Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @tom--great job with the strength training. I bet you're pretty excited that your beloved hockey is soon to return! I am LET”S GO RED WINGS!

    Oh, and I love the NSV about reaching stuff in the cabinets! I had a similar thing happen. I noticed about a week ago that I was struggling to reach the pedals in the car. I'm not super-tall (5' 7"), but I've always kept my seat all the way back. I was confused about why I couldn't reach--did my legs get shorter?--then I realized that with the weight loss my butt is smaller so I sit farther back in the seat. I had to adjust my seat forward to make driving more comfortable. Great NSVS!

    Welcome back Christine!

    Lin- 10 miles! That is great! I am envious!


    Have a healthy day everyone!

  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    I am a newbie. Joined yesterday and was shocked how much I had eaten. I am one of the ones that need to lose that 100+ pounds. Have been on every diet and have lost that 100 pounds once. Now I'm older and it just doesn't come off as easy anymore. Any encouragement would be nice. :smile:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am a newbie. Joined yesterday and was shocked how much I had eaten. I am one of the ones that need to lose that 100+ pounds. Have been on every diet and have lost that 100 pounds once. Now I'm older and it just doesn't come off as easy anymore. Any encouragement would be nice. :smile:

    Welcome Kvandeest - Logging your food is a great start, as you've realized, its an eye-opener, and will inform you on the frequency as well as the amount of food you eat. It will get better as you continue to log. You are building New Habits by logging your food so just continue to plug away at it! Slowly cut back on your intake and don't be ashamed if you go over here at the beginning. You will improve!

    Thanks Tom for the link to the Hobbit walk - it worked for me and now I will be walking to Rivendale!
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, haven't caught up in a few days. Got a little off track this weekend, but back on track today. I planned all of my dinners for the week, and spent forEVER this morning cutting up everything for tonight's stirfry and tomorrow's vegetable soup, plus some veggie dippers. Had a very impromptu day out on Saturday, and although I tried to plan ahead a touch and packed some good healthy food (and a couple treats), dh was really kind of sabotaging that day. I mean, I did still make the choices, but it made it SO much harder. We talked a little bit about it. This is new for both of us, and will require changing all manner of habits and attitudes. I really do not see him being the type to deliberately want me to fail, kwim?
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello friends, I'm back... Have found out that between not using my CPAP machine for a couple of months, not taking my blood pressure medicine, stress and winter setting in my body couldn't take it. BP went sky high, fibromyalgia kicked in, brain got foggy and with God's strength, I am finally climbing out of the pit I was in!!! I am waiting until tomorrow morning to weigh to see the damage and will adjust my loss then. It is good to be back amongst friends, missed you all. Did have a wonderful Christmas though and actually got a picture with my 4 grown children and myself. Hadn't seen or talked to my daughter in over 3 years and got to see my almost 4 year-old great-granddaughter.

    For those who don't know me, I'm a 62 yo widow who lives with my diva of a pomeranian, Belle in Kansas City, MO. I started my journey her last June and had done so well until my nose dive in November. I live in an apartment complex which has lots of space for me to walk when the weather isn't so cold and Belle loves those walks. I haven't been able to walk until this past week and I did get 3 walks in which helped perk me up but was not so good on my hip.

    Not going to do personals tonight, trying to catch up on the thread, but I am so glad to be back and so happy you are here. God bless you all.

    Christine so happy to see you again. We were all worried and missing you. I am happy to hear you are feeling better. Dont worry about any weight gains or anything just jump back on with what you can and take care of your health
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I must say I am loving this working out on my lunch break. I have started using the treadmill without holding on I really never needed to hang on just can't walk straight.Today, I kept banging into the side rails oh well no pain no gain right Lol!

    Tom- what an awesome NSV.
    Lin- Walking is my thing too. Last year I walked with my friend as she trained for the 3 day walk we got up to 7.5 miles and walking with someone it didn't seem long at all. I love walking around the lakes here in MN during the summer.
    His_kid1- good luck with the healthy changes in food. You may have had a rough Sat but remember everyday is a new day.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I am feeling incredibly lazy today. I have the music up trying to wake me up but it is slow going. I am drinking my breakfast smoothie right now but after I give it a little time to digest I WILL workout. I got in five out of six days last week which is a personal best for me. I am going to be doing some serious focusing on me this week. I want to get the house to a much better state and set up some kind of schedule to maintain. I am slso going to start implementing some other plans I have had that are good ideas but never came to fruition. I am probably one of the best planners of all time but follow through has never been my strong suit. Robin I am happy to hear you are feeling a little better. Also congrats to the person who made twoerville. I forgot to write down the name but great job. I am hoping to meet that goal before summer gets here. I would love to do it before hubby gets home but that isnt quite relistic and would be setting myself up for disappointment if I tried to make it a goal.Alright everyone have a great day move as much as you can and dont forget your water:drinker: :drinker:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Vickie!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!! You are a rock star! I am so happy for you!

    Christine- Welcome back! :)

    New folks- Welcome, and trust me when I say that this is the BESTEST most AMAZINGALICIOUS thread to be a part of! :bigsmile:

    Just checking in- A busy week has already started- I have my first Math exam on Wednesday, and my 40th Bday on Thursday... Among the school work and surprise parties that aren't a surprise; I am one busy girl! Good news- I got through the first week of school. I am still behind on the Math work, but quickly recovering. I can do this whole balancing act thing... and succeed- Watch me now! ;)

    Have a great week everyone!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Vickie!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!! You are a rock star! I am so happy for you!

    Christine- Welcome back! :)

    New folks- Welcome, and trust me when I say that this is the BESTEST most AMAZINGALICIOUS thread to be a part of! :bigsmile:

    Just checking in- A busy week has already started- I have my first Math exam on Wednesday, and my 40th Bday on Thursday... Among the school work and surprise parties that aren't a surprise; I am one busy girl! Good news- I got through the first week of school. I am still behind on the Math work, but quickly recovering. I can do this whole balancing act thing... and succeed- Watch me now! ;)

    Have a great week everyone!!!
    You have so got this. I am in awe of getting the math done. I dont think I could even do college level math. I kinda lost it after fractions.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Congratulations, everyone. Love all of the positive reports.
    I am considering making a change in my MFP setup and would like some feedback about it. When I signed up, I signed up as sedentary. I hadn't had my knee surgery yet, and wasn't doing much. Now I am somewhat more active, doing more around the house, spending more time preparing meals, etc. I'm thinking that maybe I should change my status to reflect the increased activity rather than worrying about logging light housework as exercise. What is your experience in this area? Kaye
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Congratulations, everyone. Love all of the positive reports.
    I am considering making a change in my MFP setup and would like some feedback about it. When I signed up, I signed up as sedentary. I hadn't had my knee surgery yet, and wasn't doing much. Now I am somewhat more active, doing more around the house, spending more time preparing meals, etc. I'm thinking that maybe I should change my status to reflect the increased activity rather than worrying about logging light housework as exercise. What is your experience in this area? Kaye
    I just went through thinking about this myself. For me personally I kept the setting were it was as what I do in a day is fairly inconsistent and right now I am losing and dont want to derail that.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I am going to repost something I read elsewhere on MFP
    A plateaus is when the body reaches homeostasis, meaning you're burning as many calories as you're consuming. Someone might ask, "I am exercising a lot and eating very little and I am not losing weight, that statement makes no sense." This statement is correct, your metabolism has declined so much you're burning very few calories a day. This is a very common debate, "Well the starving people in Africa are losing weight, so starvation mode does exist" Yes they are losing weight, because despite everything their food consumption is so low, they are still eating below their daily calorie burn, even if their calorie burn is 500 calories a day.

    There are 3 things that cause metabolic decline,

    1. Loss of weight
    2. Loss of muscle mass
    3. Impaired hormonal functions.

    1. As you lose weight, you will weigh less and burn less calories when you move.
    2. Muscle mass burns more calories per minute than fat, if you lose muscle mass you're also impairing your calorie burn abilities.
    3. When you eat low amount of calories, thyroid function(which controls metabolic rate) Gets impaired. (not going to discuss leptin here)

    You can't do anything about losing weight and slowed down metabolic rate. I mean that's most of our goals here to lose weight, and as we weigh less we burn less calories. There is something you can do about loss of muscle mass, and impaired thyroid functions.

    A person should have a deficit of 15-20%. The leaner you are, the smaller the deficit should be, people around 10% bodyfat should have about a 10% deficit. Why? Because if your calorie deficit is to great you can easily suffer from loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired thyroid functions(slows down your metabolism).

    So lets say I am a woman burning 1700 calories a day. You know what 20% of 1700 is? 340 calories. So if you have a metabolic rate of 1700 calories, you should eat 1360 calories. BUT MFP has you eat 1200 calories, because it only has the option to lose 1lbs a week or 2 lbs a week.

    You have to burn about 500 calories a day to lose 1lbs a week. 1700-500 = 1200(this is what MFP will put you at). This is a deficit of .29.5%. WHICH IS EXTREMELY HIGH, for smaller people.

    I wish I had know this when I was young. I was made to feel BIG even when I wasn't (I found a photo of myself with my collar bone sticking out like a Paris fashion model and I can remember being told, "If you could just loose a little weight....." so most of my adult life I have eaten very little between 1000-1200 calories and I probably wrecked my thyroid, which I now must use medications to replace. I know that I did loose most of my weight since I joined MFP when I was eating 800-1000 calories, but my metabolism is already a mess. I am going to redouble my efforts to get daily exercise, to increase my muscle mass. At least I can do that.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am going to repost something I read elsewhere on MFP
    A plateaus is when the body reaches homeostasis, meaning you're burning as many calories as you're consuming. Someone might ask, "I am exercising a lot and eating very little and I am not losing weight, that statement makes no sense." This statement is correct, your metabolism has declined so much you're burning very few calories a day. This is a very common debate, "Well the starving people in Africa are losing weight, so starvation mode does exist" Yes they are losing weight, because despite everything their food consumption is so low, they are still eating below their daily calorie burn, even if their calorie burn is 500 calories a day.

    There are 3 things that cause metabolic decline,

    1. Loss of weight
    2. Loss of muscle mass
    3. Impaired hormonal functions.

    1. As you lose weight, you will weigh less and burn less calories when you move.
    2. Muscle mass burns more calories per minute than fat, if you lose muscle mass you're also impairing your calorie burn abilities.
    3. When you eat low amount of calories, thyroid function(which controls metabolic rate) Gets impaired. (not going to discuss leptin here)

    You can't do anything about losing weight and slowed down metabolic rate. I mean that's most of our goals here to lose weight, and as we weigh less we burn less calories. There is something you can do about loss of muscle mass, and impaired thyroid functions.

    A person should have a deficit of 15-20%. The leaner you are, the smaller the deficit should be, people around 10% bodyfat should have about a 10% deficit. Why? Because if your calorie deficit is to great you can easily suffer from loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired thyroid functions(slows down your metabolism).

    So lets say I am a woman burning 1700 calories a day. You know what 20% of 1700 is? 340 calories. So if you have a metabolic rate of 1700 calories, you should eat 1360 calories. BUT MFP has you eat 1200 calories, because it only has the option to lose 1lbs a week or 2 lbs a week.

    You have to burn about 500 calories a day to lose 1lbs a week. 1700-500 = 1200(this is what MFP will put you at). This is a deficit of .29.5%. WHICH IS EXTREMELY HIGH, for smaller people.

    I wish I had know this when I was young. I was made to feel BIG even when I wasn't (I found a photo of myself with my collar bone sticking out like a Paris fashion model and I can remember being told, "If you could just loose a little weight....." so most of my adult life I have eaten very little between 1000-1200 calories and I probably wrecked my thyroid, which I now must use medications to replace. I know that I did loose most of my weight since I joined MFP when I was eating 800-1000 calories, but my metabolism is already a mess. I am going to redouble my efforts to get daily exercise, to increase my muscle mass. At least I can do that.

    Angelika - THANK you for a very informative article. MFP has so many helpful forums and threads it is well worth the time to use the SEARCH Icon at the top of this page to do research on Nutrition and weight loss subjects. It is so important that we continue to Educate ourselves as we journey to better health. I hope to see more sharing of information like this! Thanks again! :drinker:
  • lmackbethl
    @alison, skinnyjeanz, and kelley - thanks for the running advice! I think I will give my knee one more week to recover, then give c25k a try, on a treadmill, at the gym (sigh, the gym makes me a bit sad). you've convinced me i may as well get to it... no more excuses!
    @christine - Welcome back!!! So good to see you!
    @kris & marsha - it's so great that people are recognizing your success and seeking you out for help -- a sure sgn of your achievements!!
    @jtconst - so glad that your husband and others are supporting you! i know you'll hit TWOderville in no time!!!! Plus, way to go with the exercising - I remember you were a bit reluctant a few weeks ago!!!!

    Monday Check-In: Well, I lost another pound this week, bringing my ticker to 50!!! Total loss since I started in June is a bit higher, at 55, since I lost a few before finding MFP. I should be happier about this success, but I had been down a couple more pounds earlier in the week, so it was just slightly disappointing, alas. In other aspects of life, I'm trying to catch up on various projects that have been too-long neglected, and am trying (with little success) to get my finances in order... a never-ending battle. Looking for some things to sell (thanks for the suggestion, Rachael).
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Imackbethl - Congrats on reaching the big 50!

    Hey I just figured something out. When this message board gets moving too fast I sometime can't find where I last posted, but if I go to my profile page it is listed in the left hand column and I just click on it and it directs me to my last post. Cool huh? But you guys probably already knew that.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks for all the good vibes, everyone! Yes, it's really cool... and I'm excited to keep going down in numbers... and I realize that there will probably be a bump or two along the way. And that article on plateaus was great! I think my biggest problem right now is not being back at the gym for a while :ohwell: Finances again... boo.

    Can't wait until it starts warming up again, so I can walk or ride my bike. It's been bitterly cold here - Arizona isn't supposed to be freezing!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Rachel congrats on your NSV by not eating the cupcakes. Good job on the walk.

    Nicole the walks around campus do count. Log your steps and as Kelley suggested maybe not eat everything back.

    Jumpy983- Great job on the loss---1 lb is great. :bigsmile:
    Kris- Enjoy the Hip-Hop class:drinker:
    Susan I love your positive attitude. :smile:
    Lin- Thanks and glad you took the water challenge.:drinker:
    Marsha- Hope you feel better soon. I know that the virus that is going around is very nasty and wiping kids out for a week.
    Vicki—Victory dance-congrats on Onederland!!!!
    Angelika- Great idea about jogging around the house while cleaning.
    Karen that is cool NSV with the car seat. Great job of choosing the gym over grading and getting that workout in.
    Allison- Great job on the 5K each week. They sound like fun.
    Christine-Welcome back, we missed you.
    Walking Queen- Great job on standing up for yourself. You hit the nail on the head we are doing this lifestyle change for ourselves and no one else. FANTASTIC!!!
    Naceto- Happy Birthday, Best wishes for the year ahead.
    Lmacbethl- Congrats on reaching 50 lbs lost. FANTASTIC Work

    Workout goals for 1-12 to 1-18
    Saturday- Gym cardio NOT DONE
    Sunday- Rest DONE
    Monday- Gym training day 3 DONE with a little climbing
    Tuesday- rest
    WEdnesday- Trainer workout
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- Rock climbing

    This weekend was slightly frustrating with working out. I was going to workout on Saturday but ended up going out to lunch instead. The gym parking lot was packed when I drove by at 10:30 and based on past experience it was not going to let up anytime soon. Enjoyed lunch with a friend. Then Sunday, I went out of town to visit a cousin and to celebrate Christmas dinner, then I meet a friend for dinner that night. The dinner killed me but I made the choice to eat the dessert. Needless to say today, I was back to being good and I did get a good workout in with lots of strength training. I am feeling better but my knee is still hurting. I did try climbing tonight and it worked but I noticed that it did pull a little.

    I am looking forward to getting back on track and hitting the gym hard this week.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @Vickie - Doing a major /happydance for you! You should be so proud of yourself!

    Sunday share: Not much going on. Not expecting much of a loss this week. I had two pretty big binges so it's unlikely I'll lose weight. Had a woman approach me at work and ask for help last week. I'd seen her in the halls but never talked to her more than a polite hello. She's quite overweight and has started having health issues. She asked if we could meet up after work that day to talk about how I'd lost weight.

    We talked for about an hour and she's at my apartment today to do some healthy cooking and talk more.

    Off to hike this afternoon with my ex husband, his dog, and his best friend again today.

    So proud of you!! I know in the 5 months I've been on MFP you've inspired me. You've come so far and people have noticed. There is nothing better for your self-esteem when others ask YOU for help. Keep it up and inspire!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Lmacbethl - 50 lbs is AWESOME!!
    @ Vicki - Soooo proud of you!! Onederland is my goal this year. It's going to be tough, but I think I can I think I can I think I can!!!
    @ Robin & Marsha - I hope you both get better soon. This stuff is lingering so be careful!!
    @ Jumpy983- So proud of you for tackling INSANITY. You're going to kick this!!
    @ Christine - Welcome back!! We were so worried about you and heard you had been under the weather. Can't wait to see your positive posts again.
    @ Karen - I know it wasn't funny at the time, but I was chuckling about your "presents" story - so funny!!!
    @ Allison- Awesome 5K! We've got one this Saturday, Chefs for Kids, promoting healthy eating for our children.
    @ Walking Queen- I know you've got some battles going on, but keep standing strong. You deserve it!!
    @ Naceto- I know you can handle anything thrown at you. We appreciate school so much more when you're older and balancing a family. You're going to do AWESOME!! BTW - Happy Birthday and enjoy all those "surprise" parties. Just a bite of cake though!!!
    @ New MFP's - Welcome!! As others have said, this is an amazing group of people. Check in as much as you can. It will help you get through those rough patches. You will have them. It's called life. We just pick ourselves back up and move on. Tomorrow is a NEW day!!

    Monday Check-In: Great start to the week. I started the "Get Fit" Challenge at my work gym. Weighed in today and I'm just a few pounds away from my lowest weight with MFP. I hit a plateau in October, then Thanksgiving and Christmas - 13 lbs gained!! It was not pretty and I was NOT happy, but like I said above - Life. So I'm right back on track and feeling great! I did 60 minutes on the treadmill today at 3.5-3.7 using the hill mode up to 8% incline. I finished 3.8 miles so not too shabby. Great advice and questions on running. I plan to start soon, but definitely a "little" nervous. Luckily, I found a serious bra that holds in the twins. It's not cheap, but holds them down. Eat smart. Move often. Keep smiling!!!!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    This board moves so fast! Ty for the kudos. I draw my daily inspiration and have found that if I'm feeling like I don't want to work out, I read some posts and it revives my spirit somehow.

    @ Susan -- what kind of bra bc these puppies are ALLL over the place running running or jumping. I hate it. Can't ever find a good sports bra.

    Monday's suck and now my daughter is sick.

    Happy birthday to naceto!! Enjoy a small slice of cake!

    I have to start learning people's names. Lol.. I think that's harder for me than losing weight hehehe.

    Goodnight all!!!!
