Need a male opinion



  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I am female (and suddenly I feel not very cute!! LOL) but I say the 2nd one is sexier. They are both good on you though.
  • radiantsunshine40
    radiantsunshine40 Posts: 48 Member
    I LOVE THIS IDEA.......
    WOMEN has to LEARN......being SEXY isn't a pick up and down thing......STAY SEXY ALL TIMES! When you LOSE DESIRE for being SEXY.....YOU'VE LOST YOU and SO HAS HE! It's okay to be a mommy and still keep YO SEXY! LIVE LOVE AND LAUGH GIRLS!!
    Take a sexy pic of you in minimal apparel. If he starts looking at the phone, send it to him with the message... This too could be yours if you put down the phone...

    Or... Go to the washroom and remove your undies. Hand them to him discreetly and whisper in his ear... They're off.. But if you keep using the phone, I'm putting them back on. Lol
  • confab151
    confab151 Posts: 298 Member
    # 1 is very pretty, but #2 shows your curves in a very sexy manner. I'm a # 2 guy.

    Oh, and I can't believe no one has suggested incorporating the phone into your seduction. Take a naughty pic, then pull out your own phone and text it to him with a flirty message, if he pulls out his. Should do the trick.
  • bigjretrac
    bigjretrac Posts: 80 Member
    To answer your question, I would say the 2nd pic.

    However, since you asked for a man's opinion, I would rather you tell me this is a special evening and you'd rather me not use the cell phone. This might not end well if he does pull out the cell phone, because not only will you be upset that he used the phone, but now you may be more likely to take it personally because the use of his cell phone will be mentally attatched to a rejection of you, which may not be the case.

    By all means, he'll be so happy to see you in that dress, but I'm sure he'll be even happier if you just kindly asked him to put away the phone. Sometimes men don't do a good job of picking up cues from women, and women don't always do a good job of communicating their desires.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Both dresses look great on you.

    As far as the cell phone thing....

    Take some sexy photos of yourself and save them for when he pulls out his cell.
    Then start texting him the photos every 5 min.
    You'll get his attention again. :)
  • HappyAlex1
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    I would say I NEED YOU FOR 2 HOURS.. Man what is wrong with this guy. Unless his a doctor saving lives or someone on the edge of death needing his attention at any moment there is no excuse. Who would need him in the evening? Sorry this just pisses me off how selfish. You have done all this amazing work to look so fabulous he should so proud to be with you and give you some damn attention.
    Seems he is taking things for granted in my eyes. I don't understand why some women are taking the back seat these days you cook you clean you look after the kids and give him sex, I wouldn't ask I would be demanding it! And he should be happy to do what makes you happy. Your worth it!
    FYI for those you may think I am coming on a little strong. I have been happily married for 33 years. I make sure my husband, house and kids are well looked after and he in turn is happy, respects me and does anything to make me happy. It works both ways.
    Good luck beautiful.
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    Four pages of answers and not one obvious and most truthful answer. If you truly want your husbands attention on you and not the stupid phone, don't wear either dress. The no-dress approach is a 100% guarantee eye on you choice!

    On that note, I hate cellphones. Having one makes people think I am available 24/7. When I choose to not use the stupid thing people go crazy wondering what happened to me and try even harder to get in touch with me! I also hate the fact that I can do so much with my phone that I have to fight the feeling that I should be "working" all the time.
  • Strokes_and_Lathers
    Strokes_and_Lathers Posts: 58 Member
    Both dresses look great on you.

    As far as the cell phone thing....

    Take some sexy photos of yourself and save them for when he pulls out his cell.
    Then start texting him the photos every 5 min.
    You'll get his attention again. :)

    excellent idea
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    After a second look... either one is great! I just had to get over the fact that you are standing in your bath tub...
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Both dresses look great on you.

    As far as the cell phone thing....

    Take some sexy photos of yourself and save them for when he pulls out his cell.
    Then start texting him the photos every 5 min.
    You'll get his attention again. :)

    Both are nice. 2 is the best. This woman quoted above is a genius.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    It doesn't matter what you wear......If he brings his cell phone with him he is going to be checking it. If it's that important to you ask that he leave it at home.
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    Girl so not sure you want my opinon... but I really like 2! if it doens't keep him off his phone, pull out yours and catch a cab to your favorite club and go dancing girl!!! Let him have a date with his cell! You have done an amazing job and deserve to have it recognized by the one you love most!!! Good luck, let us know which one you choose and if it works at keeping that cell in his pocket.
  • PeanutButterLuver
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    But, I have to be honest here. How much attention he pays to you versus how much he pays to your phone will be primarily determined by how you act. Right or wrong, that's how it's gonna be.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Hey Tricia. You look stunning in both, but I love the first dress.
    Bella gurl!
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    I like # 2, but remember it's spring and color is your friend.
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    So the hubby and I are going out this weekend without the babies for the first time in a year. I would very much like him to leave his cell phone in his pocket. Now I know some of you are going to say "Well then just ask him to stay off of his cell phone". I am female though and what I really want is not just for him to put the cell phone away, I want him to want to look at me instead of his cell phone. With that in mind: Which of these dresses should I wear? Tight and cleavage showing or kinda flowing at the bottom to tempt him with easier access?

    After reading your post and the comments that followed I was interested in your story so I went to your page and followed your link to the Huffington post article. I can sympathize with being the "ugly one" among syblings, but rest assured you were never ugly. Still we carried those little hurts around with us like little scarlet letters forever. I'm getting close to my goal weight now too and little things like being cold (I live in Georgia) and not having the seatbelt cut into you are those little unexpected side effects of being thinner.

    You describe your husband as "wonderful" and I sure he is. He obviously loved you at your original weight and I'm sure he still loves you now. You spent a lot of time recently focused on yourself and on your children, but now is the time to refocus on your relationship. He may have felt left out of the process you went through (that's how my girlfriend feels sometimes), or perhaps he doesn't fully understand why you felt you needed to make this change. If he feels disconnected from you a little then he may use his phone as a way to distract himself from that fact when the two of you are alone. Heck, It's been a year so may he's just out of practice!

    As far as the dress goes, it doesn't matter which one you wear because he'll think you are beautiful in either one. All you have to do is remind him that you're still the same woman he fell in love with. That eye contact you talk about wanting? Make sure you get it from him and when he does just smile. It will all come back to him. Don't force him to give up his phone, make him want to.

    Have fun!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I've done that exactly twice. My girlfriend told me about myself and I quit. Since then, I realized meals and quality time are exactly that. My girl is way more important then anything my phone has to offer, no matter WHAT she is wearing. It's not the clothes that keep my attention.

    I didn't even realize I was doing it. I was logging my food here, facebooking and such. Maybe he just does it. You need to tell him.
  • Shabas87
    Shabas87 Posts: 69