running.... inside or outside?



  • DavidKBrewer
    ^ Sorry, totally off topic, but whenever you post something, I want a freaking cheeseburger!
  • rmd_fitness
    rmd_fitness Posts: 18 Member
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    Outside...yes, running outside is harder...but that's also kind of the point...if exercise is easy, you're doing it wrong. You should always be trying to push your body beyond what you did last time, it's the only way you get better.

    well running inside is also hard right now :)

    I just started the couch to 5K and finished week 1.... may be by the time I am completely finished with the program I will feel more comfortable challenging myself at a new level and going outside :)
  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    I've just got back from running 4 miles outside and just loved every single second of it! Its been snowing here until today so had to do the runs on the treadmill during the week and found it so much harder. I'm one of those odd people who find the treadmill much much harder work than outside - every step just hurts and is like torture. Outside I feel like I can run forever, inside after a couple of miles I just want to die - am dripping with sweat, my knees hurt and its just awful
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    I like the treadmill because it pushes me and I get to do HIIT. I can never do interval training outdoors because I just can't seem to push myself as hard as I do on the treadmill. I also don't run under the sun or the rain, so weather constraints bug me! The gym I used to run at also had tvs on them so I could watch shows while running and that helped. I do agree that outdoors are great when the weather is good, and you have a decent path to run at with your ipod plugged in! The curves and bumps in the outdoors also makes for a good workout!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I cannot stand treadmills. The few times a year I truly have to run indoors (very bad ice and lightning are the only two things that will keep me in), I hit the track at my gym. 12 miserable laps per mile, but at least I'm actually moving.
  • chaunaaa
    chaunaaa Posts: 5
    Both! The treadmill is definitely easier, but going outside for a jog and getting the fresh air feels so gooood :)
  • Eatkansasbeef
    Eatkansasbeef Posts: 71 Member
    When I first started running I started on the treadmill. I moved outside after a month or two and it took a week or so to get the hang of it and pick my times up. As of now, I run outside and absolutely hate the treadmill! A few days this year I ran on the treadmill due to weather and would honestly rather shoot myself in the foot. Awful! I do a couple days of incline work on the treadmill because I'm planning on hiking Pikes Peak this summer but other than that, I stick to outside.
  • WendyBlendy
    WendyBlendy Posts: 124 Member
    I run outside when the weather's nice. When it's not pretty outside I do the treadmill, but it's awfully boring!
  • kishawo
    kishawo Posts: 6
    i looooove the out doors it is so much more refreshing and you can challenge yourself to push. and the longer the distance the better you are. i beliee a person should embrace a change in scenery and challenge that body to do more when jogging outside.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Outside! Always! cant beat the trails or road! dreadmills are a big no no
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Outside. Rain, snow, windy, even better! Inside on a treadmill is boring to me.
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    Everywhere. To me each has its place

    Ive only been running a bit more than a year. I started on the treadmill and stuck with it until about 2 months ago. I love my treadmill! at first i loved it because it was something i would do. I didnt have to go anywhere, just put my shoes on and go. I also loved it because no one, other than my dogs were watching me. While i am starting to realize that it doesnt matter if someone sees you slow down or take a break in my mind it use to.

    My favourite is now trail running. Its awesome! its fun, its challenging, its SOOOOO much harder than the treadmill it blew my mind how much more difficult it was. my times fell hugely and my body really felt it. I also run with 3-4 others and i love the friendship and the added push and support. It is however not as convenient as the tm. I have to drive 15-20 minutes each way. You also have the weather, temp, etc to deal with but that just adds to it.

    So far i have only done one road run. I enjoyed it and i place it somewhere between the tm and the trails for difficulty but i found it much harder on my body. I could really notice it being more jarring and quickly switched to running the shoulder where ever i could. i ended up with sore shins and quads from this that came about a day after the run.

    I guess outside is much more interesting but i still love the treadmill with good tunes and get into a rhythm and zone out i can really enjoy still too if there is no time to get out or crappy weather etc.

    In the end its what ever will work for you and that you will keep doing!
  • deethedemonhunter
    deethedemonhunter Posts: 18 Member
    Well...until they make a sports bra that will do its JOB for me I am an indoor runner! Anyone with a suggestion on how to fix this issue please share :) I am, however, training for a 5k race so I will have to come out of that shell one of these days. Plus, my husband grew up in a bad neighborhood and he doesn't like me running or walking outside by myself. He is letting me ride my bike to work, though, so maybe he is getting used to the idea ;)
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    so I tried running outside yesterday and it was so hard! I had to walk more than I would if I was on a treadmill .... ugh.... It made me feel like I hate running
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Well...until they make a sports bra that will do its JOB for me I am an indoor runner! Anyone with a suggestion on how to fix this issue please share :) I am, however, training for a 5k race so I will have to come out of that shell one of these days. Plus, my husband grew up in a bad neighborhood and he doesn't like me running or walking outside by myself. He is letting me ride my bike to work, though, so maybe he is getting used to the idea ;)

    Double up your sports bras, that's what I do for ANY workout that requires jumping around and movement as I am currently a 38DDD...although with my weight loss I'm wondering now if I might have lost a "D" LOL!
    The best sports bra I have found has been from CURVES although I bought the large and not the XL so if you find one with GOOD coverage and then go down a size it should hold you pretty well and then doubling up does wonders!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Outside all year 'round. I run in the heat and run in the cold, run in the rain (except for thunderstorms, there's a fine line between crazy and stupid :laugh: ) and I run in the snow.

    I do still use my treadmill occasionally (like today with a severe thunderstorm warning in effect) usually to walk (I really don't like running on it) on cross training or recovery days.

    I am lucky to be a morning person. I usually like to run around 5 AM, even in the summer it's relatively cool at that time.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I actually love running outside, will even run in the rain. I hate the "dreadmill" and only use it if I have to
  • cheers_b
    cheers_b Posts: 74 Member
    Outside --regardless of weather!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Tiffanie0407
    Tiffanie0407 Posts: 112
    I'm a inside runner(treadmill). I have an infant and I don't have one of those running strollers