
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    It’s a beautiful day here in Omaha, supposed to be in the 70s. :love: Woo hoo! I will be working away on the book (sent a chapter last night on the other one) and then going out with friend to a great Indian fusion restaurant. We went there last week. Work continues on the garage. DD#2 just got a job a chick-fillet or however you spell it. So she is all a-twitter!:bigsmile:

    Gail: good choice on resisting the candy! I don’t think I have ever heard of Soma. Sounds nice though

    Michelle: I don’t know the brand of pedometer; it has a Blue Cross Blue Shield logo on it and no branding, so it’s probably something made for them. I’m kind of excited to see how many steps I get in an average day then try to start increasing! So the wedding is in Spain? That sounds lovely.

    Jodios: good news that the condo is taken care of so quickly but I’m sorry it has been stressful for you. Hugs! Congrats on the weight loss! You rock!:happy:

    Jmkmomm: OMG I spit my coffee out when I read the 38 long remark! :laugh: :laugh: Jodios made the remark about perky and high being good and I thought “what’s that?”

    Jo: how is the weather in Wales? Did you just get a big storm? Seems like the weather channel was talking about it.

    Amanda: you are on the bra wagon too! I gotta hurry this last 9 pounds up so I can join you!

    DeeDee: sending lots of energy your way to so you can keep up with the young ‘uns!:flowerforyou:

    Sandy: I haven’t been able to fit in anything from Victoria’s Secret since they opened, so I’m jealous!

    MA: congrats on the weight loss and getting under the dreaded 200 mark! Keep up the good work!

    Liz: I love your positive attitude!

    M: I think ballparks have a banned fan section so their karma doesn’t get out on the field! :tongue: Hope they win!

    Vicki: we are practically neighbors! I live in Papillion. Enjoy your football game.

    Cooky: when you get done, I’ll cook dinner if you come paint my house too!

    Gonzamm: what a great goal!

    Carol: wow what a dream! OMG! It’s cute your little son was going to save you though! Good work on declining the donuts…I could never do that!

    Lucy: oh, what a way to start the weekend! I hope you find your pedometer. Sending good wishes for something spectacular to happen to you to make up for it!

    Katla: I don’t have that much experience really supervising because the people I work with are all so great. It is unusual to have these kind of problems, but I must say every semester I get one crazy adjunct who causes problems. I love baseball. But I do hate the spitting. I think they should be fined. Scratching I don’t mind…I find it amusing especially when they slide and dirt goes down their pants. They are just a bunch of big little boys!

    Cityjane: you are so right about every pound being hard won!

    Brooke: wow good for you on your loss!

    Well that’s it for me today I’m afraid. I need to get lots done before dinner tonight. Take care, Meg from sunny Omaha who is not quite so maximally medicated today! :drinker:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    OK...Update: I just went into my powder room and guess what I found? My pedometer! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I must have taken it off last night and laid it on the sink but I was so tired, I didn't remember it! That just made my day! Yeah!!!! Things are looking up!

    Thanks for all the good thoughts. I think they worked! MFP is more than a program for weight loss. That Vitamin F goes a long way!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • Bberl
    Bberl Posts: 32
    Hello, I am back on track with FP and have started a small fitness component. I think that dancing even around the house is
    beneficial. I am looking to lose at least 20lbs. But, realistically know that 10lbs is my goal and hopefully I will add to it and achieve my first goal followed by another.
    I will read posts here, so I am committed and now that the weather is nice it is easier to spend time outdoors doing things I love.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    so glad to have found this thread. Been making changes for 3 weeks now and have lost 4.5 lbs and a couple of inches already. Look forward to sharing within my age group. (new to that too lol)
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Tried to catch up last night for a bit, off to funeral events all day.....
    have a good Saturday!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Amanda – In your new profile picture, is that you up front in the black?? Enjoy your (cold) sunshine today!
    Yes Brooke, that's me - actually running a 5k. The girls I am running past were laughing because I called out 'make way, grandmother coming through'. A very proud moment for me! x
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Bumping in to this VERY busy spot!

    Great encouragement to adapt and adjust and go at your own pace. At this age, I think we have all learned that we do not have to impress anyone and have the confidence to do what is good for me as an individual. Thanks ladies for the reminders.

    Kate - i loved that feeling of being able to wear something from the 'normal' store! It was so elating! :happy: I have decided that some stores are subnormal - their large still only fits a stick figure - but those have never been for me and never will be. Congratulations to you!:flowerforyou:

    A bit of a set back in the advent of spring here - a little chilly....brrr! but it will come....right???:ohwell:

    This week was full of wonderful family time and activities.......time to get to work here.

    Glenda in Alberta
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Congratulations to Ma for being in 'onederland'!!!! I only have about 7 pounds to go before I am there. As you all know I have MS. My neurologist office have a certain standard of care that the doctors must use in treating their patients. One of them is asking the patients to lose weight when needed. My doctor tells me and then just goes on since she knows it was a part of my treatment I wasn't interested in doing. My annual appointment is next week and I can't wait to see her face. I think this is the year she orders an MRI. I hope I fit in the MRI machine better. I guess I should put that on my goal list. My first goal to meet was to be bale to tie my shoes while sitting and still be comfortable. I had originally said I would set 20 pound goals. I wonder now if maybe 15 pounds would be more satisfying. It has been so frustrating watching those pounds so slowly melting off.

    Joyce, in sunny southern Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    well just got back in the house..went to 2 consignment shops and i think they took one thing each~ I guess the stuff I brought was outdated :embarassed: the rest of the stuff I put in the Susan g Kolmen box.
    I went to Sams and spent 71.00 on eggs, milk, half and half and some fruit.. did buy myself some more yoga pants down a couple sizes:wink:
    We have a very nice riverfront park so I packed up the boys in the car and took them for couple mile walk.. they enjoyed it ,but my heel didn't.. Oh well I can deal...at least we all got some fresh air..
    The DH should be at the house by now, will let him get settled and im sure he will call later..
  • dohertna
    dohertna Posts: 1 Member
    Take time to heal your body after surgery
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    I am craving a meatball grinder with cheese, I just looked up the calorie count and almost had a heart attack:noway: so I guess I will forgo it.... trying to figure out a lower calorie option for that hmmmm
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    UGHHHH, just walked a full mile with my husband. I hadn't done that since 1 week ago. On vacation I had walked that amount through out the whole day but this was all at once. My legs hurt, my feet hurt, I think my face is burnt. But it had to be done. He was getting tired of the mall, it is boring and wanted to get back outside again
  • Hi Ladies!
    I made low fat "cream" of mushroom soup with asparagus woody ends in it today. One of you said she peels off the tough outside and uses the inside so that's what I did. It was delicious. My husband's response was, "very nice." He had two bowls.

    I fell off the wagon and ate two pieces of lemon pie today. I wish I could say I really enjoyed them, but I didn't. Oh, well. I climbed back on the wagon again, will take a walk, and stay within my 232 calories for the rest of today.

    Sharon from Michigan
  • Nice to find this support group! This is a great site, and very beneficial to me. My doctor recommended it. I have been heavy by US media standards all my life but it has never been an issue or0a problem for me until recently. Now, due to pretty severe knee ppain, I want to get some weight off! Going well so far. If I can lose 5 pounds or more a month for the next year, I will be delighted! Tracking calories helps. I know metabolism slows with age and my activity level is way lower than in the pst because of joint pain as well as lifestyle changes so having a supportive community along with a good objective record of food and exercise really helps! My "magic numbers" right now for healthy weight loss seem to be 1400 to 1600 right now, at about 40 percent protein. I am 5, 6,, and 235 pounds--pretty inactive because of the knee pain. How does that compare for all of you? My April goal is to weigh less than 230 by the end of April (and for the rest of my life!) Nice to virtually meet you all!
  • novalh42
    novalh42 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi all! I am new to this group. I will be 50 on June 30 so...close enough. I guess I just post my goals for April. Well even though it has already started, here goes:

    Log food every day!!

    Try to get some kind or exercise in at least 4 times a week.

    Test my blood sugar 2 times a day every day like I am supposed to.

    I guess that is all for now! :)
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good morning everyone in MFP land. Looks like it is going to be a mixed day weather-wise here. So far it has rained and then lovely sunshine and now I see some dark puffy clouds rolling in. The walk could turn out to be wet I guess (nothing smells quite like wet dogs - lol). Oh dear, it just started to hail.

    Robin - I keep wondering this, does your problem boss treat everyone else this badly or does she save this treatment just for you? It does seem like the company is recognizing there is a problem at least. They may not have taken the best route, but it depends I guess on their perception of the situation.

    I too feel like I can't keep up with the posts here. By the time I read them, all I'm out of time to do any posting. However, I think I'm up to date now.

    Amanda - your diamond sounds lovely and I cracked up at your magpie comment. I love cheeky birds and we don't have magpies here so I miss them. The Stellar Jays are just about as noisy and cheeky though.

    Jodios – how wonderful for you to be in the teens and so close to your goal. I still have about 10-15 pounds to go and it is really a struggle.

    Donna – love daylilies. I have quite a few, but only one that is special. I love the way they make a border along the top of my rockery. My Mom had a huge garden section of them so they always remind me of my childhood (I used to pick the flowers and mount them upside down on bobbypins and pretend they were debutantes or ballerinas). Maybe when I have grandchildren they will do the same thing. And as far as taking on too much at our age, hey, you’re half way there already – of course you can do this.

    Katla – what a sensible way to deal with the clothing sizes and disposals. I wish I had done that as I am currently giving away stuff with the tags still on (I’m a bit of a clotheshorse though).

    Mary – you are living my dream – a partner who is a chef – whoo hoo! I guess with my weight challenge though, it might be not such a good thing. I’d hate to start gaining again.

    Bea – I think it is so nice of your husband to share in your hot flashes – lol. I’ve always thought men should have some hormonal challenges too and if staying awake is the only one, well, so be it. I have the same question about looking at recipes but can’t figure out a way either. I appreciate it when it shows Cdn though so at least I can relate to the metric.

    Kate – aha, now you are going to turn into a fashionista! Shopping in the “normal” stores can be fun, but I think I’d better curb my enthusiasm a bit. Sorry to hear that you are still getting snow. We’re definitely spring here now, my maple is blooming with pretty green flowers and the tamarack is just about ready to pop with the green needle fringes. For some reason I have a ton of bluebells showing up in my lawn and I have no idea how they got there (weren’t there last year).

    Renny – try Victoria Classic Lingerie on Fort. They do complimentary fitting and have specialty bras as well.

    MA – congratulations on being under!!!

    Cheryl – what willpower to turn down the deluxe doughnut offer. I think your DH’s heart is in the right place but good for you turning the offer down.

    Well, I think the walk is off for a bit, still hailing and raining off and on. I look out across a valley and the mountains on the other side are in sunshine so I guess this will pass fairly quickly.

    I have some aprons to make (out of old shirts) for the serving staff at our Age-Friendly luncheons so I’ll do that in the meantime. 1 down, 5 to go.

    Have a nice weekend and I’ll check in tomorrow so this thread doesn’t get too far ahead of me.

    Lila in the sunny-rainy-hailly Kootenays in south east BC, Canada.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Katla – That’s so funny that you’re looking for the artisan who made your wallet. Just last month I went back to the store where I got my “special” wallet 6 years ago, and was thrilled that they still carried that maker! My new one has hand-cut and colored frog on a lilypad and makes me smile each time I use it :happy:

    CityJane – You’re wise to make soup, I do that once or twice a week and always have lots of veggies in it and usually beans/lentils for the protein and fiber. Always really filling but low calorie and healthy. Thanks for keeping us posted on the facial exercises progress too. So glad you had the good fortune of finding a good physio when it came to correcting your knees!

    Meg – mmmmmm, Indian fusion food sounds divine Hope you have a great time out with friends! A good reward for working so hard today on your book (not to mention the craziness of your “regular” week) :drinker:

    Amanda – you are awesome, a true inspiration! So glad you’re here to share your experience and wisdom on this journey:flowerforyou:

    Joyce – “Onederland” is right around the corner for you. Can’t wait to hear from you about your Dr.’s reaction to your success so far!

    Grandmallie – good for you for the “smaller yoga pants reward” - - you’ve earned it!

    Jmkmomm – Great work on walking the outdoor mile. Sunscreen next time!!!

    Sharon from MI – Climb back up on that wagon, one slip-up can’t hold you back!

    Sherrimccarth – Welcome and congratulations on your decision to make your health a priority! You’ll find this site and this forum to be a great help

    Novalh42 - Welcome to you too (see above). Great goals, and great start to your weight loss total

    Lila – Hoping your rain and hail storm passed quickly and left you with fresh, clean air for your walk (hopefully no “wet dog smell” to deal with today :laugh: )

    Brooke from Colorado
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sherri, it is so good that your doctor sent you to this site. I started about your size I am 5'6'', started at 233 last November and have lost 26 pounds so far. Good luck, you can do it

    Joyce, in sunny southern Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    ok so I didnt go get that meatball grinder,I had butternut squash bisque and a couple of rye flatbread crackers.. whooo hooo, saved some calories there lol