
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou: !

    By the time I get all the posts read, I don`t have time to reply:sad: !!! Keeping everyone in my thoughts though!!!

    Robin:smile: Keeping my fingers & toes crossed for you:flowerforyou: !!!

    My granddaugher:love: will be here in just a few minutes, she`s spending the day and night with me, I think a shopping trip is on for today. She`s 12 and has just started caring about clothes, we should have a fun time. On Saturday I`ll have both granddaughters, the youngest is 6:love: , she is the princess:bigsmile: . Hoping it will be warm enough to get the golf cart out and ride around for awhile on Saturday, the oldest loves to drive it, the youngest will be in her princess dress complete with crown and I will be a very happy Mimi!

    I may not post again until Saturday night, or more likely sometime Sunday. I`ll be thinking of you all and cheering you on!!!

    Have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in drying out and warming up NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,986 Member
    morning friends,
    today I didnt go to the gym:angry: ,the DH left at 2:45 this morning for florida.I got up early and made him pancakes ,bacon and tea... its a long drive and I pray he has a safe trip..It is me and the boys for a week...
    I have the weekend off from work, so gonna hussle and bustle around here for the weekend, go grocery shopping, dropping stuff off at the consignment shop, and to the thrift shop,and taking care of my off my Homer and Chester..
    Got text from my DD and they want to move back,I told her I would pray for her, she says she wants somewhere safe for Tal , well I have to say Kyle has burned his bridges with my family so he is not welcome with us, or with my dad..
    They would have to find an apartment and jobs,
    My stepdaughter and her ex boyfriend( my other grandaughters) dad, used and abused everyone here and inCt. so we got a call that they were moving the next day..
    I doubt that Tracy will move back here,because they don't have the financial capability to do it.But it would be wonderful:bigsmile:
    We shall see...
    I have to get myself in gear and do something energetic... the treadmill did my heel in,:grumble: shouldn't have done it, but want to burn the calories....
    I work at 10 today and get home after 5, will walk and feed the boys and then get my grocery list together for the morning
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I lost a whole month and gained two lbs. for march but hey we are but human. We will get back with it.

    We can do this for no other reason than we need to get healthier we are not getting younger

    So lets move on forward

    See you lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    Linnelai, Iike you I know it will take time. Slow and easy wins the race. As Mary says, this is a place where you can offload without boring everyone around you. To change my bad eating habits I will need to be either thinking about food or exercise very carefully for most of the day. If I talked about it as much as I think about it, my family would soon tire of my efforts, and I need them on my side, especially as I have tried to lose weight a couple of times in the last few years and failed.

    Oh ladies, I am so pleased you have been modifying the cardio bits on 30DS… I thought I was being a wimp! I will continue on day 11 with new vigour and not feel guilty with my “slips in the middle” . Still will stay on level 1 though.

    Jane; glad your hubby’s skin cancer is OK. It’s scary waiting to know the severity of the cancer. I was diagnosed with a form of pre cancer about a 6 months ago.. luckily it is in the very early stages however it is very extensive all over legs and arms, so the doc has come up with fairly mild but novel treatment.. quite unbelievable really.
    • Spread the prescribed cream all over lower legs and fore arms. ( lightly burns)
    • Wrap legs and arms in cling film.. (sorry not totally bilingual.. the plastic stuff you wrap sandwiches in)
    • Leave for 1 hour.
    • Exfoliate in shower until top layer of skin is removed
    I feel like a chicken!
    On the plus side doc said most will be gone in a year.

    DeeDee I so agree with you on the time required for reading and posting. Almost by the time I have written the post another page has been added! But all the posts are interesting, moving, inspiring, motivating, humourous or informative. Ladies, thank you for them all.

    Have a good food and water weekend.

    Swiss Kim(3 days no butter)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :flowerforyou: We are leaving for the weekend and staying with friends where I may not have access to the internet. As soon as I finish my breakfast I’ll go for a walk without Brandy and Sasha (they are being boarded because of the roofers and because we’re going away overnight). Then I’ll go teach the first half of the beginner line dance class and someone else will teach the rest so Jake can pick me up to go to the appointment with the cardiologist who comes over here from Seattle so we don’t have to make the long trip. After the appointment we’ll pick up some flowers to take to the people we’re staying with and head to our weekend destination east of Seattle. I’ll get a ride home late Saturday with a friend and Jake will head south to California for a week long visit with his kids. I won’t be able to pick the pets up from boarding until Monday morning.

    Barbie from NW Washington
  • Hey all! I'm still here and happy about it, too. I have to admit, I love the convo about the bras. I was looking for ways to reward myself for reaching certain milestones on this journey. And I think getting fitted and purchasing a lovely new bra or two is perfect! Thanks for the idea, ladies!

    Do you guys reward yourselves for reaching certain goals? If so - how do you do that?

    Enjoy your day and thanks again for being such a supportive group!

    mary - considering lifting the girls a bit!
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    Hi all! :) Nice thread!

    I didn't meet my goal of 8 pounds lost for March, but I figure it was because I was eating far too less calories than I should have been through Feb., so in March, I worked on getting my calorie intake back up to closer to a net of 1,400 most days and I'm now working on getting more attentive to eating higher amounts of protein, to support the weight training and other workouts I'm doing.

    I do look a lot better going into April, than I did going into March, so even if the scales don't show much loss for the month, I'm happy.

    April will be spent doing pretty much the same, with more attention to keeping close to my macros intake goals....higher protein, about the same fats, and a bit lower carbs.

    It would be nice to see the scales go down at least 5 to 6 pounds for this month. :)
  • Hey, Ladies. I lost two pounds since last weigh in and I'm happy about it. Even though it took two weeks, a pound a week is good. Now to keep it up. Went to the doc this morning and he was happy about the results also. So much better than watching the numbers on the scale going up. In order to keep with April's goal, 4 more to go! :happy:
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Good Mornning All...

    Sun is out and shiny and I have no my 12 but 100% cotton jeans. Sort of my "bus stop" between sizes jeans.
    Challenges for the weekend:
    SNOW.. again and dinner with friends. No gym yesterday and I am really missing it but I am walking at lunch so that helps.

    Happy Progress Everyone!!!
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Morning Ladies, off for the weekend , just wanted to pass this thought along

    No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everybody on the couch.

    Take care giving my pedometer a workout, hasn't seen much action lately!!! Todays the day
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,863 Member
    I am enjoying all the good advice and gives me alot to think about. I do have a question what is BUMP? I am still learning all this. Hope you all have a very Blessed day!
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    BUMP is kind of a "bookmark" to let you find a post again :happy:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Thank you all for the well wishes on the interview. I will let you know how it goes.

    So, this morning I get to work and get my computer up and running and the b comes back to the cube area and tells me to go work in another area. So I have to "hotel" it in a different part of the company. (Uncomfortable non ergo set ups:grumble: ) then she tells me that next week I can work back at my desk since she will be sitting in her bosses office and then they should have a new cube ready for her since there isn't really any where to permanantely move me. so the moral is if you are a horrible boss and treat people badly they will build you your own private cubicle. :noway: This is how HR has decided to deal with the complaint I filed. I give up:explode:

    I have to admit that through all this drama I haven't been logging or really doing serious exersizing. I haven't gained so that is good. It makes me think that if I get back on the wagon and try I could actually start losing.

    Have a fabulous Friday all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • ERC53
    ERC53 Posts: 3
    Just started using this app on Monday I get on the scale to see if this is working~my goal is to loose 50lbs so that I can
    look better in a bathing suit this summer~been hiding at home so no one see's just how big I have gotten~dark clouds
    hovering over for a couple of years/now all that has changed and I am ready to smell the roses again:glasses:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Loving that it's Friday all my Vit F's, (Vitamin F = Vitamin Friends)

    Kim- congrats on finishing the first 10 days of the 30DS. :drinker: I have found that I like the 1st level the best and that the 3rd level the least so I have a tendency to do the 1st & 2nd levels the most.

    DeeDee- having that talk with Mother Nature....and how did that go? We are supposed to have about 72 today but rain all weekend long and since we are in a drought I would love for more rain but more than that I want snow in the mountains since that's where we get our water from, they have already put us on water restrictions of watering 2 days a week and we havn't even turned on the sprinklers yet:huh:

    Liz- I so understand the not trustring myself to keep the weight off. The last time I lost I quickly threw away the clothes and then when I gained back I had hardly anything to wear:blushing: so it is scary for me to throw away the clothes but I'm trying to think in the positive and making this my new self permenant:ohwell:

    Meg-sorry for you having to be the one delivering the complaints ....that's gotta be rough. About Mongolian BBQ...when we lived in Oregon there is this GREAT place in Tigard that we used to go to and it was all you can eat too so I was able to pile the veggies but when we moved here to Colorado they don't have any like that here and we really miss it and unfortunately we don't make it back to that part of Oregon very often. My hubby has heard those reports about vitamins too but I keep reading articles about certain ones that are helpful...it's so hard to know what / who to believe:grumble:

    Mary- welcome:flowerforyou: having a hubby that's a chef would really be a challenge, but if you can eat in moderation it might turn out to be the best thing ever.

    cityjane- welcome:flowerforyou: and not I haven't tried any face / neck exercises but I sure do use a lot of creams on my face and neck:wink: not sure if they are working or not...but I'm not going to stop to find out.

    Barbie- that was a smart decision by Jake to borad the dogs while they are working on the roof all that noise could really upset them. I know that when we had our roof replaced Peanut really didn't like them on the roof and banging:ohwell:

    Bea- when entering food for the first time I try to check the food data base to see what people have entered. Sometimes there is an item that shows for 2 Tbls and when you choose the arrow down it will show for 1 Tbls and if I only want 1 I am able to change it to that for my diary. Also I have noticed that sometimes people will enter and show if it's UK, Canada, etc as I guess sometimes in different countries the calories are posted different.:drinker:

    Carol- Almond Milk:ohwell: haven't tried it but it does sound interesting.

    Lila- a new fitness center:love: hope it's everything you are wanting.

    Viv-:drinker: hoping your enegry sticks around.

    Jo- I just looked at your ticker:drinker: Congrats that you only have #1 left to reach your goal:drinker:

    Linda- your #54 loss is to be celebrated:drinker: this platea will go away I'm sure.

    Amanda- a new diamond ring:flowerforyou: What a thoughtful hubby.

    DeeDee- have a good time with with GD's:flowerforyou:

    No more time to comment...gotta get busy as I only have a half day here at the office.

    Busy last night but not as busy as I should have been will really need to get this weekend into gear. Hubby has made an appt for my car for tomorrow AM and we have our small group meeting at our house for dinner so will be busy.

    Drink that Water, Log that Food and Let's keep moving:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Haven't found anyone yet who is face exercising, though a couple of people seem interested in my results, whenever that is. Any one out there who has tried it?
    I haven't lost for a couple of weeks and was getting v despondent, but today decided to measure myself and have lost another inch off my waist and hips! ! I wish I'd measured my thighs at the beginning as that's where I see the most difference. So it's not all about the lbs. It encouraged me to go and throw out a lot of tatty old tee- shirts and try stuff on from my wardrobe that I kept in the vain hope that I might one day fit into it again. It fits! Hooray! I can hardly believe it. I am now a UK size 14 (USA 10 I think ).
    I have hated wearing a bra since I got fat as I always felt I could not breathe whatever size I bought. Now I have a couple of soft ones that I can bear to wear when I have to for best. Ditto tights, I hated them as they would roll over at the waist and crush me. I have bought a pair of soft black ones and hope I will be able to wear them. I don't want to spend the whole of my life in trousers.
    Also shoes. - I have used orthotics for years which really limits the type of shoes I can wear. - trainers mainly. I have been seriously doing ankle and arch exercises and my feet are so much better, I can even wear heels for a short time.
    I have lymphodema from past breast cancer so have to wear a sleeve, which again is unsightly and limits the clothes I choose. With losing the weight the swelling is less obvious and I think I can get away with not wearing the sleeve for a special occasion. The skin on my arm is a bit wrinkly now and triceps still hang down so I am half heartedly trying to use some weights. Don't really know what I am doing though so will have to watch a few more videos.
    So that is me. Clothes were the last thing on my mind for years and I dreaded going into clothes shops. Now a new world is opening up.
    I send my love to all of you on this thread. Good work.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    @Robin - your work environment is just bazaar. I hope for success in the job interview

    @Lila - I also find this is a long week. But then again, I'm transitioning between jobs and there is so much to do and so much of it is pressing

    @cityjane - I don't do face exercising. It's sagcity though, so perhaps I should

    @Jackie - thanks for sharing your bra-fitting story. I have spent more money on ill fitting bras than I care to admit. I think a fitting session may be in order. And the tip about the stretching is valuable.

    @LindaS - on a plateau may mean your body is adjusting to all that weight loss. You have done fantastic. Are you considering mixing up your approach to confuse your metabolism into action?

    @DeeDee - love the mug: Queen of Everything! Yesss

    @Kim2walker - my DH was going to make me an eggwhite mushroom omelette the other day. First thing he did was put a big pat of margarine in the skillet. I said "nooooo...that's not the idea honey" and scooped out most of it just in time. Of course, he's not the one to have a concern about weight, skinny-minny that he is

    Gotta get on with the work day. Today is a day of reading binders and binders of materials. I like reading, but...you know what I mean.

    from rainy Vancouver Island, BC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Twotonnetarice (name?) – Vitamin “F” is for “Friends” Also, and this is just my humble opinion, I’m of the mind that there are no “bad foods” - - only foods that need to be eaten in moderation, or if that isn’t possible ( ) foods that need extra exercise done to burn them off! If I know I’m going out to eat, I’ll do extra time on my bike or walk to “earn” the yumminess.

    Lila – How great you’re going to have a fitness center conveniently available! Good luck with the swimsuit shopping when the time comes

    Viv – Hope you have a pleasant and restful day off and can enjoy the (cold) sunshine

    Jo – How great that you are so organized and pre-plan (and pre-cook) your meals. And what a NSV about the professional bra fitting! I know I need the same thing but have had a devil of a time finding a fitting pro to help me, no such thing in department stores here anymore (that I’ve found). And lastly, WOW for you and your daughter’s success, you’ve obviously set a great example for her. Congrats to you both

    LindaS – Celebrate your 54 pound success, these plateaus will happen along the way (I’m told). Another friend on this journey who has lost about the same amount as you have a few weeks ago took a “diet vacation” and upped her calories significantly for 10 days. Her gain was minimal, mostly water and she is now losing again. Something to consider? Good luck, you CAN do this (we all can)!!!!!

    Amanda (aka: Magpie) – A “dear” husband indeed! Enjoy your sparkler (I’ll bet it looks fab with your new coat)

    Jane – hope your son’s dermatologist visit goes well, and good for you for your loss and wearing that pedometer!!

    Liz – Congrats on completing your first 5k, great training you’re doing so know you’ll do great in the Autism Walk!

    Jackie – Thanks for that info on bra fittings, I’m willing to drive the 65 miles to a Nordstrom if it means getting “the girls” to perk up (I know what a difference it can make in how one looks and feels)

    DeeDee – Have a wonderful weekend with your DGD’s, hope the weather cooperates for all of you!

    Grandmallie – Enjoy your “bachelorette” week with your furkids! Praying for your DD and DGD.

    Linda in NoOntario – You are so right, today is the first day of the rest of our lives - - it is up to us to make the best of it and just “do” our best that day

    Swiss Kim – Wow, congrats on your “no butter” success. If you can do that, just think what you can achieve! And you’re not the only one who deals with the 30-Day Shred

    Barbie – Hoping you have a terrific weekend with your friends and DH

    Mary – I do reward myself for each 10 pounds, the first round was a new (accurate) digital scale. The next round was a pedometer. I’m still thinking about what my next “prize” is going to be!

    Barbaratrollm – Good for you for the “reset” – I’m in agreement, the scale doesn’t always tell the full story, I pay more attention to how my clothes are fitting and how I’m feeling and only weigh once a week

    Luvbuttons – yay for 2 pounds gone!!!!!!!!!

    Robin – Hang in there, you will prevail. When you start exercising and logging again you will feel better physically and mentally. You are in control of you, no one else is, just keep that in your thoughts!

    ERC53 – Welcome and good for you for deciding to smell the roses again, you’ll be glad you did!

    cityjaneLondo – Congrats on the inches lost, that is a terrific success! Keep up the great work

    Okay, I’ve caught up (I think) so will move on to eating breakfast and getting my exercise and errands done.

    Fabulous Friday Ladies!!
    Brooke from Colorado
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jo in Wales: I’d like to hear more about “slimming club.” Is the slimming club sponsored by a church or business? It sounds like great fun.:flowerforyou:

    Linda Sundance: Just keep following your plan. Plateaus seem to be a natural part of the process. They can be really frustrating, though.:ohwell:

    Amanda: Your DH sounds like a keeper. Enjoy your sparkles.:bigsmile:

    Linda C: I’m glad you’re back. I really enjoy your sense of humor.:bigsmile:

    DeeDee: Enjoy your granddaughters!:love:

    Robin: It does sound as though the company has taken some measures they hope will help. Clumsy measures, perhaps, but at least you weren’t ignored. Never give up! :noway: Think of your boss’s cubicle as a place for “time out” for her. :devil: I hope the interview works to your advantage.:flowerforyou:

    Laura: The Mongolian Grill is still there, and still a great place to go for food. When we lived in the area it was a family favorite. Now it is a rare treat because we live so much farther away.:flowerforyou:

    I really have no news this morning, just some observations. This has been a busy group with a lot of newbies lately. I’ve noticed that every time Barbie posts a new thread we attract a large group of new people. :smile: Sometimes the volume of posts can be daunting. :tongue: I was one of those new people just a few months ago, and finding this group has been a piece of very good luck for me. :heart: :flowerforyou: People here taught me that NSV means non-scale victory, and I’ve learned they’re some of the very best personal rewards for hard work. I’ve also had the chance to obsess about weight loss without driving my friends and family berserk.:blushing: All in all, this is a very good deal. Thanks Barbie, and thank you all. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    PS: Please include your location when you sign your posts. It makes things more fun.:wink:

    Katla in NW Oregon