Detoxinating the liver?



  • adf4
    adf4 Posts: 31 Member
    Milk Thistle is a great supplement to help cleanse the Dr. has me on it. :smile:
  • stargazer008
    DO NOT do that. That will be horrible for your body.

    What I do: Every morning I start my day with a cup of hot water and lemon. I also do a "Detox" Yoga session every morning. It aids your digestion as well. It is just 20 minutes but it is full of twists and inversions which help rinse out your organs.

    And seek some advice from your doctor. He may have some natural cleansing tips for you as well. A water fast will not be healthy for you in the long run!

    Rinse your organs?:huh:
  • nerdfighter1997
    Hello everyone and thanks!
    I am not sure what my cholesterol levels are. My last testing was midsummer last year.
    And no, my friend is not Dr. Oz. I dont believe in him.
    I just want to say thank you for all of the comments and if anything, Ill take baby steps!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    It depends on soil content, pesticides, fertilizers, weather, temperature as well as many other things. Toxins are introduced into our bodies through food on a regular basis.

    Name one toxin that results from those that the body cannot naturally deal with it. Just one. We aren't asking for a thesis paper. Just one.
    And exactly how a "detox" would remove that toxin?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Your body detoxes naturally through the organs of elimination: skin, lungs, small and large intestines, liver and kidneys (check it out - these are also common sites for cancer). Unfortunately these organs are highly overworked due to the incredible levels of toxins we expose them to on a daily basis.

    I've never done a water fast, but I have limited my diet to raw foods. I believe organic raw foods to be the best solution if you want to help your body to eliminate toxins (by limiting the ones you introduce into your system so they have a chance to deal with the backlog). While a water fast will not help you to lose weight in a sustainable way, incorporating raw foods into your diet on a permanent basis will not only help you keep weight from creeping up but is a natural way to help lower your bad cholesterol.

    Good luck.

    What toxins am I eating and introducing into my system?? I'd just like to avoid getting them in the first place.

    Research what your food is grown with, treated with, packaged with, and prepared with.

    This hadn't answered the question. Please answer the question. What toxins?

    Also, exactly what ones does a detox eliminate and how?

    What do you mean by "a detox"?

    However you want to define it. You pick.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Your body detoxes naturally through the organs of elimination: skin, lungs, small and large intestines, liver and kidneys (check it out - these are also common sites for cancer). Unfortunately these organs are highly overworked due to the incredible levels of toxins we expose them to on a daily basis.

    I've never done a water fast, but I have limited my diet to raw foods. I believe organic raw foods to be the best solution if you want to help your body to eliminate toxins (by limiting the ones you introduce into your system so they have a chance to deal with the backlog). While a water fast will not help you to lose weight in a sustainable way, incorporating raw foods into your diet on a permanent basis will not only help you keep weight from creeping up but is a natural way to help lower your bad cholesterol.

    Good luck.

    What toxins am I eating and introducing into my system?? I'd just like to avoid getting them in the first place.

    Research what your food is grown with, treated with, packaged with, and prepared with.

    This hadn't answered the question. Please answer the question. What toxins?

    It depends on soil content, pesticides, fertilizers, weather, temperature as well as many other things. Toxins are introduced into our bodies through food on a regular basis.

    Cool! Thanks for answ........ waitaminute! You still haven't named a toxin!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Whoops. Forgot about this thread. Time to scroll back through the responses to find the name of a toxin that would be eliminated from the body by some detox/cleanse/water fast that would not otherwise be cleared. (Finally, after having asked this question dozens of times over the course of many years, I'm finally going to have an answer. This truly is a very exciting day!) :happy:

    ETA: *sigh* Nothing. Once again, I got my hopes up, and once again, they were dashed upon the rocks of a harsh cold reality that no one is willing to answer my eternal question. :frown:

    But I will not be deterred, and I will not lose hope! I will continue to seek out detox/cleansing threads and I *will* eventually learn the answer! My quest continues...

    I still haven't given up on this thread being the one that finally answers this.

    Bumping because I'm an optimist.