I've tried it all, but I cannot lose any weight!



  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I've done the calorie count thing too and it didn't work.

    It will work if you do it properly and give it enough time. Don't weigh yourself daily and understand that along the way there will be weeks you either lose nothing or you gain. It's just how weight loss goes.

    If you have truly given things a shot and done things properly than see your doctor. If they determine that nothing is medical wrong with you than there is something in your approach that you need to change.

    Also, don't go into trying something thinking that it's not going to work. It will work if YOU want it to work. If you make excuses as to how it's not working than it's not something you want bad enough.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    None of this is helping guys.....
    It just doesn't seem fair. I have an active lifestyle even aside from exercise. Bot my jobs consist of me walking and standing constantly. I've done the calorie count thing too and it didn't work.

    What would help? What do you need?
    I need to find out why I've tried all these different things, and yet I've been the same weight for months.
    I've never been this weight before.

    You're eating at maintenance. There, I figured it out for you. So what are you going to do about it?
  • None of this is helping guys.....
    It just doesn't seem fair. I have an active lifestyle even aside from exercise. Bot my jobs consist of me walking and standing constantly. I've done the calorie count thing too and it didn't work.

    Here you go


    You've had great advice - take it and stop complaining.
    You don't have to post here if you don't like the topic. All I'm getting is "You have to count every calorie" I've done that it DOESN"T WORK.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    It takes three minutes per meal to log food on this site.

    How is that tedious?
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    Also, change up your workout and sometimes eating more can help. It is possibly a metabolism issue. Are you getting enough calories in a day. I know how you feel as I actually gained a few pounds while training for my marathon this past fall and was burning more cals then I was taking in. VERY frustrating, I have now changed things up and I am back at losing. Good luck and you are doing a great job.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    None of this is helping guys.....
    It just doesn't seem fair. I have an active lifestyle even aside from exercise. Bot my jobs consist of me walking and standing constantly. I've done the calorie count thing too and it didn't work.

    Here you go


    You've had great advice - take it and stop complaining.
    You don't have to post here if you don't like the topic. All I'm getting is "You have to count every calorie" I've done that it DOESN"T WORK.

    You've had links to two threads to calculate your TDEE etc - and it does work if you do it correctly and give it time. I came to give advice but just see you complaining about how it isn't fair.

    Eat TDEE - 20%
    Do some cardio
    Lift some weights.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    I don't usually log here. And I've tried counting calories in the past. Its ridiculous, tedious, unrealistic and didn't work anyway.

  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    You don't have to post here if you don't like the topic. All I'm getting is "You have to count every calorie" I've done that it DOESN"T WORK.

    Are you looking for someone to endorse a diet pill or something? That's not likely to happen. You're getting calorie counting because that's how members here have lost hundreds of pounds and kept it off for years.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Also, change up your workout and sometimes eating more can help. It is possibly a metabolism issue. Are you getting enough calories in a day. I know how you feel as I actually gained a few pounds while training for my marathon this past fall and was burning more cals then I was taking in. VERY frustrating, I have now changed things up and I am back at losing. Good luck and you are doing a great job.

    Without logging there is no way to know how many calories they are even eating a day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you do not want to actually count calories, I am not sure what you are expecting to get from your post.

    My advice - start logging and then come back for advice if it is not working. People cannot give advice with no data.
  • capergirl770
    capergirl770 Posts: 23 Member
    Have you had bloodwork done? You maybe hypothyroid. I am the same, cant get past a certain weight and it was because I was hypo I've been on meds for months now and I am now trying again. I agree with everyone though.. Tracking what you eat is important in weight loss. I do WW and MFP.
  • Oriole15
    Oriole15 Posts: 58
    I'm not eating too little and I'm not eating too much.

    How do you know if you don't measure what you eat?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    You need to burn more calories than you consume.

    That's science. How you choose to do that is up to you. It's very hard to burn more than you consume if you don't know what you're consuming or burning.

    Argue that it doesn't work all you want - physics will apply to you regardless.
  • Sunflowergirl1
    Sunflowergirl1 Posts: 33 Member
    To quote a post I read yesterday: "Congratulations: you've found your maintenance intake."

    Eat about 10-15% fewer calories and you'll start losing.

    (This will be hard to determine unless you're tracking, though.)

    ^ This!
  • You're obviously not doing it right.

    Calories in less than calories out for a sustained period of time, and you'll lose weight. IT WORKS. Unless you want to argue with Einstein's Annus Mirabilis paper, then just eat less than you use.

    It's not difficult.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    You got advice. Log your food. You have no idea how much you are really eating if you don't calorie count.

    Would you prefer we all pat you on the back and say don't worry it's not your fault - you're a special snowflake? :huh:

    Edit: also no need to cut out certain food etc - just log accurately and eat less than your maintenance calories.

    So nice to see truth here.

    If you arent counting calories or paying attn to protein..sodium..fat..and all that other stuff your body may need certain amounts of depending where you are on your journey you are asking for a stall. Just because you start one way eating certain amounts of things to lose fat doesnt mean that it is set in stone and forever. Maybe it is time for you to stop tryin to lose fat weight and gain muscle mass? Either way you will need to log your intakes. If you really want the results you seek there is no way around it and making excuses about it wont get you far with some ppl on this site. We are all here for a change in some positive form so get to loggin sista!
    Whats that quote?....doing the same thing over and over .....getting same results? whatever lol point is what you are doing isnt working so keep doing different things until you find your niche!
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    Even a dietician recently told me - not every diet works for everyone. If you want to find the one that works for you, you might have to do a bit of experimenting.

    Have you ever been tested for food allergies? If you are making other good strides, but eating something that might be inflaming your system, that might be causing a problem.
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    You say you've counted calories...but have you really? Every lick of the spoon, every stolen french fry, every splash of cream in your coffee? Because what ever it is...every calorie counts when you're trying to create a deficit. And that's what really works. You have to find out what kind of deficit works for your body and stick to it. If it's not working...change it somehow.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Log everything, every day. Do not diet. Make this a lifestyle change. Drink water, eat clean. Know your BMR and TDEE. Exercise. If you do not know the terms I've mentioned, just remember, Google is your friend.
  • Even a dietician recently told me - not every diet works for everyone. If you want to find the one that works for you, you might have to do a bit of experimenting.

    Have you ever been tested for food allergies? If you are making other good strides, but eating something that might be inflaming your system, that might be causing a problem.
    I've tried various things. That's what makes this frustrating.
    I remember being 145lbs. And now I don't know what happened..... I've never been tested for food allergies though.