I've tried it all, but I cannot lose any weight!



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Either you're a troll, have some serious attention issues, or you're just stupid. I'm sick of lazy people saying they have tried it all when they probably spent 2 weeks on a diet or workout regime. If you're from the States this is what is wrong with our country. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Do some back research if you are not willing to accept the advice people are giving you here. If you have truly tried everything like you have said then something would have clicked by now. You're lazy and you probably won't succeed if you keep your current attitude up. No one is going to give you the body you want, only you can do that!

    Don't take my post the wrong way but you're the type of person that needs tough love and to hear the truth in order to be motivated. Take your pity party some where else, no one is interested in your sob story.

    PM me sometime if you wanna talk but take your crying elsewhere.

  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    Its kind of like noone read my post. I HAVE tried counting calories a while back. That did not work.
    I was always left hungry. And even when I was able to follow through, the results weren't significant.
    And its not just as easy as typing something in and logging it. I don't always know how many calories the food at my University has so I tried to log in something but it was most likely incorrect.

    You haven't read my posts on the first page that gave you great advice.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Do you have access to a kitchen with a stove at your dorm? If you do, and have a fridge, then you can easily prepare all your meals the day before so you get a more accurate estimation of calorie intake. Keep meals simple with a few ingredients so that entering foods isn't so time-consuming.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Its kind of like noone read my post. I HAVE tried counting calories a while back. That did not work.
    I was always left hungry. And even when I was able to follow through, the results weren't significant.
    And its not just as easy as typing something in and logging it. I don't always know how many calories the food at my University has so I tried to log in something but it was most likely incorrect.

    How long did you give calorie counting to work? A week or two? DId you weigh and measure everything? Did you honestly track everything? If you were left hungry your calories were either too low or you were eating too much processed foods and not enough fat, fiber, and protein.

    What is not significant results?? 1lb a week? 0.5lb a week? Weight will not be lost quickly when you have so little to lose (you are almost at the healthy weight range for your height).

    People DID READ your post and responded with great information.

    Ultimately, if you want it bad enough you will find a way to make it work. If you want it bad enough you will stick with it even iwthout seeing the results you want right away. If you want it bad enough you will not make excuses.. sorry but saying nothing is working, I've tried everything, calorie counting takes too long and is to hard, not listening to helpful advice here and expecting instant results are excuses. If you are honest with yourself and do it right, it will work.
  • Either you're a troll, have some serious attention issues, or you're just stupid. I'm sick of lazy people saying they have tried it all when they probably spent 2 weeks on a diet or workout regime. If you're from the States this is what is wrong with our country. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Do some back research if you are not willing to accept the advice people are giving you here. If you have truly tried everything like you have said then something would have clicked by now. You're lazy and you probably won't succeed if you keep your current attitude up. No one is going to give you the body you want, only you can do that!

    Don't take my post the wrong way but you're the type of person that needs tough love and to hear the truth in order to be motivated. Take your pity party some where else, no one is interested in your sob story.

    PM me sometime if you wanna talk but take your crying elsewhere.
    Well look at mr.6 pack. I KNOW this is harder for me to lose weight because of Genetics. My mother, grandmother along with many other women in my family are overweight. I was always able to stay at a decent size. Until recently.
    I'm not a troll or stupid. You don't know what this is like because men naturally are able to lose weight faster than women. I'm not lazy either. You haven't seen how hard I've been working. Again, you can stop posting here if you don't like the topic.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Persistence and planning are key.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Well look at mr.6 pack. I KNOW this is harder for me to lose weight because of Genetics. My mother, grandmother along with many other women in my family are overweight. I was always able to stay at a decent size. Until recently.
    I'm not a troll or stupid. You don't know what this is like because men naturally are able to lose weight faster than women. I'm not lazy either. You haven't seen how hard I've been working. Again, you can stop posting here if you don't like the topic.

    And you haven't seen how hard the rest of us have worked for what we have. Which was all done with calorie counting.

    Also that six pack you are making a sarcastic dig at? Shows that he's doing something right.

    Which you admit you have been failing at.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I eat 5-6 meals a day and log every bite. I think I'm down around 14 pounds since Christmas. The only real change I've made to my eating habits are to cut out high calorie density snacks (it's amazing how few gluten-free corn chips equal 100 calories). I'm also being more mindful about what I eat and portion sizes - but the foods I eat are the same foods I've eaten for years. I haven't given up any food I enjoy, but limit myself to a nibble if I know it's not "nutrition rich" (like the tiny piece of home-made fudge I had a couple days ago). I'm rarely hungry. I DO try to limit foods with processed sugar, because I know that does odd things to my feeling of well-being (even non-diabetics can have "events" that feel like low blood sugar). You may have to experiment to find which foods lead to loss of quantity control. The bottom line is if you're maintaining your weight with your current level of calorie intake and exercise, you have to change "something" to lose weight. Tracking what you eat and how much you exercise for the next week or so, without making any change, should give you a baseline. From there, you can make a plan to change something - either quantity of food, food group emphasis (eat more protein and less starch or fill up on low starch veggies and use proteins and carbs to fill up the cracks - any number of variations are possible - you just have to find the regimen that works best for you).
    You also don't say how tall you are? What's your BMI (as a guide, not a bible)? Maybe 150 is the "right" weight for you?
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    Either you're a troll, have some serious attention issues, or you're just stupid. I'm sick of lazy people saying they have tried it all when they probably spent 2 weeks on a diet or workout regime. If you're from the States this is what is wrong with our country. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Do some back research if you are not willing to accept the advice people are giving you here. If you have truly tried everything like you have said then something would have clicked by now. You're lazy and you probably won't succeed if you keep your current attitude up. No one is going to give you the body you want, only you can do that!

    Don't take my post the wrong way but you're the type of person that needs tough love and to hear the truth in order to be motivated. Take your pity party some where else, no one is interested in your sob story.

    PM me sometime if you wanna talk but take your crying elsewhere.
    Well look at mr.6 pack. I KNOW this is harder for me to lose weight because of Genetics. My mother, grandmother along with many other women in my family are overweight. I was always able to stay at a decent size. Until recently.
    I'm not a troll or stupid. You don't know what this is like because men naturally are able to lose weight faster than women. I'm not lazy either. You haven't seen how hard I've been working. Again, you can stop posting here if you don't like the topic.

    Tougher love than I thought :bigsmile:
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Either you're a troll, have some serious attention issues, or you're just stupid. I'm sick of lazy people saying they have tried it all when they probably spent 2 weeks on a diet or workout regime. If you're from the States this is what is wrong with our country. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Do some back research if you are not willing to accept the advice people are giving you here. If you have truly tried everything like you have said then something would have clicked by now. You're lazy and you probably won't succeed if you keep your current attitude up. No one is going to give you the body you want, only you can do that!

    Don't take my post the wrong way but you're the type of person that needs tough love and to hear the truth in order to be motivated. Take your pity party some where else, no one is interested in your sob story.

    PM me sometime if you wanna talk but take your crying elsewhere.
    Well look at mr.6 pack. I KNOW this is harder for me to lose weight because of Genetics. My mother, grandmother along with many other women in my family are overweight. I was always able to stay at a decent size. Until recently.
    I'm not a troll or stupid. You don't know what this is like because men naturally are able to lose weight faster than women. I'm not lazy either. You haven't seen how hard I've been working. Again, you can stop posting here if you don't like the topic.

    Weight is determined by how many calories you consume and how many calories your body burns. More calories burned than consumed means weight loss.. more calories consumed than burned means gaining weight.

    Just because women in your family are overweight doesn't mean you have to be. I'm sorry but saying that is just an excuse.
  • Either you're a troll, have some serious attention issues, or you're just stupid. I'm sick of lazy people saying they have tried it all when they probably spent 2 weeks on a diet or workout regime. If you're from the States this is what is wrong with our country. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Do some back research if you are not willing to accept the advice people are giving you here. If you have truly tried everything like you have said then something would have clicked by now. You're lazy and you probably won't succeed if you keep your current attitude up. No one is going to give you the body you want, only you can do that!

    Don't take my post the wrong way but you're the type of person that needs tough love and to hear the truth in order to be motivated. Take your pity party some where else, no one is interested in your sob story.

    PM me sometime if you wanna talk but take your crying elsewhere.

    I like you. :flowerforyou:
  • fanakar
    fanakar Posts: 23
    The solution is counting the calories. I think you already know that. I don't know, maybe you are just trolling us. I mean, your presence on this site doesn't even make sense if you already know you are completely resistant to counting calories. That's what this site is about and ALL it's about. Why would we tell you different and why would you expect to read anything different?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    It's so easy to blame genetics and everything else under the sun.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    You came here for advice? Okay, here's my advice: LOG YOUR CALORIES.

    That is all.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    If you hate logging, try 5:2 style Intermittent Fasting. Two non consecutive days at 500 calories (so you will need to log two days a week). Maintenance, which you already do, for the other days. That will give you your weekly deficit.

    Seriously? Who would want to do that? Good lawd, I could eat that for breakfast. Make permanent changes. Not temporary ones. Eating that way would cause me to binge. Eat healthy, don't be afraid to eat. You could also use Fat2FitRadio.com's calculator and eat at the maintenance for the weight that is healthy for you.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Either you're a troll, have some serious attention issues, or you're just stupid. I'm sick of lazy people saying they have tried it all when they probably spent 2 weeks on a diet or workout regime. If you're from the States this is what is wrong with our country. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Do some back research if you are not willing to accept the advice people are giving you here. If you have truly tried everything like you have said then something would have clicked by now. You're lazy and you probably won't succeed if you keep your current attitude up. No one is going to give you the body you want, only you can do that!

    Don't take my post the wrong way but you're the type of person that needs tough love and to hear the truth in order to be motivated. Take your pity party some where else, no one is interested in your sob story.

    PM me sometime if you wanna talk but take your crying elsewhere.
    Well look at mr.6 pack. I KNOW this is harder for me to lose weight because of Genetics. My mother, grandmother along with many other women in my family are overweight. I was always able to stay at a decent size. Until recently.
    I'm not a troll or stupid. You don't know what this is like because men naturally are able to lose weight faster than women. I'm not lazy either. You haven't seen how hard I've been working. Again, you can stop posting here if you don't like the topic.

    you're making excuses.

    time to grow up and put away the excuses and be accountable to and for yourself.

    if you're looking for somebody to pat you on the head and tell you that it's not your fault that you can't lose weight, then maybe this isn't the right place for that.

    if you're looking for somebody to tell you that you can do it, but you have to put away the excuses, then that's what people are trying to do.

    make a plan of action. make sure it is correct. then implement it and stick to it long enough to see results.
  • Well look at mr.6 pack. I KNOW this is harder for me to lose weight because of Genetics. My mother, grandmother along with many other women in my family are overweight. I was always able to stay at a decent size. Until recently.
    I'm not a troll or stupid. You don't know what this is like because men naturally are able to lose weight faster than women. I'm not lazy either. You haven't seen how hard I've been working. Again, you can stop posting here if you don't like the topic.

    1. So are the women in mine. Calories in < calories out.
    2. I'm a woman. I've lost weight. Stop embarrassing your gender, put down the pies, and get your *kitten* on a treadmill.
    3. You've been working so hard you can't use a website SPECIFICALLY DEVELOPED to make it easier for you to log calories. So you won't even take the laziest method onboard?

    Additional point: You said that you're in university. So am I. Lost 25 pounds by exercising and eating 1200 a day.

    I think we're done here, don't you?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Good luck in your search for the magical solution that will combat your fat gene. Enjoy being stuck at your current weight.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Either you're a troll, have some serious attention issues, or you're just stupid. I'm sick of lazy people saying they have tried it all when they probably spent 2 weeks on a diet or workout regime. If you're from the States this is what is wrong with our country. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Do some back research if you are not willing to accept the advice people are giving you here. If you have truly tried everything like you have said then something would have clicked by now. You're lazy and you probably won't succeed if you keep your current attitude up. No one is going to give you the body you want, only you can do that!

    Don't take my post the wrong way but you're the type of person that needs tough love and to hear the truth in order to be motivated. Take your pity party some where else, no one is interested in your sob story.

    PM me sometime if you wanna talk but take your crying elsewhere.
    Well look at mr.6 pack. I KNOW this is harder for me to lose weight because of Genetics. My mother, grandmother along with many other women in my family are overweight. I was always able to stay at a decent size. Until recently.
    I'm not a troll or stupid. You don't know what this is like because men naturally are able to lose weight faster than women. I'm not lazy either. You haven't seen how hard I've been working. Again, you can stop posting here if you don't like the topic.

    More excuses - good luck with that.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Its kind of like noone read my post. I HAVE tried counting calories a while back. That did not work.
    I was always left hungry. And even when I was able to follow through, the results weren't significant.
    And its not just as easy as typing something in and logging it. I don't always know how many calories the food at my University has so I tried to log in something but it was most likely incorrect.

    I read all of your posts. I just don't believe you really tried it.

    If you were too hungry all the time, your deficit was too large. Recalculate it. I will walk you through it if you want to do it.

    Re: Tracking your calories at University. If you frequent the dining halls, choose foods that don't have recipes. Whole fruits, steamed vegetables, steamed rice, what have you. If there isn't enough of that stuff to eat, ASK what the recipes are. They've got to be written down somewhere. Bring a scale with you to eat. Most run on batteries and are smaller and lighter than a textbook and will fit in your bag easily.

    Alternatively, you might be able to cook your food yourself. I did this a lot when I was at college. Our dorms had a community kitchen that had pots and pans and everything. This would also work if you lived close enough to home to cook there once a week and bring it back. Make simple things in huge batches, enough food to last a week, and just take it out of the fridge as needed.