

  • reallymary
    Thank you for the welcome messages. What a nice group! It's nice to have a place to land where I can relate freely about dieting, excercising, food, behavior and all that stuff without boring everyone in my house!! Actually, it's just my husband and I (and our dog). But he LOVES food and is a chef....and I LOVE food, but am obese. Sooooo.....the way he talks about food sometimes causes me to salivate! :tongue:

    Here, at least, I can have the option of looking up the nutritional values, and make decisions based on facts, rather than emotion!!

    I love my husband forever and a day :blushing: - but sometimes I need to NOT talk about food! So thank you all for giving me my safe place. It's so nice to be here!

    mary - feeling warm and fuzzy!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm from England and I'm 63. I've been on MFP since August, but started my diet last June after a family party when I just felt so huge I wanted to hide. So far I have lost 39 lbs but am finding it a very slow business now. About 1 lb every two weeks. It's easy to get discouraged but I find threads like this keep me going. I do an hour on gym machines nearly every morning and yoga once a week. We have had horrible cold weather here which has kept me out of the garden- snowed today.
    I am basically really pleased with how far I've come and have to keep reminding myself that I look miles better and am so much fitter and healthier. My mobility and flexibility is unrecognisable from a year ago. Just would like to lose the pounds a bit quicker!
    Has anyone tried face exercises to cope with a saggy neck or jowls? The lower half of my face could do with a lift. I have started on some exercises, but I am a bit sceptical. Early days though so will give it a longer trial. Any one out there who has tried it?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: We are having a new roof put on our house today and tomorrow. We leave tomorrow at noon to go out of town for the weekend. We had planned to board the pets starting tomorrow but when the roofing got scheduled for today; Jake decided to board the pets today so they wouldn’t have to be in the house all day with all the noise. It’s so lonely in the house without the pets. I walked Brandy and Sasha this morning for our usual time but when I got home from line dance and had lunch, I didn’t know what to do with no dogs to walk…….so I made Jake go for a walk with me.

    :flowerforyou: I decided to not work in the yard today since who knew when something might fall off the roof and land where I was working…..so with all the extra time, I finally got back to my weight training that I hadn’t done in over a week. There really isn’t enough time in the day for three hours of dog walking, a two hour line dance class, working in the yard and weight training.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I got rid of clothes as soon as they stopped looking OK…..there’s no point in keeping something that looks frumpy and baggy……..I was clear with myself that I will not be wearing size 16 or extra large ever again……I kept one pair of big pants to remind me of what it used to be like and I have two extra large sweatshirts that I wear over a bunch of other layers for gardening in extra cold weather.

    :flowerforyou: Donna, you’re never too old to start this journey……I feel younger now than I did five years ago when I had all my extra weight….with a healthy weight and good exercise you might live to be 100 and wouldn’t you hate to miss that.

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new friends that we are just meeting today…..you have come to the right place. This is the place for support and encouragement and the place to find answers to your questions.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for April
    *work in the yard about an hour a day
    *finish writing my “important information” document
    *answer the two e mails I have been putting off
    *be more mindful about interrupting

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Kim In Switzerland – LOL, I know what you mean about the 30Day Shred “bounce effect” and good for you for boasting your 10 day success! How nice your DS (dear son) actually noticed :wink:

    Michele – I missed you last round (think we were posting at the same time!) glad to hear you’ll get to spend time with DD and get to know her new beau. Maybe that interaction will allow Bryan to understand (maybe from you, maybe from Jessica since they’re still talking) that you do make an effort to get to know your children’s “significant others” when given the chance. Hang in there! :smile:

    Liz – a blessing that you can see your dear sister, hoping you both find peace and healing as you navigate this challenge :flowerforyou:

    Meg (who is maximally medicated) – You feel better too, hope the Vitamin C (and F) do the trick and you’re fully healed enough to truly enjoy Spring creeping in on her own sweet timeclock :happy:

    ReallyMary – I just love feeling warm and fuzzy, don’t you?!?! Glad you’re here, enjoy and join in all the lovely conversations

    CityJaneLondo – Welcome! You too are struggling with cold and wet English Spring, hang in there, this too shall pass. Please do let the rest of us know how your facial exercises go, I need this too but have also wondered if it “works”. Keep logging in your food and exercise and joining in the conversations here, you’ll continue to see your health and fitness improve - - I’m sure of it!

    Brooke from Colorado USA

  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Good evening all, had a long but productive day at work - only 9 hours today!

    Thank you for your comments about the allergies - I will make sure he goes for testing when he gets home this summer. Even if this is a cold (and he has a really sore throat as well) he has been having problems with eating milk products for a few years now. And he mentioned yesterday that he can see black mold in the bathroom at the residence. Not happy to hear that.

    Re the tossing of clothes - absolutely! I keep one size up from where I am but only for THOSE days. I believe someone mentioned menopause - YUP - not fun! My husband wants to know how I can sleep when I'm radiating enough heat to melt snowbanks. He apparently can't sleep through it :laugh:

    I have a possible silly question about the food listings on here. Is there an accurate set of them for baking/cooking measurements. It seems like there is 15 different postings for sugar or flour, or oatmeal - but they are all different and in small amounts. And, while I'm at it, is there a way to actually look at the reciipe that is posted to see if it is anything like what you have????

    Bea - confused in Alberta :huh:
  • twotonnetarice
    twotonnetarice Posts: 18 Member
    Kim – Congrats on day 10 of the Shred. I am on level 3, but not really sure how many days I have done it. I don't usually do it on consecutive days. I also do 6 pack in 6 weeks. Don't know if I see any difference yet.

    Jodios – I love homemade cc cookies. Fortunately, the house we are living in right now doesn't have an oven, so it's easy to resist, although I heard that you can bake them in the sun. Too bad the sun isn't always out.

    Sandy – I am just outside of Columbus

    Michele – I will definitely stick with the low-impact jumping jacks. Nothing is worth an injury.

    Brooke – I have also really hurt my knee trying to get off the floor after the Shred. I learned in yoga the proper way to get up, but sometimes I accidentally touch the painful part of my knee.

    I am ignorant – what is Vitamin F?

    Did well the first few days of the week, but had to eat some "bad" food - pizza. Still stayed under my calorie limit, but felt really guilty. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Looks like it may warm up this weekend so I may be able to get on my bike.
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    I posted the following this morning, on the main board.
    I'm back :) New day new attitude! Down 1.2 - out of the 170's again - not feelin' blue! Thank you to all my Vit. F friends and your encouragement xox
    To all my Dear MFP friends that commented on this post, I send a Big, Big Thank you!

    Renny, I wish you the same inner peace, and for you to find your special place. I love the story idea and what a lovely keepsake gift for your Sister!

    Jodios, Yes I do feel like I’m back on track and in control.

    Thank you again Dear friends! I am blessed to have found this group, love you all!
    I have been in a funk for so long and I believe I have finally come to terms with everything Thanks to all you, my Vit.F pals. I still do not know what I’m going to do about my current job and the next chapter of my life but stressing over things that are out of my control is just plain silly and unproductive. I was so down about everything that I sabotaged my hard efforts with my weight loss journey and I gained back just under 4 pounds and went over the 170 mark, which I swore I’d never do again. I realized, with all of your kind words and encouragement, (and you all know who you are) that you sometimes need to pick yourself up and move on. Self sorrow is such a disaster for failure. I am in control of the things I CAN CONTROL and as far as what lies ahead I put my fate in the hands of a greater power. I am embarrassed that I allowed my trivial problems take charge of my life this past month. I realize there are so many out there that have problems far greater than mine. I am Thankful for this new day and I am standing tall, brushing myself off and moving forward! I am making new tracks in the sand for others to follow and hope I can give back to those that tossed me a life line. Thank you all again xox
    Carol **smiling again ** in WNY

    Started this this am, adding to it now

    LisalnUP – Isn’t that a wonderful and encouraging feeling! Keep at it girl!

    Grandmallie – Glad to see those words “ I’m Back ”

    Amanda – New clothes and accessories can brighten any gloomy day! Happy for you!

    Charovnitza – Congrats on the NSV!

    Brooke – Glad to hear you are feeling better!

    Laura - Thank you, You Rock !

    So Delicious dairy free Almond milk! YUM! This is the first time I've tried it, and I love it. I was using the silk brand almond milk but this was on sale so I thought I'd give it a try. It is dairy free too ! Here is a link so you can see what it looks like. I bought both one with 5x protein and the regular one. http://sodeliciousdairyfree.com/products/almond-plus-almond-milk-beverages/original-almond-plus-almond-milk-beverage

    Welcome new friends

    Grandmallie- yeah to smaller sizes! WTG!

    Jackie – chuck em’ you don’t want to go back there!

    Meg – I have a love hate relationship with vitamins too! Right now I’m taking some and when they are gone I’ll probably stop for a while, seems as tho once a year I go through this! Lol

    Ok sorry to be so long winded. Good night
    Carol in WNY
  • omabird
    omabird Posts: 7 Member
    I think I'm going to like this thread! bump for later.:wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Bumping in at page 10. Ladies, I can't keep up!!!

    (oh look....page 11!!:noway: )
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello to all this evening (and a fine one it ‘tis as well).
    Great news, we are getting a circuit fitness location complete with trainers. Open house is a week from Saturday and I will be there for sure for the tour.

    Carol – thank you for such a positive and uplifting post. Glad you are here.

    Renny – what a great present. I find it funny that my sister and I seem to have totally different memories of many shared events. It would be fun to see them written and compare.

    Robin – hope the interview goes well and it is what you want.

    Charnovitza – I can relate to the reduction. I haven’t bought a new swimsuit yet but will need one before the next trip (can’t wear the baggy one in the pool). I went down from an I cup to a C and am so, so, so happy.

    Amanda – Oh my goodness, I’m in the Canadian snow belt just west of the Rockies and have 22C weather right now and you are in London with snow – Mother Nature is so messed up.

    I’m going to give this up for tonight. MFP is taking about 5 minutes to switch pages and now just disappeared totally as “webpage not available”. I think it might be my internet acting up, even loading my home page is taking forever.

    Why do short weeks always seem longer than the regular ones? I can barely keep my eyes open tonight.

    Goodnight all.
    Lila in the Canadian Kootenays
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick one this morning.

    :yawn: :yawn: First day back at work yesterday and I was soooo busy catching up, came home with a headache, and was too tired to post, had an early night. :yawn: :yawn:

    :flowerforyou: Today it is my day off again (long weekend) and I woke up with a slight headache but feeling more energised than I have for a long time. (Please let it last longer than a few hours :bigsmile: :bigsmile: )

    :flowerforyou: Robin good luck with the interview

    :flowerforyou: Amanda I like your style of course you had to get "accessories" to go with your new coat. Weather here up in York is still cold and frosty, but no more snow thank goodness.

    :flowerforyou: Carol glad to hear you are feeling more in control and that you are out of your "funk" (love that word) I know what you mean when you say others have far greater problems than yours. I've been feeling in a "funk" too and it does make you feel a bit guilty, but we can't help how we feel can we. Glad we both have said goodbye to the funk!! :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Welcome to all the newbies, sorry I can't mention you all by name - I forgot to take notes but look forward to getting to know you all.

    :wink: Got a busy day ahead of me, going food shopping now and will get on with more painting this afternoon.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Viv (sunny York UK - still very very cold though) :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • nanasorchid52
    Oh goodness me ladies I am struggling to keep up with the posts! I am going to start at the end and work back with a few words of encouragement and see how far I can go.

    Well yesterday we had snow flurries and today it is sunny again and freezing. What contrary weather!

    Donna :smile: Your as old as you feel or if I may be cheeky - the man you feel. Mine is three days older than me so that doesn't work for me! Lol But seriously good luck on your journey - your weight loss and personal trainer show that really age is just a number, attitude is what counts.

    Jodios - Good luck with resisting temptation with the baking - how kind of you to make them for your children and friends. Cookies are just what they need when studying:laugh: those last few pounds are difficult but you are showing us how - an inspiration:flowerforyou:

    Just reading of the dilemmas of too big clothes - struggling with this myself. Just given some away , but a few favourites hanging on too . Ok more than a few! Should have more faith in myself and trust I won't put it on again!

    Twotonnetaric - feel your pain with the 30 day shred! Me and Jillian have quite a conversation about modifying exercises! I agree with you entirely give her knees time! I have said before mines a 100 day modified shred a level 1. :noway:

    Katia - :laugh: :laugh: love your comments about the menopause - I am still suffering from those powers urges!:laugh: :laugh:

    Brooke - thanks for the link but I couldn't open said it was a local file - thought it was a World Wide Web - but what a kind thing of you to do!

    Kim - well done for completing day 10 of the shred!! And welcome:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee - love the mug!! What a great friend! :smile:

    Lizplus -:flowerforyou: sending you warm thoughts as you help your sister

    Meg - well done on the 100 points - you so deserve it! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Mary :flowerforyou:

    Cityjanelondo - good luck with the face exercises - looking forward to an update!

    Barbie - good luck with the roof - you will be nice and snug when it is finished!:smile:

    :smile: :smile: glad you are smiling again!!:smile::smile:

    Well I didn't get too far but I am having a cooking day today, sorting out meals for the weekend. Always freeze half so on those really busy days I have a ready meal.

    Just have to share a couple of things with you. My friend is a bra consultant and I was wandering around the store she works in and she paid me a lovely compliment about my weight loss. Then she dragged me in to the fitting room as she said I needed the correct fitting bra! Oh my goodness what a difference - gone down 3 bra size but up a cup! Making quite a difference in my clothes.:laugh:

    Also received the fruit bowl prize yesterday at slimming club as I was the runner up to slimmer of the week - as my daughter was the real slimmer of the week - she lost 41/2 and had not stayed because of the children -I was able to give it to her! Then I won the raffle - a huge bag of healthy foods - including a pineapple, stir fry bags, prepared vegetables , fruit etc My daughter has lost almost three stone since October and today had to replace her trainers because she had run a hole in them!! Over three hundred miles. Her 2nd half marathon will be run in May! She has three young children! I am so proud of her!!

    Well I wish you all a great MFP day :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Jo UK Wales
  • nanasorchid52
    Grrrr spell check corrected
    Katia - love your comments about the menopause - I am still suffering from those powers urges!

    Should of read - love your comments about the menopause - I am still suffering from those powers SURGES!

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Bump,bump,bump! :laugh: I have lost 54 pounds of my bump,and Iam not going to look for it either!!! :laugh: Lol

    I cant keep up with the thread.:ohwell: I am on a weight loss plateau! :sad: Looking for what i need to do! :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Hugs to all my vitamin F friends!:flowerforyou:

    LindaS aka SundanceB:heart:
  • Dottyb1940
    Dottyb1940 Posts: 188 Member
    Just checking in there!s a lot of reading, but enjoying lurking on these boards. Hope everybody is doing OK with diets etc., will try and pop in everyday,
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies from a grey day in London (but at least it's not snowing!)

    I'm absolutely bogged down with work today, but at least I'm not sitting on my behind - getting some exercise running around the gallery (no, not literally - I am now wearing my workout gear and sprinting about - just extremely busy).

    DH got me the gorgeous yellow diamond ring I have been craving. It is a stunner and I know it cost a lot more than what we got back from the insurance for the diamond I lost out of my ring a few weeks ago. It's flashing away on my finger as I type. (I think I was a magpie in a previous life!)

    Must get on - but hope everyone is doing well.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I just can't keep up yesterday didn't have time. Went to the city. Get there and they had made a mistake at hospital wasn't my hubby they had to see was my son. But they seen hubby and dermatologist said not to worry about the skin cancer. They treated it and it looks good.
    My son has a very bad skin condition and that's who they had to see. But seeing him tomorrow.

    As for me all is well bought a pair of what they called rocking shoes pretty comfy. Just runners. But different they make you fell tall.LOl. I need that. Lost a little bit on wed. at tops. So at least i'm going down but didn't lose the 2 lbs I gained yet but it's coming.
    Wearing my pedometer again hope it keeps working. Did ok yesterday from 11 am to 9 I put 4,243. Today I put it on when I got up. Need to better that by lots. So it's on to a good day.

    Good luck to all.

    Hope you have luck with your job interview.

    Hope all goes well with your Dad. Hang in there. Don't let the stress get the best of you.

    See you all Later.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    So sorry to be missing in action lately. Will be back later today to post need to start getting ready to go to the gym. My first 5k is at the end of this month The Autism Walk. So been working on that goal. On the treadmill I can get a mile in under 30. Minutes but close I am able to walk the dog longer too but I need to walk longer so hope to step it up this weekend.

  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Oh, I had to pipe in on the bra cup/fitting post.

    nanasorchid52 (Jo): You didn't really go up a cup! Cup size is proportional to band size. Did you ever hear of the Double Divas? Nordstrom has their own fitters who are actually well trained (at least in my store) and I went for a bra fitting not two weeks ago. My first one! So, say you're wearing a 40D, and you drop down to a 36 band. More than likely, your cup size will be a (and I may not have this completely right because the D cups kind of confuse me) maybe a DDD or F (or G or something like that). It's not that your boobs got bigger, but the cup sizes are proportional to the band size. (Cup goes up as band goes down.)

    I would encourage every single woman whose boobs are not where they used to be to go get a bra fitting. It's free and you don't have to buy the bras they "serve" up to you. I was shocked at the science behind bra technology and sizing, but I gotta tell you, I didn't think these babies would ever see this height from my naval ever again. My band size dropped, but my cup size went up, but they look good and she assured me I was within the "normal" range.

    I left Nordstrom with three bras (and they weren't all the same cup size either, although they were all the same band size), way less money in my pocket, but totally worth it. The other biggest tip was buy a bra that fits on the loosest hook. They stretch, so you'll get more use out of them because as they stretch, you still have those three or four tighter hooks to move to.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly