Girls who dress like strippers to work out.....



  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    This thread has degenerated into a bad Blur parody.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    How do you feel about strippers dressing as girls who are going to work out?

    Do you mean strippers dressing as girls-who-are-going-to-work-out, or do you mean strippers, who, going to work out, are dressed like girls? Either way, I have no feelings. I'm a robot.

    Would you have feelings if I meant girls who dress as girls working out and working out with strippers and later dressing like strippers?

    I could conceivably have feelings if you meant girls who dress as girls working out their problems with strippers by working out with strippers.
    Then that's what I meant.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I cannot believe that this thing is still going.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    How do you feel about strippers dressing as girls who are going to work out?

    Do you mean strippers dressing as girls-who-are-going-to-work-out, or do you mean strippers, who, going to work out, are dressed like girls? Either way, I have no feelings. I'm a robot.

    Would you have feelings if I meant girls who dress as girls working out and working out with strippers and later dressing like strippers?

    I could conceivably have feelings if you meant girls who dress as girls working out their problems with strippers by working out with strippers.
    Then that's what I meant.

    Then why do I still feel nothing? You must have meant something else.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    How do you feel about strippers dressing as girls who are going to work out?

    Do you mean strippers dressing as girls-who-are-going-to-work-out, or do you mean strippers, who, going to work out, are dressed like girls? Either way, I have no feelings. I'm a robot.

    Would you have feelings if I meant girls who dress as girls working out and working out with strippers and later dressing like strippers?

    I could conceivably have feelings if you meant girls who dress as girls working out their problems with strippers by working out with strippers.
    Then that's what I meant.

    Then why do I still feel nothing? You must have meant something else.
    Nah, I think you're just a robot....dressed as a stripper.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    The motel across the street from my job is a known hooker hot spot, I've never seen a woman at the gym looking like one of them.

    I'm not even going to get into how offensive what you said was, I think it's been covered.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    How do you feel about strippers dressing as girls who are going to work out?

    Do you mean strippers dressing as girls-who-are-going-to-work-out, or do you mean strippers, who, going to work out, are dressed like girls? Either way, I have no feelings. I'm a robot.

    Would you have feelings if I meant girls who dress as girls working out and working out with strippers and later dressing like strippers?

    I could conceivably have feelings if you meant girls who dress as girls working out their problems with strippers by working out with strippers.
    Then that's what I meant.

    Then why do I still feel nothing? You must have meant something else.
    Nah, I think you're just a robot....dressed as a stripper.

    I get emotional when I strip, so I wear this to protect myself:

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This thread has degenerated into a bad Blur parody.

    WOO HOO!
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    How do you feel about strippers dressing as girls who are going to work out?

    Do you mean strippers dressing as girls-who-are-going-to-work-out, or do you mean strippers, who, going to work out, are dressed like girls? Either way, I have no feelings. I'm a robot.

    Would you have feelings if I meant girls who dress as girls working out and working out with strippers and later dressing like strippers?

    I could conceivably have feelings if you meant girls who dress as girls working out their problems with strippers by working out with strippers.
    Then that's what I meant.

    Then why do I still feel nothing? You must have meant something else.
    Nah, I think you're just a robot....dressed as a stripper.

    I get emotional when I strip, so I wear this to protect myself:


    Note to self: Wood evokes emotion in strippers.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    How do you feel about strippers dressing as girls who are going to work out?

    Do you mean strippers dressing as girls-who-are-going-to-work-out, or do you mean strippers, who, going to work out, are dressed like girls? Either way, I have no feelings. I'm a robot.

    Would you have feelings if I meant girls who dress as girls working out and working out with strippers and later dressing like strippers?

    I could conceivably have feelings if you meant girls who dress as girls working out their problems with strippers by working out with strippers.
    Then that's what I meant.

    Then why do I still feel nothing? You must have meant something else.
    Nah, I think you're just a robot....dressed as a stripper.

    I get emotional when I strip, so I wear this to protect myself:


    Note to self: Wood evokes emotion in strippers.

    Especially in wood strippers. Isn't that what we're talking about? If it isn't, I wasted nearly 14 seconds looking for a stripper picture without any nudity.
  • KiaCristal
    The way they dress isn't a huge deal to me but I laugh when I see the chicks that have full make up and hair done to work out. Really?? Same goes for when they are at the beach. If they can't wash off their make up for an hour a day I feel sorry for whoever has to wake up next to them.
  • Mekatluvr
    Mekatluvr Posts: 34 Member
    So I came here to see what people are saying to motivate each other to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, and the first thread I come across is about stripper workouts... I misread.. I'm disappointed. ;)

    But since I'm here I will say this.... Yes, there are women, and men don't forget them, that do dress to impress. I don't think there's nothing wrong with that. If the woman feels like putting on her make-up, fixing her hair, and dressing up before working out, I say go for it! And if the men feels like they need to make sure there's an appropriate 'bulge' in their pocket, fine. I, on the other hand, will dress for myself and if you don't like it... tough!
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    So I came here to see what people are saying to motivate each other to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, and the first thread I come across is about stripper workouts... I misread.. I'm disappointed. ;)

    But since I'm here I will say this.... Yes, there are women, and men don't forget them, that do dress to impress. I don't think there's nothing wrong with that. If the woman feels like putting on her make-up, fixing her hair, and dressing up before working out, I say go for it! And if the men feels like they need to make sure there's an appropriate 'bulge' in their pocket, fine. I, on the other hand, will dress for myself and if you don't like it... tough!

    I think the OP was talking about women who dress to impress, and get upset when someone is impressed by the way they dressed.

    By "impressed" I mean that the male in question was looking at what was being shown by the female in question and then said female became mad at said male because he was looking.

    That's is what the OP was saying was kinda messed up.
  • LOLATS38
    LOLATS38 Posts: 9 Member
    No one deserves to be stared at. Of course a passing glance makes sense, every one does it but to stare in a rude manner?

    You're right but as a rational adult you accept sometimes your actions will have a reaction you do not like and then you weigh up whether it is worth doing or not.

    Yes, nobody should stare. Yes, nobody should be rude. Yes, everyone should be able to wear what they like without judgement.

    Is that the world we live in? No.

    I accept that if I prance around the gym wearing nothing but my lycra cycling bib shorts I might get a few...glances. Would I complain about it even if they were negative? No. I would accept responsibility for my actions.

    So you are essentially saying staring is OK? Because other people do it? Like Ghandi said, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

    And it isn't prancing. Some people like to feel comfortable and unrestricted when they train. I know I do with vests. I get pretty damned sweaty and uncomfortable if I train in a tee so train in a vest, for comfort.

    It's spelled Gandhi. G-A-N-D-H-I.

  • Shauncho49
    Shauncho49 Posts: 132 Member
    Is it considered rude if you stare at a beautiful piece of artwork? IMO, they're one in the same. If I appreciate the beauty in something I shouldn't have limits placed on the duration of my enjoyment.

    ...staring is a compliment...just take it already.