Ladies-How do you stay safe while jogging alone?



  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    Since the gun ban in the UK crime with guns has increased at least thank you. Ill stick with owning guns.
  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    I hate that we even have to ask this question. I swear, this is one of those things that men will never really understand- what it means to constantly have to be aware of the potential to be victimized by men simply because we are women. I think a lot of women underestimate the cost of this also, because it's just so ingrained in us.
    This. We live in a different world than men do.
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    I bring my dog and pepper spray.
  • nobleammonite
    nobleammonite Posts: 64 Member
    This thread scares me, I can guarantee I would trip over something and stab myself if I carried a knife while I was running..

    No kidding! Good god, this thread is terrifying. I live in the US and imagining even a quarter of the idiots I meet during a day carrying guns makes me want to hide under my covers forever. (Not saying gun owners or anyone in this thread are idiots, just that it sounds like people are advocating everyone to be armed and from my experience with "everyone", THAT SCARES ME.) And a knife? I would not have the strength/dexterity to use one if it came to self defense. I hardly have the dexterity to chop vegetables without cutting myself, and I've been doing that for a long time!
  • Penfoldsplace
    Since the gun ban in the UK crime with guns has increased at least thank you. Ill stick with owning guns.

    Different cultures. i have never seen a gun in my whole life and never personally known anyone who has been a victim of gun crime. I wouldn't feel safe running with a gun, I would feel it could very easily be turned against me. I take sensible precautions, every action has risks but carrying a gun would be a sign I shouldn't be running in that area. i couldn't live with that much paranoia that there is a rapist around every corner. You more likely to be attacked and raped by someone you know.
  • chip_cookie
    I worry about this two, I live in South East London, England and it can be dodgy at night. Also pepperspray and any other weapon is completely illegal here in the UK.

    If I were to carry pepper spray/mace and spray it at an attacker it would be a premeditated attack on my behalf for carrying an illegal weapon or firearm.

    Really!! Thats so odd! So what do you do

    It's not that strange, to be honest I'm finding all the comments about packing a knife or a gun to be completely insane as it is so against our culture in the UK.

    What if the attacker turns the weapon around on you?

    I haven't had a lot of trouble, I don't make eye contact and just keep running with my headphones in. So whether someone has shouted me or not I wouldn't know.

    I wouldn't know what to do if there was someone who directly approached me but I really, really don't think guns and knives are the answer. It's a massive problem and it's scary that you all have such easy access to guns.

    Yeah, terrifying that we all have the right to defend ourselves and loved ones from attackers and intruders. How awful for us. :noway: Wild horses couldn't drag me to live in a country that refuses me the right to pack heat.

    Sorry, but being sarcastic about it doesn't really help anybody does it? It may be a right to defend yourself, but look at all the attacks that happen on innocent civilians in the USA. It is quite scary that people are talking so openly about just carrying guns and knives. If I were to be carrying a knife around with me, what would stop an attacker to be wandering around freely with one too. And they would probably be in a much better position to use it on me, than I would on them. Furthermore I would then have no defense mechanism. Why was I carrying a knife in the first place? Why would you need one just casually wandering down the street? And what if something happened? Could they not just 'claim' self-defense too even if that was not the case?

    I would rather be happy to walk around, knowing that people don't have guns on their person. I completely agree that it is madness that there is such an easy access to guns, when there are so many people in this world who are completely deluded and can cause such chaos and damage. Two wrongs don't make a right at the end of the day.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I don't see why a weapon is necessary. Just be aware of your environment. I would recommend not bothering with headphones, I know it can be a little boring but I used to run with headphones and I was always imagining a noise.

    Have you got a friend you can run with?
  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    My husband got me a container of pepper spray. Thankfully I've never had to use it.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    get a jogging buddy or don't jog at night.
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    I do not run at night by myself and would honestly aim for keeping it earlier in the Winter months, if I did. However, even when I'm out in the daylight, there paths through the park where I sometimes go that are shady and overgrown and that makes me slightly uncomfortable if i don't see other people around. I try to look around and stay alert to my surroundings. I do not look down or in one spot for long and will look behind me often. Also, if you run the same path, try switching it up so you aren't predictably running the same path, at the same time every evening.

    I kind of like the keys idea, too. I know we runners don't carry much with us, but I'm sure most of us have our keys, at least.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    it bothers me this is even a concern in today's society. sorry that you all have to deal with this, and that i don't have any answers. stay away from the creeps at all costs!
  • limesublime
    limesublime Posts: 118 Member
    A medium to large dog is the best - creeps will generally choose to mess with someone who doesn't have a canine companion. Plus a dog is great for motivation!
  • chip_cookie
    You could always just carry a rape-alarm. Very effective, and VERY loud.
  • dancngdolfn
    dancngdolfn Posts: 81 Member
    I usually carry a knife with me :)
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I am more motivated when I walk with someone.
  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    I run real early in the morning, to my parent(s) dismay. I used to have my dog run with me but she recently passed and I haven't been able to emotionally get another one yet. I would carry some pepper spray since you can easily hold it in your hand while running. I've been meaning to get myself something like that (since a month ago) but I haven't. I had a similar incident two weeks ago and just ignored them and kept running and haven't seem them since and they didn't follow or anything. I do change my route periodically and this also helps in case it's not a spur of the moment thing. I know I can smack anyone that comes near if needs be and since my legs are pretty strong, I don't stress.
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    I carry a loud whistle around my neck. I walk busy neighborhoods and someone is bound to hear it!!
  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    I agree, with some pepper spray is good