Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    I so want to do a huge post full of personals tonight. Too bad I can hardly keep my eyes open! :laugh:

    So just a few, then:

    Tina, have fun with clinicals, and great work getting back on the wagon!

    To the new members, welcome!! Logging is such a great learning tool. I used to wonder how I kept gaining weight. Felt completely out of control. Now I know exactly how it happened and can usually predict it. Don't panic if you stumble (or outright fall off) from time to time. Most, if not all, of us have been there. This is a great place to be connected with for support no matter where you are in your journey.

    Wednesday Wish: that hubby and I can make roller skating in the evening on a school night a regular thing. MAN, that was fun. Crowd was almost all adult, 90+% of whom can skate, and maybe 1/4 as many people on the floor as during a Saturday afternoon. Some obviously into roller derby, but lots who are like me and never lost the love (though I did forget where I'd stashed it for 20 or so years). I probably skated for an hour or more, sometimes as fast as I dared. I love going with my daughter, but I've gotta do the grownup skate again!

    Much better with the April challenge today (I'm here instead of foraging for crap I don't have calories for). Tomorrow will be busy, without a lot of time for lunch, so will need to plan carefully! But now I really can't stay awake any longer so will close out the diary and hit the hay.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Day!

    Thursday truth well here it goes.....I am sick of working my butt off at work while others just sit back kiss @ss and get promoted. I am sick of training in kiss @sses when I never get promoted...yes one reason is I don't have my degree yet so there is really no where for me to go up. My review was an Outstanding that came with a big old 20 cent raise it made me feel like why bother.

    @Karen- good luck with the lower calories
    @Liz- The more you walk that mile the time will automatically decrease
    @Tina- I know you can do it you have this weekend licked
    @Kelly- Glad you Wed wish came true- coffee yum!
    @tlh0407- 2 house payments ugh- hope your old house sells soon and that your Wed wish comes true.
    @Kay- Congrats on weight loss and looser clothing. Glad to see you could alter some things.
    @ jt- Headaches suck so much I hope yours goes away soon. Sounds like you had a fun day with the kiddos and pets
    @Vicki- Good post on Saggies- I am nowhere close to there yet but still curious
    @Verd- Great job with the elliptical. There will always be haters but you handled the FB thing well.
    @Ebaily- The ovaries comment made me chuckle but all those littel kiddos can be very stressful.
    @Shrink- Roller skating sounds so fun. I use to love it as a kid
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    So I somehow forgot to post here yesterday even though I was here multiple times to read the posts...

    Wednesday wish: I know we need the rain but I just wish it would rain hard and catch us up then clear up so I can go ride with my sister after school.

    Thursday truth:Nothing I haven't said before. I've been slacking and will do better.

    I bought shoes yesterday. So far they are pretty comfortable and cause me no pain. I also bought a new bike seat after my sisters friend broke mine and then I broke our spare :ohwell: . In my defense after it broke I looked at it and it was all rusted underneath it would have broken if anyone over 50 lbs would have sat on it.

    My puppy is doing much better. He is happy and back to normal. I can't wait to see him tomorrow!
  • laurierinck
    I'm new and I just want to say, what a great challenge! I'm truly an emotional eater, so I'm going to take on that challenge and take control of that! I hope?!! Anyway, thanks for the challenge
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thursday Truth - I am down another 2 lbs. and I am so excited - this is weight I had gained very recently and I am so glad to get it off. I had to raise my calories from 1200/day to 1450/day because I just could not maintain at 1200/day and I looked at a report of my food intake for a week and I was consistently eating an average of 1450/day so I figured might as well raise my intake to that since it was working for me.

    I also feel what is working for me is that I am eating a big breakfast - almost 600 cal which is a huge part of my daily allowance but it keeps me full until dinner - eggs bacon and potatoes, milk. People may note I consume tons of milk but I have osteopenia so I need my calcium, and I take suppliments as well.

    I have not found something to keep me busy at night when I am watching TV but I have been full and have not been snacking at night, but I still want to find an activity for the April Challenge. Still thinking about it. Have decided against a knitting or chrocheting craft because my heart is just not into it, and I have arthritis in my thumbs which I am afriad will flair up if I start. THey get really bad when I do crossword puzzles, which I love to do.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thursday Truth:: Well my new workout routine I plan on is Sat-Tues and every other Wed (due to my husbands schedule) But I realized that on Thursdays and Fridays after work I do have time to work out...the thing is these are my times off now to get the housework done and focus more on homework. So I'm debating if I am going to tonight after work or go home and get cleaning done and homework before I have to start dinner...I know I should but being so busy with school and work and family I also just want to sleep lol I mean having 2 days off for rest days is ok right? Or should I push myself and workout? What would you do?

    Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!!!


    Robin-Yay for the loss!! I hope I see one soon! Although this week TOM is in town so not sure about seeing a loss :ohwell: We will see :)

    And thanks everyone for the kind words about me being back on track and doing good in school :) I feel silly getting excited over one class...but it's a big class for me and I had the highest grade in class, I have never had that in school before :D
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Robin~Yay, for the loss! Looks like the caloric change is working, keep it up!
    @Tina~I have two rest days a week – I just don’t have time for workouts those days (leave the house at 6am and don’t return until after 7pm). So you can definitely have two and actually you are burning some calories if you are doing housework (I call those active rest days). Remember, too, that you need to allow yourself some down time to recoup from the stresses of juggling everything. One of those days could be spent playing outside with your daughter too – another active rest day. :wink:

    Thursday Truth~Its been a good week, hopefully the scale will reflect my hard work tomorrow. I had reassessment of my resting metabolic rate this morning, so making some caloric changes based on those results – hopefully it will work in my favor. Had great workout with trainer yesterday and since I’m off tomorrow we’re throwing in another session tomorrow.

    Have a great day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tina - I would definitely go with 2 rest days and as Kah suggested - using them for housework or playing with your daughter makes them active enough. I think with your schedule of school work and working out you should have some rest time built into your schedule so you have some study and home time.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Thursday Truth- Going to have a great weigh in at my TOPS meeting but... truthfully, most of it is simply the cyclic sloughing of fluid. I am excited anyway!!!
    Have a great day all and hopefully I will be able to check in later!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    susancanbethin- i totally understand the heartache of family moving away. My youngest son lives 14 hours away up north, my daughter was in ireland for 18 months. My eldest son, his wife and son lived with me for 4 1/2 years then moved 13 hours away to another province!! That was the hardest of all! thank goodness for skype! They get to come here a couple times a year and i also go there twice a year. It is not perfect but that is life these days. Gotta go where the work is. Hang in there
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kris -- yay for being debt-free and managing all those stairs without puffing!
    @Melancholy -- so glad to hear your grandson is on the mend.
    @Vicki -- on the saggies -- I am trusting to the healing power of Supportive Underwear. Modern fabrics can work wonders. And possibly also Sympathetic Bedroom Lighting, or Short-Sighted Husband...
    @Paige_Eloise -- I think when people do fine for a few days and then it goes wrong, they're probably being a bit hard on themselves to start with. It's a marathon not a sprint. But you can do this. And also I have a bit of a philosophy thing, which is I think that each and every one of us is *already* the person we want to be, the best possible us we can be. This journey is about making sure our bodies match our beautiful souls.
    @Verdouxkai -- if you save up for a heart rate monitor, you can blind the naysayers with calorie science. Although I rarely use an HRM, after all these months I can bore for England on the matter of calories burnt during exercise, Why All Exercise Equipment Overestimates Calories, What's Up with Fitbit Anyway, Why You Can Never Trust Swimming Burns, and a whole range of other topics. Just keep up the good work; an hour on the elliptical is always a load better than an hour on Facebook.
    @EBailey -- if it's tonsillitis, rest and look after yourself; it can be really horrible.
    @Robin -- I am so happy you're losing again! I can't maintain at 1270; I go over every single day that I don't exercise.
    @Tina -- the highest grade in class! That is just so wonderful; you should be very proud. I tend to think that if all you want to do is sleep, it's time to sleep.

    Welcome newlings! This is a great thread.

    Thursday Truth: Well, I ordered the cutest dress and cardigan in the sale, from a shop that would be too upmarket for me at full price. I dithered for ages before getting them, but eventually took the plunge, and they arrived today. The dress is a tad tight (I need a friend to get the zip done up!) but it basically fits and is super cute. So hopefully that should do for spring parties and lunches providing I can break the plateau. And I'm spending a small fortune on undies, but gosh it's nice to have properly fitting bras again. One more day of Easter holidays, and the last of three museum trips. My son *hated* the Ice Age Art exhibition, but he liked some of the other stuff we saw in the British Museum; and the rest of us all liked the exhibition too. Tomorrow; art with light at the Hayward Gallery.

    Hope you're all having a super Thursday!

    -- Alison
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Thursday truth: I need to start losing again! I will be mo' better at exact logging of food and have Amy show me how to use the new food scale.

    I have read all posts up to here.
    Welcome to all the new weight losers!

    Quote of the day:
    Listen closely: the only time it's too late to change yourself is when you're dead. Until then, you're simply making excuses or lying to yourself.
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Heya again everyone! Hope everyone has had an amazing Thursday :) and for you across the pond, I hope you're having a really good day.
    So, Thursday truth.. Here goes:
    I'm not entirely sure what to put here, I didn't do the 30 Day Shred today, my legs were really hurting and I couldn't bare the idea of Jillians voice for another 20 minutes. Boosted up with other workouts... But that's not really truth.. I'll give you one - I'm .7 kilos down from my weigh in Monday :) (yes, I peeped on the scales, I just couldn't help myself). So, truthfully, I'm really proud of myself!!!!
  • Mom_Ellis
    Mom_Ellis Posts: 72 Member
    bump looks like a group I would like to get involved with, just going to come back later to read everything
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    susancanbethin- i totally understand the heartache of family moving away. My youngest son lives 14 hours away up north, my daughter was in ireland for 18 months. My eldest son, his wife and son lived with me for 4 1/2 years then moved 13 hours away to another province!! That was the hardest of all! thank goodness for skype! They get to come here a couple times a year and i also go there twice a year. It is not perfect but that is life these days. Gotta go where the work is. Hang in there

    Thanks, karenleona for reminding me I am not alone in my misery. He isn't actually moving away, though. He will be gone about a month at a time and will return home for about two weeks. I will still see him, just will worry about him being safe, eating right, being warm enough in the colder than home temps, etc. Lord, I make him sound like a child... The momma in me is hard to stifle. lol
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Thursday Truth: I have battled the same demon over and over. I do really well for a while and have some great losses. The losses give my crazy brain a reason to jump into party mode. Party mode for a fluffy girl means what??? Party food, of course! Which leads to a gain, beating myself up, giving up for a while, growing disgusted with my lack of willpower and starting over. I am determined to make permanent changes to improve my life and health. Retraining this old brain is a tough chore... I will get there... I will get there... I will get there...

    On a lighter note, I hope everyone is having a beautiful, healthy, active day!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday truth - I think I really *AM* the crazy cat lady. I've been checking the shipping info ALL day to see if the stroller has been delivered yet (it's scheduled for today). I just can't WAIT to stuff MowMow into it tonight and hit the pavement!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: Well, I caved. We had run errands today in a nearby town with a DQ. I wanted a Blizzard in the worst way and I haven't had one since I started this journey in Oct. I know, that's no excuse, but I bought one. It tasted so good! I hope that memory will carry me through for another 6 months. We are having pizza for dinner so I need to take a big long walk right now. It is nice out, so it should be pleasant.
    Congratulations, Robin, and the others who have seen the scales going in the right direction.
    Tina, congratulations on doing so well with your class.
    Alison, enjoy the new dress.
    Morgori, I love your quotes!
    Welcome to the newlings. Keep posting so we can get to know you.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    SusanCanBeThin- Your THursday Truth really resonates with me - I started this thread the day I started MFP (look at my start date!!!) and I get SO discouraged sometimes that I am not a success story yet, but you reminded me that I am a success story in that I HAVE LOST WEIGHT ON MY JOURNEY!! YEAY ME!! SO what if its been 2 steps forward and 1 step back on the way?

    MowMOw - well your not the only one checking the mail - I'm waiting on some pants, and I called the COMPANY today to find out its shipping path!

    Kaye - I don't think having your first blizzard since Oct. is too bad, seems like your guilt is worse than the deed. I hope you just accomodate for the calories over the next few days and relax about it.