I'll finish strong.
  • ElizMurphy69
    ElizMurphy69 Posts: 61 Member
    On January 13th I started for the first time...made it 33 days and my knees couldn't take it! When I started I couldn't even do 1 push up and by day 33 could do 12 :-) So I knew I could do it just had to take a bit more weight off and strengthen up a bit. So I have been doing elliptical, zumba, bike riding, and weights and tonight I will try again back from the beginning and see if I can do it this time (I am over 27 inches down overall and 24 pounds)!
    Wish me luck as I wish you the same! Friend me if you want to and we can push each other through it!! :-) I want the T-shirt!
  • slimmomma4
    slimmomma4 Posts: 21 Member
    i started it.... not impressed.. warm up is great stretchng lovely but the actual work out too short.. have to top it up with a round of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 just to feel good.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I just started month 2. I hate it. Hate it in a good way I guess. I would definitely recommend it to anyone that wants to see results though!
  • slimmomma4
    slimmomma4 Posts: 21 Member
    i started it.... not impressed.. warm up is great stretchng lovely but the actual work out too short.. have to top it up with a round of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 just to feel good.
    btw I am not a gym rat I have a body fat % of 30..!! yes 30% I need to turn fat to muscle
  • writetomab
    writetomab Posts: 226
    i started it.... not impressed.. warm up is great stretchng lovely but the actual work out too short.. have to top it up with a round of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 just to feel good.

    WOW! First time I have ever see anyone say the workout was too easy!!! You must be superfit already so good on you!

    As for me, just did the first plyometric cardio circuit and it was tough but you just have to do it in your own pace. I would say I completed around 85% of the total exercise time and the rest of the time I was catching my breath. The other thing I personally found was that my feet were really hurting... I have flat feet and the jumping drills and constantly being on my toes really put strain on the base of my feet... no doubt this will get easier and less painful as I get fitter and get used to the workout. But great workout and looking forward to the next 60 days!
  • slimmomma4
    slimmomma4 Posts: 21 Member
    I just started month 2. I hate it. Hate it in a good way I guess. I would definitely recommend it to anyone that wants to see results though!
    do you not find the work out too short?? dont get me wrong I love the stretching BUT...
  • slimmomma4
    slimmomma4 Posts: 21 Member
    i started it.... not impressed.. warm up is great stretchng lovely but the actual work out too short.. have to top it up with a round of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 just to feel good.

    WOW! First time I have ever see anyone say the workout was too easy!!! You must be superfit already so good on you!

    As for me, just did the first plyometric cardio circuit and it was tough but you just have to do it in your own pace. I would say I completed around 85% of the total exercise time and the rest of the time I was catching my breath. The other thing I personally found was that my feet were really hurting... I have flat feet and the jumping drills and constantly being on my toes really put strain on the base of my feet... no doubt this will get easier and less painful as I get fitter and get used to the workout. But great workout and looking forward to the next 60 days!

    It is hard work but too short - I am frumpy as anything ~slimmomma~ is what I WANT to be... want to at least halve my bodyfat%