What was your wake up call?



  • When I realized I was almost 200 lbs. (My highest was 190). I never want to reach 200. So thats when I joined MFP. Definitely not at my goal weight yet, but I'm getting there :)
  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member
    Depression, then a realisation that I CAN do something about my weight. And doing it !
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    (Jan 2013) knowing in 11 months I will be 50 (Dec 2013)...
  • Being diagnosed pre diabetic .
  • lastfrenchfryever
    lastfrenchfryever Posts: 15 Member
    Having a stroke at 25.
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    My wake up call...when my husband told me he didn't find me attractive anymore, and didn't know if he wanted to stay married. I have since lost 45.8 lbs in the last 6 months (using MFP and working out for the last 3 months).
    He did end up deciding to leave last week, in spite of all my success. Too little too late in his opinion.

    I'm still awake, and carrying on my transformation...I'm not done yet!

    "too little too late?"

    I'm sorry but he sounds like he was trying to make up an excuse to leave or something. What a shallow reason..... I'm so sorry :(

    I was thinkin' the same thing. Blaming you for his problem. You deserve a real man not some whiney loser.

    Glad you lost weight but the real prize is getting healthy. Alot of times it's hard to get started losing weight when we feel so badly about ourselves. Well you're on a roll now. Feeling better and feeling better about yourself is PRICELESS.

    Go Girl!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    My brother, who is 10 years older than me, nearly dying of a major stroke. Ours parents both died at that age, so there's no way I'm going to let myself follow the family "tradition."
  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    At my heaviest 350, I was on a flight to Denver and couldn't fasten my seat belt. I tucked it under my clothes because I was too mortified to ask for the extender. Then my husband took a picture of my sons and I in 2009 at the Steelers Super Bowl Send off and I was horrified at how huge I looked.
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    My wake up call...when my husband told me he didn't find me attractive anymore, and didn't know if he wanted to stay married. I have since lost 45.8 lbs in the last 6 months (using MFP and working out for the last 3 months).
    He did end up deciding to leave last week, in spite of all my success. Too little too late in his opinion.

    I'm still awake, and carrying on my transformation...I'm not done yet!

    Not attractive anymore?!? Gorgeous eyes! Beautiful skin! Good heart (trying to make things work with a jerk)! I am SO sorry you are going through this but happy for you that you are getting healthy for a new chapter in your life. You go, Girl!
  • Honestly, the reason I joined MFP is not because of a weight loss issue. It just helps me keep track of working out. I feel better when /i work out and have more energy. And when I eat healthier I don't break out as much.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    Getting weighed at the doctors, and i hadn't weighed myself in a LONG time, because I knew I'd gotten fat....but the dr told me I weighed 210, and i thought i was around 190 (still even if I HAD been 190, it was too big for 5'3!). And so that was my wake up call!!
  • tomato915
    tomato915 Posts: 40
    March 2012 I started to gain lots of weight for the first time... I didn't realize that I was already gaining til 2 weeks later, I cant close the button of my shorts! I still wore those shorts 2 weeks before and it won't close anymore. So one day i weighed myself. I'm usually 100~105 lbs, now I'm 120! So yeah, that's my wake up call that I need to lose weight.
  • cyndymar
    cyndymar Posts: 73
    When a size 18 was no longer fitting me , I had to buy clothes for my sons bday and I needed to go the next size up to a 20 ! Ugh now I am proud to say I am a size 6 and still have progress to go but am happy for change !
  • daisy89
    daisy89 Posts: 151 Member
    When I had to go jean shopping and only a size 14 would fit after having been a size 8 just a year before.

    I had to hold back the tears as I realized how badly I had let myself go, the full-length mirrors were not making things better.

    I was confronted with distortions in my body I had never seen before, rolls that had never existed, and lumps that used to be slim.

    Well, happily enough, I've ditched the 14's and now my size 12 jeans are starting to fit loose!

    Can't wait to be in a 10 again. :D
  • The custom bra -_-
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Injuring myself and not being able to use crutches because I was so fat and weak in my arms to carry my own body weight, my husbands tearful plea that he didn't want to raise our unborn children without me and explain to them that mommy died from a heart attack. My own self looking in the mirror and crying when I saw myself without clothes on..

    What I tried to ignore, finally broke my dam and pushed me to want this!! I may not be great at it everyday, but I will not fail for my loved ones and for myself!! :) I am unable to ride horses, roller coasters and do things I LOVED in life. FAT IS THE ENEMY!!!

    :) sorry got me very motivated with this thread
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member
    My sister took a picture of me from behind while i was driving don the street on my motorcycle. Seeing a picture that didnt show my face separated me from my denial. i had rolls on my back
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    Heart attack at 56. Spent a week in intensive care. Thought I was a goner for sure. Mostly bed ridden for next year and a half. Three angioplasties and a stent later still struggled to breath. Decided I had enough and moved back to FL to go to Mayo. Joined MFP on the advice of Mayo and finally I can walk up stairs without panting and gasping for air. Never again. My husband passed at age 48 due to heart problems and diabetes. Not being here for my son and daughter and grand kids is NOT a option.
  • danglarity
    danglarity Posts: 31 Member
    At 5'3'', my weight knocking on the door of 200...
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    At 5'3'', my weight knocking on the door of 200...

    5'3 and knocking at 304 :( was 250 but accident took me to 330 BLAH