For Women: Do you exercise during your menstrual period?



  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    when i am on my period, i feel much better if i workout. working out to me, helps relieve the tension in my back and helps the cramps go away.
  • jporter2004
    jporter2004 Posts: 60 Member
    Well, in my case, if I didn't work out during TOM, I would never work out since I usually have a period lasting 2 weeks :( Yes, its awful and I'm currently being seen by a doctor to see what can be done. I have always had bad periods though, so I've learned to live through the bloating, heavy bleeding, pain, migraines and weakness. I pop a couple advil and keep pressing play on that Insanity DVD ;)
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I'm on the rag as we speak.

    This is appropriate.

    You have access to the internet in the menstrual hut you have to stay in until you are no longer unclean? Wow.

    I am super pro menstrual hut. Made of chocolate and poutine.
  • of course! i feel much better if i work out!
  • keshiabug1
    keshiabug1 Posts: 150
    I do but not as much as usual. I am severely anemic and during my TOM its even worse... it causes severe fatigue and headaches... if it wasn't for that, I def would exercise more.
  • candymara
    candymara Posts: 49
    15 hours after I posted on here I got my period. But it's ok, I'm not blaming you or anything ;)
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    For you women who have terrible periods that cause you agonizing pain, leaving you near bedridden - do you take a week off of work every month? Are you able to drive your kids to school or pick up groceries?

    I guess I just have a normal period (and I'l probably get flamed for even posting this), but I find it hard to believe that there are that many women cooped up in their houses bleeding all over the place and crying in pain every cycle.

    (and I get that there are some women with legit medical stuff going on, it just seems like a lot of women say they have the worst periods ever).
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    For you women who have terrible periods that cause you agonizing pain, leaving you near bedridden - do you take a week off of work every month? Are you able to drive your kids to school or pick up groceries?

    I guess I just have a normal period (and I'l probably get flamed for even posting this), but I find it hard to believe that there are that many women cooped up in their houses bleeding all over the place and crying in pain every cycle.

    (and I get that there are some women with legit medical stuff going on, it just seems like a lot of women say they have the worst periods ever).

    I have a friend who had to take off an entire week of work everytime her period came along.. she was diagnosed many years later with MS and Endometriosis. Now she has taken fitness more seriously and exercises everyday. That's why I have very little sympathy for people who say they have "the worst periods ever" sans medical problems...
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    yep, world dont end because of my monthly.

    :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Love this
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    I do..I find I don;t do the workout as intense cause of the cramps but I try to get some type of workout.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    For you women who have terrible periods that cause you agonizing pain, leaving you near bedridden - do you take a week off of work every month? Are you able to drive your kids to school or pick up groceries?

    I guess I just have a normal period (and I'l probably get flamed for even posting this), but I find it hard to believe that there are that many women cooped up in their houses bleeding all over the place and crying in pain every cycle.

    (and I get that there are some women with legit medical stuff going on, it just seems like a lot of women say they have the worst periods ever).

    I do as little as humanely possible in as much as it won't leave me starving or homeless.

    Not going to work? Leaves me starving and homeless. So I go to work, or else I don't have a place to be crying in every month.

    Not exercising and eating extra ice cream 3 days a month? Doesn't leave me starving, homeless, and unemployed.

    Priorities, ladies. It's all about priorities. And some of us are just crazy enough to be able to slide "living in a shelter that's not made of cardboard" just above "hitting that *****in' bikini body by spring" into the to-do-list.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    For you women who have terrible periods that cause you agonizing pain, leaving you near bedridden - do you take a week off of work every month? Are you able to drive your kids to school or pick up groceries?

    I guess I just have a normal period (and I'l probably get flamed for even posting this), but I find it hard to believe that there are that many women cooped up in their houses bleeding all over the place and crying in pain every cycle.

    (and I get that there are some women with legit medical stuff going on, it just seems like a lot of women say they have the worst periods ever).

    I've missed exams and had to leave school due to the crippling cramps I experience. I have even landed in the hospital, been anemic and treated for harmone imbalance. Ive even been placed on birth controls to help with my cramps and regulate my cycle. Even with your lack of empathy I wouldn't wish my pain upon you. I believe that due to the intense pain I experience at that TOM God gave me an irregular cycle so at times it skips a month or two.

    You asking about taking kids to school? Lol funny life goes on and for me it's not a constant 24hr pain and it's not always for all days. I do try to workout when the pain killers and heat packs kick in. Not all women have it easy be a little more sympathetic.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    For you women who have terrible periods that cause you agonizing pain, leaving you near bedridden - do you take a week off of work every month? Are you able to drive your kids to school or pick up groceries?

    I guess I just have a normal period (and I'l probably get flamed for even posting this), but I find it hard to believe that there are that many women cooped up in their houses bleeding all over the place and crying in pain every cycle.

    (and I get that there are some women with legit medical stuff going on, it just seems like a lot of women say they have the worst periods ever).

    I've missed exams and had to leave school due to the crippling cramps I experience. I have even landed in the hospital, been anemic and treated for harmone imbalance. Ive even been placed on birth controls to help with my cramps and regulate my cycle. Even with your lack of empathy I wouldn't wish my pain upon you. I believe that due to the intense pain I experience at that TOM God gave me an irregular cycle so at times it skips a month or two.

    You asking about taking kids to school? Lol funny life goes on and for me it's not a constant 24hr pain and it's not always for all days. I do try to workout when the pain killers and heat packs kick in. Not all women have it easy be a little more sympathetic.

    Wow, jeez. I said I understand that some women have legit medical stuff going on.
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    I did, i lifted weights... even though i did notice i was weaker than when i am not on my period.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Why wouldn't I?

    Exercise raises my endorphins and gets my body moving. Just what I need when Aunt Flo is making her visit!
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Yes. But sometimes the workout is a bit more difficult, I feel heavy and tired. But I still try....usually.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Yes. I pack heat all over the place. My bra. My neoprene belly wrap. My socks. the tiny pockets of my workout tops or bottoms. "bullets", "corks" and "patches" and hand sanitizer. Then I hit the campus trails or gym or anywhere else I know there will be plenty of restrooms and wear a sweatshirt just in case I have to pull the old tie around the waist move. Anytime i spot a restroom I duck in and "reload" just to make sure I'm covered. Haven't had any accidents yet.

    Husband used to say "walk it off" every time I complained of cramps, of course I looked at him like this :huh: :mad: :angry: :explode: :noway: everytime I did not throw something at him.

    During my "journey" however I have come to figure out it turns out that is good advice. Feel better on days I walk to relieve what I guess is muscle tension or something, idk. All i know is it works. :blushing: Sorry TMI but it is TMI tuesday after all, and it could help someone.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    (and I get that there are some women with legit medical stuff going on, it just seems like a lot of women say they have the worst periods ever).

    I've missed exams and had to leave school due to the crippling cramps I experience. I have even landed in the hospital, been anemic and treated for harmone imbalance. Ive even been placed on birth controls to help with my cramps and regulate my cycle. Even with your lack of empathy I wouldn't wish my pain upon you. I believe that due to the intense pain I experience at that TOM God gave me an irregular cycle so at times it skips a month or two.

    You asking about taking kids to school? Lol funny life goes on and for me it's not a constant 24hr pain and it's not always for all days. I do try to workout when the pain killers and heat packs kick in. Not all women have it easy be a little more sympathetic.

    Wow, jeez. I said I understand that some women have legit medical stuff going on.

    You also said " it just seems like a lot of women say they have the worst periods ever)." which suggests that some women - or many women - do not experience near the pain they say they do and are thus making excuses.

    It is natural that women might think you include them in that category.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member

    What I don't do is read silly internet articles telling me what I should or shouldn't do.