Best/Worst Thing People Said on your Weight Loss Journey?



  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Best: "You are super inspiring and you look really happy!"

    Worst: "You've lost x amount of pounds, but next week you won't be able to say that."
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    best: congrats... most woman should be like you.... most woman get fat when the get marry.... you got way hotter than what you were since you got married

    worst (by my husband): That is bullsh*t... you are getting smaller and your @ss is getting smaller.... I'm not happy about it... (he wasn't joking )
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I went from 252 pounds to 125 lbs. I'm healthier and happier than ever!

    Worst: I ran into an old friend and the first thing she said to me was "Oh my god! Eat a burger or something!" That pissed me off! If you don't want to acknowledge the weight loss, that is perfectly fine, but don't say stupid crap like that!

    No one told me to "Eat a Burger" when I was 252 pounds!

    Best: You are such an inspiration. You have come so far. I hope you a very proud of yourself.
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    Best: OMG you've lost a Back Street Boy

    ^^^^^^That's awesome!
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Best: My 4-year-old niece: "Aunt Ellen, I think you've gotten smaller!"

    Worst: My Mother-in-Law: "You haven't gained THAT much weight since the wedding!" (Not only were we not discussing anything related to weight, but I had also only gained 3 pounds since my wedding..) :grumble:
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    "Your commitment will lead you to many great opportunities."
    (That goes for everything in life.)

    "Looking good. Can you give me advice on how to get started?"
    (I'm always free to help out others once in a while.)

    "What are you doing differently? How can I adjust what I'm doing to get your results?"
    (I tell people exactly what I do then many people think I'm too hardcore for them so they back off me.)

    Overall the attention is good.

    "You don't need to lose anymore weight?"
    (I'll keep losing until I'm satisfied which won't be until I have a six pack.)

    "Why don't you have a lot of muscles?"
    (Very simple. I don't lift a lot of heavy weights. Do light-medium weights with more reps and focus more on cardio.)

    "How come you can lose so much weight but I can't?"
    (Very simple. I keep track of everything I eat and I work hard to achieve/maintain my goals.)

    "1,200-1,300 calories is too little you need you eat more."
    (I don't need to overheat. You eat for energy and as long you feel energized the body doesn't need anymore food.)

    "Why don't you lift heavy?"
    (I'm not trying to get really muscular. I prefer stamina endurance then having tons of muscles. Also the risk is much higher for injuries if you weigh more (fat/muscle) included."
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    It is so sad that most of the worst comments are from the people that are suppose to support us.
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    Nothing. They don't notice. :-(
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Best: Learn to hit your own personal reset button. None of us a perfect and we all make mistakes. So if you slip just hit the reset button and move on; don't dwell on the missed workout or bad diet day.

    Worst: I can't do it.
    That one actually pisses me off. No such thing as I can't do it, only you haven't done it yet!

  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    Best - "you look like a size 4, seriously" (said by my sister when she saw me in my wedding dress. I am nowhere near a 4)

    Worst- " how much do you have to lose? (30 lbs) why? You will be too skinny!" Why would you discourage someone when you know they are making healthy choices and have to lose that much to have a healthy BMI?
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    My husband has always been my best cheering section and with that in mind:

    Best thing: I have the sexist wife ever!

    Worst thing: From my parents when I told them I was going to run a marathon: You are too old for that and we forbid you to do it.

    Needless to say, I signed up for the race the very same day!
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    I feel you! People didn't notice until I lost 25+ pounds and after losing 32 and so many inches, my fiancé still hasn't said a thing!
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Best Currently: That no one has noticed publicly yet, and therefore said nothing discouraging, which they tend to do when a small-medium person mentions health goals. I'd rather them not notice than be discouraged! Sometimes, privacy is just best until you reach your goals in peace!

    Best: My husband compliments me all the time. He knows I'm working hard, encourages me to stay balanced, and appreciates every day. Such a blessing.

    Worse, In the Past:
    "If I looked like you, I'd go eat a Big Mac."
    My Response:
    "Well, maybe, but you probably wouldn't look like me if you ate Big Macs."
    "Well, you're probably right-- that's probably why I don't. I still eat the Big Macs."

    Sometimes humor is just the best place. People who aren't tackling their own goals are just a monster to deal with. Smile and go on!
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Worst thing (from my mom): "Are you anorexic?"

    Best thing (from a friend, when we were talking about this random cute, skinny girl): "You know you are as thin as her, right?"

    I hate it when people say they are jealous.

    Jealous? Get off your *kitten* and do something about it!
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    Bump, because this is so inspiring.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Best: "You lost 20 pounds?! It looks like you've lost 40!"
    Worst: "You lost 10 pounds in a month? That's really slow, and I feel bad for you"
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    Hmm I haven't gotten many comments yet but I HAVE gotten them nevertheless!

    Best: "Your legs look so much more defined! "You're getting a lot more shapely (okay that could have been a bad one, is shapely a good thing or bad? I'm sure not being a huge blob of fat is good but shapely?) And another; "Soon you'll be able to fit in my jeans." - Coming from my single digit sized best friend.

    Worst: "You'll never be thin. We never were" - My mother constantly constantly constantly(yes times 3) reminds me of this and that the women in our family don't look good slim/fit. :sick:
  • klynch828
    klynch828 Posts: 2 Member
    I was apart of a Biggest Loser group. The final weigh in day was last Sat. I was proudly telling my husband that in addition to the 13 pound weight loss I had lost 8.25 inches. He looks at me and says "where"?
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    I have learned that there is a mental game to weight loss. Some people "need" you to be a certain way so they can feel good about themselves. Please yourself!
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I haven't seen too many people apart from my immediate family and co-workers lately. I haven't seen my sister since Christmas Day. Positive comments

    You seem so much happier and healthier - from an Indian guy, nice polite,safe compliment lol
    Last night- your strong for such a little thing- from someone I'm a few inches taller than lol - her aim was definitely to make me cheer me up.
    My husband does always want me to feel good. My 6 year old loves that I can carry her and play at the playground easier.

    Not a biggy but mum annoyed me by thinking I am a smaller size than I am. It depends on the make of clothes , but I am a 14 Australian in most jeans at the moment. I might get smaller, but for now I am happy with that. Again more me being annoyed rather than someone actually being mean.

    If someone said I needed a burger I would say -your buying. I love burgers and I am not low calorie lol