Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to all of the newlings! More and more each day! :happy:

    @vickie--yeah, the bitterly cold weather just hit Chicagoland. I realize it's more expected here, but that doesn't mean I like it any better! :angry:

    @lmackbeth--great job passing the 50 lb mark!! :drinker:

    @kaye--I've switched back and forth and found I prefer keeping it at lightly active even in the summer when I'm not working all day. It's time consuming to have to log all of my daily activity, so I only log purposeful exercise in the summer. Also, if I feel I've had a somewhat sedentary day, I'll even skip logging my walk with gunner. My only advice is give it a try and don't just try it for a few days or a week--stick with it for 3-4 weeks to give your body a chance to adjust to see the true impact of the switch.

    @nicole--I hate math--I even make my students do the simple math of dividing into groups for activities in class. They know I'm math challenged, so they just laugh when I say "I need 5 groups, so do the math."

    @lauren--I know what you mean about your husband. Before I found MFP, I always felt my DH was sabotaging my efforts, but at the same time I KNEW he wasn't doing it on purpose. When I joined MFP, I really had to reinforce that I only get X amount of calories/day and no matter how much effort or "love" he put into preparing a meal, I would have to say "NO" if it didn't fit my calorie allowance. Even almost 2 years later, he needs gentle reminders. The other day he made guacamole and when I got home from work, he was pressuring me (bowl in hand) to "have some--it's really good." I told him "I need to get changed and head to the gym so I'll have the calories to eat some of that guacamole." He smiled and put the bowl back in the fridge, nodding that he understood. Just keep talking to your husband--he'll get it eventually. :flowerforyou:

    @rachael--I already talked a bit about ignoring the fluctuation on the scale and just focusing on my lowest weight for check-in on MFP. When I weigh at home, it's always in the morning before I've had anything to eat or drink. However, my home scale is off by about 20 lbs so I really only use it as a check. I use the scale at the gym for my official weight and it's usually after I've had at least one meal and lots of water as I tend to workout late morning or afternoon.

    @robin--glad you are feeling better, and thanks for the quinoa article! I also just read an article called something like "Six Superfoods You Probably Aren't Eating" (I wish I had remembered to bookmark it to share :ohwell: ). Quinoa wasn't on the list, but it did include Shirataki noodles which we discussed quite a bit last fall--I know Lin uses them quite frequently and I still use them sporadically. The other foods were beets, sauerkraut, seaweed...can;t remember the others, but I'll give a shout if they pop back into my head.

    @linder--WOW!! 10 miles is awesome!!! :drinker:

    @kelley--You're fitness plan is always so inspiring!!, I mean holly :laugh: --I LOVE that you stood up for yourself and doesn't make you that "old" you, it just means you know you are worth it!

    @alison--congrats on the 3 lbs!! Yes, some of the smaller local races allow jogging strollers, but I tend to sign up for the bigger events in the city (which don't) b/c they have the best after-parties! That may sound like an odd way to choose races, but I'm all about the music and treats after the race. Hey, whatever works, right? :tongue:

    @christine--So happy to see you here again!! As others mentioned, we were all missing you! Sorry about your health issues, but glad they are now subsiding. :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:
    I got an email that my new escali body-fat scale has been shipped--can't wait 'til it gets here! It's finals week, so kind of a crazy schedule. Already had an off day today. It was a colleagues b-day, so she brought all kinds of treats.To make matters worse, I forgot to ring my breakfast, so ended up munching on coffee cake and donuts all morning. I made sure to log it all, and am still under for the day, but not in the healthiest way. :ohwell:

    On the plus side, as I was picking at the coffee cake, a co-worker said "I am not even looking at that table today!" I answered "I shouldn't look at it!" and she retorted, "Oh please, you're thin; what do you have to worry about?" I;m used to people who have known me a long time saying "You're so skinny now" or "Look how thin you are" but I know they mean relative to my former weight. This is a teacher who just started at our school last year, so she never knew me at my heaviest--I was probably around 215 lbs when she 1st met me--so it was a totally different feeling to hear her say that. :bigsmile:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting after work)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + core work or dancing (may go see another band)
    Fri--rest day (plans w/ friends right after work)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run)
    Sun--walk gunner + core work

    Grading goals:
    1. 18/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    4. Get final exams done and copied for Adv. G&S (DONE), AP Lit (DONE), and H Am Lit (DONE)
    5. 59/59 Journals DONE
    6. AP test corrections DONE
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow! A few people posted while I was writing my personals, so...

    @laurie--glad the knee is healing--don't push too hard too soon. When I hurt my knee last year it took months of PT and another few months of me continuing the exercises on my own to get it back to 100%. Sorry your gym was so crowded on Saturday, I had a similar experience last night when I went to starbucks to grade. Walked in at 6pm and the place was packed--not a seat in the house. I left and went to the pet store and grocery to pick up a few items. By the time I got back it had cleared out some. Unfortunately, my motivation had also "cleared out" so I got very little done. :ohwell:

    @susan--I know, the whole time I was cleaning up the mess, I was repeating this mantra over and over in my head--I love my dog, I love my dog, I love my dog...:heart: However, as I was telling the story here, I couldn't help but chuckle a little myself.

    @rachael--:laugh: I'm karen, not to be confused with karenleona, but don't worry, if you forget, you can just call me skinny. :wink: One of the unforeseen perks of choosing this username is that people often shorten it. :tongue:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :happy:

    @Imackbeth congrats on hitting and passing the 50lb mark.
    @Laurie good news on your knee is healing.
    @Robin glad you are feeling better.
    @Alison congrats on the 3lb loss.
    @Lin Congrats on 10 miles.

    @Susan good for you taking part in the "Get fit Challenges
    @walking queen keep your chin up you can do it. :)

    @welcome to everyone new.:flowerforyou:

    Today I was able to get up off my Duff and do some housework. Which was really needed place was looking rough around the edges.
    Also I finally did it. Join the Y . I have been lucky in past being able to go as a guest of a friend. But with hurting so much these last few days decided to finally follow my doctor's orders and join a water exercise class easier joints.

    So looking forward to getting started.

    Wishing everyone a good evening.:flowerforyou:

    Keep logging into your food and drinking your water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Liz :flowerforyou:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    It's the witching hour--missed Monday. Oops.

    :smile: Thanks for the good wishes. Feeling much better, though shaky, and was out in public for the first time in ages! Even did a modified workout! (I fall into the 38% ineffective with that flu shot.) Feel better soon, all of you fellow "sickees" and hang in there caregivers of such. I share your pain. Staying hydrated really does help, BTW. :drinker:

    Angelika-I just looked at your progress photos. Oh my goodness. You look amazing and fit. Be proud.

    It's late and I'm beat (and fell asleep waiting for the news--totally missed it, in fact). The world must turn without me.

    Congrats on all the NSVs and welcome all newbies.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Its late, 4 in the morning Tuesday. I'm back to work after a very busy w/e. Missed a few days on the thread because of it and so much happened. I did okay for the w/e despite eating out twice. Just a little over my calorie count each day but so worth it as I was with my daughter and eldest granddaughter. We went out to dinner and the theatre Friday night in Toronto and on Saturday attended a family baby shower. We've had a baby explosion in our family and two of the new babies were there. We have had 3 babies in the past 7 months and two more to come over the next few months. So exciting to see so many new babies in the family (all cousins).

    @Robin - hope your case of the flu is mild and you're better soon. Drink lots of fluids and take care.
    @Chris - so glad to see you back on the thread. I too went AWOL for a few months and just started back on Jan. 1st. Glad to be back.
    @Vicki - Yeah you!! Can't imagine onderland as its too far away. But am so excited for you as I know how hard you've worked.

    Wish I could respond to everyone, but just can't take that kind of time when I'm at work. Suffice it to say, I've read all the posts and am so excited about all of the successes. I want to be able to add my successes soon. Got to get myself back in the right head space to push forward. Congrats everyone. Charlotte
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @drojen -- welcome! I do worry that I get a bit obsessed with the scales; I'm sure that just using measurements is fine!
    @Lin -- ten miles! That's brilliant.
    @Karen -- I'm using this version of walking to Rivendell -- . This is from the Lord of the Rings. There's also a Hobbit version but the mileage is different. I love the idea of running being all about the after-parties! I am hoping that the half-marathon will have an exciting goodie bag cos it will be my first. I did get a little medal when I did my very first 5k with the British Heart Foundation, years ago, and I still have that. But no medals or treats with parkruns -- on the other hand, they're free. People do go for a coffee afterwards. I can't imagine how exciting having someone say 'you're thin, you don't need to worry about eating xxx' would be. What a great NSV that is!
    @Rachael -- I think that weighing without clothes first thing in the morning is the best way to do it. It's the lowest weight so that feels good, and it's the most consistent weight too (though it does still go up and down). Really it doesn't matter as long as you're consistent in how you do it with respect to time of day and clothes. I weigh every day but I only 'weigh-in' on MFP on a Monday, and I try not to be elated or gloomy about ups and downs in between.
    @kavndeest -- welcome! If you've done it before, you can do it again. I think it helps not to think of it as 'going on a diet' -- I'm just eating a little less and exercising a bit more (actually a lot more, but that's not how I started out).
    @Kaye -- I log as sedentary, and I don't count light housework or daily cooking. I do count all my out of the house walking, even if it's just to the shops or the tube station. I'd worry that if I upped the setting I'd stop losing.
    @Ang -- thanks for that information on metabolism; it's great getting information like this.
    @Lmackbethl -- if you find you're fine on the treadmill I'm sure you can start mixing in outside really quickly. And YAY for 50!!! That's amazing. You know that you can adjust your starting weights with MFP to include weight you lost earlier, don't you? I sometimes sell stuff on eBay to make a little extra cash; it's hard work but very satisfying, particularly when some piece of junk you own turns out to be something that someone else has been looking for for years.
    @Lauriek -- weekly not-too-serious 5ks are great fun indeed. And free, and because the course is the same you can see yourself improving. And because it's early and pretty close to home, you can do it and then get on with the rest of your weekend.
    @Susan -- good luck with your 5k this weekend. 8% incline on the treadmill is awesome.
    @Rachael -- I use Shock Absorber bras -- I have 6! Three of the bright crop-top style for running and general sports, three plain for dancing. Nothing moves. Though as I've lost weight I am going to need to get smaller ones; I've got them on the tightest, most pulled in setting at the moment but another ten pounds and they'll all be too big. Also, a dark secret -- I keep a little list of all the names. Though there are lots I remember now.
    @Liz -- Oh, a water class sounds really good. I love swimming but I'm so idle about it; there's so much more faffing around than for running or dancing. So in practice I go swimming about four times a year, and every time I think 'ooh, I should do this more often'.

    I finished the MIT work and have an A for the course, so I am well pleased with that. This next week or two I'm going to pick up some untimed courses, and do my tax return (which is way complicated this year). And then work out where to go next with the coding. I guess I need to start actually writing some apps. And my new computer did arrive, and I hope to get it set up today.

    Tuesday goals -- Tidying the study, by which I mean *sorting out* the boxes of unsorted post, gadgets to fix/set up/give to charity/sell, bills to scan and shred, books to file, and so on. Time to get going!

    Have a fantastic day everyone!

    -- Alison
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday :flowerforyou: .

    Tuesday Goals: Loving working out on my lunch break that way I can always fit exercise into my schedule.

    Mon- walk 30 minutes -- done 1.6 miles
    Tues- walk 30 minutes
    Wed- walk 30 minutes
    Thurs- walk 60 minutes
    Fri- breather
    Sat- walk 60 minutes
    Sun- walk 60 minutes
    I will try and do some sit up and hand weights too. Just don't know when.

    My school goals this semester are to break up my reading (ie got to read 30pgs in a week break it up to daily amounts) and to get A's in both classes.

    @ New People- Welcome to the group
    @Liz- My friend takes water zumba at the Y and loves it
    @Charolette- Sounds like you had a nice w/e with family
    @Skinny- What a nice NSV for someone to say that who didn't know your past body image. I am glad we don't have food tables here cuz my coworkers love to bake junk type food.
    @Naceto- Good luck with math. I would offer you some help but eventhough I got a B that was from mostly my teenager helping me nightly.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, my Tuesday is off to a fantabulous start! First, we wake up to the S word falling from the sky along with freezing rain and sleet – making my commute fun, then for the 1st time I left my travel mug on the roof of my car which flew off as I pulled out of my driveway – so a stop at Starbucks was in order. Can I go back to bed now? :grumble:

    Poor Zoe was all by herself from about 6:30 yesterday morning to 7:00 last night, she was fit to be tied – I could not give her enough attention and she was up all night, which leads me to believe she slept ALL day! I’m going to look at the pet store this weekend and see if I can find a toy for cats that holds treats, it will be something for her to discover throughout the day when I’m gone longer hours. I swear having a kitten is like having a newborn. :laugh:

    @Angelika~Thanks for posting the plateau article, something I struggle with off and on. I actually met with the weight loss coach at the gym yesterday and we discussed this very topic.
    @lmackbeth~Congrats on reaching that 50# milestone!
    @Vicki~Its been cold in Texas (and snowing?! this morning) too lately, I don’t like it!
    @Nicole~Wishing you the happiest 40th birthday on Thursday, enjoy your celebration (surprise or not). So many people around me turning 40 this year – a friend at work turned 40 yesterday, my BIL will be 40 on Saturday, and my sister in October.
    @Laurie~My gym was crazy packed on Saturday too, I could hardly find a parking space. I couldn’t believe how busy it was – there must have been 100 people in a step class. There are also close to 100 treadmills and they were all taken. This too shall pass (I hope soon).
    @Kaye~I keep mine at sedentary, even though I’m not completely sedentary all day. I am a desk jockey, but walk to different buildings throughout the day at work and have a two-story house – but for me I think it’s best to keep my settings at that level just in case I have a less active day.
    @Lin~10 miles in a day = awesome!!! According to my Fitbit, I average 5 usually.
    @Karen~What a great feeling! Compliments are still hard for me to take – it’s weird, especially when they come from men. There are two guys at work that say stuff to me fairly often and it’s still a hard pill to swallow, I don’t know why.

    Tuesday Goals~I am changing up some things. I met with the weight loss coach at my gym last night, we talked for about an hour-and-a-half – discovered I’m not eating enough, am lacking fats (hard to believe) and protein. So, we’re upping my calories by about 200 and I’m adding some additional servings of nuts into my meal planning along with some additional protein. She also asked me to increase my fish oil and take another 2g plus 2g of vitamin C – she thinks a lot of what is derailing my efforts is stress, so we need to add some things to combat it. I also bought pickles to help offset my salt cravings in the afternoons – I love pickles so a good substitution for the chips I occasionally succumb to. I’m having a metabolic test done on the 27th to determine exactly the type of calories I burn (fat or carbs) and what my resting metabolic rate is – from there we’ll make changes to my diet and/or workouts based on the results. It was time for me to make this change. Then, I will meet with her once a month to see how things are going – she is also a friend of mine on MFP so can see my diary, so I need to be better about remembering to record my dinner and saving my journal!

    Have a great day!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Good morning all!

    My goal is to finish my housework- don't we all love that? I also have to nurse my daughter back to health. Got a call yesterday to pick her up from school- 99.8 fever. So many germs going around the school. Somewhere in there I need to get a workout in. I slacked and only did 28 minutes yesterday. My fitness goal is to workout for an hour today. Its raining and I'm feeling so sluggish.

    To all who are having financial worries- things will get better! It's time to early spring clean and sell the things you aren't using. Every little bit does help! I coupon like its no ones business. I can really save a lot of $$$. I find this helps me as well!

    To all who are sick- get well soon!!

    I'm off to take care of my sick 9 year old patient lol

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Morning all - I had bailed on work yesterday (called in sick) and walked in today to a major work drama unfolding. What a morning.

    Tuesday goals - get my butt back in gear with diet AND exercise. I slacked off on both horribly last week and THREE of my days were over calories. Two were thousands of calories over my TDEE and one was a couple of hundred calories over. No exercise to speak of and just general slothful behavior. Armed with healthy snacks/meals for work and I'm sucking down tea like there's no tomorrow (it tends to make me feel full and a bit bloated).

    If anyone is looking for a kitchen scale, I found this bad boy on amazon for only 9.99 and eligible for supersaver shipping if you're planning on ordering anything else.

    A pretty good deal, imo.

    Congorats to all on their losses and NSVs and I sure hope those who are sick with this terrible flu epidemic get better fast!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, Thanks for the suggestions about changing my activity level. I think that I will leave it where it is, at least until after we get home from UT next week. I will be pretty sedentary while traveling. My big concern is that I am probably losing too fast. I don't usually eat my allotted calories in any given day anyway, so I'm not sure how changing my status would help that problem anyway. I really hate to make any changes, because I really love the pace at which I am losing. I just don't want it to come to bite me later on.
    My goal is to figure out how to eat enough to maintain my metabolism while continuing to lose weight at an acceptable rate.
    Have a great day. I have some sewing to do. DH is out at the dealership having our car tuned up so it will be running optimally for the trip. Kaye
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Tuesday goal: to log in every day this week. I know. I'm starting from scratch.

    I hope the new year is treating you all well!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    for some reason i'm jonesing to get outside and at least go for a walk. but our weather is atrocious, so i guess it's still inside for me.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Tuesday goals -

    1. finish week 2 of a learn to run program. It will teach me to run one mile. doesn't sound like much and I used to run more than that, but got side tracked by a piriformus issue and I really, really want to take it slower this time. Will eventually get back to running 10K +, but not until later this year. Got an ipad app that seems to be pretty good so far and will take me from one to 10K eventually. Figure out what to do for exercise on the days that I don't run. Yoga? Weight routine? Walk on treadmill? Whatever it is, it has to be done in or around home.

    2. Food - keep on doing what I'm doing.

    3. Stay away from the scale. It's tempting me, but I really, really don't want to get on it and be horrified by the number. I know myself well enough to know that it could de-rail everything. I am not mentally ready to see the number for real..... I've been these measurements before, so I have a general idea of where I'm at....
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    I am new but not new to trying to lose weight. My goal this week is to track my food and try to do it as soon as I eat. I have been down this path so many times, but now my knees are bad and have had 3 surgeries on my foot that has failed again. I want and need to lose weight this time and keep it off, so I can go back to living a full life. I will need all of the encouragement I can get and will give it back to others.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Helen - WB, you were missed!
    @Toots - I can relate. I hate this time of year. Dark when I leave home and dark when I get back from work... no outside time at all during the week and I hate exercising inside the apartment.
    I am new but not new to trying to lose weight. My goal this week is to track my food and try to do it as soon as I eat.
    @KVandeest - Welcome :) Have you thought about PRElogging your meals? I plan my meals 4 -10 days in advance. I decide what I'm going to eat, do my grocery list, build the recipes in the recipe builder, and prelog it all. Then I know exactly what I'm going to eat and when with no worries. If something comes up I can always change it that day. I like it because say it's 2:30 PM and some friends want to go out for dinner. I can look at my log, see what my dinner calories were supposed to be (for whatever I had planned) and see if I have any snack calories leftover. Then I know exactly what I can spend that night (calorie wise).

    Mucho work drama today has me yearning for the vending machine. I'm not going there and thankfully lunch is in less than 1/2 an hour but.... some cheetos would go do so smooth right now!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks for all of the birthday wishes! And @Skinny - LOL on both the username comment and making your students figure their own Math... ;)

    Tuesday Tuesday.. my good friend Tuesday... I am having trouble staying on track. Fast food is calling me again, while the theme in my English class is food sustainability, and we recently discussed the slow food movement... Fast food is just so much easier! Dangit! I am going to take the advice of a pal and get back to basics... start small. I am going to add a salad to each and every day this week. Next week, I shall add two.

    AND I shall drink my water! :drinker: :drinker:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Tuesday goal: to log in every day this week. I know. I'm starting from scratch.

    I hope the new year is treating you all well!

    Welcome back :bigsmile:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    HI all, trying to keep up....I've been ill for the past couple of weeks and only active for the last 2 days...I'm trying to build up some strength by walking. NOt ready for the gym yet. Kind of scared of it. Anyway, went for a walk but only lasted about 10 minutes as the cold got to me. I dressed for it, but hate the cold wind on my face...I gave up and went inside. I think because I'm still recovering from that darn flu, I;m just not as strong as usual. Can't wait for spring! I live on Lake Ontario, and the water was really pretty and sparkling today, but the wind was too much!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,149 Member
    Instead of water tag how about a salad challenge? Everybody have at least one salad this week.


    Just finished another 5 miles of Leslie Sansone---all fast miles with intervals and my feet are *#$! mad at me. Can you hear them howling?? Gotta see how they feel tomorrow, may have to ease off a bit.

    Otherwise, I hope to keep at it!!!

    All best wishes my friends.

