Metabolism check, How many times a day do you poop?



  • Unlucky you bunged up smelly people. THREE times a day for me. Your so unfortunate you lot. I can miss out on number three somedays and it can go un-noticed but miss out number two poo! and I'm grumpy. I get a great deal of comfort in seeing breakfast come out at lunch, lunch come out at night and dinner out in the morning. And yes I can tell.
    It's what your body doesn't want so get it out. I can't understand how someone can go as little as once or three times a week! All that waste and crap your body doesn't want to ingest just sitting there rotting.
    Yuck! you stinkers sort it out
    I suggest you eat regularly and never skip a healthy breakfast. Oh and try not to eat late, not past 7.40pm, your metabolism slows at night and 8pm is a general benchmark for this. How accurate, I don't know, but it's 20 minutes or so to reach our stomachs.
    Enjoy clearing out
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I don't think they two are usually related unless a thyroid problem exists. My husband only goes once every two or three days. That is his norm. I go two or three times a day. That is my norm. I am fat. He is skinny.
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    I just have to say... I'm jealous of all of you super poopers.
  • PepperPotts83
    PepperPotts83 Posts: 7 Member
    I wish I could go twice a day...I am lucky if I go once a day and that is with plenty of water and veggies!
  • A number of years ago I was heavily into herbal supplements, cleanses etc. It was taught there if you eat 3 meals a day, you eliminate 3 times a day. The analogy of a train going into a tunnel was used to illustrate this. In some posts it was noted that fibre sufficiency was related to elimination. Don`t be taken in by this. In order to remain regular, I have to almost eliminate fibre from my diet, it binds me up so badly. Neither does vegetarianism promote regularity. This site is the first time I have heard of metabolism and elimination relative to each other. Just recently my metabolism dropped, causing some concern for my GI specialist. It had absolutely no noticeable effect on my bowels. Due to FMS I have episodes of IBS. I have been experimenting with the different foods which affect it. For instance orange juice - yes right down to the brand - affects it. It is estimated that approximately 60 to 75% or the North American population suffer from IBS, predominantly females. Those of you who think you have solved your elimination problem by becoming a vegetarian should maybe consider whether the problem was actually IBS and you were unable to properly process meats in the GI tract. I know of many vegetarians who have elimination problems and only get relief after eating some form of meat. There can be all sorts of arguments either way on this issue of elimination. It comes down to one main fact: know your own body. What works for one person has a 50-50 chance of working for another. There are no set definitives - just some guidelines which may or may not help you. If you have no bloating, generalized unwell feelings, dehydration, cramps or pain, or any other physical symptoms consider yourself properly regulated whether it is once a day or multiple times per day. Remember, the quantity going in determines the quantity coming out.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Meh, I average 2x a day sometimes 3. I think it's more related to the amount of fiber in the diet. The weight management program I am on is fairly high in fiber so it's a good thing to have a throne nearby.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Some times I don't even go for days, maybe that's why I haven't lost any weight
  • I definitely go every time I have a meal. Sometimes just 2 times but definitely no less then 2 times.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    There are two steadfast rules of poo.

    #1 - Everybody poos.
    #2 - It is their business how they poo.

    That information right there should be enough unless you are my doctor and really need the information.
  • You people are DISGUSTING....and yet I find that I must read on LOL. :bigsmile: