I've tried it all, but I cannot lose any weight!



  • ldbuster0
    ldbuster0 Posts: 207
    If you hate logging, try 5:2 style Intermittent Fasting. Two non consecutive days at 500 calories (so you will need to log two days a week). Maintenance, which you already do, for the other days. That will give you your weekly deficit.

    Try this. Plus eat lentil soup for one week for 2 meals a day. The more you eat the better. Be ready to go to the bathroom a lot. I lost about 2 to 3 pounds that week. I am about to do it again and see if it will work again. I still log my food though and I exercise. Right now I am doing 30 day shred. Best wishes. I hope everything works out for you.
  • ldbuster0
    ldbuster0 Posts: 207
    OMG, it's not fair! I've tried everything except what this site is meant to do, but I come on this site and complain about it anyways!


    i smell an attention *kitten*.

    It's not nice to call people bad names. It always comes back to haunt you. That's being so rude.
  • fuzzymop55
    fuzzymop55 Posts: 70 Member

    I wish this stuff worked for me. Right now I've been the same weight for about 3 weeks now 134-135 IF I were to eat the calories they recommend based off the TDEE or BMR or whatever weird science calculations and based off my maintenance, I would gain weight. I'm 5'2" my goal is to get down to 120 maybe 125 depending on how I feel I look. I eat between 700-1500 a day depending on exercise. I put myself as lightly active because I go to the gym 5x a week for about 60 minutes which includes high incline treadmill and weights. If I was to eat 1,600 calories or even more like they suggest at a whopping 2,xxx I would not be losing any weight. I can't explain why I'm not losing any weight. I'm not gaining, I haven't checked my measurements since march 18th. In theory I should be down to at least 130 now but I'm not. I find it hard to believe that If I consumed waaaaay more than I normally do the weight will just fall off. Considering calories in/calories out and a pound being 3,500. So maybe you can give me some insight on how many actual calories I have to eat to lose weight at a more steady pace 1-2lb a week the right way.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Fuzzymop, I'm a similar height to you, although I'm heavier. I use the link you give, and the thing is, if you're on the short side (and older, in my case), you end up with quite a small deficit. It's a percentage drop, rather than a fixed number of calories, and the smaller (and less active) you are, the smaller that drop is going to be. So you're not going to get a 2lb a week loss. I know that the people who are eating 2000 plus calories and losing are probably taller, younger, more active and/or more male than me.

    I like http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ . If you try putting your stats in there, you might be surprised (I find that the default Mifflin BMR calculator it uses makes me come out lower than usual, and I'm lower on Katch too, due to high body fat). If I put in your height and weight and my age, it tells me to eat 1315 calories a day if lightly active, with a 20% deficit. You say you're lightly active, but you might be moderately active with 5 hours of gym a week, which would give you more calories, you're probably younger than me AND you probably only need a 10% deficit. But I'm just pointing out that the system doesn't require you to eat 2000 calories or anywhere near - it adjusts to your BMR (which tends to be lower for us shorties). The calorie goal can be surprisingly low.

    With this system, I only have a deficit of around 300 calories, which means a weight loss of just over 1/2 lb a week. What I find is that with a small deficit like that, it's useless trying to track weight loss from week to week, because I can gain or lose a couple of pounds in a day. What I do is weigh every day, but only track my weight from month to month. I should see an average loss of at least 2lb every month and I do. Your three weeks of not losing wouldn't worry me. You're so close to goal too, that it's bound to be slow.

    I find it easier following IPOARM, and it might be worth you giving it a go if only so you don't feel you have to have those 700 calorie days!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member

    I wish this stuff worked for me. Right now I've been the same weight for about 3 weeks now 134-135 IF I were to eat the calories they recommend based off the TDEE or BMR or whatever weird science calculations and based off my maintenance, I would gain weight. I'm 5'2" my goal is to get down to 120 maybe 125 depending on how I feel I look. I eat between 700-1500 a day depending on exercise. I put myself as lightly active because I go to the gym 5x a week for about 60 minutes which includes high incline treadmill and weights. If I was to eat 1,600 calories or even more like they suggest at a whopping 2,xxx I would not be losing any weight. I can't explain why I'm not losing any weight. I'm not gaining, I haven't checked my measurements since march 18th. In theory I should be down to at least 130 now but I'm not. I find it hard to believe that If I consumed waaaaay more than I normally do the weight will just fall off. Considering calories in/calories out and a pound being 3,500. So maybe you can give me some insight on how many actual calories I have to eat to lose weight at a more steady pace 1-2lb a week the right way.

    Do you enjoy eating that low??? Oh my, make this a lifestyle change! When you properly fuel the body it will burn the fat efficiently. 700 calories, pfffft I could eat that at one meal. My diary is open. I eat far more than you do. And I look and feel great.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Are you eating starfches? bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, oatmeal?

    I do, why?

    Me too. I have oatmeal almost daily and pasta almost daily as well.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399

    I wish this stuff worked for me. Right now I've been the same weight for about 3 weeks now 134-135 IF I were to eat the calories they recommend based off the TDEE or BMR or whatever weird science calculations and based off my maintenance, I would gain weight. I'm 5'2" my goal is to get down to 120 maybe 125 depending on how I feel I look. I eat between 700-1500 a day depending on exercise. I put myself as lightly active because I go to the gym 5x a week for about 60 minutes which includes high incline treadmill and weights. If I was to eat 1,600 calories or even more like they suggest at a whopping 2,xxx I would not be losing any weight. I can't explain why I'm not losing any weight. I'm not gaining, I haven't checked my measurements since march 18th. In theory I should be down to at least 130 now but I'm not. I find it hard to believe that If I consumed waaaaay more than I normally do the weight will just fall off. Considering calories in/calories out and a pound being 3,500. So maybe you can give me some insight on how many actual calories I have to eat to lose weight at a more steady pace 1-2lb a week the right way.

    Tdee is very inaccurate but a good starting point. My tdee suggests that I eat 3300-3000 calories just to maintain my weight. When through trial and error and weighing myself weekly my true maintenance is around 2500. How long have you been in a deficit because varying between 1500 - 700 cals is most likely the problem. That's a big gap. How long have you been in a deficit? Eating at maintenance for a while could help you blast through a plateau. You'll burn out eventually. Listen to your body.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    I wish this stuff worked for me. Right now I've been the same weight for about 3 weeks now 134-135 IF I were to eat the calories they recommend based off the TDEE or BMR or whatever weird science calculations and based off my maintenance, I would gain weight. I'm 5'2" my goal is to get down to 120 maybe 125 depending on how I feel I look. I eat between 700-1500 a day depending on exercise. I put myself as lightly active because I go to the gym 5x a week for about 60 minutes which includes high incline treadmill and weights. If I was to eat 1,600 calories or even more like they suggest at a whopping 2,xxx I would not be losing any weight. I can't explain why I'm not losing any weight. I'm not gaining, I haven't checked my measurements since march 18th. In theory I should be down to at least 130 now but I'm not. I find it hard to believe that If I consumed waaaaay more than I normally do the weight will just fall off. Considering calories in/calories out and a pound being 3,500. So maybe you can give me some insight on how many actual calories I have to eat to lose weight at a more steady pace 1-2lb a week the right way.

    You're starving your body only eating 700 cals on some days, no wonder it doesn't want to let go of any fat.

    You've been given the amount - your way is not working so why not give it a try? Give it six weeks at 1600 cals and see how you feel.

    BTW I'm 5'2 eating 1600-1800 a day and losing. And I do less exercise than you do. You are not lightly active.
  • Sounds like you're struggling with the scale. I feel for you. If you're positive you are doing everything right, then perhaps try looking at water retention as being a possible cause for weight fluctuations or no reductions after exercise. Take a good look at your salt intake or any meds u take which may have water retention as a side effect. In the end, u could have your thyroid checked if all else keeps failing. DB
  • avatrx
    avatrx Posts: 52
    I feel your anguish. I am - or was - having the same problem. I worked out every day - THOUGHT I was watching my calories but not actually logging them. Although my pants fit a little different and my workouts got a little easier - I gained 3 pounds.

    I decided to log my food intake. I'm still not finding out just how much I need to maintain, I did log food and keep my calories at 1200 or under. It is amazing how fast they add up.

    I put cream (1/2 and 1/2) in my coffee all the time but decided to measure out 1 day's worth and use only that. If I used it all it would be almost 400 calories! That is 1/3 of my 1200. Add a banana and that's another 100! I never drink sodas or things of that nature - thank heavens! those things are terrible.

    Since I"ve been tracking - I seem to have come down a couple of pounds in the last 2 weeks from where I started.

    It is really hard to track every bite you ingest - but until you have the book of calories memorized and can keep a mental tally - I think you should try it. I make just about everything from scratch because I don't like processed food, but that is VERY hard to keep track of.

    I don't follow recipes - I just 'eyeball' stuff. I've had to measure stuff while I'm making it now - so that I can get an accurate count of calories. Even that isn't perfect. I would have to weigh the whole thing - minus the container - divide the weight by what I consumed - etc. you get the picture...................................

    I had a 4oz piece of chicken the other day, but had it with some of my homemade honey mustard mayo. I had to measure the stuff that went in to the mayo, ( I've always made my own mayo) then measure how much agave I used (I use that in place of honey) then the mustard I add - then figure out how much I made as a batch, then figure out how many calories were in the 2T I had with my chicken. Took me longer to figure out the calories than it did to cook the chicken and make the sauce.....:-)
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    I don't usually log here. And I've tried counting calories in the past. Its ridiculous, tedious, unrealistic and didn't work anyway.

    Well it's not working your way either. :huh:

    Seriously LMAO