

  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Michele - I stand with the other girls, it does seem as if your Son is being unreasonable. What a shame that he can’t see what this is doing to you. My heart goes out to you, sending prayers for peace to you.:flowerforyou:

    Jb - Thanks for your post, Feeling like such a failure tonight, and it was just what I needed to read.:wink:

    Linder - I think I need lessons and strategies in self discipline! Words cannot express how happy I am for you! You are a true inspiration and what an accomplishment for you! Be Proud and enjoy the moment!:drinker:

    DeeDee – I need to catch your spring cleaning bug, I’ve been if a funk here lately:embarassed:

    Kim2walker - I have that same relationship between increasing waistline and decreasing brain cells! Lol:blushing:

    Jane - Your daughter is Stunning! The wedding pictures are Beautiful! I do love outdoor weddings. What a lovely addition the magazine article is to their keepsakes! Thank you for sharing. Know that I too am Praying for your Father, you and all your Family.:flowerforyou:

    Bj - Congrats on the Two little Grandbabies! How exciting for everyone!!!:bigsmile:

    Cheryl – I feel your pain, I’m in the same funk boat lately, up almost 4 lbs and say those very same words every morning and I start the day strong and on track then I blow it. Argh!:angry:

    Moxie – I’m still chuckling over the exercise calories comment you made! :laugh:

    Jackie – You are doing a wonderful job! Keep sight of your current goal and the rest will fall back into place.:bigsmile:

    Benji - Oh man …. and I thought I could count cherry and peach ice cream as fruit!s!:laugh:

    Barbie - I store pet / bird food in tins ….. A Galvanized Trash Can with a lid is perfect for Dog food that is stored in the garage….. and no unwanted critters!:bigsmile:

    Meg - you are amazing, I don’t know how you do it, I get tired just reading how busy you are all the time.:bigsmile:

    Gail – I agree, I wouldn’t want to go there, now , either. lol:smile:

    “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out” – Robert J. Collier

    I need to get back on track, praying for strength for tomorrow…….
    Good night VitF girls
    Carol in WNY
  • c0c0nn0r
    c0c0nn0r Posts: 70
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi ladies...a bit of self reflection coming your way, so feel free to skip.

    I am back in a time of transition at work - from management to...non-management. I knew it was coming and - despite it being quite unfair - I thought I was prepared. But you know, you never really are. Just stuff outside of my control, outside of my boss's control, and outside of a whole lot of even more higher-up's control. A victim of politics is all, together with so many others.

    Perhaps fatigue comes along with all of that transitioning, and I surely am - and have been - tired. But give me a bit of time and I will bounce right back. This is a good thing that comes with age...you bounce back. It's about flexibility...in more ways than one. Just keep telling myself to put things in perspective...for the long run. How much or how far am I willing to bend? It's okay to say stop and it's also okay to say keep going. It depends...

    What matters is that at the end of each day I get to come home, to a loving home. Ultimately, that is what counts in my book.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new faces. Come back to post, you'll find support and some great ideas and motivation for your journey.

    :flowerforyou: Thanks to all my Vitamin F friends for your heartfelt words of wisdom and your display of caring.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Golf game rained out today and also tomorrow. But we need the rain so bad in TX that it's a blessing. We're getting our
    things ready to leave on Thursday for our cruise. I called the cruise line and for a charge of $3.95 I can get WiFi in the cabin. She didn't say anything about a per minute charge but we'll see about that.
    Lin - I just wanted to get up and do a happy dance for you. That is an awesome report. Hard work pays off. Good for you.
    Welcome to all the newbies. Everyone adds a different flavor to this group and I appreciate all of you.
    Meg - so good to hear from you. Take time to breathe - you are working so hard.
    Didn't take notes so I'm afraid I've forgotten a lot of stuff.
    Stay strong and stay focused.
    Cheryl - I can relate to your not being able to get back on track but you can do it. Don;t wait til Monday. Everyday can be a new beginning for you. I'm cheering for you.
    Have a great evening.
    Sue in TX
  • SomethingElseToo
    If it's ok, I'll just read along for a bit. :smile:
    (Actually, if it's not ok ... how would y'all know if I'm here or not? Hee hee)
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I can’t believe we added 3 new pages since yesterday! :laugh: So glad to see so many new post-ers. This is a great supportive group you’ve joined.

    Today I had a “networking” breakfast at Walker Bros. Man was it hard to keep the calories in check. :noway: I ended up dividing the meal in 2 and bringing half home (but I think I might even divide the left overs in 2 again to keep the calories down). I guess I’ll see what the scale says tomorrow morning before I decide. But I did have a yummy greek omelet and pancakes.

    I picked up a new client so work is very very busy. We close on my parents condo in a couple of weeks and we are pretty close to having it all cleaned out. This weekend a number of relatives came over to take furniture, kitchen stuff and odds and ends. I feel good knowing my parents stuff will continue to have value for my extended family.:smile: Unfortunately my garage has turned into a storage area until we can get the stuff we took for the kids to them at school. My DD is moving into a house next year so we have bedroom furniture and a ton of kitchen stuff for her. My DS only has a box of pots and pans. Thank goodness it is finally warming up so I won’t miss parking inside.:bigsmile:

    I actually saw tulip and daffodil shoots coming out of the ground. We may experience spring in the Midwest yet.:wink:

    JP – now that ditty is stuck in my head too…whatever gets us moving. I can see and hear that little guy from Madagascar dancing and singing that song!:laugh:

    Lucy – you made me smile. Congrats on your NSV! :flowerforyou:

    Michelle – I could feel your stress and pain in your post. :brokenheart: Follow your heart – go to your son’s wedding. Being face to face may help you better communicate with each other. I hope so. I hope Vince comes around.

    Moxie – good for you – great weight loss for you and your DH. I can’t imagine having to deal with so many food allergies!:grumble:

    Darlene – I echo Katia…if you cannot seem to emerge from your depression on your own please please seek some help. We are all here for you:heart:

    Kim2walker – welcome. Barbie told us about moderators and abstainters. It sounds like you may need to abstain from that bread and butter! :sad:

    Lin – YEAHHHHHH!!! Congrats the outcome of your visit is a very big deal. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    BJ – double congrats to you and your DDs:heart::heart:

    13tea – I think the trick for me to stick with exercise is to try lots of different things and then continue with what I love. I get bored easily so I really need the variety. For cardio I love hiking, riding my bike on the river trail (can’t wait for it to get warm enough to do that again), dance (Zumba, ballet, hip hop – which is quite a sight!), kick boxing, paddle boarding, etc, etc, etc…I use DVDs to strength train since I that is my least enjoyable activity so I let someone else lead me through it and I love yoga – I just feel so serene and loose after. Hope that helps:smile:

    Cheryl – good to see you again! Vacations are definitely tough on keeping calories in check. I read in Health magazine that when you get off track just doing one healthy thing can help get you back – don’t know if it will work for you, but doesn’t hurt to try…you’ve made so much progress already…you are strong…you can do this:bigsmile:

    Jackie – your running is a huge success – congrats:drinker:

    Meg – congrats on getting to 100 pts and winning the prize. :drinker: Hope things ease up for you going forward…sounds like you found a good strategy for when to pick up your DD so the evening goes better

    Gail – ha ha – can you imagine having to deal with diapers and sleepless nights again?:sad:

    Carol – I have faith you will get back on track (see my note to Cheryl). Old Chinese proverb: it matters not how many times you fall down but how may times you get up. I’m pulling for you:wink:

    Renny – Sorry you are going through work issues but it seems you have it all in perspective. You will bounce back!:heart:

    Sue in TX – enjoy your cruise:glasses:

    I think I’ve actually caught up! I can barely keep my eyes open anymore. Have a great night all. Jodios:smile::love: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Wow I bump last night and so many posts.

    @Lin Contests that is amazing news you go ahead and float you deserve it.
    @Barbie thank you for keeping everything going.
    @Meg congrats. On getting 100pts

    I am beginning to understand and agree with not having certain food temptations in my house. I have since I started this goal practice moderation weighing and measuring portions of food. But seeing how much better I do and I feel better when I eat simply and closer to the root.

    Last few nights waking up needing to drink water cup after cup. Going to try to lower sodium intake.

    Wishing everyone a good night

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Wow, good evening everyone and I can't believe how many posts - and welcome to all the new friends/posters.

    BJ - how lucky you are, two grandbabies on the way - YAY
    Cheryl - so nice to see you back, keep on coming back and keep logging as much as you can. Getting back in routine can take awhile, but keep on starting over as many times as it takes. Perseverance is everything. Think of it as water on rock, it's the continuation that gets results.
    Michele - my heart aches for you and I don't think you are being unreasonable. How old is your son? If he is still talking about the first impression, it's time he moves on a little. Holding onto the past gets him nowhere.
    Meg - I think you must have a competitive spirit in you - you seem to excel at contests - good motivation in any case.
    Renny - sounds like you are approaching the work change in a realistic light. And I too think adaptability increases with age (although I do know some very rigid older folks).
    Jane M - praying you will find another home quickly, not just a house, but a home.
    Lin - congratulations on such a great job and thanks for the motivating post. It really is about being healthy in the long run.

    Sodium is not my friend...I'm still holding water and thirsty as all get out. Wish I could remember more of your posts but I'm working on empty here. I had an early morning meeting and didn't sleep well last night either. I think I'm going to hit the Voltaren on a couple of muscles that I'm really noticing today. And I believe my physio session tomorrow will be the final one. The rotator cuff is definitely improving with the exercises.

    Night ladies, sleep tight and have a great morning tomorrow (as the morning goes, so goes the day).

    Lila in the still sunny Kootenays in south east BC (although it's supposed to cloud over tomorrow - bah humbug!)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Dotty - welcome

    moxie - what a wonderful loss for you and dh

    grandmalle - when it rains it pours, huh?

    lin - Vince said something to me last night which made me stop and think. He said "I wonder if the reason Bryan doesn't want us to talk to Dianna is because he's afriad she'd get upset and cancel the wedding". hmmmm.

    Did Jillian Michaels' Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD today. Tomorrow yoga and then the deep water class.

    After working out, I was getting dressed and finally put this one sweater in for the Salvation Army. It really is too big and I know that I'll be looking for reasons not to wear it, so I decided to make room in my drawer for a new sweater.

    Then I went to a food store. I made hummus to take to Mexican Train tonight with me and needed some veggies. I got a bag of baby carrots, some organic celery (one gals who is usually there has an MSG sensitivity), grape tomatoes, and I'll take some crackers. Came home, steamed the asparagus that I got (on sale), made up most of the veggie tray. Will go to Mahjongg this afternoon. Vince needs to go to the bank for Newcomers since we have a new secretary. See, the secretary is also on the checking account so in the event he can't write a check, she can. The previous secretary said that in the 5 years she's been secretary, she thinks she probably wrote out two checks.

    jb - your walking story was very inspirational. Thanks for sharing it.

    Have a question about asparagus. I was watching Emeril once and he was saying how if you snap the asparagus stalk, it will snap at the spot where the woody part begins. My dilemma? I do this, but I always feel like I'm throwing away half of the asparagus stalk. What do others do? One time I steamed the whole asaparagus

    Laura in CO - you're moving? How did I miss that? Where are you moving to?

    Lin - what wonderful news from your MD!

    bjmcq - Big Congrats!!!!

    Jackie - that's just wonderful how much you learned about yourself. I know you'll do real well in the run.

    Meg - WooHoo getting the prize! I'm so proud of you. Doesn't it make you feel good, and I'm sure you're an inspiration to all the others in the challenge

    Carol - my feeling is if you can't count cherry and peach ice cream as fruits, certainly you can count ice cream as a dairy product full of calcium....can't you???????

    Jessica called us tonight, said she'd talked to Bryan. Now we aren't supposed to know that she spoke to him and what she said. anyway, basically, she told him that what happened over a year ago, he has to learn to let go. It's over and done with. She said she told him that dad is really pissed off and how we want to get to know Dianna. She said he told her "message received". I hate to say it, but that doesn't mean he's going to do anything about it. She said she told him that he's being a D***head. I guess only a sister can say something like that.

    Went to mexican Train tonight. It seems that next month the lady who usually has it is going to be in the Dominican Replublic so she said "there'll be no Mexican Train next month". There seemed to be quite a few people who were unhappy, after a couple of people said "my house isn't big enough", I offered our house, we certainly have the room. She didn't seem pleased, not sure if its just that she wasn't feeling quite herself (she wasn't her usual bubby self) or if its something else. Anyway, my feeling is that going two months not playing is rough and I don't mind doing it once in a while.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Michele re: "Have a question about asparagus. I was watching Emeril once and he was saying how if you snap the asparagus stalk, it will snap at the spot where the woody part begins. My dilemma? I do this, but I always feel like I'm throwing away half of the asparagus stalk. What do others do? One time I steamed the whole asparagus."
    I do exactly what Emeril says - and the Joy of Cooking which is my cooking bible (no offense meant ladies). I know it seems like throwing a lot away, but it's usually not the best part of the asparagus. My sister takes her ends and makes asparagus soup with them as the extra cooking breaks down the woodiness.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi dear friends

    :ohwell: Haven't quite caught up with you all, but time is marching on and just wanted to post my goals for April.

    :noway: February and March kind of got away from me, didn't quite manage to log my food every day for either month, but I'm feeling more determined than ever to log every day in April. (mainly because my weight is going up instead of down :grumble: ) I need to go back to basics, (I'm sure I've said this before :embarassed: )

    April Goals
    Log food every day
    Keep in touch with you and read posts every day
    Stop using food as a reward
    Exercise, exercise, exercise
    Drink water

    I have today off, then back to work on Thursday, we've been busy painting, so all that stretching painting the ceiling should have used up a few calories surely :bigsmile: I need to go into town and exchange a glass light shade I bought yesterday as it is chipped - really fed up about that as I wanted to get an early start on the rest of the painting today.:frown:

    :flowerforyou: I'll try and check in with you all later, I think I need to start from page 5. I noticed a few new people had joined us Hello and Welcome. To the regular posters prayers and hugs to those who need them and congrats to all you losers - one day I will become a loser too! :bigsmile:

    Viv York UK :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: The sun is shining yey :smokin: :smokin: (still flipping cold though)

  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump ..will write more later
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    morning dear friends,
    had a great night's sleep,but I am not in the mood for the gym today:frown: I dont know why, just not feeling it, I dont work until noon today,im doing a couple loads of laundry,and if my heel is ok ,maybe I will take a walk..
    I'm depressed, my DD and DGD are leaving this morning,and I know I shouldnt :grumble: ,because I did get to see her,but the boyfriend and his family just monopolized the whole week,.
    I understand my DD doesn't want to rok the boat because I just dont know how violent Kyle can get,but she said yesterday that this was his vacation too, and maybe I overstepped my bounds,but told her in a normal relationship there is equal time,but that doesn't happen with them.. she says I just wish we had more time,didnt get to see everyone.
    I just pray every day that sometime soon that she will smarten up and get rid of this tirant..
    still eating my 1200 calories, and I want to step up my work-outs , I just have to get my tired butt into doing it...
    I am hoping everyone has a wonderful day.. will check in this evening:bigsmile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lin:smile: Woo hoo!!! Congrats:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Moxie:smile: You gave me a giggle this morning :laugh: about eating the exercise calories:laugh: !

    Barbie:smile: Thank goodness there wasn`t a dead mouse:sick: in the dog food:noway: !!!!

    Meg:smile: Congrats on being the first to get to 100 points:flowerforyou: ! Good luck to Benny, Noel and I will be thinking about him:heart: !

    Gail:smile: Oh my, babies at the same time:laugh: ! I couldn`t do it now:noway: , love my granddaughters but they don`t live with me!

    Renny:smile: Hope things at work get better:flowerforyou: !

    Sue in TX:smile: Have a wonderful time on your cruise!!!

    Michele:smile: The ends of asparagus are woody and stringy...ick. I do like the idea of using the ends to make soup though. Good for Jessica calling Bryan a d***head:laugh: !

    Grandmallie:smile: Hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    I cleaned in my closet yesterday:bigsmile: , most of the day and only got a small area cleaned out:embarassed: . I have enormous dust bunnies in there:noway: , and I`m coughing a bit this morning, I think those little critters are to blame:angry: . I`m going to get back to it today, hopefully I`ll get another small area cleaned. I will get in there with the vacuum and suck those big bunnies up first:tongue: .

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: Come in often and chat away!

    Have a fabulous day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny:glasses: NC
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies. I'm new to this group and am glad to be with gals my age who I can relate with. I am having a terrible struggle with trying to lose the weight since menopause began almost 2 years ago. Prior to that I was losing consistently but since then have gained 20 of the 40 lbs lost. I've had medical metabolic tests done and all is normal. I do interval cardio workouts, have been to a nutritionist and am still getting nowhere. I'm hoping that I can gain some insight by joining in on the conversation here.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies –

    Grandmallie, I know a little about how you feel. I struggled after my DD got married and I tried to have them out at my mom’s for Christmas, but they had her in-laws in another city in the same State and had to split her time between their and her dad’s and my house. It’s tough on the kids too. Try to give her space – she’ll find her way. She’s an adult now and has to make her own decisions. Just be as loving and open as you can with her and your DGD. I don’t know what the situation is with her BF but it doesn’t sound good. If she’s in an abusive situation you want to be even more open – she has to want to leave. Your pulling her won’t help. All you can do is let her know you’re worried about her health and safety and are there when she needs a safe place to land.

    Viv – painting uses a ton of calories! I hope that scale gets moving in the right direction again for you. And that your cold moves on out :laugh:.

    BJ, congratulations on your forthcoming GB!!! How exciting. And another! Your DDs are breeding like . . . shall we say it . . . bunnies!!!

    13tea, hi and welcome. The one recommendation for exercise that I’ve found is to find something you love to do. Liking it is good and it works if you’re seeing results, but if you find something you love you’ll stick with it no matter what. I love being outside, so walking is good for me, and for some reason I lovelovelove kickboxing – and I get great results from it, so I do that most days of the week. I did P90x for six months and still do some of the workouts from there, particularly the yoga, and I liked it, but I love the kickboxing, so even when I don’t feel like working out I can always convince myself to go hit the bag for an hour or so.

    Cheryl, I’m sorry you’re having a hard time getting back into the routine. I seem to be having a bit of a hard time – I slid on some of the foods I don’t regularly eat and finally had to throw out everything that isn’t edible (for me). You might have to break a food habit (shocking how fast it comes back) by going on a mini-fast?

    Jackie, WOW and congratulations on your running! That’s terrific! So, set your goals to baby steps – you don’t have to conquer the world all at once, just one step at a time. And then the A-trail – let me know what you decide to do. I want to hike part of it but not all of it. I’ve been in the White Mountains – no way am I hiking boulder city again ;).

    Benji49, it’s so easy to slip, isn’t it? It’s really smart to recognize it and get back on track before the slippage becomes a habit.

    Barbie, watch out for mice (or squirrels) – they’ll chew through your engine wiring too. That happened to my ex with a squirrel – twice. He didn’t want to kill the squirrel, but let’s just say it’s not a problem anymore. I ran into the same situation with mice in our garage one year when I had seeds stored out there – went to plant and found a box of finely shredded paper and not a single seed left. They were very thorough lol.

    Meg, DH pointed out that our travel section of the paper that I’m saving for my mom has a section on “Cozy Nebraska” lol. Your work has been crazy – but it seems like it’s always that way – runrunrun, then rest. Then runrunrun . . . rinse and repeat. I’m glad you were able to adjust your schedule. Your garage project sounds intense too – but good for you for tackling it.

    Gail, good job on the treadmill. It’s sometimes disappointing that the calories won’t keep up with our perception of how hard something is :laugh:. However just remember those muscles are an investment in your body and calorie burn. That’s funny about your choir director and his DD – good luck to all the new parents and babies!

    Renny, so sorry work is difficult right now. I wish you peace with whatever comes – and success in your next step.

    Suebdew, glad you’re getting the rain and not us lol. Have a wonderful time on the cruise!

    Jodios, you sound super busy – but sometimes that’s the best time to focus. Congrats on keeping the calories in mind while enjoying the yummy food.

    Liz, it does sound like something’s hitting you – have you had your blood sugar checked? Sometime excessive thirst like that is a sign of early diabetes too. Be careful.

    Lila, I agree, I’m finding sodium is starting to affect me more than it used to. I was one of those rare people who needed sodium to keep my blood pressure from disappearing (mine’s super low) but now it’s a problem. Fortunately I love to cook and don’t generally salt food to begin with, so I have some control over that. I’m glad to hear the PT is almost done and you’re healing!

    Michele, your son is really getting it from all sides, isn’t he? I hope you all find a reasonable solution before the wedding. I don’t know what Mexican Train is, but when we do Bunko here we rotate houses so each person only has to host once/year or so. It was nice of you to offer to host.

    Sandy, I’ve been “fearing the scale” for a few days – so I usually just give it some time, and then when I step back on it’s back to normal :smile:.

    Moxie, Congratulations on you for taking the bull by the horn, so to speak. I’m glad to hear you’re able to cook within his restrictions and still lose weight. Good luck to both of you!

    Linda in NO, you are doing so wonderfully at working on the exercises and diet. Congratulations!

    Kathy, good to hear from you.

    JB, your new picture has cracked me up. I went out for a walk this week for the first time in several months and noticed I’m “strolling” more than walking – so I lifted my elbows and started swinging those arms to get the movement going faster. Thanks for the reminder!

    Lisa, that silly scale.

    Katla, I love the enthusiasm about yoga. Wasn’t it just a short time ago you weren’t even sure what to do or try with yoga? Keeping your and your DH in my thoughts today.

    JaneM, I know you’re enduring a lot right now. You’re in my thoughts as well.

    Janice, congratulations on the right direction!

    Kim, I love the connection between healthy bodies and strong brains. Thanks for the reminder. And stair climbing counts! I laughed at your question, but the answer is yes, it’s possible to be addicted to butter. Some people simply have to forgo certain foods until they can get their eating under control. Sad but true.

    Laura, Where are you moving to?

    Lin, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That’s such wonderful news. You’ll still have to keep that eating the same – that’s who you are now.

    DeeDee, congrats on tackling your closet. I have some dusty places in the house I need to tackle – I really need to empty mason jars of canned food that we never ate. That’s on my list this spring. Thanks for the reminder.

    I did a whole 60 minutes of Combat this morning – left side hurt on the left-side kicks and when I was doing crunches, but otherwise I felt really good. Seem to be recovering finally yay!

    OK, off to work. We’ve had a couple managers leave this week, so it looks like I may be managing a team again soon instead of just projects. This means I might have to start going into Philly a few days a week. It’ll be easier now that the kids are grown and don’t need me here. DH is even talking about moving to Philly, but he’s going through a serious mid-life crisis right now. It’s all I can do to keep him getting up and going to work right now. Ugh. I won’t worry about moving right now.

    Cheers to all,

  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    <<sneaks in another bump for later<<<< Baby chicks are due to hatch today!! whoopie!! I need more chickens...to make more hens...to lay more eggs....to make more chickens...for the freezer!! :drinker:
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    DeeDee - a dust mask my help, you are still healing, said with Love:smile:
    Off to work, back here this evening.
    Have a:smile: day Friends
    Carol in still cold and snowy WNY
    Jo - Thank you my friend!!!! xox
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! Been a while since I posted. Easter weekend with my daughters home was a blast... although it was much harder to eat what "I'm supposed to!" The last few months I haven't craved anything sweet... they walk in the house and I'm like, "let's make apple pie!" What??? I obviously show love through serving yummy foods....

    I refuse to step near the scale for at least a week... I have jumped back in to my normal exercise and food routine and am hoping by the time I step back on the scale I'll be where I am supposed to be... or less! : )

    Welcome to all the new people! I love to check in here and catch up with everyone.

    It's a sunny, but chilly day here in southeast VA....
    Have a great one!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    Thanks M,
    I try and stay clear of confrentation,I think she knows, that I love her and Taliah so very much and that I have told her many many times that all I want for her is to be happy and healthy...
    I really dont vent to much to her, just to my family and friends..
    Her situation is not good, I am truly blessed that Taliah in my eyes hasn't been truly affected by the toxic relationship, she is happy and outgoing , and just lights up a room..
    I put it in Gods hands daily:happy:
    I did get some adorable pictures of her while she was here..
    I have gotten 2 loads of laundry done and put away and fresh sheets on the bed. so that's an accomplishment !