What is your daily calorie allowance?



  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    I am 5'2" and have my intake set at 1750..and I usually eat about half my exercise calories back...sometimes more if I am hungry.
    SW: 156
    CW: 140
    GW: 120
    I have been losing abut 1.5lbs/week on average using this.

    P.S. many of you seriously need to up your calories...not helping yourself out any...be good to your body and it will be good to you!
  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    I know this thread is mainly for women but I found it very interesting, I also felt very lucky when I thought about how many calories I can consume, I will stop complaining to my wife...

    My wife got me onto this website and so for my post to be relevant I will share her details since she doesn't really post up on the forums.

    She has 2000kcal a day when she is trying to lose weight but she is on maintenance at the moment which is 2500kcal. Her stats are roughly 6' tall, 170lbs (78 odd kilograms) and she works out at the gym doing quite heavy weights four times a week and is generally quite active in her day to day life. She doesn't really plan on losing any more weight (she is very thin already) and just wants to get stronger and she uses MFP to monitor her protein/carb/fat intake as much as she does for her overall caloric intake.

    My stats just to shed some light on the inner workings of man are...
    I am 6'3" and was at 99.6kg (220lb) when I first signed up here and am hoping to lose atleast 10kg (22lb) maybe a little more. I currently take 2300kcal a day which sees me losing roughly a pound a week and I workout three times a week at the gym to help me achieve this. I lift weights and end with a 10 minute or so cardio workout for fitness. I am not overly active in my day to day life, I walk about half an hour a day from Monday to Friday to get to and from work but my work is at a computer.

    I was interested in this topic too, and have similar stats to you....puts things in a whole new perspective. I am :
    6'4" tall
    SW 270
    GW 220
    CW 250
    daily recommended calorie intake is 2400 on days I don't work out. days I train I am allowed over 3000, and thats still eating at a deficit!....yeah my wife hates how much I can eat and still lose around a pound a week

    <I work out 3-4 times a week, high intensity, high rep weight training, and about 45 mins of cardio per workout, I usually don`t eat back all my exercise calories, because I don`t really trust the calories hey allow for weight training, even though I am going at it pretty hard.
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    My daily calorie allowance is 1630. I figured it out by using the In Place of a Road Map guidelines on here :)

    I'm 5'2" and I currently weigh around 146-147 lbs. I exercise about 6 times a week on a good week but normally 4-5 times. On heavy cardio days I try to eat up to 1900 calories though and I do eat back some (but not all) exercise calories on the days I do Pilates.
  • Sunflowergirl1
    Sunflowergirl1 Posts: 33 Member
    165 currently
    Approx 140 goal weight
    1600 cal goal
    Lightly active
    Averaging 1/2 to 3/4 pound loss per week over past 12 weeks

    A few days a week I seem to eat just above my estimated BMR of 1450, and a day every week or two generally pushes 2000 cals. I'm not a stickler for any exact calorie amount, but try to stay near my macro goals of 100 g protein, 120 g carbs and 80 g fat within1600 calories. Even with limited heavy lifting and a rare moderate cardio session, I am consistently increasing lean body mass and decreasing body fat percentage.

    Slow and steady is winning the race.
  • iamluce
    iamluce Posts: 64 Member
    I work out at least an hour at least 5 times a week and I was eating 1200 when i started, upped it to 1500 two months ago and now I'm starting to increase my way up to 2000 daily. Currently trying to eat 1750.
    I started out at 178 I think and I'm between 135 and 138 now, hoping to get down to 120-125. I'm 5'5".
    If you're curious about how much you should eat just check the In Place Of A Road Map post!!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    If I don't exercise, and I'm trying to maintain my weight, MFP recommends 1450 calories a day. Fitbit recommends 1390. This is a prime example of why I exercise. I usually eat somewhere between 1500 and 1700 a day. I'm not trying to lose any weight.
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    I'm 26 yrs old, 163cm, currently weigh ~80kg. I have an active job, and exercise 2-3 times per week. My goal is to lose about 1kg per week. My calorie allowance is 1470, but when I exercise it goes up depending on how many calories I burn.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I think it's 1260 right now. I am 5' 1" and get around 250-500 workout cals each day which I always eat back. seems to be working for me so far...
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I'm 19 and I just lowered mine to 1885. I am 5'6 I dont have a job but I try to work out for at least 10 minutes a day but i usually try to get 20 or more minutes in, so I usually burn 50-500 cals. And i weigh 250lbs and I started out at 258lbs. So i have lost 8 lbs in two months. lol
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    My average is 1400-1450 a day

    Height: 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
    Starting Weight: 174 pds
    Current Weight: 137 pounds
    Goal Weight: 127 pounds.
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    129 lbs
    1490 calories a day, set at sedentary.
    I exercise 6 days a week, burning about 550 calories each time.
    I eat back most of my exercise calories.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    HW: 120
    GW: 105

    new start date

    controversial weight.
  • Paganrosemama
    Paganrosemama Posts: 86 Member
    My goal is set for 1600 cals/day. This is aproxmently my TDEE - 15% for days I sit on my butt and do nothing- which occasionally happens due to Fibro pain levels. On days I am more active I eat most of my exercise calories back. Although even on my most active days I found that any more than 2000-2100 cals I have to force myself to eat, unless I consumed junk. I've lost 10lbs over the last 6 weeks although some of that was water weight.

    GW-125 ish
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    start weight 188
    current weight 155
    goal weight 150
    54 years old sedentary
    I walk and/or garden most days and eat back those calories
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    For now, 2000 give or take, but that's the daily goal.

    ETA: 34yrs old, 5'2", 119lbs, small frame, TDEE Moderate, BF% around 25%-28% depending on source, currently weight train 4 days a wk some cardio 2-3 days a week.

    I am happy with my weight, but I am SKINNYFAT! Working on building beautiful muscles after having my beautiful baby girl who is now 8mos old.
  • _namaste_
    _namaste_ Posts: 246
    I calorie cycle but my average daily is 1660 cals, this is during a time when I am working to lose 1lb per week before maintaining (so close to my goal!). I eat back ALL exercise calories so most days eat between 1900 - 2500 +. I work out 6 days per week, usually twice per day (stronglifts mon, wed, fri and then cardio tues, thurs sat with hot yoga most days as well as my second workout). I am 5'6" and started at 184, currently weigh 129.8 and my goal is 125, then maintaining for a while. Eventually bulking up 5-10lbs and then cutting again. Really working on body composition.
  • Kittybill1983
    Kittybill1983 Posts: 7 Member
    wow - after reading responses to this, I'm confused. Just started on this site and after entering my data the site set me at 1200 calories a day. I'm 5ft 6 in and 158 pounds. I have been walking everyday briskly for 30 - 45 minutes.

    Apparently I'm not eating enough calories because in the first 2days I lost 4 pounds. I know this is not healthy. However, I have been eating really, really well with lots of veggies and fish, chicken etc. Mornings I have oatmeal with flax, oat bran etc. Lunches salad and fruit.
    Hmmm, now I'm thinking that I should increase my caloric intake a bit. Don't want my body to go into 'starvation mode' and hang on to that fat!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    wow - after reading responses to this, I'm confused. Just started on this site and after entering my data the site set me at 1200 calories a day. I'm 5ft 6 in and 158 pounds. I have been walking everyday briskly for 30 - 45 minutes.

    Apparently I'm not eating enough calories because in the first 2days I lost 4 pounds. I know this is not healthy. However, I have been eating really, really well with lots of veggies and fish, chicken etc. Mornings I have oatmeal with flax, oat bran etc. Lunches salad and fruit.
    Hmmm, now I'm thinking that I should increase my caloric intake a bit. Don't want my body to go into 'starvation mode' and hang on to that fat!

    Before you do that, visit the IPOARM 3.0 thread for instructions on how to calculate your calories. Do a search here on MFP and it'll come up. Don't just pick a number.
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member

    Important! Women aren't eating enough calories. I am at 1800-2000 calories a day with or without exercise. You should read this information and decide for yourself. I want to feed my muscles and burn the fat! I do exercise rigorously 5-6 hours a week.