Anyone doing Thursday weigh in?



  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    I've heard of the book, but haven't read it yet. The whole clean plate thing is tough for me, bc I was brought up in a family where everyone was supposed to clean their plates. I know that's ingrained in me, so I combat it by putting less on my plate than I think I want to eat, and sometimes eating off a smaller plate. This works for me. Interested in your perspective on the book, though. As for tasting and not eating, not sure I could do that either. That would be a waste of perfectly good chocolate! ;)

    Hope everyone is having a great week in preparation for Thursday's check in.
  • Annabelle_M
    Wanted to wish you all a good day for tomorrow, Tuesday!! I'm trying very hard but I'm not sure I'll see much difference yet but Thursday will tell.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Not heard of that book, is it big in America? - I think most of you are American right? (I'm a Brit living in London). Sounds interesting - how can you tast everything but eat nothing??!! - spit it out?! - I saw that on Desparate Housewifes I think it was once - Susan put chocolates in her mouth but then spat them out before actually eating them! - All rather odd but maybe it works?!!!

    Off to the gym now, last thing I want after a day at work but I guess that's what we have to do!

    Have a good rest of day everyone,

    I am American and yes, it is, she is actually from the Real Housewives of New York City.
    She was basically saying how when she goes to a restaurant she just tastes all of her food and does not finish anything. When she gets a steak she'll fill up on salad and veggies first and only take 3 bites....and I'm thinking...who eats 3 bites of steak??? I guess I'm just being stubborn
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    I've heard of the book, but haven't read it yet. The whole clean plate thing is tough for me, bc I was brought up in a family where everyone was supposed to clean their plates. I know that's ingrained in me, so I combat it by putting less on my plate than I think I want to eat, and sometimes eating off a smaller plate. This works for me. Interested in your perspective on the book, though. As for tasting and not eating, not sure I could do that either. That would be a waste of perfectly good chocolate! ;)

    Hope everyone is having a great week in preparation for Thursday's check in.

    I am certainly a member of the clean plate club, but in my opinion isn't it ok if your'e limiting your portions versus having a mountain of food on your plate and eating it all?
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    I've heard of the book, but haven't read it yet. The whole clean plate thing is tough for me, bc I was brought up in a family where everyone was supposed to clean their plates. I know that's ingrained in me, so I combat it by putting less on my plate than I think I want to eat, and sometimes eating off a smaller plate. This works for me. Interested in your perspective on the book, though. As for tasting and not eating, not sure I could do that either. That would be a waste of perfectly good chocolate! ;)

    Hope everyone is having a great week in preparation for Thursday's check in.

    Of course I'm not knocking her, I think her ideas are probably very effective, I'm just trying to figure out how to apply them to MYSELF...I'm quite stubborn lol. But if it works I am willing to try I guess...except for the 3 bites of steak lol
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    No way am I eating 3 bites of steak. If you put a reasonable amount of food on your plate, go ahead and eat it all. Over the last 2 weeks, I've noticed that I'm not preparing too much food to begin with, which I was guilty of before. I make enough for me and my husband, and there are few leftovers.
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    3 bites of a steak - they would have to be really big bites!!! I agree with the idea of having a smaller plate or just loading it up with the 'good' things and being careful with the red meat, carbs etc.

    Weigh in tomorrow....
  • Annabelle_M
    Wow, 3 bites of steak. I wouldn't be able to do it!! I LOVE steak too much!! That being said, I don't eat it often but when I do I eat what I want.

    So I caved and weighed in today, I lost 1.2lbs!!!!! So stoked about it because I wasn't sure everything I was doing was working but I guess it just takes time! I really think the daily walks with the dog, even some that are only 25 minutes, helps my routine and weight loss so much!!! Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I will weigh in for a final total with measurements tomorrow, sneak preview I've lost another 1/2 inch from my waist - down to a 28 again but looking forward to maybe a 26 or 27 again!!

    How's everyone doing?
  • arbragg
    arbragg Posts: 73 Member
    Weighing in today as we are going camping for the next four days. Another good week, down 3lbs so I am at 178.5, which I am so happy about, only 18.5 to my goal. Hope everyone has an awesome weigh in tomorrow morning, looking forward to seeing them all when I get back!!:flowerforyou:
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    3 bites of steak? What is that? Is that like 1 bite of cheesecake?? LOL

    Great job Annabelle! I knew you'd be back on the losing side!!
    Congrats arbragg and have fun camping.

    I caved as well and did a preview weight...I am not sure if I will post results this week...TOM. I show a gain (albeit small, but gain nonetheless)...I am 99.98% positive that it is water retention...

    Do you gals think I should still post a weight tomorrow?

    Thanks for all of the motivation!!!
  • Annabelle_M
    Coffeegirl, honestly I think we should always post our weigh ins good or bad because if it's bad it will make you see it and want to change it. If it is water, you will have a great loss next weigh in! Good luck hun, you're doing fabulous and we're all proud of you!!
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    I agree we should all post regardless, good or bad. Either way, your other Thursday girls are going to keep you pumped up to keep going! I'm working out twice today, bc my husband retired today and there is a big meal on the horizon (champagne and lobster). So hope my weight isn't up tomorrow. Even if it is, I'll be checking in tomorrow morning, first thing. See you then!
  • aquavitae30
    Hello, I'd like to join the group too. :) I'm slightly obsessive and tend to weigh myself twice a day (once in the morning and at night), but only use the morning weight for my actual weight. It doesn't help that my scale is flighty and will vary depending on how you are standing or where you put your feet, but I usually just weigh myself multiple times and use the weight that pops up the most :) Maybe joining this group will break me from this bad habit.

    Since joining mfp, I've gone from eating fast food and NO exercise, to cutting calories and eating healthier and getting a 2 year gym membership. I've been going to the gym for about 2 1/2 weeks, aiming for 3-4 times a week and walking for 20 minutes during lunch break at work. I'm determined that this time I will stick with it and get to my goal weight!! Good luck everyone, sorry about the long post.

    SW: 255.5 lbs
    CW:235.5 lbs
    GW:149 lbs

    5'5 and 30 years old
  • Fredder15
    Fredder15 Posts: 21
    Hi!! This is my very first day with fitness pall and I love to join your group too! I can make my regular weigh ins on Thursday, sharing the good or bad. I just want to lose some weight, feel good about myself, and live life to its fullest!! If anybody has the same goals lets do it! All of you who have posted here with your weight loss achievements are so inspirational to me. I really hope this plan does the trick! Count me in!

    Starting Weight: 153
    Goal Weight: 125

    Height: 5'7''
  • houselm
    houselm Posts: 5
    Looking forward to being part of this group. Been with fitness pal for a week now. Joined the Y and hope to see improvement in a month or so.
    Starting weight 168
    Goal 155
  • Annabelle_M
    So happy to see 3 more new members for our Thursday weigh in!!! WELCOME!!!

    aquavitae30: So happy that you got a gym membership and way to go on getting 2 years, that's commitment!!! In my opinion, though I'm guilty for it at times, you should not weigh yourself more than say twice a week if not less. This is because, as females, our bodies fluctuate so much throughout the day. Please try to limit how much you obsess with the scale, and try to do it once or twice a week instead. What I would like to do, not doing well listening to my own advice, is weigh in Wednesday morning as a preview just for fun and a real one on Thursday. Hope that helps.

    Fredder: So happy that you've found this great site! I love it here!! We are all here to help you along!

    Houselm: Welcome, glad you found this group. We are a great bunch. Very happy you joined a gym, that's a very big step! Congrats!

    You can all add me as a friend if you want, I just have been really busy so I tend to forget about this thread. I wish there was a way to get emails when people reply. :)
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Wow, 3 bites of steak. I wouldn't be able to do it!! I LOVE steak too much!! That being said, I don't eat it often but when I do I eat what I want.

    So I caved and weighed in today, I lost 1.2lbs!!!!! So stoked about it because I wasn't sure everything I was doing was working but I guess it just takes time! I really think the daily walks with the dog, even some that are only 25 minutes, helps my routine and weight loss so much!!! Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I will weigh in for a final total with measurements tomorrow, sneak preview I've lost another 1/2 inch from my waist - down to a 28 again but looking forward to maybe a 26 or 27 again!!

    How's everyone doing?

    Well done!! That's great news - all the little bits of exercise sure add up !
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    So, I did my weigh in this morning and I have not changed at alllllllll over the last week. I've done loads at the gym and have been quite careful with food - sticking to the calorie goal most days and making up for it with exercise if I've gone over.
    I'm puzzled though as I thought you were meant to loosed loads at the starts due to water loss or something and that's not happened.
    Really doesn't help the motivation but I'm trying to tell myself that next week there will definately be movement.....
    Good to see new people on the link!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Down 1.4 pounds from last week and not sure on the measurements, because I just found my tape so I have no idea whether it went up or down or whatever

    CW: 124.4
    GW: 115

    Waist: 31
    Hips: 36

    Good luck everyone, look forward to hearing from you! :)
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Good morning! I lost 2 pounds this week, and my hubby also lost 2 pounds. I entered my waist and hip measurements for the first time this week, so will be interested to see how those change over time
    @rachel, hang in there and stick with it. Sounds like you are doing a great job.
    @syreeta, WTG, you skinny little thing!

    Hope everyone has a great week this week. Look out for those July 4th BBQs. :wink: